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Chess forum by Grandmasters

French Bd3 3..dxe4 with Nd5 line question and others

Good day!

Learning this amazing Bd3 vs french course and I have a question about section 3 (dxe4) 13 video Nd5.

Though this line with Qxg2 seems dodgy for black to say the least still after entering into my rep pgn and checking with engine, black has this strange 12...f6 move and gets some compensation with very messy position.

Any advise what to do with white? Txs.


Also while watching 3...Nc6 another question, what if after 4.c3 black takes dxe4 and 5.Bxe4 Nf6 like a delayed dxe4, what then for white? Engine shows something like  6.Bg5, but I'm not convinced and definitely dont want to take 6.Bxc6

HI Paulius!

12...f6 is a messy option for black, which will almost never be faced and is super complex. In real no much to be worried about. Before taking on a8 I liked playing d5 for white giving pawn away in that redaction and only then go after a8 rook.

Scandinavian Defence 2...Nf6 line

Hi ChessMood Family,

I recently faced 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.Bb5+ Bd7 4.4.Bc4 b5 5.Bb3 Bg4!? This continuation is not analysed in the courses, and when I checked my database after the game it showed the line to be very playable and scores fairly well for Black. So my question is what is the most promising way forward for White 6.f3, 6.Ne2 or 6.Nf3


Hi Kevin, I realized this move order also, when I prepared for a game in our club championship.

The course covers 4. ... Bg4 5. f3 Bc8 6. Nc3. When b7-b5 is included (4. ... b5 5. Bb3 Bg4 6. f3 Bc8), I was not so sure whether 7. Nc3 is good or not because Black might attack the knight with b5-b4. In the game Sveshnikov-Bogdan, 1994, Black did not attack the knight on c3. But this happened in later games quite often. And this attack on the knight also happens in the line 7. Qe2 a6 8. Nc3 b4 9. Ne4 Nxd5.

I guess, I would have played like in the game Van Kampen-Yam, 2013 waiting with Nb1-c3 until Black has taken on d5:

7. d4 Nxd5 8. Ne2 e6 9. Nbc3 a6 10. a4 b4 11. Nxd5

I asked Avetik to take a look at this post. We are on it.

Sorry for the late reply. 
Just recorded it. 
Will be edited and added today. Check out section 9, it'll be video 53 - b5 with Bg4. 

Kushal, it was covered. 
I also answered your question about 3...Qd8 in another post. 
Please ask your questions in one post. 

Defense against d4+f4 Stonewall Attack Course please!

This line is rare but it would be good to see a course on the ideas of fighting against it as black.  Thank you!


Have a look here:

Thanks Kevin.  That's a nice game.  I would like if they also added a course on it w/ some more explanation & sample games.  Cheers.

Sicilian sidelines grand prix with 5.Bb5 part 7 improvement for black

Hi guys,

been watching Sicilian sidelines and in my pgn found possible improvement for black in this line. Credit goes to IM Sielecki in his chessable sicilian course if I'm not mistaken


Yes I like Bb5 but I think the best move is 5. Bc4. The top moves are like this : 5.Bc4 d6 6.d3 e6 7. Bb3 and the position is equal but I rather play black. Also after 5. Bb5 Nd4 the best move for white is 0-0, according to stockfish 12 and Komodo 13!!! . Nice analyze from your lessons !

The best games of April 2021 and the prizes

Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions! 
Welcome to the "Best games of April 2021" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post your best games that you will play this month. 

The Prize fund is 350K Moodcoins which is equal to 350$.  

The 1st prize  - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize-  50K
The 4th Prize- 30k
The 5th Prize- 20k

Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood! 
#Right Mood - Right Move 

Here are the winners of March:

Keok Woltek
Mateus Damaceno 
Karl Strohmaier 
Valdemar Rasmussen 


 Sicilian Defense

Queen's Pawn Game: Symmetrical Variation

Attack Attack and Attack

A game without a mistake or blunder.

An attacking game in berserk mode in 3+0

Winning against 2340 rated opponent.

One of the best move I have ever played.

23 ... Rxg2

French Bd3 Nc6 pawn trap on d4

Mate with Bishop and Knight vs Rook and two passed pawns.

Positional play in Italian Str. Training.

Cool Knights!

Scotch Game

Sicilian Defence

Sicilian Defence

Tactics in Bullet

Again Tactics in Bullet

Found 24 ... Qc2 !! in Bullet.

