Chess forum by Grandmasters
I finally learned to checkmate with two bishops!
Please be proud of me. I always struggled with this.
Good job! It is instructive to see how they work together.
You can also apply that in the middlegame :)
Youtuber who is using your content
I found a guy using your content for youtube. He created a playlist on Attack and it was full of your examples and your principles. And he said, "This is how I got to 2000 with Attacking Chess". He is 2200-2400 lichess but he said like this. This is the playlist. He has now also started a series on planning. And that's also your content. (Fearless Warrior & 7 Q Courses). He also took the classical games content.
SLP Success!
Hi everyone! This is my first time posting, but I've been a ChessMood member since December and I've really been enjoying the content. I currently have a 1173 rapid rating on so I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn. I recently went through the SLP course and am currently working my way through the WWP course, and just wanted to share a success that I had specifically due to these courses:
In the game I had a strong opening that left me a piece up, and then I immediately made a bonehead move that cost me a rook and left me exchange down. I'm pretty sure that before the SLP course I would have been really frustrated and mentally given up right then, but now instead I looked at it as an opportunity to practice the SLP approach.
Right away I stopped worrying about capturing miscellaneous pawns or protecting my queen-side pawns any more than necessary. I just focused on coming up with a strategy for targeting the opponent's king. The basic outline I came up with was:
1) Get control of the long diagonal with my dark-square bishop
2) Somehow get the opponent's king trapped in the corner
3) Mate using my rook and dark-square bishop
4) Keep the mood
I did try to avoid exchanging pieces, although there was one exchange in particular I really wanted: exchanging my knight for the opponent's dark-square bishop, in the hopes that my dark-square bishop could dominate that diagonal. There was one instance where I had the opportunity to exchange light-square bishops, and I think before the SLP course I would have, but instead I moved it away and it ended up playing an important role in the eventual mate.
Anyhow, the approach went amazingly well. A cool thing that happened during the game is that with the perspective I'm getting from the SLP and WWP courses, I could really see how my opponent was not playing correctly. Instead of pushing their advantage and trying to force me to exchange pieces or give up important positions, they seemed mostly focused on just targeting and protecting pawns while ignoring the threats to their king. The one piece they exchanged was their dark-square bishop for my knight, and before the WWP course I don't think I would have seen anything wrong with that, but with this new perspective that immediately seemed like a huge mistake to me as I think that bishop was playing a critical role in defending their king.
Sorry for the long post, it's just exciting to see a concrete example of a game I very likely would have lost without the ChessMood courses. I'm sure I did not play the position perfectly (and of course I'm not proud of the blunder that put me in a bad position in the first place) but it feels like real progress. Thank you to the GMs for the excellent courses, and to everyone else who works hard to make this site!
Hi Dave,
What an excellent first post - I'm sure that Avo and the team will be very happy to hear of the success that you attribute to the SLP and WWP courses.
And … nice recovery in the game. If it makes you feel any better, even after reading your comment about blundering a piece, I watched the game, I saw the huge swing against you in the Eval Bar after the B3 pawn move and I initially thought ‘What’s wrong with that?'. It was only because of that swing that I looked more closely and then saw the potential danger - I'm pretty sure that I would have missed it ‘in the heat of battle’!.
Nice comeback! A mating attack without queens on the board is especially impressive. It's nice how you can see your own chess progress, in this case with the SLP strategies coming into play.
I enjoyed reading your post. Feel free to post more game recaps in the future!
Finally, Tactic Ninja completed (first pass through)
I finally finished Tactic Nija. I’ve been at it for about a year, now. I made it a rule that every time I visited ChessMood, I would start with Ninja before I went on to anything else.
Mating Matador (which is now under my “Go here before anything else” rule :) is going more quickly for me. I’m curious at how long it takes other people to get through various courses.
OK, off to begin going through the quizzes in Ninja again and start in on the test problems. Arrgghhh!
Well done, Scott. It's a lengthy course, isn't it?
(I went through very quickly making notes and now I'm going through in more detail referring to my notes - I'm only halfway through!)
I finished my first pass of this at the weekend. I think it took me about 10 weeks. I found it reasonably easy up until section 24 after which it got really challenging.
