Chess forum by Grandmasters

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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Doubt in the anti-Sicilian

Hello, I am not a pro member but I have a question about the courses, and it is against the Sicilian defense on the line with d6 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.f4 g6 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Bc4 Nc6 6.d3 Nf6 7.0-0 0-0 8.Qe1 Bg4 9.f5 Bxf3 10.Rxf3 Nd4 11.Rh3 e6 !


Nxc2 but what happens against e6 , I played this position recently in an OTB tournament and in the game I thought it was a bad move because I did not know it but when I got home I saw the position with the engine and it turns out that it is equal ! Please wait for answers and thank you very much for providing such a high quality material, greetings from Cuba.




you will find the answer in this video:




hello, I am beginer around 900 rapid

looking for training partner / scotch game & french defense // chessmood opening course…

Time zone: france





Your best bet is to re-post this message in the dedicated thread for Study/Sparring partners here:


How Often Should I Play Chess Games?


I am trying to get to 2000 FIDE in the end of this year(I am now 1583 Fide), I wanted to practice playing on Lichess. I wanted all your help to suggest how many minutes/hours to play on Lichess and analzing my games.


All the best,Kingston.


There is no magic formula on how often you have to play ro reach FIDE 2000. This totally depends on how much free time you have per week for chess. But it is important that you not only play, but also study chess (and of course vice versa), there should be a balance between playing and studying. Please see the "Chess Improvement Roadmap for 1,500-2,000 rated players" at

Small quiz bug


From the excellent “Defend With Honor”, Blockade section, Double Block video course, Avetik's game .


Out of the two quizzes, seems like the first one will not accept the correct answer while the similar second will.


When to change from Blackmood to Sicilian??

Hey all, 
Since the Blackmood openings teach french, while the main courses go in-depth on the sicilian (and other stuff), at what level should i change my repetoire?
I'm not too worried about the whitemood stuff, since they are just simplified versions of the main courses (maybe except alekhine)


In general CM recommends for students below a rating of about 2000 to go through the Simplified ChessMood openings which are the WhiteMood and BlackMood courses (just have a look at the recommended study plans).

But if you are not too far away from this level and you are interested in certain variations of the main courses (e.g. the Sicilian), you certainly can get involved in these main lines a little earlier, at least when you have done the most important basic courses like tactics ninja, mating matador, must-know endgame theory U2000 and other rating booster courses.

Maybe there were another cource after you go c5 and i know some people will play c3, you better analyse that.



All the best, Kingston.

Middle Game and Endgame Training question

hi coach, In an article I read that we have to first study, then Practice and fix. In opening part I understood how to do that but for middlegames and endgames how am I supposed to do it? Should I like setup the position and play against the engine?

Thanks in Advance!


Hi Pranav, what's your rating online and OTB?😀

Hey Pranav, 

The question is very smart, this is how I would do this.
As you mentioned, if it's in the opening how to check it?
For the middlegame and endgames, you can check the blunders.
As well through different courses you acquire knowledge, imagine you learned an idea with Bishop pair, or about open lines, and after the game, you can try to look at details deeper. 
This is also a part, where having a chess coach can help, as more experienced players will point out your mistakes and provide a solution.

Also, as stronger you get with more and more knowledge as easier it will be to understand the mistakes after the game.

Good luck!

Dear cm family, in this game i miss to find (many times) the rook invading on 8th rank ..

Is there any videos on this matter?

How to fight c5,d6,e5 structure

I've played a notable amount of online games where Black quickly advances pawns to c5 and e5 and assumes a sort of mirrored Stonewall structure. What is the best way to combat this structure, and where are my pieces most happily placed? Let's assume I've already played e4 but am still looking to develop my pieces and decide on a pawn formation. Should I call Black's Bluff and play c3 and d4 anyways? Play c4 myself? Go for b4 or f4? Should I fianchetto my light squared bishop, or where else should it go? I feel the early c5,e5 combo should be positional suspect, but I don't know how to crack it. Of course I have similar questions from the black side, but for the sake of communication we'll say I'm playing White.

