Psychology and Mental Toughness

Trustworthy content where every article is written by Grandmasters

  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

Legal cheating and my top secret

This is my biggest secret of productivity, high focus and achievements. I use this when I’m low. When I need creativity. When I need to win. When I need to perform my A-game.

Improvement Hacks | Psychology and Mental Toughness | 9 min read
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

Objectivity - the key ingredient for your growth

Objectivity can make your chess grow faster. Yet many underestimate its importance. So what’s the solution to stay objective? Learn more in this article.

Improvement Hacks | Psychology and Mental Toughness | 13 min read

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  • GM Noël Studer

Why I always try to be a beginner

The Beginner's mind is a Zen Buddhist way of approaching learning that will help you learn new things faster and avoid getting stuck.

Improvement Hacks | Psychology and Mental Toughness | Be Amazing | 13 min read
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

Thank you, ChessMood Family!

I’ve never told you this… But as they say, it’s better late than never…

Psychology and Mental Toughness | Be Amazing | Inspirational picks | 5 min read
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

The secret to lasting love for chess

Why do passionate players lose their love for chess and quit? How to keep loving chess, despite the painful defeats? GM Avetik reveals the secrets here...

Psychology and Mental Toughness | Inspirational picks | 7 min read
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

Ostrich syndrome and the tale of 3 Grandmasters

Have you heard of the Ostrich Syndrome? Through a tale of 3 GMs, you’ll understand what it is, how it affects progress and how to overcome it.

Improvement Hacks | Psychology and Mental Toughness | 6 min read