The Rise of Champions: Your Fun Path from Zero to Hero

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The Rise of Champions: Your Fun Path from Zero to Hero

Course 250 episodes
(15 hours 3 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan

My dear friend and my rising champion!
Avo here, that same Grandmaster Avetik Grigoryan.

In two conditions, I’ll throw myself from the window.
1 - If you follow the course instructions and don’t cross at least an 800+ rating. 
2 - If you get bored at some point while watching the course. 

This is what I had in mind while preparing this course for you. 

But as I love my life and didn’t want to jump out of the window, I set myself a challenging task—to create the best, most fun, and most fundamental course for beginners. 

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Here are a few positions from the course:

The Rise of Champions: image 1The Rise of Champions: image 2The Rise of Champions: image 3The Rise of Champions: image 4The Rise of Champions: image 5The Rise of Champions: image 6The Rise of Champions: image 7The Rise of Champions: image 8

I wrote and rewrote, recorded and re-recorded, hesitated, and tested. Often, the solutions to explaining a difficult concept came to me while sleeping—and like that, for over one year! 

But okay, I also had lots of fun (as you’ll see) while preparing this for you. Most importantly, I hope that YOU will have fun, enjoy, laugh, and…learn. Eventually crossing at least 800+ rating.

Otherwise, at least buy me a parachute! 🙂
I live on the 10th floor. If I jump from there without anything, at minimum, it’ll hurt 😀 

So, my champions. My life is in your hands. Haha 😂 

Love you. And I’ll love you more if I’m alive.

With best wishes,
GM Avetik (or Avo, as my friends call me)

What you'll learn

  • Master the rules (not just learn)
  • Opening Principles and Your First Openings
  • All Must-Know Tactical Motifs
  • All Must-Know Mating Patterns
  • The Basics of Attack and Defense
  • The Silent Strategy: The Basics of Positional Chess
  • How to Effectively Use Your Pieces
  • Master the Art of Trading
  • What You Should Do in the Endgames
  • How to Win Won Games and Save Lost Ones
  • How to Think During the Game Generally
  • And Much More…


Course Content

  • media 250
  • puzzle 4096
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • quiz 26
  • time 15 hours 3 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

