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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Making Decision

Recently, I finished two courses, the first one is how to Find a Plan and the second one is Calcman, and right now I'm studying Attack Like Viking

The issue is that I'm confused about how to make a decision  after watching these courses 

Does their any hint or solution for this issue




It sounds like you're mentally tired and need time to process everything you just learned. That happened to me after watching 7 Questions but now I use these skills in my games all the time.

How to loose: one more way

In your starter course for beginners you do not mention one more way hot to loose: if your mobile rings during the game (or based on tournament - even if it is just found in your pocket). :)

In local tournaments there are no strict rules, but anyway if it rings or beeps you loose. 


Hey Re Vid,


Thanks for helping :-)
Once, long ago when I was a kid my opponent lost because of that and I was shy to claim a victory haha :-)

Anti-Sicilian with 2.Nc3 a6 (Part 4)

In the line with the N sacrifice with 6…d5, 7.exd5 b4 8. 0-0 Nf6 9.Ne4 Bxd5 is sugested Nf4, but why not 10. Nxf6!? 

It seems stronger (queen cannot take so gxf6, Bxd5 followed by Nf4 and Qf3)


Hi Johann!

Both are fine continuations for white.

According to the engine, 10.Nxf6 is a bit preferable.

Longer time control simuls?


I wonder if it would be possible to run simuls with longer time controls occasionally? If we are to give the GMs a fight, a bit more than 10+5 would be helpful. In addition, more time would give the GM more time to comment on each game, making it even more instructive.



That's a difficult thing to do Harald. We did some tests in the past but we finished having games played for longer than 3 hours and it is too much time. If we do that we must reduce the number of players too. Still, we will talk about it and see if some day we can do something different. 

Thanks for your feedback and suggestion.😀

advance sicilian dragon

e4 c5, 2. Nf3-Nc6, 3. d4-cxd4, 4. Nxc6-?. 5. Qd4 what am i going to do with this?please sir…


Hi Jay,
Can you please write the correct move order of what you are asking?
And did you already watch the course on the Sicilian Dragon and made your Pgn file? Because I have the feeling that the variations that you asked and this one too are all covered in the course. 😅

Anti-Sicilian part3, 4... Be7


I tried looking in the forums for the following variation in the anti-sicilian.

1.e4 c5 2.Knc3 e6 3.f4 d5 4.Knf3 Be7


Now I have to get out with my white bishop, but e2 will lose a tempo and b5 will help him get rid of his bad bishop. What would be the recommendation?


Hey Anan,

I would go there either 5.Bb5+ and 0-0 or would develop with 5.g3 which is also possible.


Good luck, :-)

Dutch Attack Stonewall Setup Absolutely Overpowered

I started playing this opening today. I just wanted to say this is absolutely overpowered! use the openings guys they are so good. It takes some time to learn them, but once you get them down, you will dominate!


Yeah and you can even play it for white when you feel like it

Hey Tyler,

It's awesome you like it, brother!
Since you always attend the lessons I am seeing your growth - keep going!

Grand Prix Question

Hi all !

Playing online i got this move order :

e4 c5

Nc3 d6

f4 Nc6

Nf3 Nf6


Here, where should I develop my king bishop ? If I play Bc4 they play e6 and feels like the bishop should not be on c4.

If instead i play 5 Bb5 they may play g6 and it seems the bishop should be on c4 as like in the ‘normal’ move order after 2…d6

Same thing for g3 and Bg2

So, is there any kind of rule to know where the bishop should go when the move order is not the same as the lines explained in the course (I think this move order is not covered)  ?

Many thanks in advance



Hi Fernando,


4.. Nf6 is inaccurate. It is somewhere in the course but I can't find it right now.

The problem is that black runs in an early e5 by white:

5.Bb5! (we do want to take on c6) Bd7

6.e5! Now we see the sense of the insertion of Bb5 and Bd7- now the Nf6 can't go to d5 anymore.


To your question: I think in general white can play Bc4 after d6 by black. Because then the typical ..d5 idea costs one more tempo

(d6, e6, d5 instead of e6 d5 in one go).

So nothing wrong here with 5.Bc4. But 5.Bb5 has this concrete idea with e5 in mind, which immediately tries

to punish black's inaccurate move order with 4..Nf6?! So in this concrete position it could cause more practical

problems for the opponent.

Practical Endgame

Hello chessmood family,

I have finished the endgame roadmap (It was an excellent course) and now I have the question as to how to work on it further.

Thanks in advance!


Well you should start to work with the endgames under 2000 course and try to apply what you learned in your games. Happy 😊 studying !

Hi! Also watch the recent events by IM David Shahinyan on Practical Rook Endgames if you haven't. 😀

Practical Rook Endgames Part 2 - PGN

Dear friends,

I am attaching the PGN from yesterday's lesson.

