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Chess forum by Grandmasters

1.f4 for Black?

What would you recommend against 1.f4? 



Let’s see if I remember 1.f4 e5 2.f4xe5  d6 3.e5xd6 Bxd6 4.No matter what White plays Black plays Qh4+ 5.g3 Bxg3+ Unless white plays 4.Nf3 Nf6 position is equal 

Just seeing if this is right I know your asking GM Grigoryan...

I didn’t think 1.f4 could be complicated... I was always told it was a huge mistake for White. That being said I’m interested in what the answers for this will be.

You don't need to prepare for it, just play d5, Nf6, g6, Bg7, 0-0, c5, Nc6 and see some games.

Game 5 Find a Plan

Hey Champions! 
White to move. How to continue? 


That was a hard one. (Don't see the board:)

E4. But Rc1 can not be bad either. 

I have to find places for my heavy pieces. The maneuver Rc1-Rc2-Qa1-Rfc1 is known in the Reti... Maybe it's possible to complete with Nh4 to force ...g6 and then play with f4 at the right time...

Is this Reti v. Yates? This is one of my favorite fames

Yeah Yeah! Reti-Yates :) 

Rac1-c2, Rfc1 and Queen goes to e2 or a1/b1

Queen vs 2 rooks

Hey ChessMood Family! 
I have a question for you.

What tips would you offer, when playing with queen against 2 rooks, and what tips when playing with Rooks against Queen.
What general rules are there? 

The best answer will be rewarded :) 


With a Queen vs. 2 Rooks:

The strength of my queen is its superior mobility, so I would keep her centralized as much as possible to take advantage of this. I would then use her to quickly switch attacks from target to target when it would be difficult for the rooks to keep up and defend as quickly. I would also keep my eyes open for fork tactics that my Queen could take advantage of.

With 2 Rooks vs. Queen:

First I would keep my rooks connected, to avaid losing one to a fork by the opposing queen. I would strive to get them both on the 7th rank to generate many threats. By working together, my rooks can generate threats against weaknesses that the queen alone can not defend.

Generally two rooks are equal to a queen, if everything is equal otherwise, the game should be a draw, if noone blunders. So these positions are always situational, never follow general rules without checking the concrete position.

Tips for both sides:

  • The initiative is really important. (Maybe even a sacrifice is worth it)
  • Don't create any weak pawns (Queens and rooks don't like defending)
  • Don't expose your king
  • Look for tactics (Queens are tricky)

Playing with the Queen:

  • Try to keep as many pieces and pawns on the board as you can. The queen is an attackig piece without supporters (pieces) it will be weaker. About the pawns: rooks need open lines, so don't exchange pawns. Your queen can use the diagonals, rooks can't. Keeping the board crowded will make your opponent more likely to blunder.
  • Advancing your pawns to open your opponent's king is really great even if your king becomes open too (but it depends ). You could then save tempis by checking your opponents king and attack faster. 
  • If nothing else works go for the perpetual (with a queen you have great chances)

Playing with the Rooks

  • Keep your rooks connected. Attack a pawn with both of your rooks and the queen won't be able to defend
  • Try to open the position (but not your king)
  • Try to exchange pieces, rooks are the strongest in the endgame
  • If playing for a win, your king should have a pawn shelter

It's worth mentioning that lonely Queen against rook is difficult to win ('almost' a draw), just imagine another rook, they are menacing in an open board.

Don't forget that playing in the right mood is the most important, you will find theright moves easily.

It is important for both sides to evaluate the position and determine which side is better so they know whether they are supposed to be fighting for the win or playing for a draw. There are many factors that one must consider such as:

- king safety, the quene is either equal or superior to two rook is if the opposing king is exposed due to being able to create a lot of threats 

- pierce coordination, this is a very important factor that can determine whether the side with the queen is superior or not. If the side with the two rooks are not coordinated, this can be extremely troublesome. If you combine this factor with an exposed king, there might be a lot of forks available for the queen. The corrdination between the major pieces with the remaining pieces of the board is also important. It is generally well-known that queens work well with knights whereas the two rooks work well with bishops. 