ActingGM what
ActingGM what
What a wonderful course..This is really fun and easy to follow!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you!!
Zaheem Chess
Zaheem Chess
I starting watching this course when I first joined chessmood. I was so happy I already crossed the 750 mark when I realized I finished all the free sections. :( I was watching other free courses partly free courses but not so fine. My computer was shifting from place to place so after a long time 15th I opened to do the daily puzzle. This message kept popping up I ignored it a few times thinking it was just and ad. I couldn't ignore so I read it then I got so excited, 7 days free! I might just finish the rise of the champions course. But one day, internet issues it was day 6. Lost hope. But today day 7 I finished not full full but 1/2, 3/4 and got more knowledge than finishing 1 section. I wrote this before I played my game so hopefully 881 won't be stagnant. Course I wish i could give a million stars out of 5. So great for a beginner will be like lessons from the greatest place on earth, i expect intermediate fantastic, little big level great. After I become a GM i'll put a comment in the forum for you!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :) "I wish i could give a million stars out of 5. So great for a beginner will be like lessons from the greatest place on earth." THANK YOU!!!
Zaheem Chess
Zaheem Chess
You are just the best GM. This is the best chess learning site.
Salim Ali
Salim Ali
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks! :)
Salim Ali
Salim Ali
You made chess fun and simple to learn
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Oh, man! Thank you! Only if you knew how much effort we put there...
Salim Ali
Salim Ali
I saw your Dream variation of French Attack and i played that in my inter university tournament and i dominate game in opening that and win. My opponent is 1679 FIDE rating and i get shocked that by your dream variation i won the game and totally dominate my opponent. My opponent is shok how i played so well . I do not have any FIDE rating . After match he come to me and ask what variation you play and i said it is Grigoryan's variation. I tell him about chessmood he tried your dream variation and he won. Thanks coach Avetik for creating wonderful opening courses.
i love this course
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Me too :)
Alexandra Rella
Alexandra Rella
I wish I could have had this course sooner. It's everything you need as a beginner - and I think it's one of the best resources out there for the beginner level. You can tell how much heart and soul has gone into every single episode and that every detail has been taken care of. It was a pleasure to be able to follow this course and at the same time I was able to deepen my understanding of chess quite a bit. Thank you, Avo + team for this!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Dear Alexandra! Thank you for your beautiful words. As you've written "You can tell how much heart and soul has gone into every single episode and that every detail has been taken care of," the same way I see that you put your heart and soul in writing this. Thanks a lot!
Francois Chevalier
Francois Chevalier
My rating is over 2000 on Lichess. I took the time to follow this entire course! This course is a masterpiece! It is very likely that if this course were written in a book, it would be a best seller! Congratulations!!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Wow! Thanks a lot, Francois!
Summa Lai
Summa Lai
from 0-800 to 0-1500+:)
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :)
Summa Lai
Summa Lai
Also, the Shield the King with Pieces and Attack with the King is switched
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Yes! You are right. Fixing it right now! Thanks a lot!
Summa Lai
Summa Lai
In Happy King, the Problem has two solutions, Nxf6 and Qxf6
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Nah... Qf6 leaves the Bb7 undefended :)
Magnum Again
Magnum Again
A great course!! Just one thing in the lone bishop knight is called as draw but isn't there is a theoretical possibility of mate say white king on b6,white bishop on b7,black king on a8 and black knight on b8?
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Ah, right! :)
Rose Shen
Rose Shen
Great course for the beginners!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Sanj Dica
Sanj Dica
I raised 1000
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
You mean to 1,000 or raised 1,000 rating points?
Sanj Dica
Sanj Dica
Raised 1000 points on lichess
Sanj Dica
Sanj Dica
Sry chess . Com
Leon Eaton
Leon Eaton
Gotta say, even though I'm only on secction 5, this is definitely a good course. My only problem is that with some of the checking puzzles, you can give a check that could possibly win a queen, or you can give a check where you just check. Apart from that, brilliant course, I can't see any blunders in making it.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hey Leon! Thanks a lot! I'll check this out and fix it tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know.
Leon Eaton
Leon Eaton
No problem!
Leon Eaton
Leon Eaton
Also, enjoyed learning the cowboy method, especially the part where you became a cowboy for a bit!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Ahahaha :) :) :)
Summa Lai
Summa Lai
More plz
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Soon :)
Saksham Kumar
Saksham Kumar
Thank you I reached 950 ELO thanks to the course...
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Ole!!! How much did you have before watching it?
Saksham Kumar
Saksham Kumar
About 700 - 750... learning the tactical ninja course now or should i learn something else, any recommendation teacher?
