BlunderProof - Raise your game through the roof!

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BlunderProof - Raise your game through the roof!

Course 82 episodes
(4 hours 35 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan

Imagine playing chess without blundering…

Without those painful and heartbreaking moments, without stupid mistakes that ruin our well-played games, and without unbelievable mistakes that stop us from winning a tournament… 

And now, also imagine, how much higher your rating would be if you never blundered…
+200 points more than you have now? Maybe +300?

Sounds like a paradise, right? ...

See more

And what if you still sometimes blunder but reduce them up to 10 times? :)
Still, your rating would be much-much higher than now! Is it really possible to reduce blunders up to 10 times? Yes! And you’ll see soon it yourself! 

A few words about the table of content. 

Step 1.
What blunder really is
Many chess players get confused and don’t know the difference between mistake and blunder.
We’ll have a clear definition, so even online chess platforms will not confuse you.

Step 2. 
Reasons behind blunders
In order to avoid blunders, at first, we should understand the reasons, why they happen.
We’ll find out all the obvious and hidden reasons behind blunders, one-by-one,

Step 3.
Practical solutions
You’ll learn what are the different practical solutions for each of them and how to play chess in hyperfocused mode, notice opponents’ threats, how to avoid impulsive moves and much more…

Step 4. 
After you’ve blundered…
Afterall, we’re humans, and we all can blunder.
How to keep the mood and keep fighting?
GM Avetik will share with you 3 detailed steps on what to do after blundering, how to recover fast and continue fighting.

Step 5.
While the course will be very interactive, in the end anyway we’ll have quizzes and tests to strengthen your knowledge and minimize the chances of blunders. 

Step 6. 
Downloadable slides and PDF
During the course, on the slide one-by-one we’ll add reasons and solutions next to each kind of blunder. There will be also many rules, and so you can remember them easily, in the attachment, you’ll be able to download the files and keep them with you. 

Step 7.
Send us a cake
If that doesn’t work, sue GM Avetik :D
And when you’ll see how much you’ve reduced your blunders, and how much you’ve raised your rating, send us a cake or write a review sharing your success story.

Good luck!

What you'll learn

  • The main reasons behind blunders
  • Solutions for preventing all of them
  • How to fully focus during the game
  • How to notice opponent’s threats
  • How to avoid impulsive moves
  • How to reduce the blunders up to 10 times?
  • 3 rules to follow in case you’ve blundered
  • And much more…

Course Content

  • media 82
  • puzzle 74
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • quiz 4
  • time 4 hours 35 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

