Chess forum by Grandmasters
PGN files problems
I'd like to open the PGN withemood oppenings, but I can't.
Do I need to upload something to open them?
I am speacking about the first attachment. The second one I can open it.
You need to either have a plan with chessmood or have bought the course to see the pgn files. Chessmood is worth the money :)
The file has been downloaded?
If so, can you right-click on: “WhiteMood Openings.pgn” and get an “open with” option in the drop down menu?
Then any software that will read text should do it.
I could not find a video to what happens after 1. e4 c5 2 Nc3 Nc6 3 Bb5 g6
What is whites best response?
The CM recommendation is 4.Bxc6 (whenever Black does not play 3…Nd4), doubling and weakening the black pawns on the c-file. The continuation given in “Anti-sicilian part 2” is 4.Bxc6, dxc6, d3, Bg7 and then 6.f4 or 6.Be3/Qd2/Ne2
how can i buy courses with moodcoins?
If you click on a course, there will be a button that says Get Lifetime Access. Click it, and select the option to pay with moodcoins. 1000 moodcoins = 1 dollar.
If you want further help, you can contact the support team, or check the other forums about this topic (In the forum, just search your question in the search bar).
I hope this helps!
Training partner
Anyone here from the Philippines? i wanna play im from philippines also so maybe we can meet up to play some practice games.
Grand Prix with 3...a6
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 d6 3. f4 a6 what should white play?
I played 4. a4 ?! or is better 4. Nf3 and 5. d4 ? or otherwise
You should play 4.g3 - whenever Black plays a6, CM recommends to play g3/Bg2/Nh3, please have a look at / “Anti-Sicilian with 2.Nc3 a6 (part 4)” for all the details!
also here's a delicious annihilation by me
Move 27. The knight is the only thing keeping me from laying waste to his position. He resigned.
Me saving a lost position
I was down a ton of material but I managed to get my opponent to blunder a rook and then a direct line to his king
Petroff defense
Avetik what if in the Petroff defense course in the advanced section with c6 what should white play after 14.. bf8 be3 black plays ne5 move on the 15th move
I would suggest checking with the engine and make sure you didn't miss the recommendation in the course.
what are the best improvement courses in chessmood for above 1500 fide rating
what are the best improvement courses in chessmood for above 1500 fide rating???
i wanna know as i donnot have much time to spare on chess and waste my time watvhing unnessary courses
The best advice would be to go to, where you find the recommended study plan for your playing strength. In your case with a FIDE rating over 1500 the “Chess Improvement Plan for 1,501-2,000 rated players” would make sense. Everything is clearly explained there - start with Tactic Ninja and Mating Matador, then do the Openings Principles and then you can create your opening repertoire (e.g. based on the simplified ChessMood openings / WhiteMood and BlackMood courses), before tackling middlegame and endgame.
What Didi said.
I would suggest calclman because calculation is an important part to improve. Here's the link Also Tactic Ninja is good to hone your tactical ability.
Middlegame improvement
Hello everyone!
I have a doubt. Currently, my middlegame is not so strong. I have problems with being creative in the middlegame because I blindly follow the opening plans even if they are not effective. My doubt is that if I play variants such as Chess 960, will it be possible to improve my middlegame? Will it be effective since there is no opening theory in Chess 960 and you are on your own since the beginning?
And if this is not the right way, can you please suggest a way to be more creative in the middlegame?
Thanks in advance! :)
I suppose I'll leave some of my thoughts on this otherwise empty forum. I personally enjoy learning openings, so that is the best part of my gameplay. Often times I feel capable of playing the middle game because I am used to my opening repertoire and know the plans of such positions. Creativity is not exactly something I think about chess; rather, my familiarity with certain positions naturally lead to plausible strategies. Perhaps you need to review your opening prep with the intention of learning the purpose behind each move instead of just the sequences. Other suggestions include keeping up with studying tactics so you can make the most of your pieces.
As for Chess960, I don't think the variant is necessary to isolate creativity. Sure it could be a fun alternative, but ultimately you want to practice middle games that could actually result from a standard game.
Take this advice with a grain of salt. I would also appreciate seeing others' perspectives.
~ Jake
I would suggest going to the middlegame mastery section in the chessmood courses. It tells you how to calculate, attack, defend, and more. Here's the link
How to buy courses with MoodCoins
Hello, how many MoodCoins do I need and how can I buy the Tactics Ninja course with them? Thanks.
Hi there,
Try this:
- Go to the Courses page and pick your course
- Select the option “Or get lifetime access”
- Select the option “Buy the course”
- In the right-hand section titled “Choose your payment method” the last option will be MoodCoin.
Remember that $1 = 1,000 MoodCoin. So, if the course costs $300 that is 300,000 MoodCoin.
Need to earn some more? Details are here:
The course is $600, and each dollar is 1000 moodcoins.
Therefore, you need 600000 moodcoins to buy that course. It would take 1200 daily puzzle solves to save that up.
French Schechtler Variation 3..Nf6 variation
Following the above recommended variation after 4 e5 Nd7, 5Ne2 c5, 6c3 Nc6, 7a3 Qb6, 8 b4 cd4, 9cd Nd4, 10Be3 Bb4+, 11ab4 Qb4+, 12 Kf1 Ne5, Black gets 4 pawns for the lost Bishop. I know White has the initiative, but is it really clear plus for White as stated in the course rather than doubled edged?
I can take eighter way on d4, being two pieces up. This is completely winning against four pawns.
Ok, I was hoping to get some more answers since most PRO members must have played this line several lines, but will tell you the Chessmood approach..
We analyzed this line of course, and there are many good moves. Avetik and I, we like to play 12. Nec3 followed by a very nice manouver that is very easy to remember because it is spectacular. Avetik showed me this, and is his invention. Thanks!!!
