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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Is the benko gambit refuted

Is the Benko gambit playable in classical tournaments? It looks like white gets a clear advantage. I could like to have your thoughts on this


If White plays super precisely then he will not get more than an advantage of +1

Alternative in the Annihilation chapter

Hi friends, 

Avo gave this example see picture where Black plays dxe6 next White mates with Qg7#. My question, what if Black plays Qxf6 next White Nxe8 (white material up) Qe6 and we get a mate in 3 with with white RxQ and Nf6#. So it would be a mate but in more moves. 

Let me know if Qxf6 is a possible sequence of moves. 

Thank you very much



Grand Prix vs Pirc

I had some doubt about the position which arises after


1.e4 d6 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.f4 g6 4.Bc4


I checked with the engine, and the best moves for black are covered in the course, or in the sicilian course in case black plays c5.


However there is 4…Bg4 move that despite being slightly inferior looks quite tricky to me and i think it deserves a mention because it's a very natural move for black and white needs to play accurately.


White should block with Nf3 and after 5…Nc6 black is threatening to put pressure on the pinned knight on f3.


If we don't want to move again our light square bishop (to block the pin or pin the knight on c3), there is h3 option, but after 6…Bxf3 7.Qxf3 Nd4 the engine gives 8.Qd3 ad the only move to keep advantage, this position is weird due to the position of the queen that blocks the d pawn so i think white should be prepared for it.


There is also 6.d4 Bxf4 7.gxf3 which looks good but sharp, white should prepare how to handle this position



I did some analysing, and trying to keep with the spirit of the position.

It seems that we will always have to exchange 2 minor pieces, and thus it will be hard to follow our normal plans.

In this case, if you face this in blitz, I recommend playing d4 Bf3, gf3.

In classical, the above mentioned line is also very good, although playing Bb5 (Instead of d4) there may be less weakening.

Guidance Needed for Preparing My Daughter for National Chess Tournament

I am looking for advice on how to structure the preparation for my 7-year-old daughter, Purvi Gupta, who will be participating in the upcoming national chess tournament. She has already played in the national under-7 category and scored 5 out of 9 rounds, and I believe this is largely thanks to ChessMood's training resources!

Currently, we are following a routine where she spends 20 minutes each on the following topics daily:

  1. Endgame
  2. Tactics Ninja
  3. Whitemood Openings
  4. Blackmood Openings

There are so many great videos and courses available on ChessMood, and I'm wondering if this approach is correct or if we should focus on one topic more intensively before moving to the next. Should we complete one video or course series entirely before starting another, or is it better to continue with a mix of topics?

Any guidance or suggestions on how to optimize her preparation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!


Hi Ankit,

I don’t have the experience to be able to answer your question but, while you wait for an answer from somebody else, have you read the various blog posts on the subject of Tournament Preparation?


Suggest to study calculation part,(chessmood  helpful to calculate fast, try to make position and calculate… . My daughter plan to play national under 11…

Dutch and French Advanced Courses

Hi ChessMood team, 

I was wondering when the advanced french and dutch courses would be coming because I have reached the level where they are needed now. You guys have made lots of new courses recently (thanks) but I am a bit surprised to see that the advanced french and dutch haven't come out yet? 

Please let me know an approximate time by which they will arrive 




Lichess is down / other platforms?

Hello community, which other chess online platforms do you use for playing? Thank you for your recommendations.



Replies is also a great website!

It’s back! 😎

model games pgn

I have noticed that there is not a pgn file for the 2 model games courses. I think this would be a really helpful addition as we would be able to refer back to games to see middlegame plans and ideas when reviewing lines and analysing games. 



Dear Samuel,


Thanks for your suggestion. The thing is these courses are being updated all the time, and that's why we don't have the pgns yet. As also selection might be really large. However if you are seeing some games, where you would like to have the pgn, a good idea is to check that particular account games on chesscom which you can download.


Thank you!

I won with the acelerated dragon!!!!!!!

I won with 13. Rb8 N !!!!!!! 



Keep crushing :-)

Chess gift suggestion need.

I am going to gift a marble chess set from to my daughter that is chess enthusiast let me know it is good idea to gift this or a any other chess guide book? also let me know it is in good price?


Every enthusiastic chess player I know loves to get another set! I'm a sucker for a quality wooden set of pieces. One of my sons gave a gift a year ago, a nice wood set with a nice folding wood board, together with a tote bag to carry it in. I love it!

Note that for the marble boards, they don't fold. That means that aren't very portable. That probably isn't an issue, because your daughter would probably use it at home, displayed in a prominent location.

I have no idea what prices for marble sets are reasonable, but a quality wood set with a board will cost more than the sets this company is offering.

Bottom line: getting her something that you think she would like is the most important factor. I'm also sure that she'll love whatever you give her!



You could gift both chess set and a chess guide book. If you want to gift just one then gift  a chess set. I am sorry I am  unaware of the price of marble chess set. I personally prefer premium quality wooden chess set.

How to reassess your chess could be a nice book? It's not too hard, and a classic :)

How to go to streams

I want to go to the streams  Can you tell me the steps to go to Streams and the specific category


I'm assuming you want to go to the events, which is here:

You can scroll down to ‘completed events’, and then you can filter it by coach, type & rating (I put an image below).


Hope this helped ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Recommend me a new opening for black?

I'd like to try some new openings. I've decided on the London and Catalan for white and I'd also like to try fianchetto openings sheerly because they look visually elegant. Can someone recommend me one for black? I'm not sure what I'm doing here.


