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Join ChessMood Team

Who wants to join one of the happiest companies in the world?

hero big skeleton

Our Family

We don’t have employees. And we never use that word. We’re family, friends and teammates.
Between and with our students.


About ChessMood

We’re crazy… the idea was crazy and the way was crazy

ChessMood started off with just $1,000 on the bank account, big idea, enthusiasm, passion and determination. There were lots of sleepless nights, but after 4 years here we are. We recently raised $250.000 and planning to raise another $1M soon. To grow faster and help more chess lovers all over the world…
At the same time having fun ourselves and living fulfilling lives.

Will it be the Right Move?

We live like a family. Nobody enters to office without hugging all others.

Happiness matters. And we value personal freedom, personal and professional growth and anything our teammates care for. You never ask for salary raise. Deal? 😊
We consistently raise without you asking us. With the growth of ChessMood we all grow.

If you join us, and after the first months you don’t feel joy and happiness for the decision you made, we pay you a fine and wish you good luck 😊


Words from our team members

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