Chess forum by Grandmasters
Test your Pawn Endgames
share evaluation with lines. It's white to move.
It should be draw after...
1. c4! a4
2. cxd5 a3
3. d6 a2
4. d7 a1Q
5. g8Q+ Kxg8
6. d8Q+
Or maybe White can win because of his h-pawn if he escapes the checks. If second move dxc4, then d5 a4 d6 a3 d7 a2 g8Q+ Kxg8 d8Q+ Kg7 Qd1 and White wins. If we waste time playing h6 on the first move, Black's passed pawn will win.
I would say the position is a draw. Both sides will promote at the same time.
1.c4! a4 2.cxd5 a3 3.d6 a2 4.d7 a1Q 5.d8Q Qc1+ 6.Ke4 Kxg7 draw.
1.c4! dxc4? 2.d5 a4 3.d6 a3 4.d7 a2 5.d8Q a1Q 6.g8Q+ white wins.
Anti-siclian d6 Qh4 'Caveman' attack 12... e6
It's interesting that if you list all the variations of this course, the usual cause of branches and different moves for White is which move Black plays e6 on (or if at all). 12... e6 (instead of the trap of taking the rook) is not covered in the course, only 11... e6.
It is a transposition, in that Bg5! and h6 (probably being the only reply) transposes into video 4 (11... e6). There is a danger though of going down the 'rabbit hole' of 12... e6 13. fxg6/e6 which is the computer's suggestion, supposedly winning unless you leave it long enough or explore. If you do, there is a long (almost forced line): 12... e6 13. fxg6 (or fxe6) fxg6 (hxg6 14. Bg5 wins) 14. Bxe6+ Kh8 15. Bg5 h5 16. Rf1 Nh7 (Surprise! The queen isn't free as Bd4+ is threatened) 17. Rxf8+ Qxf8 18. Rf3 Bd4+ 19. Kf1 Qg7 20. Bb3 - if 20... Bxc3 21. bxc3 Qxc3 22. Bf6+ Nxf6 23. Qxf6+ Qxf6 24. Rxf6 = (well maybe White has a few more practical chances).
So 13. Bg5 with transposition is a better try for a win (the computer doesn't notice White is better for a bit), and let's not go to the complications of 13. fxg6 (it's a silly place!).
Best Endgame Classical Player?
In past I was in stream of Coach Avetik Grigoryan and he asked a question to all of us about a position. It was like Capa endgame position. When I answered then he said good job and then he revealed that when he was analyzing games for endgame course then he found that Alekhine was also superb in endgame skills. But we all know him as attacking player. So it was strange thing for me. How many of you knows about amazing endgames of Alekhine? Do you guys have any endgame collections of Alekhine or some of his amazing endgames in which he showed class!
I would look at Alekhine’s My Best Games. Iirc, it has an endgame section.
Useful game for Bishop Pair Adva ntage
Pablo Ricardi - Nicolai Vesterbaek Pedersen, Olympiad, Calvia (Spain), 2004.10.19
Daily Study Partner
Anyone interested in studying regularly?
My fide elo is 1400.
for more info i we will chat by lichess.
NEW ARTICLE: Mysterious Backward Moves with Knights
Hey Champions!
We have this topic in our Blog.
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here.
I think the Petrosian game was similiar to a game played by Wolf Anderson and he played Nb5 with the idea c3 b4 a4
Kasparov played against Piket in 1989.
"The book, where I found this 30...Nh8 move is written in 1985! " HOW???)))
Openings New Moves ( Share and Grow!)
As coach explained us how to improve our openings and the importance of adding new moves in our repo which we faced online. So my new idea is that is it possible for all of you guys to share your new moves which you faced online or offline so with this we can improve our repo so fast and help each other to grow. Instead of keeping new moves to us we all can shares so many new moves to each other with some analysis and help each other to grow. I also thought that coaches of CM team also face so many new moves online which they keep in their files so it will be so fun if coaches also share their new moves here after every month is over so we can also add those moves in our opening database.
Also, if anyone wants to work on middlegames or endgames and openings also can contact me. I am the super active member of Chessmood Community so I will be so helpful for everyone who are super dedicated to work!