- weak pawns and squares - the queen is usually superior when she is playing against a side with a lot of weak pawns and squares to attack. The queen is also better in positions where there is play on both sides because the queen can easily play on both sides of the board. 

- piece activity - it is important for both sides to make sure that your pieces are active and not passive. 


Here is some advice stated by Dvoretsky in his book: 

1. Rooks are powerful when they act together. A standard method is doubling the rooks to win, or at least stop, an enemy pawn. Rooks can also create mating threats, particualrly when the opponent's king is cut off along an edge. 

2. The queen has the upper ahdn when the rooks are disconnected or doomed to passivity because of the need to stop an opponent's pawssed pawns or to defend their own pawns. 



- The side with the queen should try to disconnect the two rooks by attacking certain weaknesses forcing the rooks to defend. This can lead to increased chances of forks that the Queen can perform. 

- It is also very easy for the side with the queen to get a draw with perpetual if the side with the rooks is not careful. So if the two rooks is playing for the win, make sure to prevent some ideas. 

- When playing with the queen, it is a good idea to try to avoid trading pieces so you can attack. Two rooks prefer endgames whiles queens prefer attacking positions. 

- Both sides should try to shelter their king but don't be afraid to activate it when the time is right. 

- The side with the rooks should try to connect their rooks and try to create a passed pawn. 


One of my favorite examples that feature this type of imbalance is in the 9.0-0-0 variation of Sicilian Dragon where White decides to be greedy and win a pawn. Even though White is "up in material", Black has a lot of piece coordination in compensation so Black is usuaully better in that variation.

As a general rule, two rooks are better than one queen. The queen = 9 pawns, while the pair of rooks is worth 10. But several factors can influence this imbalance…

In the opening, or middlegame, the queen is much stronger because, it can collaborate with minor pieces and come into play faster. Rooks are waiting for late middlegame and endgame…

Now the endgame ! factors to remember :

  • The position of kings. If the side with two rooks has an exposed king, the queen is equal or even superior to the two rooks, since it can easily create threats against the king. Specially if there is a knight with the queen. The rooks cooperate better with bishop…
  • Pieces coordination. Two rooks are better than the queen, if they are well coordinated in time. , Two rooks that can’t manage to help each other, will become target of double attacks.

-  The queen is usually better, if there is play on both sides of the board. For a queen, it will be easier to create threats on both wings.

  • Piece activity. The queen or the two rooks need to be, above all active !  The rooks need open files. Two rooks on the 7th rank (2nd) are monsters.
  • When both sides have passed pawns, tactics will determine who is on top. The degree of progress is often more important than the number of pawns.

Obviously, there are exceptions to these rules. The right assessment of a position depends on the nature of details. So keep the right mood !

Please, note that most of the ideas are not mine. I had made a compiled data on internet few months ago.  

Thank you for your great answers, Jay, Mate, Kevin, Arnav, Mr. Pascual! 

I will my summarize and add my notes :)  

Important factors 

  • King safety 
Especially the side with 2 rooks should worry about his King a lot! 
Because when their Kind is open, it's becoming tough to coordinate pieces together. Why? Because check-check-check and Queen takes the rook ? Or check-check-check-check and draw because of perpetual checks.

  • How many pieces are there on the board 
As Kevin mentioned, When playing with the queen, it is a good idea to try to avoid trading pieces so you can attack.
Two rooks prefer endgames whiles queens prefer attacking positions. 
  • How many pawns are there on the board  
Rooks love open lines! 

  • Piece coordination
Queens work well with knights whereas the rooks work great with bishops. 
  • Pass pawns 
Is there a pass pawn on the board?
If Rooks side has a pass pawn, it's gonna be tough for the queen to stop it. 

  • Is the game on one side or both?  
Queen plays better on both sides.