Thanks for participating!


Thank you for this nice lecture! I have one position from my recently played OTB game where I missed an opportunity to activate, white to move I pulled the trigger and played g5, but how can I improve having watched these lectures? 

Hi David,
Thanks for a great webinar and the pgn's!  

Your first webinar “practical rook endgames - part 1” was also very instructive, could you please also add these pgn's for our own repetition? That would be great!

10 Game-changing tips for Blitz

Dear Champions, 


Today I am hosting a webinar covering 10 game-changing tips for the Blitz game.
Find attached the slide - summarizing the ideas I presented - however, to understand better I recommend you to watch the lesson. Here is the link:



ever since the webinar my blitz rating went from 830-1000. The tips work if you apply them! 

Unlocking Courses

Hi ChessMood Family,

Avetik, will you be unlocking the courses this year for International Chess Day? I have been looking forward to it! PLS unlock the courses for us!!


Like this message if you are in favour of it! (I totally am!)

Well, we unlocked our courses, all of them for a while, we hope that you learn a lot. But please 🥺 don't ask to unlock the courses every time… Otherwise we'll lose our job… :-)

Live event question 22 July

Hello Hovhannes, 

one question about your live events, which I really like




mean Monday at 5 A.M. in the morning?

because there is Queen vs 2 Rooks at 17:oo same day

best regards



Sorry 😐 for the late reply, I didn't notice but the events are displayed in the time zone that you are in. It should be easy but maybe we had the time wrong for this event. Our apologies and we'll try to make it clearer in the future!


Modern Pirc Course Pasini Variation doubt

In the Modern Pirc Chessmood recommends two setups one is Grand-Prix and the other is Pasini variation. But in the Pasini variation what if after 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 here what if black plays 3…c5


Anti-Sicilian with 2.Nc3 g6 (Part 5)

It is there.

Chessmood Recommendations visible on the webpage

Hello, Maybe i'ts there and I didn't see it but I can't find on the webpage the exactly link that goes to the chessmood recommendations: , maybe you can add it to the top menu on “Events & more”?


Yes, we'll do it when we complete the recommendations, I the meantime we don't promote it yet.

Thanks for the reminder though.:-)

A question for Avetik sir and chessmood

In the starter course of blackmood openings while teaching french , it has been mentioned  that for more advance positions of french defence , we can see the main advance video course, but in advance one , i can only see lines for sicilian


Believe the advanced courses for the French and Dutch are in the process of being made. It's a good thing they don't rush these opening courses. Many other sites do quite the opposite!

d4 sidelines

what to do after d4 Nf6 Nf3


chessmood hasn't recommended anything there

just play g6. If white plays c4 then the benko with c5, if Bf4 then d5, If Nc3 also d5

Dutch Attack vs London Bd3 Question

Hi there everybody, I had a quick question regarding the Dutch attack opening versus the London. In the course, we play b6 and Bb7, then go for a general setup with Be7, d6, Nd7 and start attacking. However, something which is mentioned quite extensively, is that white has Ng5 which gives us the annoying task of defending our e6 pawn after having played d6. To circumvent this, the idea of playing Ne4 before pushing d6 is mentioned a few times. This is all based on the assumption that white plays Be2 as their main light-squared bishop developmental move. I however face Bd3 way more often. Do you play d6 anyways and just play Qd7 in case of Ng5? I presume playing Ne4 anyways might not be the best idea if they can just take without too many issues. I have taken a look in an analysis board myself but would love to hear your insights. Kind regards, Benn


Hi Benn, This is a good question, 😀I would reply just now but I would like that someone among the students that has seen the racing events explains it if possible. (If they remember, otherwise we will reply.) 😜

I haven't experience in playing these positions myself, but I have followed streamings, and i presume Ne4 is still the move. If white wants to give the bishop let him do it, and we will take with the pawn

This was played just a few days ago in one of the streams for Pro members, Interactive Lesson: The Games of ChessMood Champions!

I am providing access to this webinar exceptionally to everyone, and specially you Benn, because in the min. 38:40, the same position happens and you can see what Gabuzyan says. 

It is also nice to see the games of our members analyzed, isn't' it?


Happy learning and no fear of Bd3.

Recommend some games to memorize

I am currently trying to make a personal chessable course to memorize. I currently have the morphy opera game as the sole game. I need some game recommendations-  from you guys. Thanks in advance. 

P.S. If possible, only games with 20~ish moves


Hi Cate,

The book “The Chess Player's Bible” has some classic game analysis in it (they are short-ish games).  It includes:

and a short one from “A First Book of Morphy”


lol Avetik said he'd throw himself out the window


Protip: Jump out of a window into a swimming pool 


Pro-protip: Ensure there is water in it first.

pro tip: dont

pro tip: dont try this at home or any other place


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