At that point I took to setting up each position on my board and staring at it for up to 30 minutes. Even then I'd still get some detail wrong, there'd usually be at least one defensive move that I'd overlook. So I took to saving the positions and my analysis on a spreadsheet - including all the mistakes I'd made in my analysis - for any that I hadn't solved perfectly.
Whether this approach pays off or not I will see - I'm on my second pass through the course now. I'm putting more time into this and less time into “Puzzle Rush” over on Puzzle Rush is beginning to annoy me anyway
That's very good!
Doing this work is what will make you all improve.
Nobody gets good at doing pushups without doing them. This is the same.
Some of my students did it 4 times and still they do the quizzes and problems from time to time…
The problems are well selected and it's important to recognize and learn the patterns correctly.
😃WELL DONE again to all of you! Keep it up!!!! 👍
Yes - I have been going for just over a year - almost through on my first pass
How to get over fear
I have a fear of just playing the Grand Prix attack because I fear just playing it wrong, is there some way to get over this fear? Any answers are greatly appreciated. :innocent
I suggest that you stay relaxed and don't worry about losing. After playing, you can analyse your game and see where you went wrong. You can also read this article to help you memorise it: How GMs Memorize Chess Opening Variations - GM Avetik Grigoryan (
You got different options:
- Request a new account on ( ) and practise it on your new account.
- If you have a training partner, train the grand-prix attack with your training partner. If you don't have one, you can find one here: ( )
I hope this helps you! 😃
😀Chess is game where even if you lose you learn… Try to learn all the time… And remember that it is a game! 😀
Tarrasch Defense! Need help!
Hello chessmood! For a year I have been studying the tarrasch defense against 1.d4 but I am unable to fully get a feel for the positions arising from it. I know that chessmood recommends the Benko gambit but I still wish to learn this opening as I have done a lot of hard work to learn this opening already. So can someone advise me on how I should work on this opening and recommend some resources on this opening so that I can make this opening my lifetime repertoire.
Thanks in advance!
We are very sorry but we cannot recommend you a course on an opening that we do not play and we don't really know.
Still Jorden Van Forest made a course on Chessable on the Tarrasch, and Ganguly in the Semi tarrasch. They are very expensive, but this is what I remember. There was a book by Aagaard too from Quality Chess but we really can't recommend you a course because we did not check properly the courses on this opening.😀
Opening Question/Request
I'm new to chess. Just started playing slightly over a year ago. I only have 2 openings. Black: Caro Kahn and White: Vienna. I'm only a 900 on Should I learn more openings or try to master these ones if I want to improve? Also it, doesn't seem like there's any course work here for me to improve either openings, am I overlooking something. Anyhow, I'd like to request a Caro course on here if you guys are ever looking for new content to post. Any feedback on if I should expand my openings or wait till I get better would be appreciated. Thanks
Studying tactics should probably take precedent over expanding your opening repertoire. That being said, the Caro Kann (1.e4 c6) only traditionally occurs after white plays 1.e4, so you may need to find a defense for black after the other main pawn move, 1.d4. If you feel comfortable with the Caro and Vienna, I see no reason to change anything.
You have those 3 courses, watch the first one, and 2nd and 3rd are if you want to learn new openings. The fact is that many GM's, let's start with GM Avetik, recommends Franche and Dutch defence (attack) for beginners, and one day you'll definitely have to know to play them too, if you are planning to play on higher level. I think that Caro is for stronger players than me and you, so you should change it, and Viena is ok, but you could try to expand your game repertoar by learning some new openings.
Hi Jerry,
I'm new to chess too. I think that we beginners tend to focus too heavily on openings (because we take comfort from the certainty they provide with “this move follows that move” and so on) - it is more important to focus on tactics and actually playing chess. The ChessMood recommendation for those of us in the 0-1000 Elo range is to spend 90% of our study time on tactics and 10% on openings.
Both answers are very good, but yes, you can play the openings you recommend, or stick to the ones you are playing. But at your level, please focus almost exclusively on tactics. Follow the study plan that we have and you will improve for sure. 👍😀
What is the basis for this computer suggestion, and how would I find it during the game?
