Trustworthy content where every article is written by Grandmasters
Everything about the skewer in chess: from what it is, how it works to how to get out of it, and more!
Why you should never play chess when you don’t want to! And what should you do instead and save 100s of rating points? This will be a game-changer article for your chess career.
Raise your rating with unlimited access to our courses, streams, webinars, forum, PGN's, and more!
Everything about the pin in chess tactic: from what it is, how it works to how to get out of it and more!
Don’t repeat the mistake every chess player makes. Don’t let your chess rating steal your love for chess.
This is my biggest secret of productivity, high focus and achievements. I use this when I’m low. When I need creativity. When I need to win. When I need to perform my A-game.
Do you have challenges with memorizing what you’ve learned? You’ll love today’s article!