A win over 2400 with GP

My best SLP ever against 2500+ titled player

No blunders, no mistakes, no inaccuracies, 7 average centipawn loss, I might get banned :)

2 pieces sacrificed for the initiative

17 move grand prix win

SLP against 2400

Beating the Scandinavian ...Nf6

Black mixes up two plans?!

ThoNoJu vs Henkyhenk: B01 Scandinavian Defense: Modern Variation •

Saving a lost position and winning against 2120 rated opponent. 

Saving a lost position and winning against a 2150 rated opponent. 

May the Pasini be always with you :) (Unfortunately due to possibly the website outages, uploading a PGN file appears to be too bugged to do so at the moment.)

[Event "Live Chess"]

[Site ""]

[Date "2021.04.08"]

[Round "?"]

[White ""]

[Black ""]

[Result "1-0"]

[ECO "B06"]

[WhiteElo ""]

[BlackElo ""]

[TimeControl "180"]

[EndTime "10:34:54 PDT"]

[Termination "White won by resignation"]

1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 a6 4. Be3 d6 5. g4 b5 6. Bg2 Bb7 7. h4 h6 8. g5 hxg5

9. h5 gxh5 10. Rxh5 Nd7 11. Rxh8 Bxh8 12. Qh5 Bg7 13. Bxg5 c5 14. e5 dxe5 15.

Bxb7 cxd4 16. Bd5 1-0 

Beautiful king hunt leading to checkmate 

AntiSicilian quick win against 2450

French squeeze 

Caro attack

Blundered the bishop with later rook sacrifice

SLP after blundering the whole rook

French Defense squeeze.

Win with Scandi

Without Moving My King

Modern defence, strong attack after bad start

Positional play training so no openings stuffs

a fine win in Benko with black : 

And SLP in the old sicilian where I saved a position my opponent had +4.7 engine edge. 3 forks to win.

What about a mix of the Taimanov variation with chessmood openings? My mixes of the sicilian variation when I am on the black side have given me about 50 rating points.

Fighting Benko against 2400 strong opponent

Trompowsky for black

Latvian gambit, of course forgot the refutation, just tried to play with normal moves ;))

 Alekhine Defense

A perfect game

<iframe src="" width=600 height=397 frameborder=0></iframe>

Bf4 versus the Pirc 

Caro attack

Cute mate


Crazy AntiSicilian from todays Bundesliga

Sicilian Defense

Sicilian Defense

Sicilian Defense

I knew ideas and forgot line of caro still was able to won against 2500+

So do men play against carokann... ;D.

Typical exchange sacrifice on c3.

Positional squeezing in AntiSicilian with exchange sacrifice

A good match:

An interesting match:

Scotch against 2400

Scotch attack against Qh4, missed checkmate in one move though :))

I won by mounting pressure on my opponent until he cracked!!! I also Sacced TWICE!!!

Sicilian Defense

 Russian Game

 Caro-Kann Defense

Power of Space

Power of minority attack

Power of initiative

Good french against 2400, ending was bad but managed to win in time trouble

Countering the Scotch ...Qf6

Beating the Alekhine ...Bg4

Beating a weird delayed ...Qd6 Scandinavian

Carlsbad Nd6

Positional play in double fianchetto

Testing double financhetto

Attack in stonewall str.

Positional play

Caro str. win

SLP str. 

Testing positional play

English opening play!

Grand Prix is fun but I am sad that I mixed up lines I think in game

Testing positional play

Short kings gambit game

Again handled 2400 well positionally

A Qb4 Chessmood surprise in the Nc6 Sicilian

Fun finish to this one!

Rubinstein str. training

Testing positional play

Catalan pawn str. play

Minority attack!

Power of Space

Caro crushing win

This game made my day. This game gave me valuable point to reach 2299! My best rating ever and funny thing is that Grand Prix was my first cm opening which I studied. My feeling of this opening is amazing!. My opponent felt like hell during this game facing Rxf6 then facing Bg5 then Bb8!!. I dont know what engine may say but it's one of my best games of my life. Crushing an almost 2400 in style. All credit goes to cm Grand Prix and presentation of coach @GM_Avetik_Grigoryan .My feeling of Grand Prix is superb !!!

Take a look at pawn storming!