Tips for playing with Rooks 

  1. Keep your King Safe 
  2. Keep you rooks together  
  3. Try to change pieces; Rooks love endgames.
  4. Change a few pawns(but not all), and open lines for your rooks. 
  5. Create weak pawns in opponent's position and attack them with rooks.
  6. Try to get to the 7th (or 2nd rank) and make a horror (terror there) 
  7. Be careful, it's very easy to blunder something when playing against Queen (Especially if your King is open)

Tips for playing with queen 

       1. Try to keep pieces and create an attack! Queen loves to attack and she needs her pieces to help her.
  1. Open opponent's king! If not checkmate there will be lot's of chance for perpetual checks if things don't go great.
  2. Avoid having week pawns. Rooks will attack them and your Queen alone can't protect it. She is alone, while rooks are two ?   
  3.  Try to keep the game on both sides of the board. Your queen will feel gratitude. 
  4. Try not to exchange pawns and open lines for opponent's rook 
  1. Never resign! Opponent always can blunder some check-check and you took his rook ? 

In your notes, you said that 

How many pawns are there on the board

 - Rooks favor open lines. 

How do those two relate?

Do you mean something along the lines of less pawn = more files?  

Thanks :) 

English /Reti

Hello Chessmood Family! I'm already familiar with your website, and have seen some of the courses when they were free. I am thinking in getting pro, just for the repertoire, but I have 2 small complaints....

1) Some of the courses are in construction (take the d4 sidelines, only with Trompowsky so far) Are they going to be completed soon?

2) The repertoire on the sicilian dragon (2...Nc6) does not fit with the "crushing sicilian sidelines" (2...d6) and only the Rossolimo course seems to adress the problem. Since at club level the anti-sicilians are very popular, are you going to complete the repertoire for 2...Nc6?

And also, there's nothing on what to play against 1.c4 or 1.Nf3, is there something coming?

Well, those are my questions, I have little doubts I'll become part of the Pro family soon, since you are doing a great work, congrats!


Hey man! Thanks for kind words! :)

All the courses we weekly update.
Unlike other websites, we don't just record a video and upload. 
On every course that is uploaded, we have worked for more than 1 month! 
In order to provide the best quality and explain everything as clear as possible. 
d4 sidelines, Rossolimo... Everything we update. 
There will not be any course which will not be updated.
We don't outsource. 
So it's not like someone did a job, we paid him and he went, mistakes stay :D 
Theory grows, new interesting games are being played, which we also analyze and update here. 
So we finish a section then upload, finish a section- then upload :) 

About c4 and Nf3 we offer Maroczy Bind and Modern Maroczy Bind, most of them from Reti and English will be transposed to there, but we will also upload if white doesn't play with d4. 

In other words, we don't just upload lots of videos with bad quality :) 

One more time thank you for your kind words! 
Looking forward to seeing you in our PRO team! 

Game 4 Alekhin - Rubinstein

With what pawn to take the bishop and why? 


f7 pawn closing h7-b1 diagonal protecting king as much as possible. 

F-pawn. Castle and you get a semiopen file for The rook. And you can attack with bishop and knight. 

If you replace the c7 pawn on e6, and the e6 Knight on d7, i play ...hg6 without hesitation...Because I have the h-file, my queen can go to c7, i can castle queenside, and keep the possibility of f6 to counterattack the e5 pawn. But here, it's about the white's plan of achieving f4  and f5...If I take with f pawn, I can utilize the f file to not allow the breakthrough f5. If White play slowly, i have the strong point on f4 for my knight, on the open file. 1...fg6 gives a passed pawn to White but he is blocked by Ne6. So 1...fg6 2.f4 0-0 3.Nb3 (3.Qe3 Bc5) d4!?

Most probably with f pawn opening the f file for the rook and then playing on the queenside and against e5 pawn. I think hg6 is completely fine too, it doesn't give a passer to white.

Good job! You everyone is right! 