After 12. Nec3 the only move that Black has is Nc6 and the evaluation is 2.4 for White. The rest of the moves are +6 and you should check them by yourselves.
After 12. Nec3 Nc6 13.Ra4! again Qe7 is the only move! Easy to memorize, isn't it? And then we transfer our Bishot from c1 to a3 stopping castle, we will play 0-0 and the rest should be easy. Our rook from a4 can go to g4 in some variations. Let me show you a game played by Avetik himself and please update your pgns with this line, it is very nice and when you win post it in the best games of the month!
Avetik online game against IM😀💪
I won a blitz arena!
I just won a blitz arena over at Lichess.
Interesting how Avetik talks about ‘legal cheating’ ie imagining you are someone else when playing and taking on their characteristics.
I was nervous and shaking and really not calculating well. So I decided to try something…you know how stoic and unshakeable Nodirbek Abdusattorov is?
Well I imagined turning off my brain and just letting Nodirbek Abdusattorov commandeer my body and play blitz for me. He wouldn't get nervous; he's cold as steel when playing rapid or blitz. Better to leave it to him. I counted down in my head 3…2…1…over to you now Nodirbek. Do your thing.
And I won.
Many congratulations on your victory 😎
You obviously have a very good imagination! Had you practiced this approach previously or was this the first time?
Wow! That's something I should try out. Congrats on your win!
Stream Recordings
Hello everyone at ChessMood,
I am a pro member, and ChessMood will not allow me to watch the recordings of previous streams. For some of them, it will work, but for the majority of them, it will not. For example, if I click on the most recent completed event, it will just say that the video is unavailable. Or if I click on a past event from a few years back, it will also say that the video is unavailable. Am I missing something, or is there a way to make this work?
Thanks in advance
Try logging out and back in again.
Thanks HL, I sent this to the technical department to check it out.
Hello H. L.
I checked, it can be browser cache issue.
Can you please clear the cache and check again? or try with another browser
And even if it won't work you can click “Click here to see the chat” on the events page and it will take you to the Youtube.
Let me know if it does not work 😉
Correspondence games and training - can it work
wanna know yall opinions on correspondence games on training. do they make effects? or are they just for fun?
Hi Cate,
I have a number of on-going 7-day games against players rated much higher than me. This is excellent for me as it lets me learn first-hand how better players approach the game, and see what tactics they use, and I'm very grateful to those players for taking part in these games (I suspect the games are ‘just for fun’ for them but as long as both parties are happy then I think that is fine).
Would you like a game sometime? I'm ShouldveStuckToPoker on
If you take them seriously, yes! Paul Keres used to play correspondence games in his youth, and he said it helped him with tactical situations. It all depends on what you put into it.
It depends on how you play. If you're doing it to fool around and have fun, it's not helpful. But if you're trying to think up of plans and try to improve tactically, it's great.
Query related to chessbase download
yestarday i was reading an article of how to create your own pgn files writen by GM Avetik.I liked it very much but then checked and found out that chessbase is a paid software.Is there a free download version it or we have to pay a price for using it?If there is a free version available please put it here in this discussion .Otherwise how will i create my pgn files without the help of chessbase ?
You can create pgn files on Lichess which is completely free in all functions.
Please google for details.
In lichess go to learn → studies → create study.
No chessbase software is not free. But if pgn is not working on lichess then you can try downloading chessbase reader which is not same as chessbase but it will allow you to view the pgn in chessbase format. It is also completely free.
New course: In GM Cuenca's Mind
Champions, the famous chess commentator, GM Jose Fernando Cuenca Jimenez, also known as GM Pepe Cuenca, commentates on his best games!
Here, you won’t see him commentate on the games of other players.
Instead, the course ingredients are GM Pepe Cuenca’s best games, handpicked by himself! As he shows them, you’ll discover his thought process and decision-making behind the moves.
Each game packs an important lesson, such as converting a better position into a win, continuing an attack after you’ve sacrificed a piece, and more.
Mix it with GM Cuenca’s signature “Boom Ratata” and his energetic commentary style, loved by chess players worldwide, and you have the perfect cocktail of learning and entertainment!
Cappelle la Grande intl tournament
Hello chess friends ! any ChessMood student participating to the Cappelle la Grande international tournament in France 2nd to 9th march (500+ players) ? opportunity to have a drink ;-)
Here is a summary of this tournament : 520 players from 24 different nationalities were competing. 65 titled players with 18 IGMs and 25 IMs. My result was average but “ Focus on growth not on Result” ! This was the opportunity to practice 2 Caro, 4 Dutch, 1 Alapin with black and 2 sic GP, huge experience ! No CM students unfortunately but perhaps next time ;-)
2.a3 in the Sicilian
let me just shift a question from general to pro:
This variation is recommended by GothamChess.
I find it quite annoying for Black. Any thoughts? I just put the variation that makes the most sense for me as Black. But maybe there is something better. Any help is highly appreciated, thank you!
Maybe simply the normal d6, Nf6 setup like in part 1 of the Grand Prix.
White spent a tempo with the quite useless (not pointless!) move a3. A tempo is a tempo.
I tried this setup yesterday in the club and was happier than with the one above.
Then the normal stuff: …Nd4 at some point, Rb8, b5, and so on.
What do you think?
Alekhine 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Ng8
What is your recommendation against the Brooklyn variation of the Alekhine's defence? There are some model games that we can check?
Thanks in advance
Hey there,
Ng8 made me smile - too passive and wrong to be an issue 🙂
There are several options, I would suggest playing with 3.d4 and if 3…d6 both 4.Nf3 and 4.f4 are reasonable - taking strong control over the center.