Chess forum by Grandmasters
Early e5 in Caro
Not a game-changer but would appreciate some views on the best approach.
e4 c6 : d4 d5 : e/d c/d : Bd3 Nc6 : c3 e5 ?! . Obviously you have to take the e5 pawn ( d/e Nxe5 ) but I was unsure whether to play Bb5+ and then Qxd5 as my opponent got a lot of play for his pawn . This is what I did but not sure if this was best and didn't like the resultant style of play.
After Nxe5 Qe2! is the move to remember. Against IQP is very good to change Queens. If ...Qe7 Bb5 and I am sure that this should be in the course. I will check it out and try to find the chapter. I did not make up this move in the pgn myself I believe.
Ok, I am editing this post to add the link to the video in the course. Now you have the complete explanation by our Sensei Avetik himself!
Some opening course suggestions in the future
Are there any plans in the future to make some of these courses
for white
1.e4 vs minor lines like 1...b6, 1..a6
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Qe7 - could be in philidor section, weird move, but playable game, with h6, c6, d6 kinda bad philidor but playable even some GMs go for this
1.e4 c6 2.d4 Na6!? - interesting no theory system, anyone know this, saw GM playing as black in OTB
for black
vs minor/rare white moves like 1.b3, 1.b4, 1.Nc3, 1.e3 and such
What do you guys think? Maybe add some that's on your mind.
Txs and great courses, learning a lot :)
Dear Paulius,
Thanks for your posts and being always so helpful! :-)The courses are getting updated and improved regularly and new courses and variations are being added. There are many, many hours of unseen work behind the lines of our courses. If you had seen Chessmood since the beginning you would have seen how much the site has grown, and we will make it grow much more altogether.
That said, with our GMs team we work in the material for a very long time, we do not rush before publishing the new material. We value quality over quantity, that has been stated several times in seminars, streams, posts, etc.
Take as an example the latest Gambits refutations courses, I am sure that they will last a life time, very detailed an easy to grasp but we spent many hours trying to work out the best practical refutation.
Also, this cannot be the Bible of openings, we cannot cover every possible variation, there is no such thing in chess, we have to be practical and apply common sense and also Pareto's rule as much as possible. (An article will be published soon regarding this)
It is much better to study 1 hour of any of our courses on the middlegame (I am a big fan of Hellsten’s defense course, Happy pieces by Avetik and the Bishop pair by Gabuzyan, or any Classical games course by Avetik and I recommend you and all our promembers to watch them again and again...) than to spend 2 hour preparing for the move 1…a6 for White. Do not get me wrong, I am not meaning this in a bad way, we have to be practical with our time.
Be practical always. As for the courses that you wrote, we will make a course on 1…b6 or how to play against 1.b3, 1.b4 and all the minor lines that can add value and are worth studying. We are on it, we are here for all of you and we will COGRO together! ;-)
Hi fellow Quarantine Liga warrior,
I also think that not every possible variation has to be covered, as we are meant to eventually "graduate" from CM courses, if I understood COGRO correctly. What the courses here offer is not the only definitive way to play, but a good start into an opening that quickly familiarizes you with the nuances, instead of you having to spend maybe multiple months going through the mainlines with unsecured guidance.
P.S. I am playing a GM invitational (2436 avg) at the moment, so sadly I have to miss Sunday. Good luck all!
Applying what we have learnt
Hi coach,
I am currently going through the Arthur Yusupov series (Just finished the second book) but I feel that I am not able to apply whatever I have learnt in the games I play maybe because the series focuses on individual aspects in each chapter.
Is there anything I can do for this?
Thanks in advance.
@Pragkya Jayaram
Unfortunately it is often the case that we cannot apply immediately what we have learnt in chess. Nevertheless it is important to have the information stored in our long term memory, as well as a way to access it, so that it can be whipped out when the need arises.
To help cement learned lessons in our mind we should try to focus on the critical aspects of what is being taught rather than simply trying to remember everything move by move, in some cases we use pattern recognition to get you from point A to point B, in others a process of elimination, sometimes verbal cues, other times just a good understanding of basic information is enough to guide us in the right direction, sometimes it's a combination of all these techniques.
