Study Plan Below 1000

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If you google “chess improvement plan for beginners”, you’ll find conflicting results…
Most of what you will find will either have complicated outlines (in order to sell you lots of stuff in between) or super general 1-page summaries.

As a result, most chess lovers get very confused, never learn the most essential activities to focus on, and never achieve a 1,000 rating.

Just look at these numbers. has more than 100 Million users. 
About 80% of them are below 1,000 rating! 

The good news is that it is very simple to hit this number. 
Much-much simpler than people think.

All you need to do, you’ll find below. 

When will you get a 1,000 rating?

This depends on how much time you can spend on chess and how accurately you’ll follow the improvement plan I’ll describe.

Unfortunately, you’ll not be the 1st one who achieved it by using this improvement plan, and you’ll not be the last.
But you’ll be in the 20% of people who play chess and get there. 

What if you never get there?
You can sue me 😁 

Let’s go.

What do others do that is wrong?

The most common mistakes people make on this level are: 

  1. Just playing and never studying 
  2. Studying too much and not essential things. Playing too little, and never REALLY learning what they’ve studied.
  3. Not analyzing their games and not fixing their mistakes. And then they keep repeating the same errors over and over again.  

What will you do differently?

These 5 steps: 

  1. Maintain the right balance between studying, practicing, and fixing
  2. Study precisely what you need 
  3. Know how to practice effectively  
  4. Correct your main mistakes 
  5. Have the right mindset

Now, let’s go through those 5 steps.

Step 1 - The Right Balance

Please read the following article and come back. It’s essential.  

Now you know the key to chess growth for every level! 

The question is, what’s the right balance for your level? 

For getting to the 1,000 level, you should keep around this ratio: 

  • Study - 25% 
  • Practice - 65% 
  • Fix - 10% 

Yeah, most of the time, you should be playing! It’s about ⅔ of the time you dedicate to chess! 
When you get to 1,500, and then 2,000, you’ll see that the better you become, the more you need to study and this ratio drastically changes.

But for below the 1,000 level, most of the time you need to play!
You need to play/lose your first hundred games as fast as possible.

With playing, you’ll get more connections between your brain neurons. 
You’ll learn patterns and ideas on your own. Your brain will figure out lots of stuff.

(More about this topic you’ll learn in the 1st section of the BlunderProof course.)

There are also more advantages of playing that you’ll soon see.  

You should study only about 25% of the time. 
As you’ve already learned in the above-mentioned article, you need information to digest. 

And with the other 10%, you fix your mistakes, so you don’t repeat them. 

Step 2 - Study

The bad news: 
Many websites will recommend you to study lots of different stuff. For 1 reason. To sell.
I’m sorry if you’ve been hooked like this. 

The good news:
At this level, the study plan is straightforward.
You don’t need to read 20 books and go through 20 courses 😊

All you need is this course

The Rise of Champions: Your Fun Path from Zero to Hero

If you already know the rules of the games (and you’re 100% sure you know what “En Passant” is, and when you can’t castle), you can skip the first two sections. 

I’ve separated the course into 21 sections that will, step-by-step, take you from 0 level to at least 800 or above 1,000. 

  1. The Birth of the Champion: Mastering the Rules (Not Just Learning)
  2. The 1st Battle: Online, Offline & the Differences 
  3. Laying the Foundation: Opening Principles  
  4. Champions’ Gambit: Flaming First Moves
  5. Piece Play Gym with Cyborg's Vision
  6. The Final Blow: Mating the Naked King   
  7. The Rise of the Ninjas: Tactical Weaponization 
  8. Final Blow Arsenal: Mating Patterns vs Armed King   
  9. Final Blow Training։ Mating Gym
  10. Combat Zone։ Attack & Defense Basics 
  11. Silent Strategy: The Art of Positional Chess 
  12. The Great Expansion: How to Use Space Advantage 
  13. The Great Invasion: Exploiting Weak Squares 
  14. Divide and Rule: Weak Pawn Hunting 
  15. Happy Pieces: How to Use Your Pieces Effectively
  16. Pawn Play: How to Use Your Pawns Effectively 
  17. The Smart Trader: Mastering the Art of Trading 
  18. Endgame Roadmap: Your Compass in Endgames  
  19. The Maximizer: Converting Wins, Saving Losses  
  20. The Thinker: How to Think During the Game 
  21. Good Luck, My Champion! 

