Starter Course - WhiteMood Openings

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Starter Course - WhiteMood Openings

Course 169 episodes
(7 hours 41 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan

"ChessMood openings are very cool! Recently I checked and found that 80% of the time I had a winning position out of the opening. Also, I have raised +600 Fide rating and +450 online points since joining ChessMood."  - Prin Laohawirapap, Thailand

‘How do I start the game with the White pieces?’
‘Which openings should I play?’

If you’re just learning chess, these are the 2 questions about openings you’ll most likely have.

And while choosing, you want openings that are sound, easy to learn, grow your chess skills and also allow you to have fun! ...


That’s exactly how this chess opening repertoire for White is designed. You’ll learn openings that are solid, aggressive and full of life which were used by the world's greatest chess players like Fischer and Kasparov.

At the same time, you don't have to memorize a lot of opening theory here.

Our Grandmaster team has simplified the openings and presented only what's most essential for anyone to start playing them. 

Once you finish, you’ll find dedicated courses on our website that dive deep into each opening you’re about to learn here.

But for now, let’s focus on building a foundation and having fun!

And because this course is designed for players with up to 2000 online rating, there’s very little theory to remember! 

Ready to go?

Let’s begin!

Starter Course - WhiteMood OpeningsStarter Course - WhiteMood OpeningsStarter Course - WhiteMood OpeningsStarter Course - WhiteMood OpeningsStarter Course - WhiteMood OpeningsStarter Course - WhiteMood OpeningsStarter Course - WhiteMood OpeningsStarter Course - WhiteMood Openings

What you'll learn

  • Full of life openings which the world’s greatest chess players like Fischer and Kasparov used during their prime.
  • Why you should start the game with 1.e4! GM Avetik shares an interesting piece of a conversation he had with one of the top-10 GMs in the world on this.
  • The first moves, plans and ideas of the opening that’s deep enough to give you a decent understanding to start playing it.
  • A simplified version of ChessMood openings with White pieces.
  • How to beat dubious lines like Stafford Gambit, Elephant Gambit without memorizing too many moves?
  • What's the ideal setup you should be aiming for in the opening? 
  • The mindset and the setup you need to deal against the rubbish first-moves of Black and much more. 

Course Content

  • 169
  • 269
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • 22
  • 7 hours 41 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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play 169
quize 269
Quizzes & Trainings
file 22
time 7 hours 41 min
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan
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