Take for example mate with Bishop and Knight, you study the method and know how to do it, but you never get an opportunity to apply it in a practical game. Suddenly a year or two later this mate pops up in your game and you have to execute it, what is your thought process, how do you go about recalling what you need to perform this mate when the exact moves are fuzzy in your mind?
Even the best of us sometimes lose or way:
Classical Commented Game with Woodpecker Method
Coach said in this video that we should see only one Classical Commented Game a day but as I am a Pro Member from past one year so I saw all 100 games in last one year 2 times. So, is it not good for me to apply the Woodpecker Method on this Classical Commented Course? Like seeing 7 times whole commented video course in next 3 months?
Woodpecker method is a reputed method to grasp patterns on tactics as well as tactics so I thought to apply it in classical commented games.
What you think guys?
Here is the schedule:
Total duration is 26 hours.
First cycle:
One month duration 26 total hours.
Second Cycle:
Duration 15 days almost 2 hours a day video viewing)
Third Cycle:
Duration 7.5 days ( Almost 3.5 hrs a day video seeing)
Fourth Cycle:
Duration 4 days ( seeing 6.5 hours a day)
Fifth Cycle:
Duration 2 days Only pgn reviewing.
Sixth Cycle:
Duration 1 day and only pgn reviewing
Seventh Cycle:
Half Day whole 100 games pgn reviewing
Even we can complete it in 2 months. Whole Pattern Based Classical Commented Games
Cool idea! We can remember the patterns well.
Hi Abhi, I am familiar with the Woodpecker Method (I ran all 7 iterations with the easy exercises).
But to apply this learning concept to the classical games would first mean to define what the patterns are you are about to internalize with the Woodpecker Method. Just doing this could be something really useful. But I think what you would need is some kind of framework for evaluating positions (e. g. "Find the right plan with Anatoly Karpov" by Karpov/Mazukevich). Your task would be to relate the game/critical position to your concept for evaluating positions.
And having done that - what do you want to internalize? The sequence of the moves from the game? Or a more verbal description of the plan?
Or do you just want to memorize the games?
Looking forward to hearing who you proceed.
Hey I have a question:
I finished the course about scotch 2 months ago and I have good results except at the variation with 4...Nf6. I dont feel pleasent with the occuring positions and so I get bad results in this line. What should I do about it ?
Thanks to everyone who helps !????
Tips, that help me:
1. make your pgn as you're watching the course, depending on your level you may not wanna go deep, just write ideas in comments, it sticks better if you forget some lines
2. play online (or even better get a sparring partner) and after every game or session, check what you did wrong or even rewatch some parts so you better remember the ideas.
3. if opponent played smth unexpected not covered then edit your pgn and try to find solution/plan with engine or ask in forum, this really helps building up your practice in the opening OTB games with selected opening if possible and analyse the games
Practice makes perfect as they say, I know it's hard to remember so many lines (I have not so good memory), but when you play a lot, the ideas start to stick and even if you forget something you know basic ideas and middlegame plan after the opening. Hope that helps
Could you be a bit more specific about what you don't like about the resulting positions after:
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nxc6 bc6 6.e5 Qe7 7.Qe2 Nd5 8.h4!?
That would be really useful in helping us help you.
No recordings yet from two Bundesliga streams ?
For now it is not possible to see the recordings from streams 06 may and 20 may?
Hello Mogens,
On the 5th there was no Bundesliga streaming, sometimes our resident GMs cannot play.
As for the 20th of May I do not know why it is not posted yet. I will thell the team to do it. In the meanwhile I am posting the link below for the streaming:
Found the lost one! Thanks Mogens and sorry for not being able to locate it earlier! Now when I found it remembered watching this streaming myself live!!
I hope that you enjoy it!
Anti-sicilian Nc3 with d6 8... Nd4 10... Ng4 video 8
It seems the demise of this variation (changing the theory) is a little premature.