Thanks a bunch.   Jake


Hi Jake,


My visualisation skills aren't brilliant so I set up the position on Lichess assuming 1 e4 c5, 2 Nc3 d6, 3 f4 e5 - is that right?


I'd be inclined to go with 4 fxe5.  Yes, we have doubled pawns but they are both in the centre.  Black most likely then 4 dxe5 and we can 5 Nf3 attacking the c5 pawn and continuing our development - we now have 2 pieces developed and black has none.  On the downside I'm always a little concerned when moving the f pawn because of the king's exposure but I think f4 is a suggested move in the WhiteMood course when faced with the Sicilian.


Disclaimer: As you know from the help you've provided on my queries, I'm pretty new to this so take that into account when considering the above! 😉

If you don't provide concrete moves Jake, it's difficult to help. 
Also we are always talking about Chessmood repertoire, if you deal with Open Sicilians, this is out of our scope… 😅

This is not a mirrored Stonewall, the f pawn is still on f7.

This pawn structure could be hard to break with a early direct attack. My suggestion is that you should try to keep your pieces, avoid early exchanges and try to block black's b7-b5 and/or f7-f5 pawn breaks. After you have carefully placed your pieces you can start operations on the center and/or on the flanks.

Also look at the squares you can occupy with a knight: d5 and f5. These should be your target too (e.g. Nbd2-f1-e3).

Another plan could be to push your central pawns: c2-c3 and d2-d4, maybe not too soon in the opening.

And of course a direct attack with f2-f4, but only after you have a firm control on the center, otherwise a pawn break with d6-d5 and/or f7-f5 could be dangerous.

“Positional suspect”, well you should be very careful: black's pawns occupy the center, it's a solid position and a direct attack could backfire. Yet black had to spend some moves to do it while you develop your pieces, so you could start your operations first, when your development is complete.

(one of many) Dream position for white: a knight on d5 and/or f5 against his dark square bishop.

(one of many) Dream position for black: a knight on d4 and/or f4 against your light square bishop.

I suggets you play c3 and d4 no matter what. Because, once your opponent exchanges all, he will be left with a icolated pawn on d6 which you mite consider attacking.


All the best, Kingston

Tactic Ninja 17 Interference

Hi in the Training Level 2 set, puzzle #5: 1.Ne6 fxe6 2.Qh3 Kg8 3.Qh8 Kf7, the final move should be 4.Qh7# ? But this move is marked as incorrect.


Thanks for informing us! 😁

Hi Alex :) Thanks for letting us know!

Thanks all, sorry I didn't realize earlier I could have posted this in the “Puzzle-Fixing” thread.

Question about Sicilian grand prix?

If black plays like this 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 d6 3. f4 Nc6 4. Nf3 g6 5. Bc4 Bg7 6. O-O e6 7. d4 should I try the gambit with 7 d4? I don't think there is anything about this in the whitemood course but I think its the move. Is that correct or if I am just learning from the whitemood should I play something else?

Thanks for your time and answers.


Yes d4 is the recommended move in the expanded course. Check it out.😁

How to train tactics correctly?

Lately, ive been trying to improving at chess, and the Tactic Ninja course seems to be very interesting, but what do i do after i finish it? how do i sharpen my skills more after that?


I think these articles could help you:
On your problem about the ninja course, just follow the guidelines at the beginning (1 section per day, no distractions, etc.) If it helps, i try to do atleast 20 min of puzzles daily (lichess,, wherever) and if you can, try to rewatch the course (or the ones youre having difficulties with) since most likely you may not get them all on one go.

Tactic Ninja - some errors


In 8. Double Pin - Training, position 8, it should be White to move, not Black. Cannot solve it.