Andrey Petrovich
Andrey Petrovich
Отличный курс! Аветик - еще и хороший актер!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :) Spasibo, drug! :)
ahmed adel
ahmed adel
HariNarayana PE
HariNarayana PE
Thank you GM for giving this cleared my many doubts and helped me to think clearly to see the game better than before and i am trying to Improve my game...thank you GM Avetik, I like your way of teaching it easy to understand and also your helping nature for chess learner's...thank you Chessmood 😀
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hey! Thank you, too, for sharing this nice review. As you see, everything we do is with LOVE.
Nitheash Saravanan
Nitheash Saravanan
Man you're too good for me thank you for levelling my chess up, i was not a beginner and I learned a lot of good stuff, I just loved it and I'm Nitheash and i wish connecting with you in instagram, I'm following you, replying stories you put but you've not accepted my chat request, please do accept it. ID- imnitheash03. do check your messenger please.....
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hello Nitheash! Thanks for kind words! Unfortunately, I use Social Media just few minutes a day, I don't scroll, and I miss many things there. Sorry about that. And I activate them for few weeks a year. The rest of time they're deactivated so I focus on ChessMood. But I'll see you during our live events! Best, Avo
Yogesh Gupta
Yogesh Gupta
Thank you, Thank you, Thank YOU Avo Sir! I really LOVE this course. So informational and also entertaining at the same time! I really appreciate all the hard work you put into this and I am getting so much out of it. Can't wait for the upcoming sections.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks a lot, Yogesh! The rest is coming in 3 weeks!
Bill Lhotta
Bill Lhotta
Thank you, Thank you, Thank YOU Avo! I LOVE this course. So informational and also entertaining at the same time! I really appreciate all the hard work you put into this and I am getting so much out of it. I also like it when you call me a Champion :)
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hey Champion! Thank you very much for kind words! :)
Saeid Mousavi
Saeid Mousavi
Its an ongoing course. I got my chocolate box ready. Raffaello
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Ahahaha :)
Shahinur Haque
Shahinur Haque
Although my current FIDE rating is 1862 , i don't why i spending morning practice session with this course. I feel like it is filling all the gap of my chess knowledge. As I am an adult chess improver its seems that i am connecting my relation with chess if I would start at the age of 8 yrs or 10yrs perhaps. I am so happy with this course.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks Shahinur! Especially the section 11 will be eye opening for you :)
Andreas Hipler
Andreas Hipler
Great course, but unfortunately puzzle 20 isn't mate in 2
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Oops, you're right! Thank you, will fix now.
Kyle Sun
Kyle Sun
You guys have finally done it. The missing piece in ChessMood. Now it's perfect. Love the idea of the gambits. I never played them before and it's very fun and even as a 1300 elo player, I learned from it. The basic training on capturing is very useful as well. Eagerly looking forward to the upcoming sections. Thanks GM Avo! Best chess teacher
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :) Thanks a lot, Kyle!
yogesh vishwakarma
yogesh vishwakarma puzzle number 1 doesn't seem working.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Right! Thanks a lot, will fix now.
Joseph Ford
Joseph Ford
Win With a Pin, problem 8 will not accept the correct answer. Please check
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
This one? Seems it works...
Joseph Ford
Joseph Ford #8
Joseph Ford
Joseph Ford
Loving this course, it's filling in the gaps basics of the game.
Cyrus li
Cyrus li
I love this course! It is very helpful
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Super! :) What's your current rating?
Cyrus li
Cyrus li
I watched the full course and rated 1088 on lichess (rapid). I can't wait for all the sections from section 9 to section 21 come out!
Cyrus li
Cyrus li
It looks like you aren't jumping out of the window today!;)
Cyrus li
Cyrus li
Are all your reviews 5 stars?
Cyrus li
Cyrus li
My rating is 876
Steven Mariscal
Steven Mariscal
I do not know if I should give 5 Stars since I have not watched the full course. But I'm pretty sure and hopeful that it will be a good course. Let's keep those fingers crossed! But the reason why I'm leaving a view is to say that GM Avetik Grigoryan has admitted to cheating in this video course. Mostly with his grandmother it seems! Does this mean that he will no longer be accepted in tournaments for cheating scandal? :-P
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Ahahahaha :) :) :) Don't do this! With this review you can confuse Google and ChatGPT... And what if someone asks "Has GM Avetik ever cheated", and the ChatGPT says "Yes!"
Salam Nasr
Salam Nasr
Btw is it when the timer runs out the the rest of the sections come out and can you also give some tips before a tournament or smthing but your courses are amazing
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks! We'll have a seperate section for tournament players, including preparation.
Ivaylo Kenov
Ivaylo Kenov
Wonderful course! I have a 600-800 rating and learned tons of new information! The explanations and exercises were perfect. I can't wait for the next parts to be released!
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Great-great! Thanks, Ivaylo!
Riccardo Volpati
Riccardo Volpati