In the game at, I had the white pieces. At move 19, my local computer analysis suggests 19.a4. When I played 19.Qxa7, I didn't think it was a great move, but I didn't have any better ideas at the time. Is the engine's suggestion a good one, and if so, how would I have found that move? The engine analysis says 19.a4 is about a pawn better than actually taking a pawn with the queen.
Position before move 19 is in the image.
This is why we are humans and computers computers, you should not worry about this at all!
The computer is trying to get more space, to grind the position since Black is completely out of good moves.
The computer will keep increasing the advantage and the control of the position in this case. There are some games by Capablanca or Carlsen (amongst others) where they also push the h5 pawn before going for the endgame, maximizes the position. In a way this is the same, but you should not worry about finding this moves, taking the pawn is a normal human move.
Plus if you watch the streams Gabu always says: If you can take the pawn, take it… 😀
How to avoid time pressure?
I always get time pressure and loose
There is a great article by CM: .
It talks about "effective time management”, please have a look, it can hopefully give you some ideas on how to avoid time pressure
Did you watch the video Hriday ? What did you think about it? 😄
Tactic Ninja, Section 20, Clearing a rank subsection, Training puzzle 7, does not have a solution
Hello everyone,
Just as a title suggests, in the mentioned puzzle there is no correct solution for black. First I spent some time on it thinking I'm missing something, then when I tried using Hint button it stopped working after 2nd move, then out of desperation I put the position to an engine and it says there is no solution, black is just losing material. Can anyone clarify on that? Is this some bug?
The same problem occurs in the Section 21, Decoy subsection, Training puzzle 7
This is indeed strange. My best guess is that it is actually meant to be flipped, and say in the first one, it is White to move. This makes some sense for the second one, but not really for the first one.
We will see what a team member has to say on this subject.
Thanks taking note of this and we will fix it as soon as possible.😃
commented classical games
Is it really worth it watching commented classical games?
If it was not worth, we would not have spent hundreds of hours preparing the courses. 😅
Of course, you need to pause and think when asked, otherwise if you just watch and don't involve yourself in the games it is useless, but not only this course, any course! 😄
😁Take notes, screenshots of the moves that you find surprising, comment the games, etc. Be active when working, passive learning will get you nowhere… Still since I do not know your level, please stick to the Study Plan proposed for your level. Also one game per day max. ok? 💪
Modern Benko with 7. e4 and 12. a4
Hello dear friends,
I've been working on the benko gambit recently and found a line that seems to score really well for white (~60% megabase 2024, >50% lichess filtering bullets and u2000 elo) .
The line is the following :
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 g6 6. Nc3 Bg7 7. e4 O-O 8. Nf3 Qa5 9. Bd2 Bxa6 10. Be2 Bxe2 11. Qxe2 Qa6 12. a4 *
Stockfish 16 at depth 45 (18000kN/s) says it's ok for black after 12. …Qxe2 and d6 (0.47) but practically I'm not sure what are the compensations for the pawn in this particular “main” line ?
CM recommends a different continuation starting with 5…Bxa6 (not 5…g6/Bg7/O-O as in your variation). And in the advance section the topic 7.e4 / 11…Nbd7, 12.a4! is covered or as a 2nd option 11…Qb6, 12.a4, Na6!
Solitaire Chess
I don't do much in the way of studying chess, besides the occasional series of puzzles or opening videos. I want this to change, and I've been inspired to take up Solitaire Chess. From what I've read, it's a way to individually study master games by essentially guessing at each move, and comparing your own plans and moves to what was actually played. Does anybody have any personal experience with this study technique? Is there a better way to do it beyond loading games into lichess analysis and hiding the annotations? Is there any software specific for this that I may find useful?
Thanks, Jake
If you are a chesstempo user they have this kind of training embedded in their website. It's called Guess the move. I like it there. 😀
Also chessbase has the training function too.