8. Test, puzzle 1 is unsolvable.


13. Training - position 10, In response to 1…Qa4 there seems to be 2.Nd4 defending the fork.


10. Training - position 3 is unsolvable, answer seems to be 1.f5+ but it won't let the move be made.



Btw, I remember having trouble with this word too, thinking it's pronounced anee-hill-ae-shon ;)


6. Training, puzzle 1 should be White to move.


Hi there!
Thanks for letting us know :) 


Pin ✅
Skewer - it seems the puzzle is solvable :) please check it one more time

Fork 13 - after 2.Nd4 we can simply take it with a queen or with a pawn

Fork 10 - ✅

Annihilation 6 ✅ (I struggle pronounce it too 😂) 


Thanks for your help!


Sicilian Nc3, 2...Nc6



In these lines of the sicilian, after 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bb5, when black play other moves than 3…Nd4, I don't see any videos explaining the white plans for these lines, appart from the introduction video where it's said that we get a better version of the Rossolimo because we play f4 before Nf3. Is it possible to have some videos with typical plans on these lines please?


3…Nd4! is clearly the only good move for Black - CM provided a line with 3…g6?! 4.Bxc6!, dxc6 5.d3, Bg7 and then 6.f4 or 6.Be3/Qd2/Nge2, and in quite the same way you can also play with 4.Bxc6! against 3…e6 or 3…d6, giving Black weak doubled c-pawns

Hi Luc!

There are 2 hours 25 mins of variations explained against all the moves in sample games of

4. Antisicilian part 2

And also 1 hour of videos of these variations in
section 5 sicilian variation
Please check them out. There a many, many games available already… 
Happy learning my friend! 


How to prepare for a tournament

I have nationals next week and need advice how to prepare and be on my best form s that is a very important tournament for me


There is a whole section in the blog dedicated to this. Try reading some of these :

Hope this helps. Good luck for the nationals!

Maybe these ones in particular :


Positional Chess Course

Still no progress on positional chess course? So many new articles but still no progress on positional chess? why is that? 


Chessmood is currently working on many new courses in parallel and does not provide exact release dates, I guess we just have to be patient - let me refer you to another thread with a similar question, which was answered by chessmood odysseus, where he gives some more information and some tips in the meantime:

We are on it, but it is not so easy as you may think… We already have selected and tested two big sets of quizzes ready and this is a very good news! 😄But in the meanwhile, check the model games and games collections. Plenty of positional wisdom all around… 😁

Improve tactics

Hi all,

I am J.Pragkya .I am rated around 1600 classical and would like to improve my tactics because I feel I am lacking in them.

Any advice would be welcome.

Thank you in advance.


Well this is a good question and hopefully our new course on tactics will solve your problems. We worked a lot on building this new course. Avetik already announced it during the streams

and we're launching it the next week, hopefully. I'd say 90% sure!
I am positive that you will like it and learn a lot with it!
In the meanwhile I would recommend to do some tactics online and stay tuned... We build this course in order to make the ultimate tactics course and everything tactics concerned should be included...

@Pragkya_Jayaram @Kevin_Sun

Are you enjoying the new Tactic Ninja course? I hope that you are already doing one section per day... ;--) And if you can, keep following the streams with Gabuzyan on calculation!

ChessMood Openings

Is there a way to revise the chessmood opening PGNs in a quick way with getting a lot of the ideas refreshed into our brains?


Well, you have the quizzes on every opening where we selected the most important moves. You can practice them.

But we do not have the full pgns, this is something that you should do in order to understand deeply the openings. Then these pgns that you created with your notes and understanding can be revised. For exemple you can create studies in lichess for free or you can create your repertoire in chesstempo to practice the lines fast (you just need to import your pgns to chesstempo and have a paide account there, I think it was 25 dollars one year). 
😁Also with Chessbase you can also train the lines of your pgns. 😅
This is what most of our students are doing.

My chess improvement journey: week 9

Hi everyone! This is week 9 recap.


I have not much to say, mainly because right now I'm not implementing anything new in my study program, just fixing my weak spots.