Testing my positional play

18 move english win

Learnt this c5 move against catalan from live commentary and tried to apply it in practice

Power of bishop pair

attacks in pirc with Bf4-Qd2 


btw i am white in the game(EighthAccount)

Chess is fun

Achieved highest elo in my life on my second account 2300+ using cm line. This was my last game French Bd3

Caro-Kann Defense

Test my catalan str. feeling

Good Game!

Tried to follow chessmood opening & win the match.

Good win.

I’ve begun transitioning from 5 minutes to 10, as I find I need the longer time to really think through the positions.  As a result, my rating in the longer games has gotten over 2300.

Stafford Gambit

I usually use a system with 6.Se3, but now I've tried the Avetic weapon.

Hey, champions! 
Thanks for all your posted games. 

The 1st place goes to Claudio Thoux for his crazy attack! 

The 2nd place goes to Vladimir Bugaev for killing with Grand-Prix attack 
(The game you can find on the 2nd page)  

The 3rd place goes to Tiraturyan David for his nice tactic. 

The 4th place goes to Abhi Yadav, for his very deep positional game. 
Abhi played another cool attacking game. Here is the link:   

The 5th place goes to Paulius Juknis for crushing the Pirc defense. 

Thanks for your participation. 
Keep the growth. 

Right Mood - Right Move! 
See you in May. 

Why are you losing?

One thing that is mentioned in Wetzell's "Master at Any Age" is 'getting the best bang for you buck'. That is older players may not have the luxury of being able to spend time everywhere, nor may an experienced player need to. There are usually one or two areas that are causing the most points/games/problems in someone's game and time spent there is going to pay more than on other areas (It's perhaps not so simple as that as sometimes you need to build foundations for later too).

Here's an idea. Go through your last 20-30 standard length games. If you don't have a lot of time, use auto-analysis on lichess or For each game irrespective of the result, try to find 3 errors (I also note the move number and url). Move the pieces if necessary to try to understand why the computer marked it as an inferior move. Note the errors, and also if you were in time trouble (difficult to define since go for long enough and time will usually become a problem, but worth noting if the game finished with less than 5 minutes, and your opponent had significantly more time - or if one of your chosen errors happened in low time).

The aim is to look for patterns. I seem to be quite often opening up lines for the opponent's pieces. I also get into time trouble a lot (45 or 60 minutes even with 15 or 5 seconds increment is not a lot for me, so much of this will be less of a problem when going back to over the board chess).

Here's my last 10.

Opponent Rating Colour Result Link Opening Time trouble? Mistake 1 Mistake 2 Mistake 3
nigelico 1931 White Loss Pirc GP with e5 Yes 45 Weakening own pawn (trying to win) 9 Tactical blunder (missed opening lines to king for pawn sac) 51 Tactical blunder – capture clears square for king
Budapest23 1769 White Win Sicilian GP Nc6 Yes 16 Gives up strong king placement to swap queens 13 Choosing inferior move (cutting off calculation too early) 31 Strategic blunder (lost opportunity to give opponent extra island or get passed pawn)
dulal66 2003 White Win Siclian GP e6 Yes 11 Strategic blunder (opening lines for opponent) 15 Knight couldn’t be captured (missed strong outpost)
MarkTWIC 2092 Black Draw Maroczy Bind Yes 34 Allowed king to advance (endgame pawn structure) 35 Allowed king to advance (endgame pawn structure) 33 Allowed king to advance (endgame pawn structure)
acsouthall 2073 Black Loss c3 Sicilian Yes 8 Wrong pawn structure (target for attack) 35 Should block structure (capture gives weak pawn each) 31 Capture gives passed pawn to watch (no good discoveries)
adrielAU 2156 Black Loss Benko a4 Yes 58 Tactical blunder fork (low time) 57 Tactical blunder fork (low time) 21 Wrong slow plan (should undermine centre straight away)
ranger440 1725 Black Win Jobava e3 Yes 8 Give square to knight by bad pawn advance 15 Tactical error (should eliminate good knight)
easthantsuk 2005 Black Draw Benko b6 Yes 28 Strategic blunder (opening c-file for rooks) 23 Tactical blunder (exchange opens pin line) 18-20 Tactical (didn’t fight queenside occupation well)
thepace 1475 White Win Caro kann ex Qc8 Yes 41 Tactical (change target to distract Q to ex weak pawn) 36 Defending instead of counter-attacking 30 Defended instead of attack where stronger
MaxTheMeme 1803 Black Win b3 No 10 Tactical blunder (allowed counter-attack when P down) 18 Allows knight to come to outpost 5 Opening theory, didn’t weaken kingside with intermediate check


Sorry if you need to 'go to specsavers' to read the above post - the editor decided that the whole post should be in a small font.

