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Middlegames are full of rich and complex possibilities. Learn from the advice Grandmasters share on different middlegame topics below!

Blog Middlegames
Rook vs two minor pieces – What’s stronger?
  • GM Boris Avrukh

Rook vs two minor pieces – What’s stronger?

Which side has the better chances in 2 minor pieces vs Rook and pawn duel? GM Boris Avrukh shares his 7 rules to play such a material imbalance.

Middlegames | Strategy | 5 min read
How Quiet Moves can Turn Around a Game

How Quiet Moves can Turn Around a Game

Super GM Pavel Eljanov reveals why quiet moves are tough to spot, especially with 2 specific pieces. He also shares how they can dramatically change the result of the game with examples!

Middlegames | Strategy | 4 min read
Open Files: How to Exploit them
  • GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

Open Files: How to Exploit them

It’s said that “Rooks belong on open files” – but actually there’s a lot more to it! See GM Gabuzyan teach the key concepts and ideas behind using open files.

Middlegames | Strategy | 8 min read
How to Use the Bishop Pair – 11 Key Concepts
  • GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

How to Use the Bishop Pair – 11 Key Concepts

Are you too quick to exchange your bishop pair, or struggling to unleash their full power? GM Gabuzyan shows 11 techniques to use to your advantage!

Middlegames | Strategy | 13 min read
Knight & Queen: A Powerful Attacking Team
  • GM Johan Hellsten

Knight & Queen: A Powerful Attacking Team

In this example-packed article, GM Hellsten explains how the powerful team of a knight and a queen can combine as a deadly attacking force.

Middlegames | Strategy | 5 min read
How to Defend in Chess –  8 Must-Know Defensive Ideas
  • GM Johan Hellsten

How to Defend in Chess – 8 Must-Know Defensive Ideas

Struggling to defend tough positions against your opponents? Read about these 8 strategies to learn how to defend in chess and become a better defensive player.

Middlegames | 5 min read


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