Sicilian with 2...Nc6
I've been playing 3.Bb5 against Nc6 for a bit now and I'm constantly facing this kind of transposition to the main line of the grand prix: 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nd4 4.Nf3 g6!? with the idea of transposing to the main line after 5.0-0 Bg7
The book suggests 5.Bc4 but I'm not sure it's the best
I would like to avoid the main line so if you have any suggestions please leave them under this post
The CM recommendation is to play 5.Nxd4, cxd4 6. Ne2, please have a look at the course “Antisicilian part 2”
Hi guys I was playing blitz online and i faced this annoying system against the Bd3 line of the french. I'll write the first moves of the game : 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Bd3 Nf6 4. e5 Ng8 5. Ne2 Ne7 6. O-O Qd7 7. c3 b6 8. f4 h5
9. Nd2 Ba6 10. Bc2 g6 11. Nf3 c5 12. a4 Nbc6 13. Re1 Nf5 14. h3 h4 15. Bd3 Bxd3 16. Qxd3 Be7 17. Bd2 a5
Any suggestions on how to play against it?
maybe at some point you should have played f6 break and open up the center because of whites space advantage white was having attack after f6 if white does not take black should at least try to open up the f file
Why don't go f4 instead of Ne2 and transpose to a mainline of the French with 2 moves extra for White, the possibility to play c3, Nf3 etc… This would be a dream position for White opening wise… 😅
I think that 8. f4 is an inaccuracy, and a much better move would be Nd2 to reroute it to Nf3. I would recommend watching so these moves will come easier to you. The knight on b1 is quite bad due to not being able to go to Nc3. So you need to make it a happy piece and move it to f3.
The best games of March, 2024, and the prizes
Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions!
Welcome to the "Best games of March, 2024" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post the best games that you will play this month.
The Prize fund is 350K MoodCoins which is equal to 350$.
The 1st prize - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize- 50K
The 4th prize- 30k
The 5th prize- 20k
Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood!
#Right Mood - Right Move
P. S.
Here are the winners of February, 2024:
Roy Li
Aron Bekesi
Samuel Marsden
Mohamed Tineer
Regis H.
Check out this #chess game: VinzClortho21 vs Gustavlugovenzla -
A lot of blunders in this game but I was happy with my play. I used intuition and even though some decisions were wrong it payed off in the end 90+30 otb
90+30 otb
Took advantage of his uncastled king
90+30 otb
A slightly positionnal game with black in a strange sicilian
(I was black in this game)
Scotch “automatic attack” and an opponent that was fiercly defending after blundering a knight until a mate.
A crushing attack!
Played this game OTB recently. In an earlier round, I had lost to this exact same opening with dxe5 followed by Nb4, and I had lost that game to a friend of my opponent. I had expected he would play this thinking I was not prepared, but he thought wrong. 95% accuracy on my end… Definitely an attacking masterpiece 😜😁
A brilliant win after losing the queen earlier
Check out this #chess game: Marcel1er vs supergm_chessmood -
Absolute crushed him with 95% accuracy playing against the scotch
With great and brilliant moves.
A correct scotch Perfect Grand Prix Miniature
nothing fancy but a constant pressure taking advantage of all smalls errors of opponent in a Dutch
Anti Sicilian brilliancy!
Thank you Chessmood Family!
Caro Kann, quite happy with the plan Kg2 followed by Rh1, to attack along the h file
After the Tactic Ninja and Mating Matador courses I am pretty sure I am improving tactics and aggressive play.
Well, this game is not perfect, not perfect at all, but some attacking ideas were quite good
I definitely need to improve on defense.
(I play mainly bullet games online because too often on longer games when my opponents were losing they stopped playing with 20-30 or even more minutes on the clock; then in some games they moved when they were left with 20-30 seconds, just to see if you left too, hoping to win on time. This is really annoying, I can't waste my time playing that way).
Changing the queen for 2 rooks
I think this is a good example of why NOT to develop ones Queen too early…
Queen sacrifice in Benko
Beating a 2000 rated player (Over 350+ points higher than me), feeling rather proud, as these types of games are the ones i throw once i get a winning position.
When all comes together
Played in a 30+0 otb tournament
Crushing win with black with the mccuchon gambit !
Thanks for the unbelivable news.
Your Pal, Kingston
My best win till now.
Down a piece but kept attacking!
French exchange which has the reputation of being drawish if white want that … in a blitz game , sometimes you know they are going to fall for a trap … the bishop sac on f7 was too much but he still went for Qxd4 ?? right after , as i predicted … lol
Alekhine and then a more common structure
Three brilliant moves in one game ;0)) …!?