Good luck in your chess guys. I hope my idea will be useful. Let's grow together!
As much as I like knowing the reply to something (this is because it acts more like an encyclopedia after games or for cramming before games), I did a little calculation. For the d6 sicilian (perhaps one of the worst for branches) there are about 50 branches for all the videos - I wrote out 41 and didn't include advanced/webinar or things asked the forum. That would suggest that for all the courses there might be in the order of 1000 branches for the total repertoire. If we say that each branch would be 10-15 moves long from the start of the game, and ignoring the repeated moves before branching by just writing out the moves, that's 10000-15000 moves (a complete guess might be 3000-5000 moves if repeated moves are ignored). Is it wise to add more moves except where something is critical? GM Gabuyzan forgets stuff in the streams and he's one of the best placed in terms of position and time to know the most about the repertoire.
What I'm getting at, is perhaps coming up with the 100 most critical positions / lines / moves that you might not find naturally over the board without accurate calculation or skill and remembering those might be more beneficial (though not saying don't do what you suggest). In blitz you don't really have much time to calculate and intuition when chess is a hobby not a job isn't going to always serve you enough to get by.
Perhaps a course suggestion 'Chessmood opening repertoire's greatest hits' that picks a number of critical positions in the courses and goes through them (perhaps in a guess the move format), acting like a condensed revision aid. Material from the webinars is a good source for this, as well as more difficult 'only moves' which if you don't find/remember mean the game might turn against you, or you lose your advantage (e.g. Nd5 after Nxa1 in d6 sicilian Qe1 with Bxf3 caveman attack - moves like Bh6 lead to an instant loss and blitz doesn't allow much time to calculate them including the necessary Q sacrifice to mate in the Nd5 line).
From my side I will share new moves based pgn by the end of this month. I will share a lot moves which I faced online in some openings.
What would GM Gabuzyan do?
One way to find out (without going through a ton of streams):
Open the pgn file in a database and order by eco or moves to group variations together. Just remember to check with the engine / course as they sometimes contain mistakes or deviate from the suggested lines.
It's a nice way to download someone's games. But it can never be replaceable with streams, where you see ideas, the thinking process behind each move.
Linux/Mac command line to download games - not sure if there is a simpler way, or an easy equivalent for Windows users:
for g in $(curl -Ls | jq -rc ".archives[]") ; do curl -Ls "$g" | jq -rc ".games[].pgn" ; done >> chessmood_games.pgn
Or use this good tool if you know chess_com and lichess handles and view online or export as pgn. Useful for nowadays preparation as basically everyone has been playing online for past year+
A discussion about K-factors
In this post let's discuss the pros and cons of K-factors for adults. Now a days kids can become so strong because they play without pressure of K factor thing but what about adults like me and other adults? We have only first 40 games which gives us K-40 rest goes down and down on the other han kids have more chances due to under 18 thing. I totally disagree with FIDE rules regarding K factors because I think it gives more opportunity to only kids but does not help aduts like us. Kids have no responsibilities but on the other hand adults like us have more challange.
In case of me I have only 12 games left for K-40 factor then this factor goes down. If we think in realistic sense then it will become so much tough for me to become GM. Because we all know becoming a Grandmaster requires so much work and money and coaches and so on but also elo sucks. It will take more than 10+ events for a player like me to learn and maintain 2000 elo strength then real battle will start. Yes I believe I can get 2000 elo once events will start but this is just a milestone and then getting title will become more and more tough. Even if I do my best this elo may affect my work. I saw so many strong players who started late and never became 2000+ due to this K systems.
About me? I work well with my teammates so my game is def. improving and I do know that chess game level matters not elo but in order to get students and money we need elo also. I left everything for chess because my mind can't think of other things now a days apart from chess. Even though I am able to understand computers faster than chess but still I chose chess because I love this game so I work on my game strength
I wanna know your opinions guys. Like some of the adults who are in chessmood to become titled players. How you handle this rating k factors things and how you believe that you will cross 2200+ even with less k-factors. Share your strategies also.