Paul Hanrahan
Paul Hanrahan
Thanks! I’ll be starting my blunder excel sheet now.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Pavel Smirnov
Pavel Smirnov
Great course. Appreciate your dedication to the topic that everyone makes mistakes. The quote that I like on this: "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". I treat it as it is okay to make mistakes, but it is very important to do your best to avoid them in the future.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Exactly, Pavel! Thanks!
Ivan Ivec
Ivan Ivec
My biggest chess blunder was not to buy a ChessMood lifetime membership when it was available at half price. It's time to freeze and wait for other opportunities.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Ahahahahaha :) :) :)
Anis Chess
Anis Chess
ding needs this 😂, joke aside this is very useful.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :)
Christian Laringer
Christian Laringer
So much information of value in this course. And the usual high quality of how it is being presented. Funny, thought provoking and most of all motivating. Thank you for a great course!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Christian! Thank you for your great review! Hopefully you'll apply at least 99% of the info in your game, haha :)
Sanj Dica
Sanj Dica
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
What? :)
Sandip Datta
Sandip Datta
Brilliant course it improve my game a lot
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Happy to hear that!
Sandip Datta
Sandip Datta
Respected GM, Please reduce the subscription fee for Indian Students. Not Everybody can afford expensive courses as 1 USD = 80/86 INR now. Promising chess players get lost in this course-fee, coaching -fee race..
bo mossa
bo mossa
Although I know some information , some new information has added a lot to my level
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Great! :)
Terry Gan
Terry Gan
Watching this course has helped me to reduce the number of blunders I have made.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Ole, ole!!!
Yuya Sato
Yuya Sato
This course is good. When I was a member of the chess club at university eight years ago, I was severely scolded for blunder, and I was afraid of blunder. However, I felt a little better when I learned that even GMs make unbelievable blunders. It's best not to make blunders, but I think it's most important not to look away to blunders, but to analyze the cause, deal with it, and not make the same blunders again. This is a topic that can be applied not only to chess but to life in general, and I would like to make use of it. Thank you Mr.Avetik.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
You got it, Yuya!!! Exactly! "This is a topic that can be applied not only to chess but to life in general." Love this!
Iain Sneddon
Iain Sneddon
An excellent course, I just hope I can apply all the wisdom GM Avetik imparts!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hey! Thank you! I hope too :)
This course in unvaluable! It was heart warming to see all the examples of blunders by the best players! Just that alone reduced my tilt and frustration when I blunder by 90%. All the problems and tools to overcome it are very useful! I whish I had access to this content long ago. Thank you so much, Avo, for creating this course!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Francisco! Thanks for sharing this! I feel the enthusiasm in your words. Best of luck, my friend!
Mohit Karangad
Mohit Karangad
My previous coach always told me to calm down when I spoke to him about blunders and never helped me address the root causes. This course has been extremely enlightening. Thank you so much Chessmood for providing something that is rarely discussed(in such a deep manner) and helping me improve from 1980 to 2100 Lichess blitz.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Wow, Mohit! What a review! Very happy to be helpful. How long did it take you to cross 2100?
Mohit Karangad
Mohit Karangad
2 playing sessions over one week , I only lost one game(out of 18). Your advice about cutting losses in the blog really helped as well. Thx so much
Valerio Del Frate
Valerio Del Frate
Hello BlunderProof students and hello dear Avetik, today i want to share with you my last game on Lichess and how i used the precious advice of " keeping the mood "; here my game: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 f6 4. dxe5 fxe5 5. Bc4 h6 6. Qd5 Qe7 7. Nc3 Nf6 8. Qd3 Nc6 9. a3 Be6 10. Nd5 Bxd5 11. exd5 Nd8 12. Bd2 e4 13. Qe3 exf3 14. gxf3 a6 15. O-O-O Qxe3 16. Bxe3 Nf7 17. Rd3 Be7 18. Rg1 g5 19. Rb3 O-O-O 20. Rd1 Ne5 21. Be2 Ned7 22. Rd4 Rde8 23. Rdb4 Nxd5 24. Rxb7 N7b6 25. Bxa6 Kd8 26. Bb5 Ref8 27. Rb8+ Nc8 28. Bd4 Rhg8 29. Bc6 Nb6 30. Bxb6 cxb6 31. R3xb6 Kc7 32. R8b7+ Kd8 33. Rd7+ Ke8 34. Rbb7 Kf7 35. Bd5+ Kf6 36. Bxg8 Rxg8 37. Rb8 Rf8 38. Rc7 Ke6 39. Rbxc8 Rxf3 40. Re8 Rf7 41. Rexe7+ Rxe7 42. Rxe7+ Kxe7 43. b4 Kd7 44. a4 Kc6 45. c4 g4 46. Kd2 h5 47. Ke3 { Black resigns. } 1-0 After 12. ..., e4 i could resign or feel anger; but after some deep breath i kept the mood and fight untill the end. Thank you Avetik, today we won togheter ♥️
Q. Roo
Q. Roo