Game 3 - Playing against two bishops

In the game 2 played Rd8, and allowed Nb5! with c3 idea. 
So what's the right plan for black? 

Black to move. 


A6. Maybe

Trading one of those bishops with h5 Kh7 Bh6 is the idea I think

OK we win a tempo, not playing Rd8… But as you said, in this kind of position, tempi are not so important. We can play 1…a6 but after 2.Nb1 Nb4?! 3.c3 Na2 4.Qc2 the knight is lost. So came an idea from the course of Maroczy Bind, a game played by Le Quang Liem ! He tries the maneuver …h5 …Kh7 and …Bh6. Let’s go 1…h5 2.Nb5 Rc8 3.c3 a6 4.Na3 Kh7 and now 5.g4 (5.Bg5 Bh6) hg4 6.hg4 threatening on 6…Bh6 7.g5. And poorly we don’t have 6…Qc8  after 6.g4. I believe the h-file is in favor of White. Maybe 1…a6 2.Nb1 h5 3.c3 Kh7 4.g4 hg4 5.hg4 Qc8. We don’t exchange bishops, but the white king is opened… Perhaps it’s not enough to get out GM Andersson from his comfort zone !!

Game 2- Two Bishops advantage

The position is from upcoming game 2. White to move. We have 2 bishop advantage.
What's the plan? 


What plan to choose here? How to use our two bishop advantage?

In the first position we should try to occupy the d file. If black doesn't let us do that, we trade them and arrive at the second position. In that position we play Nxd6 Kxd6 f4 opening up the position 

Typically Karpov's play with White I assume... I want to play against Bg7 who is not not a good piece there, especially when there is a pawn on e5 fixed on the same color. My plan will also be to play c3 to prevent the knight from a central square. Here I offer to exchange heavy pieces not to allow counterplay. So 1.Rd8 Qd8 2.Qd1 (2.Qd2 Qd2 3.Bd2 Bf8!? 4.Be3 Bb4 I don't like) 2...Qd1 (2...Nd4 3.Kf1 with the idea knight's move and c3) 3.Bd1 Bf8 I have 4.a3. And then slowly improving the position with f3-Nb1-c3-king towards the center, and bishop along the a2-g8 diagonal. I'm not totally sure of that, this is why I'm not Karpov, and not the only reason I assume !  

Here is the 2nd game! 

Daily Commented Games

Dear Friends, dear PRO Members! 
We created a new category- Daily commented games, where every day I will upload a new commented game, to help you understand middlegame strategies deeper!

With best wishes,
GM Avetik 


If White took 14.gxf3, not trading the queens, would it be better for him? I think he's losing already there too, but he should try to keep as many pieces as he can, am I true?

Punishing opponents!

My opponent clearing isnt a Pro member at ChessMood, as he premoved Ba6 but I didnt play the tired and boring c4, I had played h4! and then scoped a free premoved bishop :) GG


:D :D :D 
I think he isn't a PRO Member, as he just resigned :) He doesn't know about SLP :) 

Game 1

Dear Friends, dear PRO Members. 
As you know from tomorrow, every day I will upload a commented game. 

Here is the position of the 1st game. 
Black to move. How to play? 

Would love to hear your comments. 
This will help you a lot, thinking about the position before watching the game! 


Honestly, I believe I know this position... The idea is to play ...Bg4 and to take on f3 to double up the pawns on the f-file. So The white bishop is sealed by his f2 pawn and the black pawns, and can't never replay. Or maybe after giving a pawn in f4, and play f3 and Bg1...(for sure it will be mate before this !). I think White do not exchange queens, it will be easier for Black to play with an extra piece. White do try c3 idea d4 to unlock his bishop, even at the price of a pawn. But with a rook on d8, it will be a difficult task... My problem is : what do I do, if White do nothing ? As I am strong in the center, maybe I prepare ...f5, tripling on the f-file to attack the weakness on f3... My king is wide opened but only his queen can attack. An other plan is to play after 1...Bg4 2.c3 Bf3 3.g3 Rfd8 Queen somewhere and ...f6 to overprotect e5 and try to open  the queenside with an extra piece... In a game, I'm not sure I will realize the advantage so easily...

