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Chess forum by Grandmasters

mobile view video frame bug

hi, on my ipad the video frame does seem to embedded properly anymore. i tried it with safari and chrome browser. i attached a screenshot. thanks iris


🙏 Thanks will check it out 

Did you tried full screen? At least to watch the videos properly. We are looking into it.💪

Iris, is this still happening? Can you attack the screenshot? 😀

Hi all ? I'm ChessMood Dev ? thanks for bugs) we will fix them: Also for faster response you can write any bugs on the discord bug-report channel

Tactic Ninja

At the end of the tactic ninja course, you recommend to re-watch it a second time from the 1st section, and solve the positions proposed in the videos. If we are able to do it within several seconds per position, switch to next section. But which videos should we re-watch in this context, only the ones named "test" or even the ones with really simple tactics explaining the pattern? Also they are really complicated positions in some sections, should we also be able to solve them within several seconds...?! If not, can you tell me which videos to take into account, and from exactly which videos are extracted the ~700 quizz positions? And what about the in between interactive quizzes?


All the positions of the course are in the Quizz, the 700 plus… All extracted from the course.

What I recommend to my students is to do the quizz, after you watched it once, or twice, and write the puzzles that they could not solve or where they spent more than 10 min. (Usually they are similar, which gives us a clue regarding what they do not understand).

The second time, when you rewatch the course, you can go fast forwarding to get the position to solve in the screen, from the easy ones to the test, and solve one after another. 

Another possibility is to do the in between interactive courses too in a session. This is something very practical too if you are more advanced.

What I would recommend is (depending on your level always that I do not know):

1.Watch and fastforward to solving positions.

2. Do all interactive courses.

3. Do the quizz, writing the number of the quizz that you cannot solve or took you more than 10 min. 

4. Do again all the quizz numbers that you had difficult with.

I hope this answers your questions, but again that depends on how much you already know…😀

Good luck, cogro!!!

New article: The bold-unbold technique: no more forgetting what you learn

We learn lots of new things. We feel good. But then we face it — the challenge. Its name is “I can’t remember.”

The previous day we learned so many things, but after some time, we actually only remember a small percentage of what we learned.   

It goes in one ear and out the other 😁 

Is it a familiar feeling? 
Let’s crush it! 

In today’s article, you’ll learn: 

✅ How to REALLY learn something instead of illusionary learning
✅ How to memorize everything you’ve learned instead of forgetting 50% of it the next day and the other 90% at the end of the week 
✅ How to effectively use this Bold-Unbold technique in chess and in other areas

It also comes with many interesting stories.

Feel free to share your thoughts with us under this forum thread. 




I do something similar myself - take notes (of what I need to learn or was interesting) and only revise that which I can't remember. Too many of us prefer to revise what we already know as it makes us feel good. You also have to refresh it with increasing periods otherwise you'll forget again. However this is getting close to the chessable method which I believe we said wasn't so good. So what separates this from a single iteration of spaced repetition?

I will try this bold-unbold technique. I used to make summarizes, which asked lots of work to make and lots of time to read quickly before a game. This bold-unbold thing looks like it's less work to make and to read before a game, so I get more time to learn new things.

Great article, this is similar to how I got through law school studies. Agree with the other comments that this approach supports understanding and unconscious competence rather than rote memorization.

Great idea, I've started creating my own PowerPoint slides to help me crystalize the ideas of the Scotch course (example attached).

Hi Avetik First, I'd like to point out to a key concept my father always impressed on me: When one writes something down, they remember it much better. Countless occasions later I can say that it's true! So, as a first step, I will start to write down all the ideas I learned and then, as a second step bold/unbold and review. Its a great concept and I truly believe its a terrific addition to any study method. Thank you again for another well written piece of wisdom Ovi PS The good writing ideas you listed are a solid application of the principle.

Great insights as usual. There is one step though that I struggle with: "review before playing" I totally get and agree to writing down the key points of what you wanted to learn. With the last step of reviewing what you remembered and what you still need to get into your head, I'm also fine. But reviewing beforehand only makes sense to me when you know what you are going to face (like your example with writing). In chess though I think there are very few key points that occur in every game (like "develop your pieces") that make sense for a little advanced player. Instead there is many specific knowledge (like "remember the g6-tricks in Benko if he doesn't go Nc3"). Do you reccomend to review all before playing? Looking forward to additional wisdom as I'm trying to create a useful routine how to take the most out of my played games. Marcus

I have to try this methot ! I would prefer doing it by writing it down on paper if possible but do you have any suggestion on how to do it as bold / unbold wont work multiple times ? I could start with very few objectives and write them every time , it could be done but as soon as it will grow , it will be a lost of time .. but if I see the value of it for me , then I could switch to doc ..