I noticed I sometimes lose games because I throw away an advantage, because of a tactic miss (it was a fork back than, now a pin: luckily it was the next thing I planned to study to improve tactic, so this week I'll start) or because a lack of courage when attacking. Also blundering opponent tactics but I'm better than a month ago.


I'm also at my peak elo at 1435, and I've just defeated a 1506! I also played a 1534, I was winning but missed an opportunity to grab a free pawn because of a pin, but overall I'm happy of how I've played.


As said I haven't much else for this week, but I keep going. See you next week, keep studying!


Congrats on the peak Elo.  


You seem to be in a much better place now so … keep doing what you are doing!

The best games of February, 2024, and the prizes

Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions! 
Welcome to the "Best games of February, 2024" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post the best games that you will play this month. 

The Prize fund is 350K MoodCoins which is equal to 350$.  

The 1st prize  - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize-  50K
The 4th prize- 30k
The 5th prize- 20k

Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood! 
#Right Mood - Right Move 

P. S.
Here are the winners of January, 2024:

Chess Donkey
Shubman Gill Fan
Joseph Zaffarese
Manolis Kouk
Jake E.


a nice attacking game of mine 

An equal opening ,a pawn up in middle game, converted the endgame


This was so accurate I feel I will be reported by my opponent.

not a right one but a SLP one (with luck)

There are no beautiful tactics here, but unusually for me I think it's an ok positional game. What do you think? I guess this kind of game will never win a prize, but I was happy with the game.

Scandinavian .. right from the course .. likely to be reported with a 100% accuracy !!


anti sicilian : missed a mate in one but gets the scalp at the end.

I feel like I played my immortal game, 0 mistakes, 0 inaccuracies and 0 blunders, with 99 accuracy and a queen sac to end it!


 Bishop sac for smothered mate

I lost the game, but I did something amazing. The game was played in Jan.

P.S Here's a bonus game


[ECO "C45"]
[Opening "Scotch Game: Potter Variation"]
Blacks played extravagantly in the opening, and when they got into a difficult position, they showed tenacity and resourcefulness, but all this was not enough for them to save the game.

Great game against pirc defence

Hi - I was very happy with the result of this French game.  I think I was wrong to exchange off White's dark square bishop and found myself defending hard in the middlegame, but after weathering the storm then I got a chance to strike

CM Antisicilian 1

CM Antisicilian 2


Just a very solid game where I out played my opponent.

Ow no my queen moment

experimental in dzindzi defense :) Beautiful checkmate!!

One of my favorite chess openings which I learned on Chessmood, Thank you!!

Attack is the Best Defence:)

At the earliest I like to strike .

A great victory for me in the Semi Slav Defense

😉 a very strong attack.

i learned some of the concepts and used them in both attacking fearlesly and attack like a viking! A Beautiful Sacrifice punishing my greedy opponent! Also a beautiful smothered mate!!

 A nice win against the Philidor with the CM setup


Fast win in Sicilian with opposite side castle

My victory against a higher rated opponent. I played Slav defense with white pieces. I had a great attack on his king. I had a mating net following a discovered check but surprisingly he resigned the game.

A game in the closed sicilian where I sac a pawn for a huge attack. I then win 2 pieces for the rook, and proceed to sacrifice my queen!!! and reached a completely dominating endgame!

33… Nce7 was my one mistake, but I had 8 seconds on my clock, and misevaluated qxh2.

Will_TheRedRabbit vs ARMANDAS_130: Zukertort Opening: Sicilian Invitation •

How to exploit dubious play in the scotch. Featuring a very nice mating attack to end the game!

ARMANDAS_130 vs Tombro: Scotch Game •

Anti sicilian.

Full of attacking against Sicilian with the Bg2 closed line. Followed our GM method of g3, Bg2, h3, Kh2, g4,Ng3 & f5 break. Nice attack.

My another win against over 2100 in a Semi Slav Defense Game. I had the opposite side castle and a victorious attack over my opponent.