This course is, perhaps, the best one yet on ChessMood!! Not only has this heavily impacted my play and helped me win/draw games I otherwise wouldn't have, but it's also helped me recover after blunders! For example, in this one game I played, I lost a piece, but followed your advice and went on to win it :D Of course, I regret not doing this course earlier (when I had the opportunity), due to underestimating the psychological impact it would have on me...but I made the right move and did it anyways, and I'm very proud of it ^-^ (the game in case you're curious: Thank you so much Avetik for this amazing course :) - Roo
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hey Rida! Thanks a lot for the beautiful review! I'm very happy that you made a move and checked the course. Hopefully, soon you will become WIM and then WGM. Best of luck, dear!
Nilsu Pattnayak
Nilsu Pattnayak
It was a Great Learning experience .
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Super! Very glad to hear!
shrihaan karmakar
shrihaan karmakar
Respected GM, Please reduce the subscription fee for Indian Students. Not Everybody can afford expensive courses as 1 USD = 80/86 INR now. Promising chess players get lost in this course-fee, coaching -fee race...
Shanmathi Sree Shanmughasundaram
Shanmathi Sree Shanmughasundaram
It's extraordinary but,... I cannot download the PGN because I am not a pro member will you guys give the files for free in the next year chess day ..... Please 🙏 Other than that everything is amazing
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :) PGN files are only for ChessMood students.
Rjaye Rojas
Rjaye Rojas
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you :)
Savya Maheshwari
Savya Maheshwari
amazing, but what should i play on if i should not use and lichess
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Why not?
Kevin Funez
Kevin Funez
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
I tried :) Thanks!
Pedro Miragaia
Pedro Miragaia
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you!
Abdul Mohsen Al-Ghitani
Abdul Mohsen Al-Ghitani
I'm really striggle from english so can you add caption please?
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Working on that! Meanwhile, you can read this! Gian didn't know English too :)
Omar El-Malla
Omar El-Malla
Very useful
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks! :)
Seshi Ammasani
Seshi Ammasani
Awesome course Chessmood! It helped me a lot! The only problem now with my blunders is that I overthink things, what section best correlates with this problem?
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks, Seshi! And its a good question. I would recommend just keeping going, soon everything will settle down and you'll find a good balance.
A Guy Who Plays Chess
A Guy Who Plays Chess
Wow. Just wow! I have put off this course for quite some time. After all, how much could psychological factors really matter? Honestly this course is a game-changer! Im close to completing it, and I already see a massive improvement in my results! I just cannot believe it was this easy! Thank you Chessmood!!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Armandas! If we had "the best review of the month" (which we might have to add), this would be one of the main candidates to win. Thanks a lot for sharing this!
A Guy Who Plays Chess
A Guy Who Plays Chess
I just finished the whole course, and found out how wrong I was :(. It is honestly so much better than ai said previously! Either that or it will just add 20 Elo points to my rating a day :D. Thank you so, so much!!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Great!!! Thanks, for sharing this :) Looking forward to hear what happened to your rating after 3 months :)
Nathaniel Bafia
Nathaniel Bafia
Great course, not what I was expecting but I ended up liking it more than I ever thought I would!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
What a great and unusual review! Thanks, Nathaniel!
Tony Weir
Tony Weir
Great practical advice which will save many full or half points
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks, Tony!
Mihai Iancu
Mihai Iancu
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Brad Horne
Brad Horne
Really good advice here, thank you! I have already improved my play by reducing my blunders by watching carefully what my opponent wants to do. And the "never underestimate your opponent" has also helped me to avoid relaxing too early.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Great, Brad! Thanks a lot! I know its not easy to have discipline and follow this everything. I'm very happy you're doing it and seeing results.
Brad Horne
Brad Horne
And I hope to achieve more with your carefully constructed content! Thanks again kind sir :)
Gabriel Cattoir
Gabriel Cattoir
Thanks to the clear explanations in this course my glass ceiling will soon be my floor.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :) Thanks, Gabriel! I hope you'll keep the tips from the course :)
Kyle Sun
Kyle Sun
