Chess forum by Grandmasters
Pawn moves
Hi everyone, I'm 1300 rapid on, and I was wondering, at what rating should I start to study pawn plays and to which level? (Like from x to x rating study this, from y to y study that ecc.) Thank you
Hello, I do not understand what you mean. Can you please clarify?
congrats on reaching 1300! When it comes to pawn moves, they can be related to tactics, openings, middle game, and endgame stuff. It's kind A broad term , Check out ChessMood's plan for 1000-1500 – they've got some good tips. And hey, reaching 1500 is doable by playing, solving puzzles, and enjoying the game Here's the link :
You should know basic pawn endings around that level. The chess endings for U2000 course has everything you need.
Is there any way to train in chess audibly without watching?
Hello, ChessMood family.
I have a lot of time during work where I can listen to anything through headphones, but I can't watch. Can I utilize this time to improve my chess skills?
There are not many (if any) audiobooks related to chess, apart from chess story, etc.
But, you could however start to improve visualization skills. That is, you could imagine, visualize the board and be able to follow a game just by listening the moves (1 e4, e5, etc). Of course, this is an advanced skill. It needs lot of practice and time. But it's a valuable one. And I think it's the only way to practice chess by listening to it.
There are many podcasts on chess visualization were you can follow or try to follow the games in your mind while listening to the moves, look for chess visualization podcasts on spotify and you'll find many…😀😀
Would Capablanca be crushed by an 8 year-old with engine prep?
I have heard people say that most decent (advanced) players with proper engine opening prep would crush Capablanca if they could play him (assuming that we don't give Capa any time to prep with an engine) This sounds ridiculous to me, but I would like to know how true it actually is.
Well I've never searched this, but this sounds totally ridiculous to me also. I don't think that any decent but amateur chess player would stand a chance against Capablanca at his prime, who is arguably one of the best chess players who ever lived (unless of course if he made a big blunder, wich I think is almost impossible for so good players). There is no way that they could predict the whole game, and whenever their prep ended the game would have been over. There is no way an amateur (wich means a 2100-2200 MAX rated player for me) could beat Capablanca on a fair game (without engine prep), as his elo is estimated to be 2725 when he was at his peak. And as I said there is no way they could predict the whole game, some time he would eventually get out of prep and believe me, I don't think Cabablanca would have lost to Stocfish in the first 20 or 25 moves when I (rated 1600 rapid on can last for 25 moves while playing in bullet mode (I just did it to confirm it and I got mated on move 25 while playing terribly and super fast 😀, I even hang my queen for absolutely no reason).
Also, a strategy of heading quiqly into an endgame wich the amateur player had studied with an engine might work, but, honestly, the chances of Capablanca going straight into this particular endgame are very fiew(we must also not forget that, if I remember well, he is considered to be one of the greatest endgame players of all time).
So my answer would be no, there is no way that an amateur would beat Capablanca with engine prep, as he couldn't possibly be so well prepared that A) there will be no need to think during the whole game or B) He will beat one of the greatest players of all time in 30 moves max. The only way I can see this happening is Capablanca blundering something really big (or if luck is on the player's side).
Question Pirc Defense
I am currently watching the “Starter Course WhiteMood openings” course, and I have a question about the Pirc defense.
After 1. e4 d6 2. Nc3, black plays e5, we play Bc4 and go for a Grand prix attack structure with d3, f4, Nf3, not allowing black to play the Black Lion system.
Recently I faced the following variation:
After 1. e4 d6 2. Nc3 Nf6 3.f4, black plays e5.
Now we can't play 4. Bc4 because black can take the f4 pawn,
and if we play 4.Nf3, we transpose to a Vienna gambit that is not covered in the courses.
What should I play after 1. e4 d6 2. Nc3 Nf6 3.f4 e5?
You can play Nf3 here as you are developing a piece and you are going to recapture that pawn by the following moves:
4. Nf3 exf4 5. d4 Nh5 6. Nd5 and that pawn is yours. Bc4 can be a inaccuracy here because Nxe4 Nxe4 then d5 puts a pin on your pieces and you have a bad position. Or if they just take the f pawn with Bc4 being played then d5 again and if your opponent stops with g5 then play h4, if they take the pawn on h4 then take Bxf4 and Rxh4.
