Chess forum by Grandmasters

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Chess forum by Grandmasters

lol Avetik said he'd throw himself out the window


Protip: Jump out of a window into a swimming pool 


Pro-protip: Ensure there is water in it first.

pro tip: dont

pro tip: dont try this at home or any other place


New success story: How a Math Professor Broke the Plateau and Crossed 2000 Rating

Adult Improver Success Story🚀

At 48, married, with two kids, and juggling a full-time job, his schedule was packed.

But that didn’t stop him from achieving his long-forgotten chess goal.

How did he do it? 

Discover his inspiring story👇


Good job Angelo, Congrats!!! I can confirm at those rare times when i attend webinars you always there with smile and full concentration :))

Well done Angelo fantastic

Hello Angelo, You are amazing! Great stuff! I want to follow in your footsteps! I am a full time accounting professor that returned to chess after 15 years of earning my education (2004 to 2019)  I have joined Chessmood to get my rating over 2000 as well. Thanks for sharing and God bless you and your family. 


What a great story. I hope to follow in your footsteps and would be happy with half the success. I am returning to chess after 20 years, have joined my local chess club and am very focused on reaching 2000 OTB over the next two seasons.

 I too try to attend the interactive sessions but miss more than I would like as they are very valuable

Well done



Congratulations my friend. I feel I can call you my friend because I always see you on the Chessmood events. Your story is great and I am very happy for you. I also am an adult improver and love the Chessmood content and atmosphere.


Best Wishes



Congratulations Angelo!

Hi Angelo,

Big congrats on your raise.

Whenever I am able to attend an event, you are there. Always very concentrated. And always so nice 😊

I wish you all the best, in life and in chess.

Many greetings from Germany to Greece,


Hi Angelo what amazing job you have done !!!!

Greetings from Italy 

That's fantastic Angelo! 

You are an inspiration to those of us who struggle to improve at all. I find that for every step forward I take a step back - very frustrating. 

Can you tell us what is your favourite time control and how many games you play and analyse in a session? 

Congrats Angelo ! You deserve all your successes as you worked efficiently to get them .  When you will get more free time , I m sure you will do the same OTB ! I wish eventually to visit you as you are the nicest chess player I had the chance to meet online ! ( no offense to the others … ) 

Congrats Angelo! Keep it up. I admire your dedication and ability to find the time to improve your chess skills while also managing a full-time job and a family!

Congrats 👏 👏 


Probably the weirdest game featured in a book

Wall, Gavin (2265) vs Steffens, Olaf (2330): Indian Defense: Pseudo-Benko •

I just want to show this very weird SLP game which is found in the book “The Complete Chess Swindler: How to Save Points from Lost Positions” as it has quite confused my friend when I showed them it




A course against modern defense


Dear GM avetik, every time I want to learn a new opening, I just open my favorite bar and click on chessmood however when I did the same today it was quite different, I came to know there is no course against modern defense. Please create one.



First of all there are some video on how to play against the modern pirc in the simplified version of the white mood openings in the section of the pirc defence. But if you want something more detailed there is a complete course on how to face the modern pirc defence, which is the full name of the opening known as modern defense. Check this out, I believe this is what you are looking for. 

Link here:

Hope this helps

anti Sicilian part 1

soo… in 8. Three Options ( which options did you chose?


play classic game

Hello guys, 

I'm looking for someone play with me classical game online


Rating online above 1800 chess


above 2000 lichess


Classic tournament preperation


especially, before the tournament and during the tournament

I have 6 weeks and I want a good plan.


Hi there,

There are lots of blog articles about tournament preparation.  You can see them here:

Bit peed off but this was objectively good

I won every game in this arena. Unfortunately someone else completed more games in the hour so I only got third.

Still proud of my accuracy.


congrats for your performance! keep the good work 💪

Chessmood tournaments on lichess

I would like chessmood to organize tournaments on lichess as it has been months we have not seen a chessmood tournament and the highly competitive games so please organize a tournament on lichess.


Hello Adhyayan, Although the main ChessMood club is not organizing any prize tournaments (as far as I know), Tournaments with ChessMood memberships as some of its prizes are still happening. For example, on Jul 13, there was a ChessMood tournament: I would suggest you join their club as they may have some other prized tournaments soon. I have also seen many other tournaments on that are also offering memberships of ChessMood. 


Hope this helps,

Ashwin C

A Nice Trap In SLP

Heres an example of so far my best SLP.

I was playing another Chessmooder, with knowledge of SLP, and it still worked!

Here is the game (move 40)

And here is the screenshot. What is Blacks best chance to save the game?

Believe it or not, after Black's 41st move, the position seems to be a draw!



