Happy Pieces - The Art of Keeping Your Army Happy - ChessMood

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Happy Pieces - The Art of Keeping Your Army Happy

Course 110 episodes
(5 hours 23 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan

Imagine there’s a President who wants to take his country forward. He works hard day and night.

But what if his ministers spend most of their time on vacations, not doing what they’re supposed to do.

That would mean, even despite the President’s efforts, his country would not make much progress...


The same applies to chess. 

In this case, you are the President and your pieces are the ministers. 

Your job is to give them a fulfilling role to unlock their full potential, contribute to the position and improve your chances of winning!

In this course, our Grandmaster coaches will show you how to do precisely all of that! 

Below are some of the positions taken from the course:

Happy piecesHappy piecesHappy piecesHappy piecesHappy piecesHappy piecesHappy piecesHappy pieces

Our Grandmasters will ask you many questions throughout the video. Please think over them because this will help you grasp the ideas better. 

As you apply what you learn here to your games, you’ll get better at piece play and become a stronger positional player who’s capable of converting equal-looking positions.

Let’s jump in!

What you'll learn

  • The most underrated(and fun!) question to improve your pieces, which anyone can use, from a beginner to a GM. 
  • How to find a job for your pieces in different positions — openings, middlegames, closed positions, attacking positions, etc.
  • The strategy for every individual piece to play at their full potential in a position.

Course Content

  • 110
  • 5 hours 23 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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play 110
time 5 hours 23 min
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan
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Cheers! Charlie

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