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Chess strategy helps achieve long-term goals in a position – to go from an equal position to a better one, from a better position into a winning one! Get Grandmaster advice on improving at strategy!

Blog Strategy
Maintaining a Strategic Initiative
  • GM Mihail Marin

Maintaining a Strategic Initiative

GM Mihail Marin shares how to maintain a strategic initiative in chess.

Strategy | Middlegames | 5 min read
Mysterious Backward Moves on Diagonals
  • GM Vladimir Akopian

Mysterious Backward Moves on Diagonals

Backward moves on the diagonal are often tough to see. But there’s a way to notice them consistently which is what GM Akopian shares in this article.

Strategy | Middlegames | 4 min read
The 3 Principles of Attack in Chess
  • GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

The 3 Principles of Attack in Chess

Learn 3 important attacking principles in chess to override the opponent's defenses and finish off the game.

Strategy | Middlegames | 7 min read
The Art of Trading Pieces in Chess
  • GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

The Art of Trading Pieces in Chess

Which pieces do we need to trade and which ones to keep? Follow the tips GM Gabuzyan shares related to exchanges in this article.

Strategy | Middlegames | 3 min read
TV Concept: Rarely Discussed Topic in Chess
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

TV Concept: Rarely Discussed Topic in Chess

Grasping this concept will improve your understanding of openings like Maroczy Bind, Accelerated Dragon, etc and show you how the Knight and Bishop coordinate.

Strategy | Middlegames | 2 min read
Why It’s a Must to Study Classical Chess Games
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

Why It’s a Must to Study Classical Chess Games

Why is studying the classics important to become a stronger player? GM Avetik Grigoryan shares why by giving examples from his own games.

Strategy | Improvement Hacks | Middlegames | Chess Training | 5 min read


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