I had my doubts before taking this course, but after finishing it, I fully believe it can add 300+ elo to your current elo. This course is very unique, and I haven't seen anything like it anywhere else. Most courses focus on the theory, openings, tactics, endgames, etc, but this psychological aspect is very important. Very glad to be part of the Chessmood family to be able to have the opportunity to experience such high quality teaching. My favorite part of this course is the weeding out blunders sheet. I thought it was very creative, and I hope to minimize my blunders as much as possible from now on!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Yesss!!! Thank you very much, Kyle! Why were you skeptical? :) Are you using the sheet? How is it going?
Kyle Sun
Kyle Sun
I was skeptical because I didnt think psychological factors affected my play that much xD, boy was I wrong! I am loving the sheet! I have taken your suggestions and expanded into much more details about weaknesses in my play. I've been using it for 3 weeks now, my elo went from 1000 to 1200 on blitz (sorry I love blitz!), and rating is still increasing! Halfway to 1300 now actually
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Nice, nice, nice!!!
Vikram Medelin
Vikram Medelin
Very helpful and thank you for summary attachment!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks, too!
Ishan Ganguly
Ishan Ganguly
I realised going through this course how many similar mistakes I had made, and not continued the game in the correct, encouraged way. I will thank this course every time I recover from a blunder.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Varun Vallinathan
Varun Vallinathan
very well explained now its is feeling like that i am so calm i like this course very much thankyou gm Avetik Grigoryan
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks, Varun! If you get tired of calmness and want fire, check out the "Fearless Warrior" course :)
Varun Vallinathan
Varun Vallinathan
okay GM Avetik Grigoryan sir i will watch thankyou for informing sir
Eric Stolen
Eric Stolen
Very well done course that looks at all dimensions of the problem and offers practical solutions.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you, Eric! I tried very hard. Hopefully, you'll significantly reduce your blunders and enjoy more playing chess.
Chris Knight
Chris Knight
I wish I'd known all this years ago! But so encouraging now...
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks Chris! A Chinese proverb says: ""The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." Hehe :)
Shaurya Bagdia
Shaurya Bagdia
One of the best courses chessmood has ever made
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks a lot!!!
Shaurya Bagdia
Shaurya Bagdia
You too
Saeid Mousavi
Saeid Mousavi
I found the course very informative. Implementation of the lessons requires repeated practice and patience.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks a lot, my friend!
David Stanford
David Stanford
This is a fantastic course, now it's up to me to listen and learn! Thank you so much for all your excellent work, you really have given me the tools that I need. Bonicardo
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks, David! #Your_Move
Riccardo Volpati
Riccardo Volpati
Hi Avo very usefull course for my mindset and psychological reasons of blunders Thanks you are the best !
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks a lot, Riccardo!
Shrey Shah
Shrey Shah
it is super helpful for when you are in a position where you don't no what to do
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Was it a review you wanted to leave under 7Q course? :)
Okke Miram
Okke Miram
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Shlok Maheshwari
Shlok Maheshwari
Amazing course!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you!
Benabbas Lhadi
Benabbas Lhadi
One of the best courses I had great job
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Nathan Kuo
Nathan Kuo
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Simon Wilks
Simon Wilks
I've already said what an absolutely great course this is. But last night I played my first OTB game since completing it and the advice really helped me buckle down, focus and convert in a major piece endgame where I was winning. Very pleased as these endgames I often find difficult. That said I messed up the advice about arriving early by going to the wrong venue and was 5 mins late for the game! I blame Google Maps!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :) Simon :) :) :) You should use Apple Maps maybe? :)
Simon Wilks
Simon Wilks
That’s what my wife said! I will! 😁😉
Elizabeth Tanyous
Elizabeth Tanyous
Really amazing thank you so much :)
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you so much, Liza!
Simon Wilks
Simon Wilks
This is just the most fantastic course. I really feel like it’s a game changer. I’m looking forward to trying to apply this great advice as blundering and sub-optimal mood has been a big problem f oe me.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks a lot, Simon!
Frank Erfeldt
Frank Erfeldt
very helpful tips. Thanks a lot.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you, Frank!
Carlos Pastor
Carlos Pastor
Great course!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Gracias, Carlos!
Mihir Bharadwaj
Mihir Bharadwaj