Just did some analysis, turns out after Blacks 41st move, the position is still winning for White, if they find a 15+ move sequence of computer moves with multiple only moves!

I found the move! It's really nice, and a good idea to be aware of in pawn-heavy endgames. I got it quickly in this puzzle setting, but I'm not sure it would occur to me in an actual game. Nice find!

Nicely done!

I didn't find the move.  That said, I haven't watched the SLP course yet - well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

What course should I get

I have enough mood coins to buy a course. I was wondering which course should I get. I'm a 2000 fide rated player. I hope you guys can give me some courses that you guys think will fit me.


Hi Roy,

I'm in no position to offer personal advice (I haven't even reached 1,000 yet, let alone 2,000!) but you may find the guidance here useful:


I find buying the blackmood model games really interesting if you use their openings

I think that you should consider where you are weak in, such as tactics endgames, calculation, etc. Hope this is helpful


I’m saving up for the “100 Strategic Masterpieces” course:


mainly because I like the history of the game so much.  I like to play “guess the move” with those and the “Attacking Masterpieces" course, too.

Hi Roy!

I'm not too good either (~1750 OTB), but I definitely think the Tactic Ninja is worth your savings. It will really boost your tactical vision. If you are already too advanced for this, I recommend you to try CalcMan, which aims at strenghtening your calculation, probably very useful as well! 

Have fun learning! 🙂

Hi Roy!

I think you can buy any opening course which you want to learn or if you are weak at it.

Probably you can buy the middlegame courses like or if you like positional play.

It may help to improve your game further!

Daily puzzels

To the moderators of Chessmood,

Why can't we draw arrows on the daily puzzels? Is there a reason behind that? 


Well you should solve the position in your mind, like in a real game… And I mean OTB game… You cannot improve your calculation and problem solving skills drawing arrows and taking notes… 😅

Maybe I have a suggestion, what if you added a tool where you can analyse the puzzel after you solved it or got it wrong! Is that a good idea?

Stockfish suggestions - confused again

Hi all,

Chess is a funny game, isn't it?  Last week I was blunder-free and managed a number of wins in tournament games against players rated much higher than me.  This week I'm blundering left, right, and centre and making hard work of games against people rated at a similar level to me.

I'm guessing I must have been hyper-focused last week because of the excitement of playing players much better than me.  And this week I've allowed my focus to lapse.  Oh well, all part of the learning process!

Anyway, I'd like to ask a couple of questions about Stockfish recommended moves in this game:


  1. 1. At move 10 I played g6 to block white's check.  The key element of my decision was that I didn't want to just move my king and lose castling rights.  However, Stockfish prefers Kd7.  What is the ultimate destination for the king now?  Do we try to shuffle 3 pieces out from behind the c, b, and a pawns and then move the king across (seems like a lot of work).  Use the mini fort of pawns on e6, e5, and d5?  Or something else?
  2. 2. At move 14 I'm still way behind in development and move my light-squared bishop off the back-rank.  Stockfish prefers making another move with the already developed dark-squared bishop (the development isn't a mistake but isn't see as the best move).  I'm tempted just to ignore this advice but thought I'd check what others think.


And finally, to any other beginners out there, if it seems like you may have even the slightest chance of winning then keep playing even when way behind.  In the endgame I'm 16 points down in material - my opponent has 2 queens! - but I finally get to the square that I wanted and my opponent is beaten (his clock runs down but he had no way out).

Which makes me want to ask a follow-up question / question 3.:

I feel as though I should have been able to finish my opponent off earlier in the game but can't see how.  Are there any glaring opportunities that I failed to take? 



As for your first question, G6 is a tactical mistake as it loses the D4 knight. Kd7 just tries keeps the material, additionally, the king will go to c7 (C6 and Kc7) and your extra material will win.

2nd, Bd7 is another tactical mistake! Allows Qhite Bxg6 hxg6 Qxg6 and Kf8 Bc5 or Ke7 Bg5.

As for the third question, you were actually always lost! Your attack was good practically, but it would fail against stockfish.


New course: In GM Grandelius's Mind

A new “In Grandmaster’s Mind” course is out!

Please welcome🥁 Swedish no.1. GM Nils Grandelius🤩

GM Grandelius takes you on a journey as he comments on his best games. 

You’ll not only learn the chess strategies but also uncover the psychological battle and the practical tips that have guided him against opponents of different levels.

Check out the course:


It's an amazing course

Especially the 1st game which is a perfect example of how to attack the kingside

Hi MR, Avetik

thank you for creating in GM mind. I checked your courses it was amazing.

Thank you.




Great course!

One that I plan on eventually watching a 2nd time to get the maximum out of.