Hi Donkey,
I haven't made it down to the openings section yet - still looking at Ninja Tactics and BlunderProof - so take that and my lack of experience into account!
I would still play Nf3. This helps to continue our piece development and puts pressure on black's e5 pawn. Also, although black could take our f4 pawn, would he? Isn't he more likely to keep it in the centre and leave the tension applied? And if he does take on f4, where is he going with it afterwards (it's isolated, undefended, and not attacking anything)?
Perhaps its just the level that I play at but, after we play Nf3, I'd be expecting either Bg4 (pinning our knight to the queen but fairly easily challenged with h3) or Nc6 developing black's pieces.
I'd also still consider Bc4 as a good move for similar reasons.
Hi Donkey, This is not part of the Whitemood lines, but part of the regular repertoire videos for 1.e4 (“Attacking the Pirc”). It is Section 1, 6.Super Version of King’s Gambit, and here GM Avetik recommends indeed to continue with 4.Nf3 and after 4…Nbd7 either 5.d4 right away or 5.Bc4/d3/O-O, and in case of 4…exf4?!, 5.d4 (planning 6.Bxf4)
Chessmood addresses how to play against 3.f4, e5?! in the following 3 minute video:
dream position
if i get dream position does my opponent have any advantage
How to memorize opening ?
I found in Lichess an interactive lesson to practice my opening, but it only shows the main line. How can I practice sidelines? Is there an article about that?
Chesstempo helps you to practise your openings. It simulates your opponent and check that you answer with the right moves. You have to enter your own repertoire, but you can practise as often as you want after. The engine will check that you memorize correctly the moves.
Hi, there are 2 blog posts on this topic, written by Avetik. Here are the links to them. Hope it helps. Trying visualising the mainline in your head. That might help you remember it. Pay attention to the opponent's moves in the sequence as they are easier to get wrong. Where possible review the reasons why such moves are played. At odd times of the day (not while driving!) review your visualised lines.
You have to blitz the opening all the time to learn one move for example
e4 and then you want to learn Sicilian then c6
Ok then let's say Nc3 then Z6 and then you continue to play the way you think and along the way learn side theories
Game ot he month
I feel somehow irritated: Is it game of the month or who can post the most games? Perhaps, a rule could be added: max 5 per players or sth. like that :-)?
I completely agree.
Santiago vs Gabuzyan Analyzed Game
Just finished watching the video and would like to comment on how much coach G has improved his analysis/coaching technique in the past 1 year or so….it's actually very impressive and I learned a lot from this one!!
This is one of the best explained games I've ever seen…Keep up the COGRO coach and please add more games to your section.
Dear Ovi,
Thank you so much for your Kind words and feedback, I appreciate it a lot!
Will try to make it better :-)
Presentation skills on the videos and clarity has also come on enormously.
Concentration training
Recently I read an article where avetik said that before he start his students training he would make them do some concentration training and then start the training. So can I know what concetration training does he do?
Thanks in anticipation
My friend, most important parts for concentrating before the game I've shared in the BlunderProof course.
Also, you can check out GM Hovhannisyan's article on concentration
Good luck!
a probably losing line in the white mood opening
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nxf7?
Stockfish does not like this move and after 4….Kxf7 5.d4? has 5…c5 with a probably winning advantage(I consider 1.75 by stockfish after many minutes of search as a probably winning advantage).
The line may be good against weak players but I do not like the idea to play a losing move(in case that the opponent is prepared).
I know that I cannot win with white and equal position with good chances for the opponent to blunder is good enough for me but not worse than equal position with white.
I like the repertoire and I learned from it but the conclusion is that I need to check it with some engine to check it does not contain more blunders(and it is not that I consider every move that stockfish does not like as best to be a blunder).
I had trouble remembering all the right moves in this variation. I was thinking of switching to the knight back to f3 nxe4 and nc3 variation.
Depends what level and time control. My personal opinion against > 1800 in longplay (who has been playing Nf6 for aeons) or against a promising junior they might well know it well and how to counter. Players often look to avoid theory hence the likelihood of seeing it often is high. GM Gabuzyan believes it can be played at higher levels, and on that we agreed to disagree.