Opponent Rating Colour Result Link Opening Time trouble? Mistake 1 Mistake 2 Mistake 3
nigelico 1931 White Loss Pirc GP with e5 Yes 45 Weakening own pawn (trying to win) 9 Tactical blunder (missed opening lines to king for pawn sac) 51 Tactical blunder – capture clears square for king
Budapest23 1769 White Win Sicilian GP Nc6 Yes 16 Gives up strong king placement to swap queens 13 Choosing inferior move (cutting off calculation too early) 31 Strategic blunder (lost opportunity to give opponent extra island or get passed pawn)
dulal66 2003 White Win Siclian GP e6 Yes 11 Strategic blunder (opening lines for opponent) 15 Knight couldn’t be captured (missed strong outpost)
MarkTWIC 2092 Black Draw Maroczy Bind Yes 34 Allowed king to advance (endgame pawn structure) 35 Allowed king to advance (endgame pawn structure) 33 Allowed king to advance (endgame pawn structure)
acsouthall 2073 Black Loss c3 Sicilian Yes 8 Wrong pawn structure (target for attack) 35 Should block structure (capture gives weak pawn each) 31 Capture gives passed pawn to watch (no good discoveries)
adrielAU 2156 Black Loss Benko a4 Yes 58 Tactical blunder fork (low time) 57 Tactical blunder fork (low time) 21 Wrong slow plan (should undermine centre straight away)
ranger440 1725 Black Win Jobava e3 Yes 8 Give square to knight by bad pawn advance 15 Tactical error (should eliminate good knight)
easthantsuk 2005 Black Draw Benko b6 Yes 28 Strategic blunder (opening c-file for rooks) 23 Tactical blunder (exchange opens pin line) 18-20 Tactical (didn’t fight queenside occupation well)
thepace 1475 White Win Caro kann ex Qc8 Yes 41 Tactical (change target to distract Q to ex weak pawn) 36 Defending instead of counter-attacking 30 Defended instead of attack where stronger
MaxTheMeme 1803 Black Win b3 No 10 Tactical blunder (allowed counter-attack when P down) 18 Allows knight to come to outpost 5 Opening theory: didn’t weaken kingside with intermediate check
cowleyMike 2039 White Draw French Yes 35 Heavy piece ending: Tactical missed defence of pawn by mating threat 28 Heavy piece ending: Tactical blunder (pawn capture allows mutual attack) 12 Opening theory: need to counter attack queen
A971907447 1835 White Loss Alekhine Yes 47 Rook ending – wrong assignment, rook needs to be more active 9 Tactical blunder – bad calculation 24 Tactical blunder – bad calculation
StaplesN 1938 Black Draw English b3 No 34 Failed to see opponent’s opportunity to win 9 Tactical blunder – cut off too early, didn’t notice rook hangs 17 Positional – remove strong knight, weaken pawns
Martenator360 1661 Black Win c3 Sicilian No 20 Keep two bishops, centralise king 15 Give up extra pawn for better position
SpeedElephant 1873 Black Win Benko Qc2 Yes 48 Calculation – allowed draw 46 Heavy pieces – co-ordination 42 Heavy pieces – co-ordination
EBChess1390 1455 Black Win Accelerated No 12 Alternative move additional possibilities overlooked (threat of mate)

dulal66 1950 Black Loss c3 Sicilian No 13 Swap pieces to lessen attack 8 Opening theory
bishopbandit 1999 White Loss Caro kann Qc7 Yes 18 Sacrifice material back to develop 15 Don’t give opponents tempos 20 Sacrifice material back to develop
acsouthall 1982 White Draw French c5 Yes 24 Overlooked winning pawn 11 Forgot theory
MaxTheMeme 1758 White Win French dxe4 Yes 55 knight ending: Blunder need to cover square (missed sacrifice) 48 knight ending: Help bring king into action 34 knight ending: allowed knight to good square
pcprinciple 1826 Black Win Benko Qc2 Yes 33 Not controlling squares for opponent’s queen entry 39 Allows king access to pawn 45 Not preventing breakthrough on kingside
xPulzify 1602 Black Win GPA Bb5 Yes