Larsen s back fire:
By luck, no mistake on black side:
Equal until 20.b4
Scotch game with a piece trap and a nice finish
Love this trap
A good French
Crushing french with Bd3
Madness : semi-open variant
- e4 d5 2. d4 de 3. Nc3 and so on … but, you have to see the end! … ;-)
Anti sicilian, happy pieces:
Free Outpost for everyone !
A very nice french attack with a lot of “!!”
À nice combinaison at the end for a pretty checkmate on move 20 as black in a French defense ( sorry Avetik , but I did not play aggressively enough to call it french attack! )
The best and longest match of this fantastic month! Right mood… wrong move!! :)
Oh my God what a game with King's Gambit!! Totally crazy.
Thank you friends!!
Nice tactic in the game
Very attacking game
a kind of model game in the anti-sicilian part 2 with 6… g6? from black:
Opponent did not watch the Exchange caro kann course.
Nice practical game
Nice smooth victory in botvinnik setup but as white
The French Attack .. “Blockade” version
A brilliant attacking game in the bishop's opening with a nice bishop sac
Played this game over the board at my local chess club.
Crushing attack in the end after a better middle game for my opponent.
Very aggressive
Attack…Attack….Attack in blitz a brilliant example of expoliting weak king and lack of cordination
Sicilian queen sac
Benko destruction
Bishop pairs overloading the rooks: ( Sicilian defence: Bowdler Attack )
Guy had a rang 2120 at …
I am emphasizing that “had” … ;-)
It mean that he HAD 170 ranging point more than me …
but, he ignored my King at e4! …
So, he HAD to be mate by my pawn! … ;-)
Nice French with bishop against 3 powns from opening pawns
Alexandr Klimchik - Ben Mason
It was over the board game with control 1h20min +30seca although we're both amateurs, I was close to resigning but instead, I saved a very lost position… 😀
This is a Hovannes special!!
they have to think I cheated Check out this #chess game: nejmeddine61781 vs MantaRay153 -
My biggest defeat
Sicikian against 2. f4
Attack..Attack…Attack in blitz PART 2
Literally 2 Rook Lifts
A miniature with the Schlechter variation against French. Checkmating in 12 moves…!
Just the best game of my life until now, OTB, against a 1675 FIDE using chessmood French Attack. All that thanks to you Avetik, Hovannes, and all the chessmood team; thank you so much!!!!
Played in otb 90+30 tournament
I was white
same otb tournament
I was white
I was white in otb tournament a week ago
played in otb 90+30 tournament I was black one my remembered games a game where I swindled my opponent This is the best game of my life!
Hello, I have a question, can anyone help? Are the rewards for this game only given to players who play the opening chessmood or to all players?
Hello, here comes my “best game of march” contribution. My first contribution on ChessMood.
I played Blitz “French Attack” with a mate in 15 moves, I am a chessmood student since one month.
best regards
Excellent win
A very nice win !!
Very happy with this SLP against a Caro-Kann !
I have not studied the 7…Qd7 variation yet and got it all wrong. But I was super pleased with my fighting spirit and my determination to try to make my attack work. “Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope….!”
My opponent's mindset collapsed at exactly the moment I needed it to, and I got my payout. 😀 We play against humans for these moments. This was a big game, a tournament round against my club teammate, my arch rival and my sparring partner, and I was soooo happy to take it down ! 👊
This is a game I have played last Saturday in the Italian Team Championships 3rd League
and… I have lost it! Worse, I have lost it a couple of days after having finished the “Blunderproof” course and even more bad I resigned in an almost even position.
After a tense struggle where my opponent made a bad mistake in the opening (15. … Qb6?) and I was able to gain a pawn and to slowly increase the pressure almost until the final blow. And then, with just a couple of minutes left on the clock (often to win a won game you must think a lot to find the right plan/sequence) I blundered: I have calculated 34. hxg5 and then maybe 35. Rxd8 and 36. Nf6+ and instead I played… 34. Rxd8? (why???).