After 8... Nd4 9. Nxd4 cxd4 10. Nb5 Ng4 (video 8) is marked as ?
After 11. h3, 11... a6! is not considered. Now it's not so clear and it could be that Black is slightly better but it's close to equal.
After 12. Na3, my opponent played the bad Ne3 (this is probably the move that deserves the ?), but Nf6 instead is quite unclear and the engine just isn't sure.
If instead 12. Nxd6, Qxd6 (now possible as no Bd7 blocking as in other lines that were considered) 13. hxg4 Bxg4 and again the engine seems unsure giving White advantage one moment and Black (or equality) the next.
Hi GM AVETIK, can u please tell me our chess mood repertoire against white when he plays d4,nf3,g3,bg2 and 0-0 avoiding c4 and thus avoiding benko
It's probably going to be 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.g3 Bg7 4.Bg2 c5 from memory this was the course of Mikhalevski vs Avetik (2020) which ended in a quick draw. However there is a Chessable Course by IM Christoph Sielecki (Keep it Simple 1.d4) where he suggests 5.dxc5!? and shows that this move contains more poison than one may think. Since I'm primarily a King's Indian player I have more options against this line, but I've noticed that many players use this move-order intending a double fianchetto setup which has become trendy following Kramnik's successful adoption of it in a few games.
While you are waiting for a ChessMood course covering this side-line I would suggest that you check a database for ideas, find a role model and check his repertoire. Sometimes it is more beneficial to learn how to fish than to ask for one.
Good luck my friend.
Image Files not Showing in Forum
I would like to bring to the attention of the technical team that uploaded image files such as .jpeg and .png are not showing up in forum posts.
is it possible to send me one or 2 files which you could not upload in forum ? I have tried several times with 4 different format and they are all working , so trying to see when exactly it breaks .
you can email me
Doubt and Clarifications Important Message
How do we know where to develop our knights in english opening whether Nf6 or Ne7.. Becoz GM Gabuzyan says its wrong to play Nf6 but the same arises when we play dragon opening.. Pls help me.. And there r some correction for English Opening Course... Also could u suggest me a move order if there is a delay in development of the bishop for the tromposky
Its the Sicilian Dragon I meant.
Hello Nair,
In English, we go Knight to e7 since we are playing with e5. In Acc dragon we go Knight to f6 as if we move a pawn to e6 the d6 pawn will start hanging. In reality, there is no clear way to decide and each time it depends on the position.
Chessmood for beginners/post-beginners?
I'm new to Chessmood, and have picked up chess after a long time away. I'm rated about 1000 on (Timmer23) right now, and 1400 provisionally on lichess (tkaufmann60). I've started playing the London and Pirc, to simplify the openings. I'm confused about Chessmood, because it seems built for higher rated players. Am I wrong, or is Chessmood right for someone at my level, as an adult improver?
Thank you,
Thank you Wil, for the detailed response. One question, the starter course for openings only is for white. What would you suggest to learn for black, as there is no starter course for black?
Much appreciated!
Is there anything wrong with continuing with the London and Pirc?
Chessmood is for all who want to improve their game. Best way is to proceed with a few of the courses, try the lines in your online games. Fix the mistakes and slowly you will be able to notice the improvement.
Hello Timothy, I have to say that the openings that chessmood offers are these, with which you can improve faster than by playing any other opening in 1000-2200 rating range. In addition, as london is a system, it does not offer you the required variety of positions in which you must learn to play. To make it clear, you need to be able to perform good in a wide range of positions if you want to improve really fast. Take the starter course for white, watch it carefully, together with the free videos in Scotch and Antisicilian, and I am sure you will experience a constant growth in your chess. I am here for any questions and glad to provide you with a piece of advice, Giorgos.
forum image problems# 3
testing images sent by Robert
Person of the day
Gues who is the person of the day today :)
Somehow the attached image doesn't get posted, Go here: International Chess Federation (
Yeah that image glitch is happening to me also, I hope it gets resolved soon.
is it possible to send me the one or 2 files which you could not upload in forum ? I have tried several times with 4 different format and they are all working , so trying to see when exactly it breaks .
you can email me
Possible mistake in Rossolimo course part 31 Qa4 line
Not sure if this has been mentioned (did a search in the forum), but been watching Rossolimo course and noticed in part 31 instead of 10..Qb6 as a main reply (which I like best), 10..Nd4 is suggested as well, but it seems like a big mistake. Can you confirm this?