The opponent made a few critical mistakes, allowing a very strong attack.

SLP because of needs (blunder saving)

a crushing, beautiful win with the black pieces…

tried too hard in a casual game lol:)

This is my crushing otb standard game I recreated with my friend on lichess.


absolutely battered my 1800 fide opponent with 97%accuracy


Note:I was playing with the black pieces.


No mercy against big provocation from black in this scotch :

Crushing a closed system

Scotch attack

a recreation of my otb game where I played 99% accuracy with the white pieces.

Another recreation of my otb game where I played 96%accuracy and had a crushing win with the English opening including a neat tactic in the end.

A really nice game I played with the caro kann. On move 18, I was trying to make possible bxh3 followed by qxd4 tricks work but they didn’t-interesting idea though.


this game includes a very interesting opening idea I actually invented against the bd3 variation in the anti caro kann course on this website! This idea worked well and can be good for black if white isn’t prepared…


MAYBE, Avetik or The chessmood team might want to update their caro kann course to cover this line if it is already not covered as this can work really well especially against a unprepared opponent.


93% accuracy on lichess


A nice win with a nice gambit


92% accuracy with 0 innacuarcies, mistakes or blunders! a nice miniature

96% accuracy Just a great attacking game

Simply destroying a Sicilian. There's no other word!

95 precision with a beautiful sequence found in the middlegame

Short and sweet, even the 2000 lichess rated players fall for it

Another success in Sicilian with a more higher rated opponent.

After the game computer says," You had a pretty competitive game there. The opening was balanced. Both of you navigated the middlegame well."

Attack in CM French

Again outplaying another Sicilian even if everything wasn't perfect. 


Short and sweet in a fun bullet game

The immediate next fun bullet game, I had a destruction

Fun attack in the French

Here's a nice game where I ground my opponent down in a “boring” queenless Petroff. Chesscom gave me a brilliant move and a 2600 estimated rating!

A nice rook sac in the middle of the board to win the queen

My new opening innovation I posted about a few comments ago in one of my other submissions is even more deadly in bullet!

Lucky game!

A simple attacking game and achieved the target 1-0 a 11 move minature

this game includes a very interesting opening idea I actually invented against the bd3 variation in the anti caro kann course on this website! This idea worked well and can be good for black if white isn’t prepared…


I really felt that I played a great chess in that game.

Simply wow! Totally dominating a Sicilian in 20 moves. A simple but great illustration of creating weaknesses and utilizing them. 

not the best game, but nice tactics using pins and discover attacks


Destroyed the caro kann

The Chessmood Scandinavian against 2..Nf6 with an early ..g6, I played to keep control of the extra central pawn on d5 as well as building up an attack on his king. Black finally lashed out but my position was now even stronger.



Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions!

I'm thrilled to participate in the "Best Games of February 2024" competition. Here are some of my most memorable games from this month:

  1. Crushing 1.b3 Opening with the Dutch Defense: - A showcase of how the Dutch Defense can be a powerful tool against the uncommon 1.b3 opening, leading to a decisive win.
  2. Countering the King's Indian Attack: - This game demonstrates a successful strategy against the King's Indian Attack, highlighting key moves and tactics.
  3. Salvaging a Lost Position: - A testament to the fighting spirit, this game illustrates how perseverance and creative play can turn the tables in a seemingly lost game.

I'm looking forward to seeing the amazing games from our community.  anti sicilian one of my best game ever!! with no inaccuracy, no mistake, no blunder and 96% accuracy



Queen f6

Closed ….

Played in an otb 90+30 game

Played in an otb 90+30 game

Another game in the same otb tournament lol 90+30 game

played in another otb tournament a few weeks back. I was very happy with this game as I struggle with slowly improving in closed positions that are better for me

A smooth game in the same otb tournament a few weeks back

Played in an otb tournament a few days ago 90+30

90+30 nothing too special

attacking game 90+30 otb forgot which tournament

would've been a very nice game but played too fast and got impatient and threw a lot of my advantage. Luckily I got the win 

otb 90+30

King hunting!

