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Chess forum by Grandmasters

How to overcome a loss?

Hey, These days, I am having one regular issue and mostly all the tournaments I have been playing - Whenever I lose a game, I play the next few rounds very badly and sometimes losing also.

 My question is: How can you come back from a loss you suffered? 


I like to use that as motivation to win my next few games!


Hello Coach and ChessMood family,

     Of course I usually stick to Chessmood openings but sometimes I like to play casual Chess with friends and play something different. I have been fooling around with The Modern/Pirc defence for black against e4 and the Bishop's Opening/Urusov's Gambit for white against e5. What are your thoughts on these openings? Are they classed as fundamental openings that can bring my level up? Thanks :)


Hey Bobby! 
Our PRO Member Roger is a big fan of Modern Pirc, he called it tiger opening :D :D :D 
THat's cool, for getting 2000 Level its enough. 
The problem, it's a passive opening, and you will not expand your chess skill with 100% with that. 
From another point, is much easier to learn than Sicilian. 
If your goal is to learn some openings and enjoy chess- that's fine.
But if it's more, than go to Sicilian.

About Urosov Gambit against e5, that's fine against players below 2000 ELO. 
Later you will have problems... 

Amazing blunder by Grischuk

Grischuk played unbelievable move Bh6?? 
What do you think, what's the reason?
Do you call it blunder or something else? 


It shows that he is a human being. Now a lot of moves like this. He was sure that The queen was covering h7-Square, but why was the Knight there?  It's a blunder, normal on my level, very unusual on his level. Good to see in one way. Terrible in another. 

When you play so much Chess and constantly staring at positions all day, it's easy to get blindsided.

I am willing to wager he intended Nf1 followed by Bh6, but after thinking about his moves, he tricked his mind into thinking he had already moved the knight, and made the bishop move. 

I think you can look at a board so much and study the position until you confuse yourself and a blunder looks logical. I have done that before making a move I would never have made if I wasn’t studying the position too hard. I think there is a fine line in concentration before the mind plays overloaded.

       I think  Jay garrison explanation is perfect.
         Grischuk thought he had the knight in other square As f1 :)

Okay :) 
Here are my thoughts.

It's not a blunder. I don't call this as a blunder.
It's lack of concentration or too much pressure on the nervious system. 

Especially when we look at how much time is left for Grischuk, we can imagine what a mental pressure he was during the game...

1. Right Mood - Right Move! 
Don't lose your concentration
2. Time management! This is a very important topic! 

Fantastic queen sacrifice by Karthikeyan!!asian-continental-2019/-2050601901 


Wow Qxc3!

Amazing sacrifice, he seems to be very influenced by David Bronstein! 

amazing positional understanding ... hats off .... I will watch this game few times every day sir ... the tricky Qa5 ... I have seen that in some of your videos as being referred as Tricky move . I was wondering that White will play h4, g4-g5  and Bishop have to leave h6... but what he still kept asking questions with so much piece play , even the ending is so good . Thank you sir for sending the link.

is it contagious ?

take a look at the game GM Mchedlishvili, M (2609) vs IM Rathnakaran,K (2338) 2nd Goa Open 2019.
Nice video by my friend Suren! 

Modern Maroczy Bind - Section 5.

Just a friendly reminder as already mentioned in a previous thread, that the following important and challenging line was not included in Section 5 of the Modern Maroczy Bind:

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4 Nf6 6.Nc3 d6 7.f3 Nxd4 8.Qxd4 Bg7 9.Be3 0-0 10.Qd2 Be6 11.Rc1 Qa5 12.Nd5!?

How should Black best proceed from here.


Hey Kevin! 
This and many other lines, as Caruana's Kf2 will be in the advanced course. 

How to win in Catalan from Black?

   What is the most fighting setup for Black in the Catalan?


Adarsh, it's the line with Nc6 Rb8, or a6 


Dear Friends, Dear PRO Members! 
I am adding this topic and kindly asking you to add here all your comments, where you feel there is a mistake in the course. 

For every 1 hour course, we work many days, to try to provide you the best quality, but still we are human, and of course, there still will be some mistakes. 

I will be just grateful if you add here the moments of the videos, where there is a mistake, and I will fix it. 
Also, I love so much, that you watch the courses so carefully! 

With best wishes, 
GM Avetik 


Caro-kann panov alternatives to the endgame draw ?!

I defend with caro-kann and there is one line where i cant win with black. Its the panov attack where white play like this 1.e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3 exd5 cxd5 4 c4 Nf6 5 Nc3 Nc6 6 Nf3 Bg4 7 cxd5 Nxd5 8 Qb3 Bxf3 and white goes for the drawish endgame . My question is if i play a lower rated opponent and i would like to win is there a way to avoid that endgame and get a middlegame where i could outplay him. Maybe then i should just avoid the caro and play sicilian accelerated dragon it would be tough as i nver really pllayed sicilian and i have no experiewnce with it. Let me know what u think guys :)


I like the idea 6...g6, followed by 7.Bg5 Be6!? Usually transposes to a Tarrasch with colors reversed, and it's not drawy at all,in the Main line, 8.Bxf6 gxf6 9.c5, you'll have a strategically very complex middlegame where Black tries to prove that potential weakness of d4-pawn, his bishop pair, and kingside pawn mass is stronger than White’s structural advantages. 