this course was amazing......i had been stuck in a plateau for months, but suddenly i watched this and calcman and other courses i defeated a 1800 rated fide player...(though i am only 1000 fide rated) that was a shocker for me.......thanks for providing us a awesome course
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Wow! What's your rating now? How much have you raised?
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Wow! What's your rating now? How much have you raised?
Mihir Bharadwaj
Mihir Bharadwaj
it was not a fide registered tournament
Alexandros Grammatikopoulos
Alexandros Grammatikopoulos
Amazing course, one thing that has also helped me recover from blunders and keeping the mood is thinking to myself as if I could see the engine evaluation and it would still say that I'm winning or it's a draw and that keeps me from doing more blunders. Right mood, right move!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Yeah, a good idea indeed! Thanks!
Ishan Mitra
Ishan Mitra
Awesome. Helped me a lot!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Joe BB
Joe BB
Great course! It's nice to know that everyone blunders. GM Avetik Grigoryan is just amazing! If you ever read this comment, Avetik, I would really love your advice on something. Whenever I blunder and lose a game, I am very angry and don't want to analyse my game because I don't want to see my painful blunder again and I just want to forget what happened and move on. Any advice for overcoming that?
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you very much, Joe! It's not you who doesn't like. It's your ego. Harness it. All the best players, and every singly successful person analyzes and finds mistakes. Keep in mind, that every time you found a mistake, you grew a little bit more. Good luck!
عماد عماد
عماد عماد
It helped me a lot, thank you 💚💚
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Great! Thank you too!
Hamza Qabeel
Hamza Qabeel
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :) Thanks!
Moqsudool Islam
Moqsudool Islam
Blunders frequently dissolve an winning position into a lost one, but when we have learned this blunder proof course, I hope it will restrict all our blunders along with inaccuracies so that we can easily accomplish the unearned that we need at present. At last I am happy that I have been able to add this technique in my chess arsenal. A plethora of thanks to GM Avetik Grigoryan and his team for providing such paramount materials .
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you for your kind words, my friend! We'll keep uploading more and more such courses!
Martin Opitz
Martin Opitz
Simply great! Thx
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you, Martin!
Aaradhya Sharma
Aaradhya Sharma
Nice course ! It will help me for preparing OTB under 15 nationals. Thank you very much.
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Great! Thank you too!
Dazai Osamu
Dazai Osamu
Again let's GOOOOOOOO 🎉🎉 finished the course in a day , quite a feat i guess? But avetik i really want to be a world champion, i know i will 😄, if i ever get a chance i will tell the world about the best chess coach in the world 🫵. This is a really nice course, i played in an otb rapid rated tournament, 2 days event There were 10 rounds , game 1 was a draw it was really a lucky save😂,game 2 i won quite easily, game 3 I was playing against a IM and lost , game 4 i just was so angry that I couldn't win a IM and lost this game too😑 , Game 5 c,mon i lost to 10 year old kid 🥲. I really didn't know what was wrong with me or why I lost 3 games in a row Day 1 and my score out of 5 was 1.5 pretty low right? Then i went to my room and shut the door and said to myself "I know i am not this weak, you know what? I'm gonna win 5 games in a row tomorrow, let's see who's gonna stop me" The next day , would you believe that if I said i won 5 games in a row? And I did , game 1 was against a 1700 which i won, game 2 against 1500 also won, game 3 against a FM did i actually care about that guy being an FM? Nah . I won that game too 😂 , game 4 this game i only won because I learnt the collaboration mate , thanks to avetik 😆, now now let's not celebrate already because Game 5 i was paired with the same IM that I lost to, i was so surprised that i wanted to beat him so badly 🤣 Did i win or not? Well ofc I did 😁 it was not a win by fluke or luck but underestimation. At that point I only felt that I had underestimated myself XDD So now I'll say a quote "underestimating your opponents is a mistake underestimating, yourself is another"
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Haha :) Nice, nice!
Matej Forgac
Matej Forgac
Thank you for this course. Of course I watched this through several days. When I was in 5th chapter I played short Rapid tournament on lichess. Only on the following day I resumed watching and found out, that I needed to keep my mood - it really confirmed my previous day experience that even when I was hyperfocused and tried to deal with pressure I lost my mood and tournament went badly. I can't wait for next online tournament and looking forward to use whole-yourse-knowledge in my play.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Great! Thanks for a nice review and sharing your experience. Tell us, how did it go your next tournament.
Jonathan Eichert