I use a similar method... I print on a paper sheet 6 chess diagram, all of them related to the same theme, let's say "Bishops Pair" or "Open file", whatever, and on the back of the paper sheet I print the solutions. Then I try to solve the exercises, in a fixed amount of time (usually 5 minutes). Like if I was playing on tournament. Then I check the solutions. If I'm correct, I mark the exercise with "Ok", othervise I mark it with a simple checkmark. I try this way for 18/24/30 exercises (3/5 sheets), in a couple of day. Then I repeat until I don't get three "OK" in a row for a given exercise. If so, I stop to solve that exercise, and continue with the remaining, unsolved 3 times in a row, ones. Then I move to the next set of exercises. I got the exercises from books like Hellsten, "Mastering Chess Strategy", or Polgar, "Chess Middlegames". The first is easier, the latter much more difficult. Is a good method, for me: I was oscillating in the range 1800/2050 in leechess blitz, and now, after one month of this method, I'm oscillating in the range 2080/2150, which makes me happy. I want to continue this way for a whole year, and see if I can reach 2300/2400, which is a National Master level, I would say.... Jmtc...

How to purchase events with MoodCoins?

I know how to do it with a course, but how to do it with an event?


Events are exclusive for Pro members. It is not possible to purchase events.

A fresh idea against the Scotch? (Chessbase article)

Hi guys, I came across this article on Chessbase As far as I went through the in depth course on the Scotch (not for 100% yet) this seems to be a line not yet covered indeed. Lars Schandorff claims that in the 4. ... Bc5 line "White's rather primitive idea" (Oh really?) of Qe2 and Be3 can be tackled with the simple 6. ... d6 7. Qe2 a5! Our friend GM Gabuzyan is even mentioned after in the line 8. Nd5 a4 9. Nxb6 cxb6 but then the knight is forced back 10. Nd2 Nf6. This seems pretty logical indeed but white's positions feels a bit cramped. Do we have a good line against this 7. Qe2 a5 ? Any ideas / recommendations?


Already discussed here:

Yeah, I see and also in which is mentioned in that post. Interesting idea for black indeed.

Error in the Petroff defense course?

I enjoyed the course and I think the 5.Nc3 move is very a good choice for white. However i believe there is a small inaccuracy in the third video of the first section, when it explains why 5...d5 is bad. After 6.Qe2 the knight on e4 is pinned and white is threatening to play d3 and take it with the pawn. Here the video says that 6...Qe7 is the only move to keep the knight, but after 7.Nxd5 black is losing material. 6...Be7 is a move that unpin the knight and only loses a pawn. So, indeed 5...d5 is bad, but black is not losing a full piece.


Puzzle rush and sight of board

I've been playing puzzle rush on and noticed a few things. Simple things especially geometric motives: forks/double attack, discovery, back rank mates; and common sequences I see instantly (the puzzles sub 1500). Also piece being en-prise (particularly one just moved) or leaving something en-prise, king/queen safety I see quickly as my attention gets brought there quickly. I struggle more with when on a busy board involvement takes place outside an area (i.e. I've not noticed a piece), or when there are several functional relationships (e.g. protects/pins) and I miss one or a combination. Also the problem of locking onto an aspect (e.g. it must be a mate) and missing something else is an issue. I guess I don't tactically suffer and can solve complex problems because I can revert back to consciously thinking about the problem (checks, captures, threats) and trying different sequences, especially if it's a puzzle and I know there must be something there. So my thoughts are on how I can improve what I can take in from a board. Like speed reading, the more words you can take in/comprehend during a single fixation determines how fast you can read. I suspect it probably is a lot to do with neural recruitment - the more neurons dedicated to sight of board the more you see without having to think about it. Thus strategies related to neural recruitment are probably going to be beneficial, but it's just working out a training process (something like seeing puzzles that are just above my instant solving ability and training those or seeing aspects of those in a variety of ways until it becomes in-built). The benefits of this will be less blunders/things missed in low time, better calculation/visualisation as more will be appreciated and also freeing up thinking for higher level considerations to the position itself. Short term though it might destroy my blitz play (I'm noticing that), though I did notice my long-play way was better as I was seeing opponent's ideas quicker, though maybe hard to draw a conclusion with a sample of 2 games. Sadly you can't start puzzle rush from a certain rating of puzzle to get more practice on higher puzzles, select puzzles from a certain rating etc. But maybe treating some lichess puzzles as puzzle rush (30 in 3 minutes is up to 6 seconds a position, but probably 8-9 on the latter ones as the initial ones can be solved instantly) would help.


