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Practical Chess Tips

Learn and implement the simple chess tips from Grandmasters to optimize your performance and get better results.

Blog Practical Chess Tips
9 Rules You NEED to Know to Win Won Games
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

9 Rules You NEED to Know to Win Won Games

Getting a winning position isn't enough; you must also convert it. GM Avetik shares 9 must-know rules every strong player uses to win a winning game.

Practical Chess Tips | Strategy | Psychology and Mental Toughness | 9 min read
SLP Method - How to save lost chess positions?
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

SLP Method - How to save lost chess positions?

Save losing positions in chess, trick your opponent and become a tough-to-beat player by following these 11 strategies GM Avetik shares in this article.

Practical Chess Tips | Strategy | Psychology and Mental Toughness | 15 min read
How to Stop Blunders: The Ultimate Grandmaster Guide
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

How to Stop Blunders: The Ultimate Grandmaster Guide

Uncover the reasons why blunders happen and learn practical strategies to reduce them.

Practical Chess Tips | Improvement Hacks | Psychology and Mental Toughness | Chess Training | 15 min read
5 Easy Steps to Evaluate a Chess Position Like a GM
  • GM Noël Studer

5 Easy Steps to Evaluate a Chess Position Like a GM

Who’s got the advantage? Who has the winning position? If you’re unsure, then follow GM Noël Studer’s 5 simple steps to evaluate any chess position!

Practical Chess Tips | Strategy | 13 min read
The Golden Question You Should Ask Before Resigning
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

The Golden Question You Should Ask Before Resigning

Before you resign in chess, ask this golden question. You'll save lost positions!

Practical Chess Tips | Psychology and Mental Toughness | Coach’s Corner | 7 min read
How to Show NO MERCY to Your Opponents
  • GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

How to Show NO MERCY to Your Opponents

Being 'too kind' or lacking the ruthlessness to win could hold you back in a fight. Get tips on activating your inner “professional evil mode" and becoming a deadly fighter!

Practical Chess Tips | Psychology and Mental Toughness | 5 min read


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