Jonathan Eichert
It is really helpful. This course helped me to get +220 in one tournament.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
What? Share more details, please!
Sabarish Kailasam
Sabarish Kailasam
What much to say, but "Great course!" Thanks Coach Avetik for this course!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks! But tell me more, hahah :)
Henry Singletary
Henry Singletary
This was and is an awesome course. I learned about my mood and how to reach to a blunder and how to analyze my games. Chessmood is awesome!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks a lot, Henry!
Shone Thomas
Shone Thomas
highly recommended
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Anthony Giles
Anthony Giles
I just won my 1st ever tournament because of the advice in this course. Keep the mood!
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Wow! Tell us more! Which tournament? Any links? Which advice?
Anthony Giles
Anthony Giles
It was a local tournament at Hastings Chess Club for under 1850 ECF rating. I made sure I warmed up, and practiced hyper-focus, keeping the mood and relaxing only at the end. I was 3/3 after the 1st day, went into the 4th game on day 2, and lost, but kept the mood and won my final game to finish 4/5. It was a tie for 1st with 2 others, but still my 1st ever!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Nice!!! Congratulations!
Oscar Lopez
Oscar Lopez
Lot of good advices. Hope to incorporate them to the games
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks! I hope too :)
Good course
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Shubhi Kumar
Shubhi Kumar
Thank you ChessMood for this brilliant course. It has helped me to reduce my blunders significantly.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Ritika Joseph
Ritika Joseph
This was a brilliant course. As a 13 year old, I often struggle with focusing during chess videos/courses, but this was presented in a pleasing, easy to grasp manner. The content was amazing, and I feel much of your advice will be helpful not only in my chess, but life. After the pressure of playing competitive chess got to me, my love for chess faded, and it became more of a dull task, tournaments things to dread, and they still often are, but your enthusiasm and passion for chess seeps through these videos and sometimes reminds me of the good things about chess. Thank you so much, and please never stop making content like this!!
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wow!!! How you can be so smart, polite and nice at this age? You're going to achieve in your life, our young friend. Screenshot this message, and keep it with you. One day, you'll write, recalling this. Wishing you all the best! And greetings and respect to your family. They've done a great job!
Zyad Hisham
Zyad Hisham
because be honest, I really enjoy here, and this course is very helpful for strategy in chess and in how to deal with studying chess and psychological factors that affect ourselves before the game and during it, and after it thank you for Avetik Grigoryan . nowadays I will meet you in a real life
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Thanks! Tell me, when do we meet? :)
BRILLIANT!! Very instructive and entertaining.
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Thanks, friend! Hopefully you'll implement the tips in your games.
Javier Ruiz
Javier Ruiz
The best course I've ever seen!!
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Wow! Thank you so much!
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Me? Or the course? :) Hehe :) Thank you!
Michael Corbitt
Michael Corbitt
Thorough, comprehensive, practical. Need I say more?
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Yes, please! :) A few more words! :) Haha :) Thank you!
Marco Moura
Marco Moura
What a great material, fantastic job! Congratulations and thank you so much!
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Thanks, Marco!
Giorgos Kechagias
Giorgos Kechagias
Priceless & very helpful !
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Thanks, Giorgos!
Francois Chevalier
Francois Chevalier
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Merci :)
Nigel Fleming
Nigel Fleming
This is a big weakness for me - I make astonishing blunders in OTB games usually caused by impetuousness and overconfidence when I have a strong position. This course has helped me to identify the situations where this happens, and to put in place some concrete plans to overcome this.
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Super! Less heartbreaking moments, more fun! :)
Francois Chevalier
Francois Chevalier
Great course!
Bryan HDD
Bryan HDD
Claudio Thoux
Claudio Thoux
Thank you very much for all these tips! Nice course!!
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Thanks, Claudio!
Super useful course, helped cut my blunder rate from as many as 10 down to 2-3.
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Wow, nice!
Tony O'Donovan
Tony O'Donovan
Another brilliant course by chessmood
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Thanks, Tony!
Ashok ng
Ashok ng
this was great and super fun my blunders are almost non existent.