I do aimchesss daily tactic challenge . Its a 10 min max with 3 mistakes max. First ones as easy as chesscom but they get really harder after 20 . You can only do it once a day but can compare with others as we all do the same problems . Never tried chesscup. I used to do chesstempo long time ago with a short timer for hard puzzle but I was blundering too much which can be good in long term .. i m slow usually on these rushes , but I prefer solving less and being sure of my move . It shows in bullet where I m lower rated

One thing I did that might have helped improve my puzzle rush score was collect puzzles that I got wrong and put them into a Chessable course that I'd run through every so often. I didn't collect all my failed puzzles but instead focused on, in rough priority order: - Easier ones that I somehow overlooked. Typical reasons were things like a distracting feature, a backwards defender, or a novel configuration of pieces even though the motif was simple. - Interesting patterns that seemed to be recurring and potentially useful. - Some puzzles that required just a tiny bit more calculation than normal. Notably I typically did not add the hardest puzzles to my collection. I eventually collected a couple of hundred puzzles.

About Scotch 4....Bc5

Interesting for CM members is the following link : Good read ! 👍


There is 2 games mentioned in the article of GM Gabuzyan with white which ended in draws

Opening against 1.b4

Hi Avetik sir, What to play against 1. b4? Can you make course on it? Before that please share quick ideas against it. Thank you for your support and understanding!



After your comments in the QA session last day where you stated that you want to become a GM in 3 years, we would suggest you to study a lot more the courses that we already have. I checked the courses that you already worked on and you need to speed up your pace, otherwise it will be very difficult to even get close to your goal.

We will occasionally do a short course on b4 probably in the near future, but do not worry about b4, it is not a good move, just play healthy moves in the center. Personally the only thing I used in my games has been e5, Bxb4, Nc6 winning a tempo on the Bishop that will take e5  and that's it. Healthy development after that. No need to know more since you will almost never face this, and even if you face this opening, having a good center will give you a good game.

What you need to focus on is the program that we provided you and follow it trough. You can do it! Do the most effective things… 😀

Scotch Bc5 Line with Nge7

Hello there! First, I was playing with the black pieces against this IM who grounded me down, and then after I rematched him, we got the game - 1.e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 ed4 4. Nd4 Bc5 5. Nb3 Bb6 6. Nc3 and here he played Nge7, which is not in my file, and if I am correct, is not covered in the course? I played 7.Qe2 hoping for d6, trying to transpose to the line 6...d6 7.Qe2 Nge7 8. Be3 0-0 9. 0-0-0 f5 10. f4, but he played 7...0-0 8. Be3, thinking that he will transpose, but he played 8...f5, and after 9. 0-0-0, he went f4 and blocked my kingside expansion. I later won the game on time😁😁😁, but my question is about the opening. What do we play against 6...Nge7? Thanks, Ashwin


This early knight move gives us additional options since d6 is not played. We can go Bg5 first, Qd2 and 0-0-0. Transposing can be ok  like you tried to do too (although you forgot f4) but why not try to get a bit more?
 This move is from the course, but I do not know exactly which video, if f6 Bf4, Qd2 and long castle with usual plans. 😜

New Sudy Plans, Advanced Dutch/French. Let's Go!

Hi ChessMood family! My first post! Am in the category of player looking to reach 2000 OTB rating, and so was very interested to read through the new study plans recently posted. Have to say that whilst reading through the plans I was very excited to hear that the advanced dutch and french are being recorded. The 'starter' courses for the dutch and french attack are just awesome, so can't wait for the advanced courses to be released. Hopefully soon?!! Looking forward to growing my game with the help of ChessMood. Let's go!


Mating Matador Bug

Mating Matador Section 21 - Morphy's Mate Example 1 Quiz 1,2 All rook moves along the g-file >= g3 are mate, but if I play Rg5, Rg6 or Rg7 it marks it wrong


It might have to do with you need to take something for example Rg3 might be threatening to take the f pawn so the bishop can check the king. Also you can check analysis to see what is wrong with the moves

Tactics Question

Hello everybody, I have a question about tactics, I do tactics on, and I have a rating of over 2400 on it, and my question is: should I do those tactics on board or not? Thanks!


Hey Pratik. 
If you're doing simple puzzles/warmup exercises, then you don't need to set up a chessboard and solve. It would just take more time. 