Lock the g3 bishop after Bg4xf3 with f6 and play with an extra piece on the queenside

I have the 2 bishops and more space in the center and king side. I like the plan of Be6 - c4, or maybe even c4! immediately to open the game for my bishops. I will also take control of the d-file with my rooks. If I am able to capture on d3, he will forever have a weakness there and if he captures on c4 I will get the open file. I do have to be mindful of my e5 pawn as he has some pressure there.

Here we go! The first game Winter-Capablanca!

Too much time on openings

 I confess - I spend too much time looking at openings. I study one opening - play it at the club and when I lose I switch to something else, and then another,and another,  and after a long time I still haven't picked a repertoire.

Is there a simple, bare-bones repertoire for a club player where I can sit at the board with some confidence, some preparation  - not even an advantage - and just play chess?

I'm in the chess opening rabbit hole and need a commitment to something that isn't overwhelming.

Thanks for any input.


Chessmood Openings

There is this site, where a group of very strong GMs got together and talked about what openings would be best for non gm players to learn that was both solid and aggressive. Where these non GM players could watch videos about the most current theory to help these players come out of the opening with confidence, and in good positions. These strong GMs also stream live events to show these non GM players how these openings work in practice and not just theory. These same GMs ALSO make them selves available to answer any questions these non GM players may have!

Now... If I could just remember the name of that site...

You need to pick up your opening repertoire and stick with it (unless your results are really bad), understand your and your opponents plans. If your opponent surprises you with a move, just follow the main opening principles: 

  • Developing your pieces
  • Castle
  • Connect your rooks and bring them to central files (or files which are open or going to open)
  • Fight for the center

You could play the KIA (King's Indian attack) as White against most openings (especially against French-type positions). You could also consider playing the exchange QGD, the Colle or the London. The English opening is another good choice, but has more theory. I would suggest sticking with 1.d4/1.Nf3/1.c4 if you want a positional game with comparatively less theory or playing 1.b3 for surprise value.

However, if you want to choose something less theoretical as Black, the Stonewall Dutch or the Modern are great options, although I cannot vouch for the soundness of the latter in all variations. You could also play the QGD, but this will increase the amount of theory you have to learn (because of a possible Catalan).

Summing up, I would say the English opening and the Stonewall Dutch serves your purpose. Both are openings that aren't too theoretical, but require good positional and sometimes tactical understanding from both players.


Hey Man! 
One of our members noted very well: You don't need to spend too much time on openings before you get 2000! 
But also you should have right openings with you! Right openings which will help you accelerate your growth! 

It's cool, that you are asking these questions in a website, where with our Grandmaster we created step-by-step openings :) 
Check it out :) 

Modern Maroczy - The 3rd section is uploaded!

The 3rd section is uploaded! 


Friends, before we edit and upload the course, here I will give you a few positions to think. 
The answers you can find in the course :)  

Here is the 1st one!  Black to move... 

Black to move again...

This one is played by one of our PRO Members, GM Kislinsky Alexey! :) Black to move! 

Is there a way to win this endgame for black? 
If yes- what's the plan? 

Good evening champions! 
Enjoy! :) 

Is there a way to win this endamage for black?
If yes- what's the plan? 

Black to move! 

Similar idea! 
Black to move :) 

Find a plan for black in these 3 positions.  

Champions, the 2nd section is ready! 
I also added one more video in the 1st section called " Important trick", explaining why d6 and only after that Nd4. Check it out! 

Right Mood - Right Move

Champions, the 3rd section is uploaded!

Ask me Anything Webinar Notes

- These are my notes from the "Ask me Anything" webinar. I only took notes on the questions that I thought were most useful to me. To get the full webinar, feel free to go to the recording. 

How much do you study per day? 

