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How to get better at chess:  The 3-step formula and the secret sauce
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

How to get better at chess: The 3-step formula and the secret sauce

Want to speed up your growth and have more fun? GM Avetik shares his 3-step chess improvement formula and the secret sauce.

Improvement Hacks | Most popular | 10 min read
Endgame roadmap: 9 strategies on how to play chess endgames
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

Endgame roadmap: 9 strategies on how to play chess endgames

Do you struggle in endgames? GM Avetik Grigoryan shares his compass with 9 chess endgame strategies that’ll helped an improver raise 100 points!

Endgames | 9 min read
Grandmaster Guide to learn and improve chess tactics
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

Grandmaster Guide to learn and improve chess tactics

99.9% of players choose the wrong approach and fail when it comes to learning and improving chess tactics. Discover what the 0.1% do differently.

Tactics | Most popular | 16 min read


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