Again, I wanna say I know game matters not elo but still i wanna know how you guys handle less k-40 thing.
Definitely the topic I have been thinking a lot lately. I used to play chess long time ago, but didn't have FIDE rating but only national rating of around 2150.
Few months ago I played my first official OTB tournament and and since my oponents were not very strong I ended up with 1800 starting ELO rating, even though I won the tournament easily.
So now I have only about 20 games left with K=40.
I registered for two upcomming tournaments but I will play only the one whih has >1700 ELO limit as for the second tournament my rating doesn't qualify me for the main group.
Playing against much weaker oponents with K-40 is risky as when you win you gain little and when you lose you lose a lot.
I got my first rating when I was 17, before all this K-40 thing for U18, which I agree is discriminating elo-wise older players aiming for FM like myself.
Been playing with K-20 as far as I remember and got max to 2260 in 2017. So almost made to FM, just needed couple good tournaments. But maintaining this rating was super hard, especially when having a job, so I dropped to around 2150 level again. Current rating 2172.
Imo reaching 2000 is much much easier than maintaining 2200. You have to work on your chess constantly, cause even one bad/unlucky game against lower rated player can really demoralize. You have to be fierce, merciless and with killer instinct (which I lack :)) to be able to reach 2300 it seems
The rating system is a bit of a mess, as not only does it not take account of big improvements in adults, but it also keeps high rated people high rated even when they no longer deserve to be (and also means rating inflation as lower rated players gain points based on rating difference). It gets worse at 2300 when K becomes 10.
They should adopt a Glicko style system where rating can adjust more if you don't play for a long while as the uncertainty of your true strength increases. The problem is though that it can encourage sand-bagging and entrance of tournaments much lower than your rating (so would need some way to prevent once strong people entering tournaments much below their grade).
As for take a long while to get there, yes it might have a reputation effect if you're looking to teach, get a title or on a national team, however, the flip side is you can enter graded tournaments and be much stronger than most of the field. Also if you're a 2400 rated 2000, it could be quite scary for your opponents.
Another rating problem is that the pool of players. In (most) local leagues there are only a couple of players above 2200, so as you start to get 1900, 2000 (and assuming that's most of your games) it gets hard to put on rating points as you're often against lower rated players and a few draws keep you down.
Just a difference between K20 and K10: with the former, it is possible to obtain +18.4 if you happen to be on form against +400 opposition; with K10, the same thing is not possible unless you are constantly playing Carlsen. Consequently, if 1 win nets 8 elo on K10 then it is already perceived as some sort of super achievement.
Can someone tell me what a K factor is? I have no clue I have not been involved OTB in many years,
Article effect
Hey Champions,
I am just curious if the article about concentration and quality of the training helped you to change something. Please let me know here and share your experience.
Dear Hovhannes
You point out a very important issue, quality of our training, meaning both quality time and sources.
In my case I struggle with time , isn't an easy task to overcome, when family and work comes first.
Thank you by your highlight, Chess Mood team made a great job.
Best Regards
The best games of May 2021 and the prizes
Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions!
Welcome to the "Best games of May 2021" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post your best games that you will play this month.
The Prize fund is 350K Moodcoins which is equal to 350$.
The 1st prize - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize- 50K
The 4th Prize- 30k
The 5th Prize- 20k
Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood!
#Right Mood - Right Move
Here are the winners of April:
Claudio Thoux
Vladimir Bugayev
David Tiraturyan
Abhi Yadav
Paulius Juknis
Qc8!? Benko line saw in coach @GM_Avetik_Grigoryan's game . idea is to stop g3 due to Qh3+. Went well in my first mini rapid game
Funny mate in this game. It put a smile on my face as I didn't see it immediately.
rabdollahrezaei vs Green_Keo: Analysis board •
Was playing as black, can't believe I saw the correct move (14. ... Rxd2)
Grand prix !!