- depends on your goal 

- slowly improve: ~1 hour 

- a lot of time (5+ hours) to improve a lot 

- be productive, rest if needed

- try to study as much as you can 

What do you recommend against Rossolimo?

- System with ...g6 where Black recaptures with ...dxc6 after Bxc6 

- Check Carlsen's games on how he handles the Rossolimo

What did you do to become GM? 

- have a burning desire, hard work, and determination

- find people that will help you on your journey 

- understand why I wanted to become GM

How to properly use engine?

- engine is not always right, don't blindly trust it 

- check only blunders with engine 

- don't work strategical/positional positions with engine 

What to do for crucial games? When you have to win?

- don't panic and don't relax at the same time 

What is the optimal training environment? 

- environment where you can grow and enjoy 

- use trustworthy sources 

- surround yourself with people that have already achieved what you want to achieve 

Blindfold Training

- important but overestimated

- much more important to have a database of games in your mind 

- good for calculation

Time spent studying v. Time spent playing

- if you play a lot, spend more time studying vice versa

- learn knowledge followed by playing 


- turn off worries, take out the "trash" 

- forbidden to watch other's games when playing

- 100% concentration

- don't go on social media before the tournament because that will only increase "trash"

- turn off everything and focus before the game 

- motivate yourself 

Training Advice 

- watch a lot of games and understand ideas etc. 

- the number of games you play for blitz should be equivalent to the number of rounds in your usual tournament 

- around 1 hour of tactics/puzzle 

- find books where the author played the games or used the Recommended Page to see what books GM Avetik recommends

- find sparring partners around your level


Thanks for sharing your work !

A super job Kevin!! 
Thank you for sharing and helping others! 

You have amazing note taking skills! Thank you for sharing!


Thanks so much

Need some help..and advice

Sir  ..i was rated around 1850 in lichess....i couldn't afford a coach so i tried working hard online watching videos...and surfing...thing around...i seriously want to improve my ratings...i dont know what is my original i had not attended any tournaments...i can do any thing to improve my chess career....please help me to reach 2500......??.....just tell me what should i do...i can work hard on anything.....thx


First of all lichess rating starts Ur just started playing chess..

I recommend couple of things...

Do tactics everyday...this is the most effective way of increasing Ur rating..because at this level more than 50%games are decided on tactics.......

Secondly study some endgames..the books like 100 endgames u must know ....

After studied that book throughly Ur HV pretty good knowledge of. Endgames..Ur understanding of endgame increases....that will help u...

Now  start reading some chess blogs...that will increse Ur interest in chess...Ur will read some amazing insight of game.. tournament..and other

U need 6~12 months to do that depending upon how mush time u afford to give regularly

Ur overall game will increase

Here are the 3 important steps! 


1 Why you want that? Have a definite answer to that question. You should have a very strong answer!  

2 Burning desire to do that! 

3 Massive, determined action 


3a- If you are a PRO Member- you have already a big advantage, you know the direction, you have mentors. 
a1Watch the courses, watch the streams and put in practice. Don't afraid to get out of the comfort zone. We grow only when we are not in the comfort zone! 
a2 Explore chess books from 
a3 Solve puzzles minimum of 30 minutes a day! 

You'll see big progress in a few months! 


3b- If you are not our PRO Member 

b1- Find good sources to learn - Good FB groups, good youtube channels, if you can't afford to have a coach - find friends who can help you or you can grow helping each other. 
The rest is the same. Explore chess books, solve puzzles. Of course, having a coach or mentor - is a big shortcut- but if you can't afford it - That's the way. 
You will find good resources here:

A video link about how effectively explore chess books 

Friends, and don't forget about the Right Mood! Right Mood generates Right Moves! 