However, in blitz or lower rated opposition in long play it's very playable. You're not playing against masters or 3500 engines who know all the theory and can calculate deeply under pressure. Thus Stockfish's evaluation should be taken with a pinch of salt in such a line (where long tactical lines or hard to find moves are part of the analysis that leads to that evaluation).
Dear Uri, Happy study!!! 😃
We do not know your rating but this is a good line for a first repertoire to develop your attacking instincts and tactic sense. You also learn to play a piece down against a pawn up and a stranded king. Whitemood and Blackmood are the starters repertoire, although we play most of the lines against GMs and IMs too constantly.
😀This variation I played it many times OTB and won many times very, very fast. People are not computers and it has a big surprise effect. Of course, if you want a better line, GM level line, just check the main course on the Petroff, this is our main recommendation for more advanced players… 😅
Dear Uri, seeing your fide rating, I'm am sure you are a fantastic player. At 1900 fide, you should have a very strong intuition whether White gets any benefits after sacrificing the knight for Black's rights of castling. It is true that it isn't really good for White but it is a dubious and interesting gambit. Sure, it can be played in online chess for fun to relax and chill. But in long play otb, it really won't work(in my opinion as your opponents will be strong too) and will be able to navigate through the weird position easily. I fully agree with your opinion but perhaps we should look at the position instead of the eval.
For example of a similar gambit, 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nf6 5. Ng5 h6 6. Nxf7?!
Here we see a fun and exciting game incoming for White although stockfish on depth 30 may say it is -1.5.
Remember that the one that makes the last blunder will lose! Sure White has simple and easy play( which GM Gabzuyan would love to provide us) while Black has to calculate a tough way out.
Like this post if it was helpful :>
Approaching Rapid Format Tournament
How to approach rapid tournaments
Avetik sir, you already mentioned that “action is more important than words” in the article for How to use chat pgt to improve your chess. i found this.
My general Questions is how to approach Rapid format tournaments i could not get a better advices to approach rapid tournaments>, and you told that asking the person who took action i could not find anyone to ask this question and they answer me! so I am asking you sir.
How About your experience of approaching rapid time control tournaments like (25+10) or (10+5) or (15+10)
if i can get a better solution of approach it could help me to feel better for upcoming rapid tournament..
also please explain me in the level of 1800-2100 i am already 1773 thats not the case my much of the opponents know what i play and my playing style, but still i dont know how to handle such rapid tournaments..
#how to think #how much time we have to take based on the format of initial time. #how to focus..
Hello Gokul Krishna!
Chessmood has a very nice blog category related to this topic: I would recommend you to go read some of these blogs. I am sure you will find them helpful!
How was GM Avetik able to make two moves in a row with the same color on the board?
Great courses. How was GM Avetik able to make two moves in a row with the same color on the board? I noticed this in the whitemood and blackmood courses. I was just wondering what software he was using to be able to do this?
Thanks for the great courses and all of everyone's hard work?
Chessbase, null move option…😀
He's so good, he can even bend the rules of chess (Matrix style - there is no move)!
(nah, null move - also quite useful to get analysis on what a threat might be, or to find plans)
Morphy P. - Isouard C. not precise naming :)
Morphy vs Isourard as far as I understand is not the precise name. Suggest to add there name “Opera game”, because this game is known by this name. And it was played not against one player, but two players.It was played by Morphy against two opponents during opera. The story tells that Morphy was well known chess player, he was noticed and was invited into the private opera lodge where this game was played. :)
Thank you Ink Ren Kaula Vi. We are taking not of it.
pgn/Quiz Sicilian Accelerated Dragon
Hi CM team,
Would that be possible to have the pgn for the quiz for the Sicilian Accelerated Dragon. I am just asking because I see that there are 25 positions and after watching the course I completed the pgn for he course and ended up with 81 variations which is not too bad, however, when I completed the pgn with the advanced section I ended up with 380 variations (I know I have a tendency to do complete long variations ). I just would like to start slow and put it in my opening that I can use when I don't have internet which often happens when I go work in the far north. Anyway, I would really appreciate it if I could have the pgn for the quiz for the course pls and thanks.