Caro attack
Powerful Scotch
Positionally did okay against an almost 2400 on lichess in Catalan. On move 27th I did saw Bxg6 but missed some moves in the end so in blitz speed i played solid chess. Later it was slight drawish but he played Ke8??
vs modern with c6
nice outplaying in botvinnik setup vs english
fast crushes in grand-prix sicilian
win against IM in modern maroczy Nc2
trap in f3 maroczy
from OTB Lithuanian chess league, grand prix knowing theory and ideas
Thanks to Chessmood Scotch a win against GM on Titled Tuesday
Chessmood AntiSicilian
Caro against FM
And one more attack in Chessmood AntiSicilian
Almost perfect AntiSicilian with Chessmood idea
The Kevin Hall trap in the French! It pays to play Chessmood openings!
Never Resign
My games
My first otb benko game went successful
After a long time, i am finally back. after this match i can easily say i didnt forget chess lol
Even though I was playing with an opponent 85 points higher than me, I had the premonition that I would win him. I played my second choice against closed sicilian, which is the paulsen variation with a queen side pawn advance, an my personal plan with using the h1-a8 and g1-a7 diagonals. Apart from the ugly defensive Nd8? move, which can be useful according to chessmood daily lesson, the game was good ++ the KNIGHT WINDMILL in tge end.
I would love to but, i only play chess games on lichess
Game Is Not Over until it is over
A thrilling game. Thanks to 30.gf5 Rg2 31.Qe4!!
Might not be the best game, but I know it will make a few GMs' day looking at this xD. (You know who you are :D)
Perfect AntiSicilian
Sicilian Defense
Nimzowitsch Defense
Sicilian Defense
Queen's Pawn Game
Sicilian Defense:
Quick win against 2500 IM in Bundesliga today with AntiSicilian
A nice tactic and win in the accelerated dragon!
A nice tactic and win in the accelerated dragon!
Hi Sir,
Below I have attached my game with annotations
[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "J.Pragkya, 1158.."]
[Black "PROHIT5, 1642.."]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A26"]
[WhiteElo "1158"]
[BlackElo "1642"]
[Annotator "J.Pragkya"]
[PlyCount "67"]
[EventDate "2020.04.25"]
{I had learnt this oppening very recenrly only and was feeling excited to try
it out against my coach.} 1. c4 g6 2. g3 Bg7 3. Bg2 Nc6 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. d3 d6 6.
e4 e5 7. Nge2 Be6 8. O-O {we reached the standard botvinnik system setup} Qd7 {
intending bh3 and trading off the light squar bishops} (8... O-O {was also
possible}) 9. Nd5 {this is one of the important moevs in the botvinnik system.
to place a knight on d5 and recapture with the c pawn if he takes back
afterwhich I can put some pressure on the backward c pawn} Ne7 10. Be3 Nfxd5
11. cxd5 Bh3 12. Rc1 {the rook takes the semi-open c file and puts pressure on
the backward c-pawn} Bxg2 13. Kxg2 {the fact that the light squared bishops
are exchanged does not affect my king os much because my king is still pretty
safe} O-O 14. Qb3 c6 15. dxc6 bxc6 16. Qa4 h5 17. h4 Qb7 18. b4 Rac8 19. Qxa7
Qxa7 20. Bxa7 Ra8 21. Bb6 Rxa2 22. Nc3 Ra6 23. Ba5 Rc8 24. Ra1 d5 (24... c5 25.
b5 $16) 25. Na4 d4 26. Nc5 {all my pieces take up good squares.} Raa8 27. Bb6
f5 28. f3 Kf7 29. Ra5 Rcb8 30. Rfa1 Rxa5 31. bxa5 Nc8 32. Rb1 Ke7 $4 33. Bd8+
Kxd8 34. Rxb8 1-0
Queen Sacrifice in the opening!
Entered my first ever chess tournament (15+10) althought I got move order incorrect with Nh3, pleased with how I finished the game
A masterpiece of 100% accuracy and 17 centipawn loss in the Antisicilian. And all of this thanks to chessmood. Prophylaxis + Battery on f file + king hunt!
My best official OTB game in 2021. I like 21.Nxf7!
[Event "Liga Madrileña 2021"]
[Site "Alcalá de Henares"]
[Date "2021.05.23"]
[Round "11"]
[White "Sergio Carrera"]
[Black "Pedro Fernández"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 d5 4. d4 Bb4+ 5. Bd2 Bxd2+ 6. Nbxd2 O-O 7. Bg2 c6 8.