Just go, one step at a time, my friends!

Additional study material

In case you need more, go through our “Rating Booster” section one by one.

Rating Booster (to get 2000 level)

Step 3 - Practice

You should spend around 65% of your chess time actually playing chess.

This includes: 

  • Offline tournaments  
  • Online games 
  • With training partners 

Where should you play? 

Both and are okay. 

I highly recommend sticking with Lichess. 

It seems to me that constantly makes you feel you’re the worst player ever 😅 
And offers “to improve your chess”… How? By buying all kinds of stuff you don’t need 😁

Lichess is my absolute favorite. 
But the choice is yours.

What time control should you choose?

Overall, I don’t mind blitz games.
But on this level, I recommend avoiding it.
Bullet is forbidden 😊

If you very much love to play blitz and have fun - then okay. Let’s make a deal. The fastest time control you should play with is 3+2. Always try to play with an increment. (Soon you’ll find out why).

The best time controls will be:





Those are time controls that many play on Lichess. 
So you’ll easily find opponents. 

More about what time control to choose and why you should always play with an increment can be found here:

My Golden Method

This is one of my most-read articles:

You’ll learn why I recommend sticking with 9-game sessions. 
When you play with longer time controls, you can stick with 2-5 games per session. 

The key is to always decide how many games you will play before starting the session.

A few more tips

Mindset is very important. I have many tips to share that will help you play better, maintain the right mood, and ultimately have more fun. 

Whenever you find time, read the following articles:

How to raise your rating by cutting the losses
How to stop bad results
How to multiply good results
Legal doping and the Right Mood
How to handle a bad mood
My top secret

Step 4 - Fixing  

This is not the sexiest step and not the most fun part.

Unsurprisingly, most chess lovers at this level skip this part.
But by doing it, you’ll get to the 1,000 level much faster than them.

And it doesn’t require a lot of time.
You should spend around 5-10% of your time fixing your mistakes.

Don’t try to understand every small mistake. 
Instead, focus on big blunders. When you leave the pieces under attack,  simple tactics that were overlooked, or missed mates in 2. 

Check out this article to learn more:

Step 5 - Mindset 

I don’t want you to just improve your chess. 
I want you to have fun at the same time. 

Having the right mindset will not only bring more joy, when you do your favorite activity - chess, but it’ll also help you to grow much faster! 

Try to spend some of your free time on our Blog:

And here are my top recommendations: 

  1. Many focus on results and lose the fun part
  2. The secret to lasting love for chess and how to avoid emotional bankruptcy
  3. Don’t just crave results. Deserve it. Often success will come later.
  4. What stops you? Figure it out and address it:

A few more recommendations

Find a training/sparring partner  

There are lots of advantages in having a training partner. 
Here are some of them:

  • It’s more fun to not be alone on this journey 
  • You can psychologically support each other and challenge each other to grow 
  • You always have someone to play with 
  • You can study together 
  • You can analyze your games together 
  • And more…  

You’ll find more about it in these articles:

The importance of having a training partner

How to find the perfect training partner

How to practice with your training partner

CoGro (Constant Growth)

I don’t know everything about chess improvement.
Anyone who claims they know everything, they’re either arrogant, idiots, or liars.

So far, I shared with you everything that works! 
Many of our students who kept up with this study plan managed to cross the 1,000 level very fast. 

Nothing is an experiment. All of this guidance works very effectively. 

But I opened this “CoGro” part, to remind me about always becoming a better coach, coming back here and adding more stuff. 

I will always keep my CoGro as a coach. 
I hope you’ll keep yours as a player. 

Wishing you to have the Right Mood, have a fun journey, and hit your chess goals soon. 

GM Avetik

P. S. Your feedback is highly appreciated. 
You can share it here:

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