If you like fianchettos systems, then the Kings Indian Defense is the way to go. You can learn the principles from Daniel Naroditsky's speed run videos. Traditionally the KID is only played after 1.d4, but it can realistically be adapted against any of White's openings.

You may also try a sicilian dragon

Literally just memorize this course. Starter Course - BlackMood Openings (

Doubt in Accelerated Dragon

I was playing a blitz game on featuring the following order:


1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.f3 0-0 8.Bc6 Qb6! (I remembered that if white plays f3 first then Bc4 so we go Qb6), 9.a3!? (A very normal move with idea if Qxb2, Na4 trapping queen) Nxe4!? (I played this move but realised it was a bad move as after 11.Nxc6 black loses) I also checked 9.Ng4 for black but it loses a pawn. Though I won the game, I don't know what to do after 9.a3.


Here's the game's link:


Plichta's (crazy) line goes:

9.a3 e6! (threatening 10. ..Nxe4 since Nd5 is no longer possible)

10.Na4 (if 10.0-0 then 10. ..Nxe4!) Qa5

11.b4 Qe5!

12.0-0 Ng4!

13.fxg4 Qxe4!

14.Qf3 Qxe3!

15.Qxe3 Bxd4.

Happy remembering 😁

9…e6 seems like a good option because whenever white plays Qd2 with the idea to castle long, Nxe4 already becomes possible. If white tries Qd3, again trying to castle long, then black can play Ne5. So white is forced to castle short and black can then follow up with 10…d5

Hey Samuel, 


I have checked the position, and as mentioned below by Thomas e6 seems to be a good move. 
of course white has few options, but in each of the lines I find Black’s position quite attractive.

you can check some moves concerning you further with the engine, but for sure Black has decent practical chances.

Thank you for an interesting question 🙂

Any news on when blackmood VS English and knight f3 will be uploaded?

Great Course on the French and Dutch. I know there is a section already VS the catalan. The Sicilian defense was a bit much for me. I feel like I can handle the French and Dutch. Maybe I will try the Sicilian in the future. Thanks for your time.


Hi Chiller, Thanks for the kind words! Sections about English and 1.Nf3 will be published in a near future. I am excited to say the reason is that so many courses are under construction so it takes a little time. Let me tell you that we are going to keep the main setup which we learned in Dutch. Good luck!

Play 1-1 against a GM

Dear cm family, could you do it on lichess instead of


Dear Marius,

Some players prefer chesscom, other lichess - we have been doing those events on chesscom for a very long while, and big majority of our students are used to it.


What is bothering you with chesscom, is there anything we can do for you to make your experience better?
Please let me know.



I wanted to ask how many sections in a course (let's say the Blunderproof) should I watch a day and should I do 2 different courses at the same day?



Hey There.


Eliya usually watching a section or 2 a day is fine. of course it depends on the size of the section as well. Watching 2 courses per day is doable, but don’t open to many courses at the same time 🙂 


Anti-Sicilian Part 2. 7... g5 instead of 7... d6

I have a question about a line/plan black often uses that I couldn't find in the videos. If someone already asked the question or there is a video I missed please delete this.
In the line discussed in this video

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nd4 4. Nf3 e6 5. Bd3 a6 6. O-O Nc6 7. b3
I often encounter 7 … g5 with future advances on the kingside instead of 7… d6 in the video. I think this changes the plans as compared to the video, so I wonder how white should play these positions?

Thank you for the ideas.


Yeah I also struggle against these variations but you could exchange the g7 bishop with the b2 bishop with Na4 and then later on play c3 d4

hey there,


here we play with ideas like bb2 and later trading the bishop on g7 with Na4. 
As well when black plays g4 we retreat Ne1 and play with f4.

of course ideas depend on opponent’s moves, but those are general ideas I always use here 🙂

How to analyze one's games?

Please I'd love to know if there is a video or an article that details how to analyze your own chess game…. What is the right way to analyze one's games? Most times I'm stuck on using an engine which I feel might not be the best approach always 


You might want to look at the following blog post:


Hey guys.


Didi, thanks for providing the right link to Mike 🙂

What to do?

1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nf3 Bg4 4. Be2 Nc6 5. h3 Bh5 6. d4 O-O-O 7. c4 Qd6 8. d5 Bxf3 9. Bxf3 Ne5 10. Nc3 What if he takes Nxc4 ? How to get advantage?


Hey there!

White can play with 0-0 and even though down a pawn, White gets a strong potential of attack on the Queenside!

attack and checkmate 🙂

Hi! We have covered that variation in our main repertoire :)

Here is the link:

1.f4 Bird's Opening

I recently played a game where my opponent played 1.f4 and I didn't know how to respond properly. What is the ChessMood's repertoire against the unsound 1.f4, popular among club-level players?



They recommend 1.f4 e6 2.Nf3 f5.

You mentioned you played the Sicilian.
In this case, you will face this move quite rarely.
Just a tip, don't think of it as unsound! It is completely fine, it just has some additional downsides.

Anyways, I play with c5 and play a dragon setup.

White usually will play for E4 too, which will be a transposition to the Grand Prix.

If White plays for E3, than you can continue the dragon, or play with d5 instead.

Deja vu daily puzzle

Today's puzzle already occurred less than a month ago: Daily Chess Puzzle ( May it's not too late to replace it. 


The daily puzzle feature has been going on for a few years already. From a collection of great studies only the best and interesting ones have been chosen, so you can imagine, that there is no unlimited number of puzzles available. 

Therefore, after a while (sometimes a few months and maybe sometimes already after a few weeks) puzzles are repeated, which I think is no problem, as it gives us the chance to repeat finding the correct solution or to re-produce the solution, in case we did not solve the puzzle previously.

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