O-O Nbd7 9. Qc2 Re8 10. e4 dxe4 11. Nxe4 Nxe4 12. Qxe4 Nf6 13. Qc2 Ng4 14. h3
Nh6 15. Rad1 Qf6 16. Ne5 Nf5 17. Qc3 Rd8 18. d5 exd5 19. cxd5 cxd5 20. Bxd5 Nd6
21. Nxf7 Nxf7 22. Qxf6 gxf6 23. Bxf7+ Kxf7 24. Rxd8 b6 25. Rc1 Bb7 26. Rd7+ Kg6
27. Rxb7 Re8 28. Rc2 Re1+ 29. Kg2 h5 30. Rxa7 Re6 31. Rac7 Kf5 32. R7c6 Re8 33.
Rxb6 Re7 34. b4 Re1 35. a4 h4 36. Ra2 hxg3 37. fxg3 Ke5 38. a5 Kd5 39. Rxf6 Kc4
40. Rb6 Kb3 41. Rf2 Ra1 42. a6 Kc4 43. b5 Kc5 44. Rb8 Kb4 45. Rb7 Kc5 46. a7 Ra5
47. b6 *
Experimenting with the wing gambit. I especially liked the end of this game where I played f3/f4/f5/f6/f7/fxe8 in a row
Sicilian Defense
Scotch Game
Sicilian Defense
King's Knight Opening
Queen's Pawn Game
French Defense
killing oppenent bishop
A panzershreking win against 2520 GM elect.
Queen's Pawn Game:
Sicilian Defense: Closed
Scandinavian Defense
Scandinavian against 2450. I recalled during the game chessmood move - gf :))
Queen trap
Scotch win
French - 2
London for black
AntiSicilian - 2
English against 2400
Checkmating bobby fischer in famous trap in scotch ;))
Benko against 2400 FM
Sicilian Defense
Hello, champions!
Thanks for your games.
This month you absolutely killed Sicilians! :) Good job! :)
The 5th prize goes to Abhi, for his very good understanding of Benko, Qd3, and c4 moves!
Good job, Abhi.
The 4th prizes go to Robert J, for his unique smothered mate :)
(the game is on the 1st page)
The 3rd prize goes to Devansh Shah, for killing the opponent's pieces.
The 2nd prize goes to Green Keo for his nice tactic.
The winner of May is Vladimir Bugayev, who crushed the Sicilian with his knights' sacrifices!
The game is posted on page 1.
Thanks, everyone, and see you in June!
Caro-Kann 5... e5 9... Kxd7 missing
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. Bd3 Nc6 5. c4 e5 6. dxe5 Nxe5 7. Qe2 Qe7 8. Bb5+ Bd7 9. Bxd7
Unfortunately Kxd7 has been overlooked here and needs considering as I found out. The idea is that Re8 is coming, and yes the d-pawn is a long term liability, but before the middlegame, the Gods placed getting whacked around in an opening by a caveman where you can't castle.
After 10. Qb5+, both Kc7 and Kc8 have been played, both scoring Black wins for 2200 players (lichess' db for what it's worth) and the White king position comes under attack; Chessbase has 11 games with 2 White wins, 2 losses and the rest draws.
I'll need to look a bit deeper at these lines with the engine, but it may be that although long term White has a big plus, practically, particularly in blitz with a seasoned caveman on the other side, this is around equal chances for the club player at least looking at the defence the computer put up (stronger players might be able to tactically survive over the board) - and as a White player do you really want to have to study this rare line in depth and remember all the ways Black can annoy you.
Perhaps for practicality purposes, 8. Be3 should be considered giving a bishop for a knight, but black still has an isolated pawn which knights will be happy to blockade if given the chance: 11 White wins, 1 loss (lichess), 4 wins, 1 loss (and that was loss was unrated players) Chessbase.
Sample harassments:
10. Nd2 Re8 - Black is better
10. Qb5+ Kc8 11.Be3 Ng4/c4 - Black gets rid of his isolated pawn, and gets two bishops. The only problem is the Kc8 which gives White a minute plus.
