Refund Policy

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Refund Policy

Thank you for subscribing to our membership plans and purchasing our courses. 

  • We’re so confident you’ll find so much value at ChessMood that we offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee if you don’t like something. 

  • Once the 30-day window expires, we won’t be able to process your refund requests. 

How do you request a Refund?

To request a refund, please contact us and include your important details like: 

  • Real name

  • The email you used to sign up for ChessMood

  • ChessMood username  

  • Membership plan you subscribed to/course you purchased 

  • Payment method (Paypal, Credit Card, Debit Card). 

We will process your request within 7 business days.

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