Even worse, in the rush I didn't noticed that the f6 square was not protected, so after the sacrifice I immediately took my knight and I almost placed it on f6 (after having calculated a nice checkmate: 35. Nf6+ Kg7 36. Qxh7+ Kxf6 37. Qh6+ Ke5… If not for 35. … Qxf6 -+). Then I realized that if I had not touched my knight I could have played something different. I had just blundered an exchange and I was losing my wonderful passed pawn on d6 too!
I resigned. My opponent was quite embarrassed.
At home I realized that I could have tried to play some more moves, that maybe not everything was lost. But at the end of the game, after the double blunder, I was in a very bad mood.
Well, it's still a good game (e.g. 22. … Kg7 23. Ra2!), if not for the (not) happy ending.
It was tremendous. One of the most powerful online prize money tournaments I have ever played.
nice game
Check out this #chess game: gnux3e vs supergm_chessmood -
I am really happy after playing this game .
This was one of my best games I have played where I used the “Cat and Mouse” strategy.
played as black here
chesscom analysis considers ..15 . nxd4 and …17. qxd4 as brilliant moves
defo gonna be one of my top games
French schlechter, all in:
Sicilian sidelines, with a mating attack on white king, which is not that wrong:)
Caro Kann
Thank you Avetik Great attacking game
Win with CM Antisicilian in 13 moves
Attack with Anti-Sicilian against Nc6 and g6. Opponent let his clock run out.
Check out this #chess game: supergm_chessmood vs DrOs2008 -
A game that switch to a benko l8ke position :
Beautiful queen sac and Epic checkmate!
Move order is important, mistakes and all!
Played in otb last weekend 90+30 i was white
Not bad at all, maybe a bit shy in the opening (10. d3), but a good game without big errors
made an attack until opponent blunders
Clean attack against a philidor
Scotch, “watch them all four coming for black's king head”
a good antisicilian part 1 model game with 6…e6 ? from black allowing 7. d4!
i was never worse
Excellent win
Must-watch game
I had a very nice game today ! A typical Dutch but my opponent went long castle… I found a great forced checkmate at the end ;)
A quick 9 moves win , first time I have the chance to play this philidor line . I knew there was something after the early Bg4, and as Avetik always say , you don’t need to remember long variation as long as you understand the idea .
Here is a good game (I hope :) ). A Scotch game with Mate in 20 moves with a sacrifice of the Queen in move 19
best regards
CM Benko
CM Caro
CM sicilan sidelines, closed system
A game I played in the Faroese championship this year with caro kann. experimented with sacrificing the exchange and see the power of the light square bishop
kingside attack in a sicilian
Sicilian gran prix attack, arrogant kings march,
The ending of the game shows the power of Benko
How often do you see a zugzwang position ;))
Entertaining CM Scotch with interesting missed tactics
model game in the scotch against the 4…Qh4 coffehouse move:
a perfect game according the engine:
Quick Blitz Victory by White against Pirc.
A model game (at least a typical good try) against the trompovsky:
90+30 otb tournament I was white
otb 90+30 game i was black
otb 90+30 i was white
otb 90+30
I was white
played in otb 90+30
I was white
90+30 otb
veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy long king walk 90+30 otb 90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
90+30 otb
Typo mistake
Steinitz with Ng8
Crushing attack in the caro-kann with a nice Bxh7 sacrifice and a great rook lift. A very nice game to reach the 1900 in blitz and achieve yet another goal since I joined chessmood !
Nice SLP! forgot that i should've taken dxe5 on move 4 rofl
a GP attack
It's an attacking masterpiece for me with Rossolimo variation.
Hey champions and future champions!
How is your mood today?
There were lots of interesting games in the 3rd month of this year - interesting, risky, positional, and it's a pleasure to see your growth!
Let's speak about the prizes now! 😊
1st Prize: Corentin, the nice guy whom GM Gabuzyan always puts in the waiting room during the events (it's their inside joke).
You played a great Caro-Kan game, with the aggressive sacrifice of the Bishop, and the creative idea of opening the h-file and mating the opponent's King. Great job!
2nd Prize: Zaid Al-JAY, with a very interesting sacrifice in the Caro-Kan again, long game - lots of right attacking principles. You used all available resources to pressure and eventually checkmate! Keep going!
3rd Prize: Roy Li. It looks like your opponent regretted playing French! It was a very intense game, with sacrifices and exposing the opponent, the King. It was nicely done!