But if say, you're solving a position that requires deep calculation and can't be solved quickly, then you can consider setting up a board. Atleast, this is what I would do.

Grand Prix 2. ..Nc6

Hi all, where can I find this variation: 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nd4 4. Nf3 a6 ( I only find 4. ..Nxb5) Thank you. Best Thomas H.


Proportionality and effect of training

How much difference is there between working on chess for say one hour a day or two hours a day? Of course I know there is a difference but is it proportional with the time invested or is the first hour the most effective?


How to be more stable in performance

Hi, I have this problem of being unstable in my performance, for example I could beat 1800, 1900 in classical chess, but next tournament I could lost to 1400, 1500, what is your suggestion to tackle this issue?


In the event seminar from yesterday:

At min 2:09:30 he replies to you.

Also at :

min 2:03:00 Avetik talks about this regarding how to play against lower rated players. 

Maybe the 1400, 1500 may be very underrated, this happens a lot nowadays. 

Also, your mood, how tired you are when going to the tournaments may play a big role… 😀

If you could expand a bit more, explain the playing conditions, your age, physical shape, etc. can be helpful to reply…

 Personally, I think that most of the answers are already in the Blunderproof course… 😀

Study /Training

I am new here and looking for training/ study partner. I use both and lichess. My rating is 1300-1400 but it had drop because I am learning new openings. I live in the Phillippine but willing to adjust to US. And Indian time zones


Hi Steve,😃

Please post your post in the thread with the other requests and look for a partner there too.

I will delete this message after a couple of days.

Also in discord we have another sections for promembers to get in touch with other promembers that you should check too!😀

Benko Gambit Quiz

When I click on the Benko Gambit Quiz I get 10 pin puzzles. Is this a bug?


😅Thanks Dennis, dully reported! We will fix it asap! 😀

Q & A Event on March 21

Hey Champions! 
On March 21, we'll have a Questions & Answers event! 

I'll have lots of coffee beforehand, and try to serve you for a few hours. I'll be answering all your questions, and will try to help you to kick your challenges asses. 

Please leave your questions in the comments. 

See you soon! 


How to gain mental toughness? Is Kasparov's My Great Predecessors worth it (they are very expensive) ?

I'm looking for a good book of Morphy's games annotated with algebraic notation. They all seem to have the descriptive which eventually gets me lost! One mistake and everything gets messed up! Know of any? Oh by the way I hope you are doing much better since your skiing accident!

Could do with more elaboration on the fix stage (see my post in can we fix it) for advanced ~2000 players. Other than tactical blunders and opening moves how to identify flaws in one's game and find the best way to go about fixing them.

I want to become GM in next three years. My Fide rating is 1467, After working on chessmood course with lots of efforts. How much rating can be pumped up? After that point will you train me in personally and recommend same openings with more depth or another. And can you help me to achieve my aim? Also some technical challenges are How much budget I should be ready with? How much time I need to practice or topics to complete? Do I need to participate in closed tournaments or normal? You can also add to it what to do in order become GM in 3 years. This will really make my life please guide me on this.

Dear Avetik, here are some of my questions: 1) How to fight FOMO in chess ? I think the best way would be to have a 2) Study plan (in my case for 2100+ but in general 2001- xxx) My goal is as well reaching 2300 Fide (within the next two years) longer term: IM. 3) I am turning 44 soon, do you think, such goals are ridiculous ? I hope not, I am willing to work hard and I LOVE chess. 4) Do you even recommend a private trainer (I am a very proud Pro member) ? 5) Any news about the coaching program with chessmood certified trainers? (Who are the trainers ?) I know we already had a mail conversation about that, but some questions are still open ;-) 6) How many hours per week of training do you suggest? (Probably this question is too general) 7) Any chance to get my 1:1 call at another time? Here in Germany it is always at 4 a.m. 🥱 8) Any news about middlegame roadmap, advanced French, advanced Dutch ? !!! Please do not feel put under pressure. Please keep your normal pace and continue delivering very high quality material !!! I am so much looking forward to spending some time with you on Tuesday. I even shifted my working hours 😃 See you in two days, all the best Thomas H.