BehindBlueEyes 2116 White Win French dxe4 Yes 16 Gives good square to knight via exchanging 13 Clear c3 to give queen space to move to 22 Not preventing chasing knight from outpost f4
itsthebishop 1645 Black Win Clemenz No 13 Tactical blunder – pawn move leaves open line to capture bishop 11 Castle into attack 5 Should prevent long diagonal from opening
PHRchess2020 1398 Black Win Zukertort Yes 21 Bishop bad defender – use pawn 19 Push bishop to bad square 14 Outpost better than repairing pawns
Mircea_Mesesan 2131 White Loss Sicilian GP Nc6 Yes 25 Tactical blunder 23 Tactical: overlooked exchange and fork 21 Should develop piece, overlooked undermining defender
Singhals0987 1500 Black Win f4 Sicilian Yes 10 Allow double of pawns for outpost 18 Push back well placed knight
David Wilson1980 2065 White Loss Sicilian GP Nc6 Yes 31 Opening line for opponent 21 Weakened pawns 11 Open position to get play

(28 games - going before that would mean non-Chessmood repertoire)

Next step is to find maybe 5 things that need focus. The idea of the large number of games is to find recurring patterns. Note the timetrouble is fairly subjective here, and may be due to time well spent or not, may have contributed to bad decisions or not, plus time-controls are shorter than over the board ones so should be less of a problem there.

Also only up to three errors were found which might hide other things, and not always does the computer evaluation point out the worst problems (some are also not error - playing a variation that makes life more difficult that eventually did lead to errors).

IoI... great job! 

Twitch chess Chess Mood course streaming

Hi all

I just finished watching GM Hohvannes Gabuzyhan webinar on Modern Maroczy a few moments ago, which was great (as all Hohvannes webinars) and after this, I went to Twitch chess and to follow some chess streams, where I am seeing a streamer (ChessLifestyle) streaming "Chessable + Chessmood" training and Rook vs Pawn course (by GM H Gabuzyhan). Is this all good & acceptable to ChessMood? Are some ChessMood courses public and available to stream? Are there Chessable & ChessMood courses and these are streamable? What is the Chess Mood policy on any & all of this? (btw I posted on the same issue on the Chess Mood Facebbok group too).

NB Apologies..I tried to upload a screenshot but without success..yet..I will try again!


wow!! I am sure that is not acceptable! 

I'd use the contact us link, you'll get a response faster.

Hey champions! 
Thanks for informing :) 
These are good guys and are our affiliate partners. 

This way they want to introduce others to ChessMood. 
They will not stream all our videos :) No worries :) 

Who is the strongest Chessmood student?

I was just curious and wondering who is the strongest OTB member of Chessmood (without of course taking into account Avetik et al.)... 

I have seen a couple of players over 2200 fide, I wonder if we have an IM or FM between us??? 


We have GMs over 2600+ too

Ha, ha, ha... !!

That's a nice question, but I do not think that it will be answered. There are GMs, IMs., WGM, WIM, FM, CM and all kind of FIDE titles between our PRO Members.

 Saying their name publicly would mean an automatic advantage for their rivals. If the rival knows that you are going to play the line of our repertoire, then he could become a PRO Member or buy the course and prepare for that line specifically. (Note that they will not easily succeed though...)

 We have a blog post for our PRO members to do their introduction to the rest of the family, voluntarily, but many PRO Members did not do it. My guess is that many are trying to avoid this or there can be thousands of reasons for not doing it... Whatever it is, we love you all anyway!!! ;-)

 These are my four cents on this, and if you want to freely introduce yourselves to the rest of the pro members:

Look here "A super game by our first Grandmaster PRO Member! Sargsayn S. - Kislinsky A."

The 3 Rules....


In an article of the blog GM Avetik recommends to follow the 3 rules before asking  for recommendation(s) to make progress. So let's go :

1.I'm an adult player (best french Elo 2100) fallen back to 1885 FIDE. My goal : to climb (if realistic to 2200.)

2.I've the chance to enjoy much time and can work on my chess at least 4h / day.

3.My weakest point is probably the opening (I now study intensively the ChessMood Repertoire but before I just browsed some opening books before an important game ?!). Contrary to most chess players I dislike opening study and like much more endgame or middle game study.

