Chess study plan

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Hello friends, I’m GM Avetik Grigoryan, the head coach of ChessMood.
And I’ll immediately answer the first question you might have.
What’s that ‘+’ for?

Okay. I’m not going to give you what you want
Surprised? 😀 Take a deep breath… 

Instead, I’ll give you what you need! 

It’s not just a study plan. It’s a chess improvement plan. How you should study chess most effectively and have fun at the same time. 

I’ll not only show you

  • What to study

But also:

  • How to study 
  • How often to play 
  • What time controls are the best 
  • What should be the balance between playing and studying 
  • How much time you should spend on analyzing your games
  • How you should do it effectively 
    And much more… 

I’ve divided these chess improvement plans into 4 categories:

For below 1,000 players 
For 1,001-1,500 
For 1,501- 2,000
For 2,000+ 

So, based on where you are at the moment, you can pick the appropriate plan. 

Note 1:

As many of you won’t have a FIDE rating, or if you do, it will be inaccurate as you rarely play events, you should choose your study plan based on your blitz rating. 

If you play rapid, or you play on Lichess, refer to the table below to see a rough estimate of your strength.  

Chesscom Blitz Chesscom Rapid Lichess Blitz Lichess Rapid
500 710 945 1145
800 1025 1200 1430
1000 1210 1395 1595
1250 1430 1600 1775
1500 1630 1800 1940
1750 1820 1980 2075
2000 2000 2135 2200
2200 2105 2280 2320
2500 2300 2510 2510
3000 2720 2915 2820

Source: ChessGoals Rating Comparision Table
*We use blitz rating while recommending courses, study plans.* 

Note 2: 

Depending on how much time you can spend on chess, your strengths and weaknesses, your goals, and other factors, the absolute best improvement plan may vary. 
So, these improvement plans are semi-personalized.
And you’ll have a great idea of where to start. 
Feel free to make adjustments and adapt to you. 

Note 3:

 If you’re a Yearly PRO Member, please take your 1-1 bonus call with a Grandmaster, where we’ll create your deeply-personalized study plan.

Note 4:

On what to study, most of the recommendations are based on our courses. 
For 6 years, we have worked hard to create a place where you have all the material you need to improve your chess. (And we continue adding material weekly.)

If you don’t have access to our courses and never want to invest in your chess, that’s fine. 
You’ll still find lots of helpful stuff on how the most effective chess improvement looks for your level. 
And you can replace our courses with the material you have. 


Dear friends, I have 3 pieces of news: 2 good, 1 bad.  

Good news 1:
Chess improvement has never been as easy as it is today. This is because of the abundance of tools and information. If you use them smartly, you’ll achieve your chess goals much faster than you could do 20 years ago. 

Bad news:
At the same time, because of the chaos of information, chess improvement has never been so tricky.  Companies have investors who make their CEOs focus on increasing revenue. As a result, they sell random chess products left and right. Also, after the chess boom, many saw a chance to make money in the chess world…
And now for you, it’s tough to figure out what’s the right direction.

Good news 2:
Will you get trapped? 
Or will you choose the most effective way? 
The choice is yours. And I hope you’ll make a good decision. 

Please, select the chess improvement plan below based on your level. 

Choose your level

Chess Improvement Plan for below 1,000 rated players 

Chess Improvement Plan for 1,001-1,500 rated players 

Chess Improvement Plan for 1,501-2,000 rated players 

Chess Improvement Plan for 2,001+ rated players 

Hopefully, these plans I’ve made for you will accelerate your growth. 

I can’t wait to see your success stories! 
And I'm looking forward to writing success articles about you too. 

(You can meet some of our successful students here

P. S. I’m going to constantly upgrade these chess improvement plans whenever we add new courses, features, and especially when our AI coach, Charlie is born! (Stay tuned!) 

Also, I’ll constantly make adjustments/improvements based on your feedback. 
You can share it here

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