Nice catch, you are right.
I missed Rd1 :)
Will add in the "Fix list"
Played OTB vs caro against GM, a question - ANSWERED
Hi all,
This weekend I again played in Lithuanian team ch OTB and had this interesting game in the caro-kann. I know I misplayed after the opening and was super lucky to make a draw later. So my question is what is white's plan after interesting 10.. Kf8 from black (in the course it was analysed 10..g6 I believe)? Thank you.
Hey Paulius A good Game. Now coming for the Question as far As I can remember I think the main move is 10.g3 instead of Qg4 and I think there are 2 lines after 10.g3 one is connected with h5 and 0-0-0 and other is just simply 0-0 so If Black plays 0-0 then white play usually f4-Nf3-Ne5-g4-g5 and If Black plays 10...h5 then we play with f4 11...h4 12.Nf3 hg3 13.hg3 and Ne5-Kg2-and exchange rooks of the h line and use the power of 2 Bishops. I hope it helps
French 3..c5 5.c3!? questions - ANSWERED
Hello all,
Been revisiting this course and have couple of questions about 5.c3 advanced line
I don't have an answer, but bumping thread up so I can see when there is an answer :)
I believe after Be7 simple Rc1 followed by a3 b4 Na4 ideas is quite strong If black tries to capture d4 pawn by 12...Bf3 then 13.Qf3 Nd4?! 14.Qh3 and Rad1 with Initiative.
Hey Paulius!
Don't give too far and don't use much engine.
This advice I give every one of our new PRO Members.
It'll hurt you chess growth.
Also keep in mind, that our opening repertoire is a practical opening repertoire.
If would be very tough to win engines :D :D :D
Yeah Be7 is a strong move, but it's very unlikely someone will find it during the game.
About 2nd question.
This is a good one!
I like human questions without engines :)
True, now we can't go with Qf3, but Black also can't play Ne7 with Bf5!
The main idea for Black to exchange their bad bishop.
I would go with plan 0-0, Nbd2, Re1, Nf1, Ng3...
Inspiration: A 10 year old can beat a grandmaster
We have quite a few young players here, so just because you're young it doesn't mean you can't beat grandmasters.
Daily Puzzle
Can anyone provide hints on yesterday's puzzle? It's marked on the site as 5/20. Thanks.
White is able to trap the black queen after its promotion.
Today's puzzle 5/19/21
I usually have an idea how to solve the puzzle, but today's puzzle was impossible to solve.
Position: white Pa2, Pe2, Nc1, Rh1, Ke1 Black: Pb2, Pb6 Kd5 (white to play)
I tried my first idea which was Rh5+, then I tried Kd1, then I tried a couple of other moves and still couldn't find the solution! I usually find the solution even if I don't get it right the first time.
Would you mind posting the solution? I would really love to see it!
I do not want to spoil the fun solving it for the others - but here is a hint: Did you consider that the rook and the king have not moved yet? And even if Black gets a new queen, she does not have many squares ...
Played grand-prix OTB game, question in 2..Nc6, 3..Nd4 - Nxb5 line
Hi guys,
This weekend I'm playing 4 OTB games in Lithuanian chess league and one game I had was grand prix, specially prepared from the course. Opponent played interesting line not covered in the videos I think. Imo after the opening it was about equal, though later I managed to win. The question is what is the best setup, plan for white starting move 9.
Hi Paulius
Didn't you just play the opening very well? :)
(used the weakness on d6)
Hey Paulius,
In this position I do like the Bg5 move, so if f6 bishop goes back to e3. I have a feeling will be easier to play for white.