Dear Kamel,
At the moment we can not provide the pgns of the quizzes, but you can use the addon or extension (free) in your browser (Firefox or Chrome) and copy and paste the positions from the quizz in chessbase or the software that you are using for creating your pgns.
It is only 25 positions, it should take you less than 20 min. 💪
Thanks for your understanding and keep studying with good mood!😁
Siclian 2... e6 3... Nge7
- e4 c5 2. Nc3 e6 3. f4 Ne7!?
Lost in this ‘tricky’ line for choosing the wrong continuation and while having chances, it seemed easier for the opponent (no doubt a pet line). The annoying thing is we can't transpose into Bb5 lines. I went for the ‘turtle’ structure of 4. g3 then Bg2, d3, but after d5 and eventual e5 we went into a closed/French style structure where I missed my chance at kingside pushing and got beaten on the q-side. A final blunder in a lost position finished it.
Also this (at least in the 2018 database) has a 45% White win rate over 100 games. It seems the ‘antidote’ is going into the open style positions with d4 where the engine gives white a +=. 4. Nf3 d5 - now 5. d4 (most players avoid because of open fear I guess hence the stats) or 4. Nf3 Nbc6 (transposing to other lines) 5. d4 cxd4 6. Nxd4 and if Nxd4 7. Qxd4 Nc6 8. Qd3
Should we always go for d4 when the masses of theory (mainline dragon, najdorf, scheveningen etc) is avoided?
Hi David,
Playing with d4 in this scenario is a reasonable option for white, and is fully possible.
Acc Dragon: 5.Nb3
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Nb3
I faced this, in a slightly different move order(Nc3 before D4) in an OTB game yesterday, and I had to spend some time on how to continue. I was unable to find anything in the course, (After the game of course) so that's my question. What to do after 6.Nb3?
In the accelerated there are many sequences not covered. Most of the really critical ones are given some coverage in the course. However when the course was made I believe it wasn't intended to comprehensively cover all the options, and many were left out down to playing healthy chess because of the time given everything else to record.
The background is that originally ChessMood was aimed towards the stronger end of the spectrum, and they were to teach the najdorf. However I think they realised they'd bitten off far more than they could chew with the amount to cover and settled for the accelerated instead. Even then it still couldn't cover everything, particularly what lower rated players were getting who could not handle it comfortably themselves. I believe that's why the decision was to teach the French to the sub-2000 chess.coms and eventually there will be an advanced version which I suspect will the be the main option for a higher rated band.
There has been talk of an accelerated reboot (no idea what would be covered), but honestly with so many other priorities I don't see it appearing any time soon.
For comparison Plichta's Chessable course covers virtually everything but the course video is 50 hours, though including a maroczy subline and some smaller Sicilian sidelines than offered here! (You can get by without it as he appears just to cover what is written). Learning all that... Good luck, though a great reference and complementary to what is here.
To answer the specific question, Bg7 first avoids Bg5 troubles leaving Bxc3 an option and after Nb3, d6 possibly with the option of Be6 and/or Nf6 going into a dragon line which at least at the higher levels is harmless.
Hi Armandas,
The comfortable system in my opinion is 6…Nf6 7.Be2 0-0 8.0-0 d6 and play this Dragon style position where the Knight on b3 is not really active.
In future Black can use the c file for the rook.
Good luck!
Just learned to do annihilations! Thanks Avetik!
My first one! Watch me take out my opponent's bishop
Guess the next guest
Guess who is our guest in the upcoming episode?
Two hints:
1) He ranks in the top 50 in the world
2) His opening play is capped at a maximum level of 2,000 😅
Somebody who plays for Romania?!
Gabriel Sargissian ?
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Hi i truly appreciate anything of worth given to me when i don't deserve one. your website for some reason is resistant to me claiming a gift. its ok i will still come here something in your setup is not friendly to me at least as i can not seem to do what a 1 year old could. a belabored point but that's all carry on.
Some of the people I gave a gift had problem till they confirmed their email , check your inbox just in case … hope it will solve your problem too .
Dear Achbiter,
😀If you have some problem with your account, please contact us at support filling up the following questionaire, we'll do our best to help😀>