10. Qb5+ Kc8 11. Ne2 Nf6 12. O-O a6 13. Qb3 Nf3+ - White has a minute plus
10. Qb5+ Kc7 11. Bf4 g5 12. Bg3 f5
10. Qb5+ Kc7 11. Be3 Nc4 - Black is winning
10. Qb5+ Kc7 11. Ne2 a6 (intending Nd3+) 12. Qa5+ b6 13. Qxd5 Rd8 - equal
10. Be3 Nc4 - Black is better
Am about to run out of time to look further right now, but a sample line for investigation is:
8. Be3 Nxd3 (not the only try) 9. Qxd3 Qc7 (clearing the e7 square and considering action against h2) 10. Nd2 (to allow a retreat to c4 by the Q after Qxd5) Bd6 11. Qxd5 (else Ne7) Ne7 12. Qc4 (Qd3 invites Bf5) or 11... Nf6 12. Qc4
I do not see anything good for Black after having the King in the center on move 10. I played this once on the board with Kxd7, the game went 10.Qb5+ and Nc6+, Be3, Kc7 and I took on d5. Later Re8, Qc4 and I had a good position with a black king stranded in the center while all the kingside did not develop yet... The Queen on e7 is blocking the bishop too, Nf3, castle and the position is very good in the long term. It is nothing to worry about, it surprised me when the Black opponent played Kxd7, and I thought ok, king in the middle, let's show the king who's boss!!
I'd really like the CM team's input on this one, not just about the Kxd7 option but in general.... It seems that 5.. e5 isn't so dubious at all. In fact, it seems to equalize. Yes, black has an isolated pawn, but it's one single weakness and otherwise it's not that white has any initiative here.
You can also play 7.Nf3 instead of 7.Qe2, imo it gives good play vs IQP, for example 7..Nxd3 8.Qxd3 Nf6 9.0-0 Be7 10.Bg5 0-0 11.Nbd2, I would play this position, esp having watched some Karpov games against isolani already :)
May 17th 2021 (Daily Study Updates)
Soon will start updating my new and daily chess self study updates.
Here is my old daily updates.
Tomorrow will updates what I studied in last 2 days.
Working on my secret opening weapons. Now updating the pgn files which I created in past and I am also working on endgames books. Soon updates more.
Missing PGN's
I don't see PGN for English course. Thank you.
Dear Anthony,
The pgns to fill out the lines are normally available once the course is complete. This course is not yet finished, we will upload more lines soon. Stay tuned...
Pro-Membership using moodcoins
Sir is it still possible to get a pro-membership through mood coins?
No.It is no longer possible to do so but you can try becoming an affiliate partner of chessmood
Dear J.Pragkya,
Becoming a promember by exchanging moodcoins it is not possible, you can exchange the moodcoins for courses only.
Is there more info about the Beat the Abracadrabra book
Hello do you have more info about the Abracadrabra book.
And what is the difference with the TP sections about this subject
Hello dear Franck,
The book is going very well, the last that I know of is that they were choosing the cover, which is pretty difficult to do.... But I will ask Avetik to tell you something more. ;-)
It'll be published this year, and can't reveal the details :)
Killed in the kingside in the Classical Maroczy
I have recently played an online game in a friendly tournament where I have been surprised by the following move order in the Classical Maroczy:
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Nc3 d6 8.Be2 O-O 9.f3! Bd7 10.Qd2 Nxd4 11.Bxd4 a5 12.h4!
It is true that I am no master of defence, but I found this extremely unpleasant and did not now at all how to react. Then I checked the database and found that White scores an astonishing 81% in 21 games, the highest-level game being Asis Gargatagli, H. (2515) - Suarez Uriel, A. (2391), 1-0 (31), ESP-ch 2018.