Hi GM Avetik , I hope your back is getting better ! I have private session with a coach 1-2 hrs /week who is IM . I showed him French attack with games I played lately and he told me when he was younger ,having no coach , he played sides lines and he suffers from it now as he is aiming for GM title . His thinking is if you learn an opening , study the main lines to understand the fundamentals of it . Then after you can play side lines . For him , French is an extremely solid defense played by the best , playing side lines first with the idea of attacking is wrong . After showing him games with the Bd7 - a6 - Bb5 , and the Ng8 variation after e5 , and another line against tarrash. He insisted on studying main line first as it will hurt my understanding of the opening in the long run . I m 1700 fide and was playing Sicilian against e4 . Already a dutch player so 1..e6 is a good fit . What is your answer to him and/or me ? So far my plan was to keep playing what I learned here for French in the last 3 weeks ) as starting again with main lines will take too much time for it and I have many other areas where I need to improve putting more time on opening. I have a very good relation with him and I like working with him privately . We plan to participate in tournaments together . I m sure you understand my dilemma. If you answer in the webinar , I will check it the recording later as I work during the first hour . Thank you very much Denis

Our overall course is amazing but one thing need to be added into it. That's Calculation and imagination technique. The proper way how GMs thinking in various positions and while playing game in step by step method which will help us to consume our course knowledge and apply effectively as we can see way ahead of opponents. Can you add calculation and imagination technique in our course?

What is your prematch routine please ? Eating beforehand and what. Does it depend on whethe you are playing one game or two games a day ? Do you go for a walk ? Do you do stretches ? Do you listen to music ? I love classical music and listen to Ludovico Einaudi or Alberto Giurioli. I also recite the Desiderata.

Sir, I often play weaker against lower rated players than I do against higher rated players. Sir, I think I need to change my mindset. Sir, can you suggest me some changes?

Hi, I have this problem of being unstable in my performance, for example I could beat 1800, 1900 in classical chess, but next tournament I could lost to 1400, 1500, what is your suggestion to tackle this issue?

Will you create course on tactical.positional, strategical , courses on positions which comes after our openings?

Need sources in Sicilian GP Nc6-d4-c6, d6 line

Recently more and more players online and OTB rapid play this line against me. I even used this as black against coach GM Gabuzyan in simul and got promising position. I'm wondering how you guys play against this and what plan do you use to throw black off this botvinnik setup? Thanks Btw this is the video of chessmood discussing briefly the d6 line at around 10:45 I would go probably with open sicilian line, but would like more info about this or some recommended sources, thanks


Hi Paulius,

Sorry it took a while, but we are all busy here at Chessmood lately!

Regarding these lines, Avetik offers 3 options on move 7, Bc4, b3 and a3 also as an interesting option Benko style. They all work well and we don't usually lose because of the opening.

As additional sources, I would recommend 2. I will tell you that in Chessable course Butcher the Sicilian they offer Re1 first Nf6 and Nd5 with a follow up idea of c3, Bc2 and d4.

The other source that I like the most and that you should have, is the book by Gawayn Jones “Coffehouse Repertoire” part 1, where he also goes for the line  7.Bc4!? 

He says in the book: 
7.Bc4!? Continuing the odd little dance. White tactically defends against ...Bg4 and prepares to play d2-
d4. I think this is objectively the best move but you have to be comfortable playing an odd form of
the Sozin set-up in the Open Sicilian structure.

If you want to continue in a more closed position, you can also consider: 7.Nd5!? An idea borrowed
from the main line. The knight is destined for e3, which is a slight improvement on c3 – but more
importantly, White can then continue with c2-c3 and Bc2. 7...g6 (I think Black should play 7...Bg4!N
8.h3 Bxf3 9.Qxf3 e6 10.Ne3 g6= with a better version of the game.) 8.c3 Bg7 9.Bc2 Bg4 10.h3 Bxf3
11.Qxf3 Nf6 12.Nxf6† Bxf6 13.d3² White had a pleasant, safe edge in Rendle – Tarun, Daventry
Black has two main options: B21) 7...e6 and B22) 7...Nf6. The two moves lead to similar positions
and may transpose, but there are some nuances.

7...b5 Gaining the tempo on the bishop doesn’t work so well here. 8.Bd5 Bb7 9.d4 Nf6 (9...e6
10.Bxc6† Bxc6 11.d5±) 10.Bxc6† Bxc6 In Beach – Hewitt, Littlethorpe 2005, White could have
posed serious problems with: 11.e5!N 11...dxe5 (11...Nd5 12.e6! fxe6 13.Re1 g6 14.Ng5±) 12.Nxe5
Bb7 13.dxc5 Qc7 14.Qd4± 

And then he goes and analyzes B21) 7...e6 and B22) 7...Nf6.

I will not write here all the analysis, but I think that this book is a very good companion to our course and you will benefit from it.

Good luck on deciding the line that you like the best! 😀

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