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Real Stories Of Improvements

A big part of progress is overcoming hurdles. Learn from the chess improvement stories of champions who have overcome hurdles and become stronger players!

Blog Real Stories Of Improvements
The Eric Rosen Approach: How to Use Passion to Find Success

The Eric Rosen Approach: How to Use Passion to Find Success

Discover IM Eric Rosen’s incredible journey as he pursued his passion and became a successful chess content creator.

Real Stories Of Improvements | Improvement Hacks | 8 min read
Inside the Mind of GM Vladimir Akopian: Lessons from Elite Chess Circles

Inside the Mind of GM Vladimir Akopian: Lessons from Elite Chess Circles

Learn from Akopian's fearless mindset, his training under the legend Botvinnik, the strong and weak points of Kasparov, and more!

Real Stories Of Improvements | Psychology and Mental Toughness | Coach’s Corner | 12 min read
Deep Thoughts on Chess Improvement by Gukesh’s coach GM Vishnu Prasanna

Deep Thoughts on Chess Improvement by Gukesh’s coach GM Vishnu Prasanna

GM Vishnu Prasanna shares his deep insights on improvement, the biggest challenge for adult improvers, lesser-known qualities of Gukesh and more.

Real Stories Of Improvements | Improvement Hacks | 10 min read
Underdog to Champions – How GM Ivan Sokolov transformed the Uzbek team into Olympiad champions.

Underdog to Champions – How GM Ivan Sokolov transformed the Uzbek team into Olympiad champions.

GM Ivan Sokolov, coach of the champion Uzbekistan team at the 2022 Olympiad, shares their journey to victory, his advice for ambitious chess improvers and coaches.

Real Stories Of Improvements | 6 min read
“You Can Become a European Champion!”. And I Thought – Why not?
  • GM Anton Demchenko

“You Can Become a European Champion!”. And I Thought – Why not?

GM Anton Demchenko shares his journey to becoming the 2021 European champion, talks about his approach to chess, the hardships he faced and a lot more.

Real Stories Of Improvements | 9 min read
How to Inspire Your Chess Student
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

How to Inspire Your Chess Student

Advice like 'Do your best', 'Focus', etc might work. But there's a more effective way to inspire your students. Learn about it in this article!

Real Stories Of Improvements | Coach’s Corner | 5 min read


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