My question is :

1.How to organize my chess study time,

2.Which books or sources (aside ChessMood naturally !) could be recommended to attain my goal ?

Many thanks,



Could be interesting to try the exercise I mention in Why do we lose to make sure it's really the opening that is responsible for your problems so you can allot time and focus effectively.

Question about a position in anti Sicilian part 1


I have started to study this course above and have  played the opening with good result.  Thank for this valuable course!   

I have a question I would like to raise and I hope to get an answer.   What is the best plan for white  after those moves below. 

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 d6 3.  f4 g6 4.  Nf3 Bg7 5.  Bc4 Nc6 6. 0-0  Nf6  7. d3 0-0 8. Qe1 Bg4 9. f5 gxf5 10.  Qh4 Bxf3  11, Rxf3 

My question here is how to continue after 11. - Ne5...  It seems to me black and defend well  by Ng6 after Rh3..  

Thanks in advance for your feedback.  


Do you guys see the picture? Because in my computer I cannot... Do you see it yourself Susanna?

This one has been asked a few times. If you search the forum you'll find something on it. Given it's a frequently asked question, perhaps something needs adding to the course.

Hi again Susanna,

Your position was analyzed here previously:

Check this thread

Hey Susanna! 
Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad you like the videos!  
9...gf5 is an engine move (not practical for human, as it weakens the king very much) 

Anyway after 10.Qh4 Bf3 11.Rf3 Ne5 12.Rf5 e6 White has 3 options:
1 - 13.Rf1 with a strong initiative 
2 - 13.Rg5!? 
3- And 13.Re5!? de5 14.Bg5!  

A. Wotawa's Studies....


I like very much the studies composed by A. Wotawa and have tried in vain to find a book about this endgame composer. Can anybody of the "ChessMood Team" tell me if such a book does exist as Wotawa's studies are very often the "Puzzle of the Day" on the site ?

Many Thanks.


I had a very big database with of studies, which I can't find now :) 
Overall I've solved around 10.000 such studies, and then created a file of the best ones. Around 1000 :) 
From there comes the daily puzzles :) 

I think Dvorecky had a section about Wotawa's studies, but can't remember in which book :) 


I would like to know your opinion about his "Chess Praxis". (Not "My System" of course.) Do you think that it's a collection of games worthy of study to day or chess material completely outdated ?



No idea I never read it, sorry.

I haven't read it too... 
But overall, it would be a good idea, to write more about yourself. 
What's your level, how much time can you spend on chess, etc... 
Then it would be easier to say is it worth reading it, or there are better options. 
Have you read this article?  

Sethuraman lifetime repertoire

Hey Chessmood family,

GM Sethuraman has just released part 1 of his 1e4 lifetime repertoire on Chessable. Apparently he also advocates 8.h4 in the Scotch. I will have to dig some more to compare the lines in this and other openings...


Everyone is playing lately 8.h4... GingerGM with IM Robert Ris repertoire, now Sethuraman with Chessable... Maybe it is not such a bad choice after all, don't you think? Gabuzyan has been proving this line value for a couple of years now in the streams, with mythical clashes with Eljanov... We knew that we were into something good! Hopefully you will all feel the same...

It's Happened !

Somebody finally played 4:Qh4 against my Scotch . I played 5:Nb5 he replied Qxe4 + . I followed the standard advice with Be2 he chose Kd8 and I castled. So far so good feeling confident! But he then played 7: a6 attacking my knight on b5. Tricky I don't recall seeing this on the videos ! The dilemma is whether to play Bd3 attacking his Queen or Nc3 but which one ? . Alternatively to try to force his Queen off the fourth rank to get the b5 Knight back to d4 (  eg. N(1) c3 then g3 and if necessary a3 ).It was a 5 min +15 game and I wasted too much time thinking about all this. What does the coach or members think is best after a6. In retrospect it seems such a natural move. 


The ChessMood repertoire is 5.Nc3, not 5.Nb5.

Question about maroczy bind


Played a game in maroczy bind last year and knew 15..Be5 with e6 idea from other sources, but don't know if smth like this is recommended in your maroczy courses, cause in the game white was super solid and imo had an edge after the opening. Will try to watch the courses (can see you even have 2 on maroczy), but can you suggest some impro based on this game? Txs and cheers


Dear Paulius,

Welcome to the family! I will transfer this question to the Promembers channel and notify the team about your question. Normally the more detailed opening questions we post them in the Promembers forum.

