Psychology and Mental Toughness

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  • GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

How Being Rich Almost Killed My Chess Career

GM Gabuzyan shares how having an easy life almost stopped his chess career. But a wake-up call pushed him to work harder and become the youngest Grandmaster in Armenia.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | 5 min read
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

How I Used the “Battleship" Method to Meet More Girls and Improve My Chess

You don’t need any special talent to execute it. All it takes is a little bit of strategy.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | 2 min read

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  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

The 1 Thing Every Champion Has in Common

In your chess journey, you'll face painful losses. Everyone does. But in those moments, you have a choice — a choice that separates the champions from the rest.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | 5 min read
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

The Power of Fear and How to Use It as Motivation

What GM Aronian told me about Mike Tyson and how I used my greatest fear to become a Grandmaster.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | 3 min read
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

The One Lesson from Schumacher Every Chess Player Should Take

Understanding this was a very important step for me in my journey to my Grandmaster title. I hope it will skyrocket your chess and life too.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | 3 min read
  • GM Avetik Grigoryan

9 Rules You NEED to Know to Win Won Games

Getting a winning position isn't enough; you must also convert it. GM Avetik shares 9 must-know rules every strong player uses to win a winning game.

Strategy | Psychology and Mental Toughness | Practical Chess Tips | 9 min read