Hi may i help you


first game and last game

what is your first game and your last game


I do not see how this post can be useful to anyone. What do you mean by it? No one remembers his first game… 

My best tournament!

Hey guys!


I just finished my best OTB tournament to date. I played in the lowest rating group (U1520 FIDE) in the national championships. Finished 4th of 43, just a half quality point behind the podium. 40 rating points plus. Way above my expectation and goal.


I believe Chessmood deserves a lot of credit for my improvement, especially the courses Opening principles, Endgame roadmap, Tactic Ninja and Blunderproof.


In addition to playing quite well in most endgames due to the Endgame roadmap, I benefitted a lot from the “How to recover from blunders” sections in Blunderproof. Those pieces of advice helped me shift my focus when my position went from winning to equal after blunders, and helped me secure extra points.


You guys are doing an excellent job creating Chessmood! I especially admire how you are able to teach all level of players, not just the masters.


Happy to be a lifetime member :)


Forgot to mention it was 9 rounds game 90+30 with 30 additional minutes added at 40 moves

Congratulations Harald!


That's an impressive result.  Keep up the good work!

Congratulations Harald! Well done! That's the spirit! 

Happy to have you here with us!😄

Congratulations! Nice tournament!

Fork avoidance blunder

Hi all,

In this game, I've allowed my opponent to get a pawn onto the 6th rank (e6) and it's supported by a knight on f4:

Now, if I capture with f7xe6 my opponent's next move is almost certainly going to be Nxe6 forking my queen on d8 and rook on f8.  I didn't want to lose either so I decided against this move.

Instead, I decided to move one of the potential target pieces so that I avoid the fork.  I opt for Qe7.  Well, Stockfish really doesn't like this!  I get a snarky comment about losing a pawn and I go from being 1.6 up on the evaluation bar to 2.1 down.

Somebody, please enlighten me.  How should I have proceeded after White's e6 move? 😎




Nope, you can figure this one out own your own. Taking the pawn is fine. After the moves 

15.e6     fxe6 


how does Black avoid losing material? Both the queen and rook are attacked, so it will take more than one move to save the both of them.

Sorry to answer with a question, but I really think you can get this

Sicilian 2...d6 line


What to do within repertoire if black plays immediate  3…a6 after our 3.f4




Hello. I personally prefer to play these positions with black, but I can tell you that the most annoying move after 1. e4 c5, 2. Nc3 d6 3. f4 a6 is just the simple development with either Nf3 or Be2. 3…a6 is a pretty useless move in these systems. I don't know if you know why is it necessary to play a6 in openings like the Najdorf. If you don't play it either Nb5 or Bb5 will come at some point. But here Nb5 would be useless so, just develop normally. I hope it helps. :)

You should transpose to the repertoire

Most of the times you will get the same position or very similar. We recommend to fianchetto the Bishop to g2 in these setups.

Check the course and may the Chessmood force be with you😄. 

How to deal with tilt?

Hi there!

I'm David from Romania and I'm rated around 1600 FIDE. After being on my peak two months ago and winning my city's championship I started falling back. Now I'm on a huge tilt. Between 26-28 July I will have a very strong classical tourney. Any suggestions what to do with my tilt?


Hi David,

Take a look at the ChessMood article here:

You've already started with Step 1 by acknowledging that there is a problem.  Read the rest of the article for tips on how to resolve the problem.

Good luck!  Let us know how you get on.

How to create a Lichess Nickname for GM simul

ChessMood occasionally hosts GM simul events, and I am interested in participating. The upcoming event on Tuesday, July 9th, 2024, will be held on Lichess. My primary question is how to create a nickname with "_ChessMood" on Lichess.

Currently, Lichess does not allow users to change their usernames, except for capitalization adjustments. Due to this restriction, I am unsure how to incorporate "_ChessMood" into my username. Am I overlooking something? Is there a different section on Lichess where a nickname can be added? Creating a new account to achieve this is not an option, as Lichess prohibits users from having multiple accounts.

My main question is: How can I add "_ChessMood" to my existing Lichess account?

Additionally, though less critical, do you ever host events on instead of Lichess?


I think there is a way better solution for this than creating additional users.


When creating a simul, the organizer (the Chessmood GM) can choose to only allow participants that are members of a certain team. In other words - when Chessmood set up the simul, set it up to allow only members of Chessmood PRO team on lichess. 


Chessmood PRO team members are checked before being let into the team, and presuming CM also remove members when their PRO membership expires this would be problem solved once and for all without the need for any additional users.


PS! GIven that anyone (CM member or not) can create a username with _Chessmood ending, the existing solution is not so bulletproof either.

Could someone knowledgeable, preferably ChessMood Staff, please assist me in understanding how to set up a nickname on Lichess? Thank you in advance for your help.

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