As a personal note, I recommend you to watch both courses on the Maroczy, but my favorite by far is the Modern Maroczy, after watching and understanding  the course it it will be like getting into the jungle knowingly because you feel like Tarzan... ;-)

Hey Paulius!

As already recommended you can watch the courses and will see our Ideas, regarding this game as you have mentioned in the analysis I believe 23...f5 was wrong, as it weakened black's position a lot.

I do like 23...h5 as mentioned again, trying to keep the pawn structure, looking for h4!

An interesting game though with f6-g5!

less Preferred Line


I have got a question in my mind. As we are all playing e4 for white, which reply or variation are you less excited to see?


I don't like to see e5 on board and I love to see c5. It's almost 1-0 when i face c5! Grand Prix and Alapin rocks.

The one that I don't like is the Scandinavian, I am having bad results altough in the opening I am usually better :-) And the one that I am excited to play against is the Caro Kann!

Same for me, I don't like the Scandinavian but I love to play against the Caro-Kann.

Petroff defence ...i hate it now ...must learn how to play against it, if failed to do it then I will learn how to play for Black and change my repertoire

I have been having trouble against the French after they exchange on e4. (I still win easily against the Nf6 lines, even when they avoid the Kevin Hall Trap hehe)

I love to see the Scandi. I have a crazy good score vs it. 

Sicilian Nc3 with B Bg4

Sicilian NC3

E4 c5

Nc3 d6

F4 Nc6

Nf3 Bg4

I've been studying the Nc3 Sicilian with B playing d6 on move 2.  My question is what seems an obvious Black  fourth move Bg4. I do not see this covered in the courses so wondering if it can be refuted? It looks like Bb5 may be a good reply.

Thank You


Hi Richard

You are right, 5.Bb5

Video 24 in the course (Minor Lines)

Dear sirs

Dear sirs, why do I not get any of these little coins for successful solving the Daily puzzle? Do I just have too many already? :)))


Dear Martin,

This is the first message that we have regarding this issue. I will inform the technical team. If someone else is experiencing the same problem please let us know too! Thanks!!!

Dear Martin,

To get moodcoins you have to solve the puzzles, I checked your profile and I could not see any of the usual messages in the logs after you successfully complete a puzzle. Are you solving the puzzles correctly?

That said Edo Tokyo's logs show perfectly that he solved the puzzle correctly the first time and therefore received the moodcoins automatically. (Thanks a lot Edo for your help!)

This is getting weird, if someone else can verify if they get the coins, it will be deeply appreciated. Today's puzzle is not so difficult... ;-)

Finally OTB tourney

hello chess friends
finally otb tournament in 4 months
how to prepare?
of course tactics....
what about the rest? have no opening repertoire , middle game and endgame knowledge kind of poor 
Rating USCF 1318 chess. com around 1700
plan is to get these 7 games in tournament conditions then  will find a coach
thanks for advice


I think you should learn the ChessMood Reportoire. For Middlegames, I am not the best person to ask. Endgames - I would suggest Jesus De La Villa's 100 Endgames You Must Know. I would recommend learning Silman's Complete Endgame Course first and then the 100 Endgames.

I think the answer is to have some sort of plan that you track, and some kind of goal. 4 months isn't a lot of time, but with regular study of the right things you might be able to do much in that time.

I'm all for lofty goals, "I'm going to win the open section outright(!)" but I would have a realistic goal and a stretch goal. The realistic goal will be better than you can do right now, the stretch goal would be, if would be even better if...

In coming to a goal, you've also got to remember that other players will have been studying and improving, as well as some stronger (on paper) players will not have been playing much. Thus not to beat yourself up too much if a 'weaker' player puts up a good fight, or if you get some higher player's scalp, it doesn't mean you're suddenly Magnus ;)

The questions you want to ask is:
  . What do I realistically think my rating should be (P.s. almost every player at some point thinks they are underrated :)?
  . What section do I want to be in? (Could I handle getting a hard lesson every game, or do I need to be beating most of the field to feel happy)
  . How much time could I spend _every_ day up to the tournament?
  . What are my strengths and weaknesses?
  . Whether I'm going to try to get a coach before the tournament, perhaps to consult every few weeks to help keep the plan on track?