Punishing the uncastled king! :D

Found after 20mins d5!

Thanks guys !



CM Caro in OTB rapid. The final part is full of mistakes, we both were short on time but really fun with unusual king march.

Manage Your Favourite Games (


99% accuracy with brilliant bishop sac

Omg, almost obliterated the opponent in Bc4 Sicilian with possibly at least one brilliant move.

Check out this #chess game: VinzClortho21 vs PECATUR_OKE -

A nice game n the French with a Nice combination in the middlegame

Benko style

11-move miniature…crushed Philidor's defense.


Scotch, “automatic attack”

D4 sidelines (Jobava)

Check out this #chess game: VinzClortho21 vs Borkifuse -
caro Kahn course is amazing 

scotch, another automatic attack:

Very attacking game.

Another attacking game

Caro kan, was intending a l9ng positional game against IP but black proposed some targets on king shelter. Attack was not right but it brings a point due to blacks blunder:

Another nice game

Used a killer tactic in the endgame

Defended nicely in the middlegame and used a nasty trap at last to win ( not SLP )


A good Scotch.

I played very aggressive in this blitz game

A nice attack against the philidor
Bxd6! With a strong initiative (to play gxf6 and reinforce g7, also clears the 4th rank to play Qh4); and a double sacrifice on h7 to finish him!

not the most accurate but the position looked incredible haha

Maybe not perfect but it was a nice Caro-Kann.


A scotch with a 93.7% accuracy. - My username is PerceptiveLad

A Slav game

I was black in this game. I was able to promote to a knight with checkmate :)

A nice Scotch.

A surprise for the opponent he did'nt expect…Gabuzyan style I suppose.

CM French in OTB classical game

Manage Your Favourite Games (

I lost this game but I played a brilliant tactic I won the queen. However blundered and lost Afterwards

Hello Chessmood family! Here are my best games of February!

My coach's favorite with a nice b5! to open the queen-side in the Dutch:

An interesting sacrifice in the carokann. It is not the best according to the engine, but it is still very interesting with an excellent pawn storm. Aren't pawns the soul of chess, after all?

Typical grand-prix attack free win… not much to say:

It was the best endgame I ever played with a solid f5!! Found in 3 seconds. That's the one I'm the most proud of: 

It's been a few months since I joined Chessmood, and a few weeks ago, I started working with a fantastic coach from Chessmood. Compared to a few months back, I'm impressed by my progress while watching my game. I learned much about chess and the game's mentality and psychological aspects.

I'm grateful for my progress; hopefully, I'll soon achieve my initial objectives and more. Who knows… Thank you very much, Chessmood & Coach!

Against Sicilian with 2. …. Nc6. I was really proud of the way I played the game. I used to have lots of problems in that line.

A caro-kan with a passive black structure (c8 bishop inside pawn structure) with a crushing attack on kingside with help of an annoying e5 knight.

Eventually A petroff: not expert on this opening and chessmood lines (yet :) ) , but around the main ideas: it was not perfect but it worked

I like to play against the Karo-Can't!

  1. (im black)
  2. (im white)
  3. (im white)
  4. (im black)

Hope you have fun going through my games! :D After six continuous losses , finally made a draw against GM Gabuzyan!!

Playing white against the sicilian 2..d6, black (2140 Lichess) got totally crushed-mate in 14 and my best ever 99% accuracy.

1.I need to learn more about Openings variation actually I blundered at opening.