Avo ... I forgot to tell you : I have a lot of fun and I learn with you and your chessmood family . Greetings to Lily,Gabu and to all your amazing team !
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :) Sure! I'll send them your greetings! :) Thank you!
Riccardo Volpati
Riccardo Volpati
Hi Avo, what amazing course, even though I'm not at level 0 you opened my mind about openings and how to put the pieces well and simply; I really like the Gambits part, you explained them really well and in a simple and clear way ; I like its because I usually attack immediately, I love the dynamic game ,above all to attack with black; I finished the WhiteMood and Blackmood Openings, still have to assimilate at all, but with this course I'm starting to feel more sure in the opening phase. I wait anxiously the rest of the course soon. usually you're great! Thank you so much
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hey, hey, Riccardo! Thanks a lot, my friend! A lot! :) Yeah, I also feel that many 1,000 - 2,000 level players will benefit from some sections. And the section 11-15 will be very very deep and subtle, that even masters will benefit. Thanks again! Enjoy and have fun :)
Salam Nasr
Salam Nasr
Amazing it has helped me a lot but when will the other sections come out
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Cool! Our editing team is working on them :)
Pim te Lintelo
Pim te Lintelo
I have been long waiting for this course to arrive to help teach my kids the fundamentals in the best possible way. Back then in april 2023 I got an reply from Lily on Discord that the Chessmood team was already working on it (my kids were 7 and 4 years old back then). Finally it is there, I have watched the videos and they are really funny, I enjoyed watching them. And so many puzzles added between the sections, I can see the enormous amount of work you and your team have put into this course! For my kids the first sections are now too simple, as they are rated above 900 and 1100 rapid on, so will skip these. But I will share some funny videos with them. I like the skits you made together with Gabuzyan and Lily. I hope the next sections will arrive soon, especially interested in the sections from 10 onwards. In the mean time we go through the first sections of tactic Ninja. Keep up the good work, I really like the way you logically and clearly explain the Why using an entertaining, funny and energetic presenting style. When this course is finished I am convinced this will be the best beginner chess course available and a perfect complement/match with all the other courses in the Rating Booster section.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Pim! Thanks for sharing this! Sorry for being late. But yeah... As you mentioned, we wanted to be it perfect-perfect, keeping balance with teaching in the most easy and logical way, and fun :) Our editing team is editing the other sections, and we'll upload them soon. Cheers to your kids!
Sleepy OldOwl
Sleepy OldOwl
This course is so much FUN. I don't actually belong to the target audience, my rating is over 800, but I wanted to check it out for my little niece. And I couldn't stop watching, nor could I stop laughing. And I did learn some things in the process. A lot actually. I also like this idea of ​​a gym, where you do simple exercises to warm up. I've done a few hundred, but I come back every morning to start my day with 100 simple puzzles. I haven't done the whole course yet, but I wanted to be the first to write a review. I'll definitely be back to do the rest. Check it out, it's worth your time even if you're over 800. And of course I recommended the course to my niece. Maybe I'll buy it for her.
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Hehe :) :) :) Thanks, Anouk! Thanks for kind words :) You see another part of me in the course :) And congratulations for writing the 1st review from upcoming thousands I guess :)
معتز الدويك
معتز الدويك
Thanks for you
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thank you, too :)
Summa Lai
Summa Lai
Very good! I improved to 799(just kidding actually 1000)
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Ahahaha :) When? :) I expect to get lots of funny reviews :)
Saeid Mousavi
Saeid Mousavi
i watched this course to see what is it all about. I think you got this right. One of important missing part is now completed. Before this your site was not suitable for rising champions. Well done to you Chessmood
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks, Saeid!
Mohamed Amr
Mohamed Amr
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GM_Avetik Grigoryan
Thanks :)
GM Avetik Grigoryan
GM Avetik Grigoryan

After having a successful playing career where he became the Armenian Champion in 2010, GM Avetik Grigoryan found his passion for chess coaching and switched to it full-time. 

Since then, he has guided many ambitious players to become Grandmasters and International Masters and has over 10 years of coaching experience.

He believes anyone can improve at chess, with the right mood and proper direction. And with that vision, he founded ChessMood in 2018.

After having a successful playing career where he became the Armenian Champion in 2010, GM Avetik Grigoryan found his passion for chess coaching and switched to it full-time. 

Since then, he has guided many ambitious players to become Grandmasters and International Masters and has over 10 years of coaching experience.

He believes anyone can improve at chess, with the right mood and proper direction. And with that vision, he founded ChessMood in 2018.

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play 250
quize 4096
Quizzes & Trainings
file 26
time 15 hours 3 min
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan
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