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Psychology and Mental Toughness

Chess is a psychological game. Analytical skills aren't enough. You also need the toughness of a warrior. Get Grandmasters' advice below on building your mental toughness!

Blog Psychology and Mental Toughness
How I Used the “Battleship" Method to Meet More Girls and Improve My Chess
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

How I Used the “Battleship" Method to Meet More Girls and Improve My Chess

You don’t need any special talent to execute it. All it takes is a little bit of strategy.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | 2 min read
The 1 Thing Every Champion Has in Common
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

The 1 Thing Every Champion Has in Common

In your chess journey, you'll face painful losses. Everyone does. But in those moments, you have a choice — a choice that separates the champions from the rest.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | 5 min read
The Power of Fear and How to Use It as Motivation
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

The Power of Fear and How to Use It as Motivation

What GM Aronian told me about Mike Tyson and how I used my greatest fear to become a Grandmaster.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | 3 min read
The One Lesson from Schumacher Every Chess Player Should Take
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

The One Lesson from Schumacher Every Chess Player Should Take

Understanding this was a very important step for me in my journey to my Grandmaster title. I hope it will skyrocket your chess and life too.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | 3 min read
9 Rules You NEED to Know to Win Won Games
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

9 Rules You NEED to Know to Win Won Games

Getting a winning position isn't enough; you must also convert it. GM Avetik shares 9 must-know rules every strong player uses to win a winning game.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | Strategy | Practical Chess Tips | 9 min read
Wobble Your Way: Advance in Chess Without Knowing it All
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

Wobble Your Way: Advance in Chess Without Knowing it All

Adopt the “wobbling mindset” to break free from the fear of not knowing everything in chess and improve through practice.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | Improvement Hacks | Chess Training | 6 min read


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