2.I used many of Ninja tactics during the middlegame; Deflection & Annihilation (which they got brilliant marks; my first double brilliant as l look for a hattrick😌)

3.Then Pin & Zwischenzüge (which they got Great signs😃)

4.Followed by royal fork with bishop & absolute fork with queen simultaneously (My opponent forced to resign, I was hoping this game never ending💔)

*Thank you very much Avetik and this victory is your birthday gift I waited for; you really deserve more than a ninja game 🎁

A 400 points upset :

First, a Berlin Wall endgame where I was able to create enough imbalances to succeed. It's always nice to crack this super-solid defense: 

I've always struggled to not get blown off the board by the King's gambit, but I've recently achieved pleasant positions with the Falkbeer countergambit. Proud of the tactics in this one:

Nice game

Hey, not the best game in the opening but the end is something that is really beautiful and worth looking at! Maybe make this a tactics puzzle! Two Brilliant moves in a row, both sacrificing material. Really surprised I found this!

Intense game with a beautiful mate


A short schlechter – I couldn't believe I found move 9.

Champions, hello! How are you?

Thank you for sharing your games. It was our pleasure to review them. We found many instructive moments and ideas. It brings a smile to our faces to see you implementing what you've studied. Keep it up!

Now, onto the prizes:

1st Prize: Roy Li. It's rare to see a checkmate with three minor pieces, and even rarer in the middlegame! From the isolated pawn sacrifice with 16.d5 to the queen sacrifice with 24.Qh7, followed by the mate – it was all very special. Nicely done!

2nd Prize: Aron Bekesi. You played a fine attacking game, starting with a pawn storm on the Kingside. It looked like Black was somehow surviving. But your Bishop and exchange sacrifice just crushed their position. Well done!

3rd Prize: Samuel Marsden. Black was aiming for a solid setup. You used the standard Qe1-Qg3 plan of the Grand Prix setup and forced the opponent to weaken their position (Rg8 and Nh5). The best part was the Smothered mate, with the Black King getting trapped in the center!

Good game!

4th Prize: Mohamed Tineer. You lost a pawn in the opening. It looked like the Black King would castle and be safe. But your 14.Qe2 move stopped it – an instructive idea! Then later the brave 21.Nf5 was a great decision and so was the exchange sac with Rxe7 to gain complete control of the dark squares. Beautiful game!

5th Prize: Regis H. You crushed the position with h6-hxg7 and gxf6. Then the double Bishop and Rook sacrifices just destroyed the Black position. And finally, how you checkmated the Black King with a Queen and Rook was spectacular to watch! Excellent game on how to attack in opposite-side castling positions. Well done!

Congratulations to all of you.

And thanks everyone for sharing your games once again!

Keep the mood. Keep the CoGro mindset!

All the best for the next month’s contest!

2.a3 in the sicilian

Hello, what would be your suggestion against 1.e4 c5 2.a3?

Many thanks!


Hi, very good question!

A friend of mine plays this 2.a3 system which I don't consider to be so bad anymore.

He has it from a course by Gotham Chess, where 2.a3 against the Sicilian is recommended.

I find it quite annoying to play against it as black.

Here is how our games normally continue. I would highly appreciate any help from you, too.

Thank you!

The chessmood recommendation is 2…g6 and after 3.b4, Lg7 or after 3.d4, cxd4.

There are detailed variations now given in the recently updated course “Countering All The Sicilian Sidelines – Section 9: Rare Moves”, please have a look here:

Dutch against London (Ne4!)

Hello ChessMood students,

wenn I play Dutch against London System and I do the important move 
Nf6-e4 how would I react when white is attacking that Knight on e4 by Nb1-d2?

Thank you for responses.



Hi Joachim,


just continue with the normal plan: d6, Nbd7,…


Should White take on e4 an interesting question arises: How to take back, fxe4 or Bxe4.

There is a video here (or an article) where Avetic explicitly deals with exactly this question

(fxe4 or Bxe4) but I can't find it right now. Give me some time. Normally, fxe4 is a good choice, winning time,

opening the f- file,… even though one might be sorry for the Bb7 then…

You can try to follow the plans Thomas explained, but in this specific position Nbd2 loses immediately due to g5 2.Bg3 f4 3.exf4 gxf4 and the bishop is trapped. Always look for tactics!



Thank you very much for showing this combination. That is exactly what I do not see as a beginner :-)

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