4th Prize: Marius Cornee, you kept all the right rules in the Scotch game! The concept of attacking ASAP with opposite-side castles was kept perfectly!
5th Prize: Joseph Zaffarese. Wow! That was an amazing exchange sacrifice and an even more impressive mating net for the opponent's King. It's rare to checkmate in the endgame, with a few pieces on the board, and it was done super well!
Congratulations, dear winners!
Thank you champions, for sharing your games!
Keep improving in 2024 and make us happy with your beautiful games next month as well!
Good luck! 😊
I was invited to play chess with the president of Lithuania!
Hey guys,
Asking for advice here. After my win in this tournament suddenly I got an invitation to play chess for an hour by none other but my country's president who is also known as chess enthusiast (playing strength about 1900). He was impressed with my adult chess improvement.
What do you guys think, should I lose on purpose? 😀
Congrats Paulius!
Definitely don't lose on purpose lol. Respect your opponent and give them your best!
French attack 3.c3
I followed BlackMood Openings, and I am having some problems. Some players play 3.c3 in the following sequence: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.c3. What should i play back? Should i just take on e4 or play Bd7 with the idea of a6 and trading the light squared bishops? Or am I completely wrong?
Thank you
3.c3 against the french is dubious and if you follow the follow the opening fundamentals course you will be able to refute it. (Mainly being that it gambits a pawn however white does not get normal speedy development which comes from gambits. You can take the pawn on e4 play Nf6 and strike at the center with c5. A possible line could be 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.c3 dxe4 4.f3 (4.Nd2 Nf6 5.Qc2 c5! 6.Nxe4 cxd4 7.Nxf6 Qxf6 8.cxd4 Bb4+ as you can see black gets very fast development after he gets the c5 break in.) 4…Nf6 5.fxe4 Nxe4 6.Nf3 c5! threatning to take cxd4 next and create an IQP position black is doing fine.
TLDR: Just take the pawn, defend the pawn with Nf6 and then break the center with c5 and you are good to go
Mastering the Endgame: Rook vs. Pawn Showdown
The birthday celebration had come to an end, and most of the guests departed after thoroughly enjoying the feast. Only three pawns remained on the chessboard for my resilient rook, who was already weary from a demanding day. The pawns were carefully guarded with the support of his king.
As my rook trailed behind the opponent's pawns, a sense of contemplation overcame him, knowing that he needed to eliminate them at all costs before they could advance to the eighth rank. The dishes were impeccably presented, yet the challenge remained in satisfying the rook's hunger.
Understanding the intricate dynamics of pawns in rook endgames is imperative. The defending side may seek to create connected passed pawns to counter the formidable strength of the attacking rook.
Consequently, the following moves were executed:1. Rxd7 Rxd7 2.a7! Rxa7 3.Rxa7.
White Chisti123 V Black Havorn1
After a hard-fought battle, the only way to halt the advance of the a-pawn was to sacrifice his rook. Eventually, I discovered the winning position.
Subsequently, he attempted to advance his three connected passed pawns from the center of the board. I felt intense anxiety at the prospect of his pawn being successfully promoted.
After 3…e5 4. Rf7 Ke4 5.Kc4 d5+ 6.Kc3 d4+ 7.Kd2 Kf4 8.Kd3 Kg4 9.Re7 Kf4 10. Re8 e4+ 11.Kxd4 Kf3 12. Rf8 f4 13. Rf7 e3 14. Kd3 Kg4 15.Ke2 Kg3 16. Rg7+ Kh4 17. Kf3 Kh5 18. Kxf4
The rook is pleased to have consumed its opponent's pieces, placing the enemy king in a checkmate position within a few moves.
daily puzzle error
in today's [29-03-24] puzzle the solution was Nd5 Bxd5 g8=Q Bxg8 a8=Q#
but instead I did Nd5 Bxd5 g8=R and it showed wrong but the same thing is going to happen with g8=R it is going to be checkmate anyway
Thats true, but I believe that the CM daily puzzles can only allow 1 correct move, they havent coded it otherwise.
So in most cases, when you promote and queen works, just always promote to the queen. The queen promotion takes precedence over the rook promotion.