My game from here on was totally one-sided:
12...h5 (probably a mistake, collaborative with the attack) 13.g4 hxg4 14.h5 gxh5 15.fxg4 e5 16.Be3 Bxg4 17.O-O-O Bxe2 18.Qxe2 Ng4 19.Rxh5 Nxe3 20.Qxe3 Rc8 21.Rg1 Qf6 22.Nd5 Rxc4+ 23.Kb1 Qe6 24.Ne7+ Qxe7 25.Rxg7+ Kxg7 26.Qh6+ Kg8 27.Qh8#
Is this form of play covered either in the course or in the webinars? What would be recommended to defend against this violent attack in the Classical Maroczy?
On move 9.f3 you have transposed totally to a line analized in the Modern Maroczy bind, which I recommend wholehearthly to every advanced player. I love playing the Modern Maroczy and so will you I believe Alex.
As for this move order, you have reached a kind of normal Maroczy bind but with some differences explained in the video 49. But here f3 is played instead of castling, changing the position of the normal one because they play f4 normally... Here we have 2 options Bd7 and Nxd4, but I will ask the team because the Qd2 move and h4 idea is not present in the video. In the meanwhile for the rest of us, please take a look at and see if anyone has a good idea about this.
Hey Alex!
I think Modern Maroczy Bind is better.
But for understanding it deeper, you need to understand the classical Maroczy Bind first.
Coming to your question 9.f3 allows you to play 9...Nd4 10.Bd4 a5!
Now you shouldn't worry about f4,e5, which you would have, if they played 9.0-0
Now after 10...a5 you want to play a4,Qa5,Be6, Rc8... (Not always Bd7 )
This way you would get counterplay faster.
Finally OTB tourney
hello chess friends
finally otb tournament in 4 months
how to prepare?
of course tactics....
what about the rest? have no opening repertoire , middle game and endgame knowledge kind of poor
Rating USCF 1318 chess. com around 1700
plan is to get these 7 games in tournament conditions then will find a coach
thanks for advice
I think it would be very useful for you to read the book of Jeremy Silman-' Reasses your chess'.
It will help you find clear plans in the positions which arise in your games
Pirc 4..a6 with b5 Sielecki chessable idea, best way for white?
There is new chessable course Lifetime repertoires - Pirc by Sielecki and he suggests to play this way against CM preparation in pirc: 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 g6 4.Bf4 a6!? with next b5 and not developing Bg7 as not to lose tempo. I think it's not covered, saw 4..c6 with similar b5 idea to which we play e5.
I did my little investigation and found that maybe immediate 5.e5 gives white some small edge, the line goes 5..Nh5 6.Be3 dxe5 7.dxe5 Qxd1 8.Rxd1 Be6 9.Nd5 getting 2 bishops 9..Bxd5 the game could continue 10.Rxd5 e6 11.Rd1 Nd7 intending Bc5 12.g4 Ng7 13.Bg2 c6 14.h4 Nd5 15.Nh3 with small edge for white imo.
So, please give suggestions about this 4...a6. Txs
Sielecki, the infamous IM that runs away when playing Gabuzyan online... I do not recall which Bundesliga streaming was, about one month ago I believe and every time that he got paired with Gabuzyan, Sielecki just cancelled the game to get a new pairing! He did that 3 times during the streaming, this way Sielecki elo did not change. Even Gabuzyan got a warning for an unfair practice while it was Sielecki the one that was cancelling the game every time.
In all my years playing online I never saw such a thing, such cowardice. If you get paired with a GM you get happy, you play your best, you dont run like a chicken! Plus if you are a famous autor of opening books you should test your lines with the best... Anyways, I will never brother to check anything done by a chicken, I will just think like a lion on the board.
By the way in Sielecky suggestion, where does Black and White castle? You should put all the line and see where and if it can transpose to our repertoire exchanging the move order...
2 Solutions to May 30 Daily Puzzle
After Nf4+ Ke4, I played Ne2 it said it was wrong. I was surprised, looked again and was even more convinced it was correct. Apparently there is another move that wins... sigh
What can you do
Yeah Nf4-Ne2 with forks everywhere and the pawn queen's was the first win I saw as well and got it 'wrong' apparently the author only considered Nh5 to be the solution. Funny thing is I have a deja vu feeling like I got this 'wrong' before with the very same Ne2, so somehow Nh5 seems to be a blind spot for me. :-)