You can also take a look at 5...g6 or 5...Be6 ideas, they're very interesting and not giving the drawy endgame to a booked up opponent.

Qxd5 instead of cxd5 is interesting with a Scandinavian type of position.

I am agree with Jordi! 
6...Be6 is a very interesting option! 

Rossolimo with a3 b4

Hey all, when I say my coach about Rossolimo with b6 in the courses after b6 white plays Nh2 but my coach said that after b6 white has very interesting idea white plays a3 and after some move b4 and make some game on queenside... So what we must play when white plays with a3 and then b4?


Well, check the Youtube link below to the game Wang Hao - Carlsen, World Blitz Championship 2018.

I know it's only a 3+2 minute game so I'm not sure how correct it all is, but Carlsen is Carlsen. :-) Especially since he had prepared the Nc6-Sicilian for the Wch match with Caruana. So he has probably checked this line more than just a little bit. ;-)

Also, his opponent wasn't exactly a pushover either (2700+) but still lost as white in 36 moves...

Here's the link:



Rossolimo with 0-0-0

Hey all,  I played this Rossolimo with white with 0-0-0 and I,d like to know when white goes 0-0-0 Black must play with 0-0 with attack on queenside  or 0-0-0 with attack on center?


Hey Suren, can you upload the game? 

Chess Store is Launched!

Hey friends! 
What's your most favorite design? :) 


Saw followed by gentlemen followed by the one that was the most popular


Another lost position saved!


Good job! 
Jay, we have a special post SLP, so we collect all our SLPs there)) 

Awesome! I hate to lose so SLP is always great!

Fun Game!

There were a few errors where I tried to throw away the win, but a fun game non the less!


Be6! :) 

I like it Jay. Go on and on and on. ????

Another fun one!

Benko Gambit

Hey all, 

I wanted to share a question in the Benko that I had from a game I played this last weekend in a tournament. I was playing black against a strong FM rated 2392, and ithe 5.Nc3 line he played 8. a4. I spent a good amount of my time trying to work this out and got myself in trouble first on the board and later on the clock. 

Here are the moves : 1. d4, Nf6 2. c4, c5 3. d5, b5 4. cb, a6 5. Nc3, ab 6. e4, b4 7. Nb5, d6 8. a4

How can we best answer this move? I took the pawn, but didnt follow up well and got tied up.


Hey Jay ! When you say "I took the pawn" is it ...Ne4 or ...ba3 en passant ?

Hi Jay,

This variation is the Nescafe Frappe Attack (lol) and we should take the e4 pawn with knight or just continue developing with g6 or Nbd7 but not bxa3. I added a pgn for details.

Mate! Perfect answer! 

Game 6 Neutralizing opponent's attack

This is the position from my game. I was playing with white. 
Black wants to play g5, g4 and start a dangerous attack.
How to neutralize the attack?  


Ne1 and f3 :)

I just watch the video : extremely convincing ! Congratulations. 

This game taught me to act on the  position, and not out of general considerations. Instead of 0-0, I had to play g5 or even a5!?, But my problem was that I didn’t assume that White could seriously fight for e5 square

Move Order in Grand Prix

What do you recommend against this? 

1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 e6 3.f4 g6 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Bc4 Ne7


The 5th move d4 immediately! 

Punishing opponents!

I was waiting for my brother to meet me for a few drinks and played a game from my phone and had to share!



beating Scandinavian defence

Somehow I dont do well against prepared players with scandinavian defence.

I want to know if g3 would be good to play after 3....Qd8 .

I am copying one bullet game for reference . @GM Avetik do you have plan to show how to play against Pirc and Scandinavian ?


In one of the live streams, he commented on a system with 3.Nf3 4.Be2 and delaying d4. 

For Pirc, there was a setup with 1.e4 2.d4 3.Nc3 4.Be3 5.f3 6.Qd2 7.0-0-0 8.Nge2 and attack on kingside

I'm agree Agree with Kevin :) 

Yeah, Bhabatosh, we are working now on that 2 courses. 

Daily Commentated Games PGNs

Here are my annotated PGNS from the Daily Commentated Games! :) 

I used arrows and commentary from GM Avetik's explanation. 

Game 1: Winter - Capablanca


Game 2: Andersson - Qi 

Game 3: Petrosian - Sax 

Thank you Kevin !

Kevin the great! 

That's awesome, cheers Kevin!

Thx Kevin. You are good!

Game 4: Alekhine - Capablanca

Game 5: Reti - Yates

Game 6: Grigoryan - Hovhannisyan

Game 8: Petrosian - Bannik

Game 9: Petrosian - Schweber 

French without ... c5

wrt the French.

Do you have a recommendation if Black refrains from playing c5 as for example


Mr. Simpson, I didn't find any game in the database... 

Mr. Simpson, after Bd6 I think Nd2 is very strong with Nc4! 
Onischuk, one of the experts of 3.Bd3 line is coming to Yerevan today, to play some tournament, I will try to arrange some webinar with him. 
Let's see :) 

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