  The other questions to ask are about your own games at roughly the time control of the tournament:
  . Do I still often blunder pieces and pawns without being in extreme time trouble?
  . Do I get a playable middlegame position most of the time (ignoring the times where your opponent knew a trap you didn't)?
  . Do I spot tactics (2 or 3 forced moves) both that I can play, and are played against me?
  . Do I always get the right result in K+P vs K, K + B + P vs K, and know the fundamental positions (e.g. Lucena, Philidor, Vancura) in K + R + P vs K + R?
  . Do I struggle to play with or against the knight (more tactically [forks] than positionally)?
  . Do I have some kind of strategy (that is kept to) for what to do when it's my move, and when it's my opponent's move (ensuring to check what the opponent is trying to do, blunder checks, dream positions, looking for forcing moves [checks, captures, threats]?
 . Do I try to set problems for my opponents constantly, do I try to punish bad moves - irrespective of opponent's rating?

So some suggestions:

At rating 1300, enter the under 1700 section (or whatever section is less than that rating, but at least 200 points above yours).
Goal: To score > 50%, beat most players under 1500
Stretch goal: To finish in the top 8 (of say 30 players)
Time spent: 1-2 hours each day, 4 hours each weekend day split into 2-3 sessions (please balance this with school/college work if young)

The top seeds at around 1700 may be playing at the 1900 level, but I think it's reasonable to get from 1350 to 1600 at least in 4 months if enough study and the correct study is put in.

Things to work on:
. Tactics - ensure you can recognise all tactic types, all knight forking shapes, you can calculate mate in 5 moves (if few sidelines), you spot most obvious tactics in 2 or 3 forcing moves. A server like chess tempo, own experiments, books like art of the checkmate, chess combinations for juniors.
. Endgames - Silman's endgame course for example, or the easier chapters in 100 endgames you must know (especially simple pawn, rook endgames in standard positions, B + P with right and wrong rook queening square)
. Opening - Study the scotch course here (don't worry so much knowing the tricky h4 lines) - get a feel for opposite castling and the kingside attack; study the sicilian - at least the d6 (kingside caveman attack), Nc6 and g6 courses, but have a little familiarity with e6 and a6; study the anti-sicilian course; study the philidor course; study the London system course; know the basics of the petroff course; study all the abracadabra gambit courses. For the others d6 and g6 you'll play the GP system, scandinavian and caro have a look at the summary sections. Maroczy structures swap pieces, try to leave White with the bad light squared bishop. That's more than enough for 4 months, just try to play chess if the opponent plays something else. Try not to know or learn everything, but to get a feel for how to play the positions and have the ideas in mind.
. Middlegame - look at the 2 bishops course, and happy pieces. Try not to spend too much time into the details but get a feel for good and bad pieces and how to use them.
. Practical play - play a 1 hour game (30 mins each) every 2 or 3 days and try to analyse it after before going to the computer. Try to get a feel of where the critical points where and where tactics were missed. Also note when your thinking was faulty or you forgot your thinking structure, such as checking what the opponent was trying to do, or making blunder checks.

Keep notes on what you learn and your progress. Also use notes on openings if you get 20 mins or more before a round, try to find what your opponent plays - e.g. chessbase online - I think chessdb is now dead. Consult your notes before the game to refresh your mind of the ideas.

And good luck, it's not the performance in one tournament, it's the bigger picture of becoming a better player.

Request for a "Watched Video" function

Hello ChessMood team, 

What a great product, I am here every day learning and improving.

I have a request please, when a video is watched can you make it possible to show the video as already having been learned? I would like to be able to see what new or what updated videos have been added to a section or be able to clearly track what training I have left.

For example, today I received an email with this message, "We've uploaded one more section in the course "Happy Pieces"." How can users distinguish which is the new video from the list? Ideally there would be a function where a watch video automatically changes its status or we can manually change the status to show that it has been watched/learned. Additionally perhaps new videos can have a time/date stamp on them showing when they were posted.

Thank you very much for an outstanding product, you guys are great!

Leslie Smith 


It seems a great idea to me! Currently, I keep my progress in an excel file

Hi @Leslie_Smith! I thought that I already replied to you but I must have dreamt it! We took note of your suggestion and we will take it into consideration. Thank you very much for your feedback!

Best regards and keep learning and improving!!!

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