Tactical skill and positional understanding are very important as is knowledge of some basic endgames. Doing tactics helps a lot, but you'll need to do quite a lot of tactics with varying themes and levels of difficulty to achieve something big. Reading (and understanding!) some books like "How to reassess your chess" and "The Amateur's Mind" (both by IM Jeremy Silman) helps to improve your strategic skills as would many of Dvoretsky's books (Advanced material warning!). You might want to brush up your knowledge of endgames (rook endgames in particular, as well as pawn endgames) by understanding what to do in endgames rather than memorizing long theoretical variations.

I would also suggest choosing yourself a 'pet' opening. If you already know an opening (and like it!) then you could easily make it more fire-proof, by looking for novelties and ideas everywhere. One last thing, never be afraid of playing an opening or gambit that leads to a position deemed unclear as sometimes there is always a possibility that the opening may be better than its reputation. Use any good material to learn openings, but I suggest checking all lines with an engine and by yourself before playing it. That way, you can avoid any unpleasant surprises by hanging a piece in the first 10 moves. I should know, I've done that a few times ;)

Best of luck!  

Hello my Chess brothers I need some practice

 Hey guys I need some practice !  Hi guys this is Eric the old biker dude eating a little bit of practice on the board.  Not sure what the rating is now but at one time 30 years ago I made it to 1800 I’m sure it’s a lot lower .  I work very strange hours so getting games in is a little bit of a challenge .   If you feel that you have some time to spare send me a message I would love to go over this fine instruction that I’m trying to learn here .  Thanks Brothers for all your kind attention and stay free in the wind ! as I go take my motorcycle for a ride !


It'd be useful if you added what time you can play. At the weekend, I'm free if you're interested 

Hi Eric

I'm in Oz so my timezone at UTC +8 can be a challenge however may match your strange hours?? On Lichess as Patrick-66

Old biker dude :D :D :D 
Super job guys! 

Hopefully soon we will have a chat in chessmood, so you can message each other not going to other platform :) 

I am available many times now. You can always reach out to me when you want to play!

Our Nice Games

ChessMood Family! 
In the comment section let's post our best games played online or offline and support each other! 


It seems I need to add this game in the 2nd section of the course "Nightmare of Rossolimo" :D 

Anti_Sicilian with Nc3!

one of my best play in benko gambit..thank to chessmood... learning chess with more motivate after. join chessmood pro

Our New PRO Members! Welcome to team!

Derek JY , Raf De Coninck , Kavin Nattavutthisit Wallace Howard , Mark Knerr, Anu 


Welcome to our team ?

Here you can find about our teammates:


Would be cool, if you also introduce yourself.

Warm welcome, guys ?




Patrick Oliver, Jack Zhu! Welcome to our PRO Members team! 

Welcome to the team!

Mate Janosik! Welcome to the team! 


Hello guys!

Nightmare of Rossolimo!

Dear friends, dear PRO Members. 
With your request, I started to work on the course Rossolimo for black! We will kill at as Carlsen do! 
I just finished the 1st section, I'll edit it today and upload! 

Right Mood - Right Move! 



Nice! Thank you!

It seems I need to add this game in the 2nd section of the course "Nightmare of Rossolimo" :D

English Opening

Is there a line where we can get good play against the english?


You don't like Maroczy Bind? 

Best preparation for an OTB Open Tournament ?

I'll play an OTB Open tournament in one month : 1h30/40 - 30' +[30"]. I'll will play the Opening Repertoire suggested here, even if I'm not ready yet... Is there a special preparation ? more tactics ? more opening preparation ? something else ? Thanks.


Probably do many tactics before the tournament to be sharp then focus on openings before your game.

Mr. Pascual, take a good rest before. You need energy! 
I agree with Kirk, some work for the calculation can be solving puzzles. 
It's also a great idea to play some sparring games trying our opening repertoire.
You can play with any of our team members, so you don't show your secrets to others :) 

I think proper physical fitness is also important.If the game lasts longer,we need good energy levels.I agree with the prior replies.I consider physical one of the important factor now a days.We can see that fit player like magnus has great results.While vishy is strong in his game,he lacks fitness.Which played a major role during his recent tournaments

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