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Swayangsu Satyapragyan
Swayangsu Satyapragyan
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Thanks :)
Swayangsu Satyapragyan
Swayangsu Satyapragyan
Amazing course! Very helpful....I was able to decrease my blunder and is not confused now. But, when I tell my mom this is not a blunder she gets angry on me and ignores me...
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Ahahaha :) Has she watched the course as well? :)
Swayangsu Satyapragyan
Swayangsu Satyapragyan
Hi, My name is Pratitee from INDIA and I am the current U-9 national champion. My profile name is different. This course was very helpful and I was able to win without problems and very helpful to identify the real blunders in Lichess. This is my profile picture
Sergio Carrera
Sergio Carrera
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Santo D'Agostino
Santo D'Agostino
Excellent course with practical advice backed up with well-chosen examples.
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Thanks a lot, Santo!
Adham Hossam
Adham Hossam
Great course Helped me reduce my blunders
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Yeah! Thanks!
Alan Marcuse
Alan Marcuse
Great course, I learned a lot. Just two small remarks: - Time trouble is a regular cause for blunders. How to deal with it? (Better opening preparation, better mood, better calculating skills, ... Point taken, but it happens to the best, so what to do?) - The png-files are white letters on a dark background. Looks cool, but needs my whole (and expensive) printing ink.
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Thanks Alan! We'll address it in the Time Management course.
Srikanth Thota
Srikanth Thota
Great course! many interesting videos and fun quizes
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Anubhav Mahato
Anubhav Mahato
Hello GM Avetik, This is a great course and tells me that even chess has a routine and has helped me prepare for a game. However, there is another reason I make a lot of bunders and it is time trouble. Can you please make a section on this?
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Thanks, Anubhav! Sure! We'll address Time Management in another course.
Ivan Raslje
Ivan Raslje
very good
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Nils Philipp
Nils Philipp
Wow, what a course! :-)
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Hehe :) Thanks!
del ray
del ray
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Thanks :)
Mohammed Alhayek
Mohammed Alhayek
Great course all the causes of blundering are in this course I think I will be better after this course
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Looking forward!
Shahinur Haque
Shahinur Haque
Fantastic course
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Thanks, friend!
Marwan Amr
Marwan Amr
I just finished this course and it has totally changed the way I think. There's no magic or secrets to any of this, it's just forcing yourself to go through a mental checklist both before the game, during different stages of the game, and after the game. Each of these sections will add a different tool, little by little, to your arsenal. Everything is explained in a simple way with many examples. Wonderful course overall!
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Thanks a lot, Marwan!
Mason Ma
Mason Ma
very good
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Thanks :)
Kevin Sun
Kevin Sun
Great Videos (BTW When it is going to be finished?)
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Soon my friend, very soon. :-)
Aswath Tippa
Aswath Tippa
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Thanks, Aswath!
Llorenç Boldú Zabih
Llorenç Boldú Zabih
Very good. I would also like to know how to prepare OTB against a known player. Go to chessDB or chess365 database.? How much time preparing the opening in the morning when eventually playing tyhe game at the evening?
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Llorenc, it's not related to Blunders. It's covered in the articles.
Esteban Gutierrez
Esteban Gutierrez
GM Avetik Grigoryan
GM Avetik Grigoryan

After having a successful playing career where he became the Armenian Champion in 2010, GM Avetik Grigoryan found his passion for chess coaching and switched to it full-time. 

Since then, he has guided many ambitious players to become Grandmasters and International Masters and has over 10 years of coaching experience.

He believes anyone can improve at chess, with the right mood and proper direction. And with that vision, he founded ChessMood in 2018.

After having a successful playing career where he became the Armenian Champion in 2010, GM Avetik Grigoryan found his passion for chess coaching and switched to it full-time. 

Since then, he has guided many ambitious players to become Grandmasters and International Masters and has over 10 years of coaching experience.

He believes anyone can improve at chess, with the right mood and proper direction. And with that vision, he founded ChessMood in 2018.

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time 4 hours 35 min
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan
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