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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Stop Blunders!

Hey ChessMood Family!
We have talked about blunders, concentration and Right Mood a lot.

What do you think, what are the reasons that most of the blunders happen and what you should do to make them less.


I think mainly due to concentration and not keeping right mood (either getting too excited and losing objectivity or feeling down about turn of events etc). Also forgetting to check opponent's ideas.

I think this is the biggest problem in my game currently. I have done many things to try to get myself to stop blundering, but it keeps coming back in my games.

As a recognized weakness in my game I have started to really look into ways to fix this. When I asked you, you said as I play more I will recognize better when my pieces are hanging. This is true to an extent, but I am still having long streaks of games with blatant hanging of pieces. I also noticed I blunder more when I am playing too fast. I plan my move on my opponents time, and instead of asking myself why he made his move, I instantly make my reply. I have been working the last week on reminding myself to slow down and look first. 

I was talking to GM Lenderman last week about it as well. After a few minutes of him asking me questions, we figured out I get lazy with my calculations. I dont check for my opponents best reply in all the lines. I will see the move I chose works in a couple lines and I stop looking at the possibilities my opponent has. GM Lenderman said to help fix it, "You need to work as hard for your opponents ideas as you do your own." This really struck me hard and had an impact on me. So now at the chess board I keep reminding myself to not be lazy at the chess board.

So to sum up, to combat my blunders, I am slowing down and reminding myself to ask myself what my opponent is doing with his move and reminding myself to not be lazy at the chess board. If you have any other suggestions to help me not throw away games in one move, I am open to your feedback!

Thanks Coach!

KID Nbd7

I've been struggling lately with the kings indian Nbd7 line. After 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 0-0 5. Be2 d6 6. Nf3 e5 7. 0-0 Nbd7 here is the critical point where i am searching for a plan for white. If u have a suggestion Avetik or someone who plays d4 let me know. Tx guys have a great day!


Jony, Re1 with Bf1 is strong. 

Accelerated Dragon

Hello Coach and Chessmood family, I find it very difficult to utilise my light square  bishop in accelerated Dragon line. I develop my pieces including tv concept so my g7 bishop is active, shuffle my my pieces around so they are doing a job, but my light square bishop isnt doing much. Its either on c8 or blocked by a knight. How can I make use of my light square bishop? Thank you.


Hi Robert ,

The Accelerated Dragon is primarily a Dark Squared Opening, the  light squared Bishop usually plays a lesser more defensive role such as controlling d5 and often preparing to exchange itself there for a Knight.  That it is often desirable to exchange the light squared Bishop in the Maroczy Bind structure, is one of the strategic secrets of the opening that even strong computer engines many times fail to grasp. Now you  can use this knowledge to your advantage.

Good luck.

Tournament in italy, looking for 2600+ GMs

We're still looking for 2600+ GM for the upcoming event in northern italy, for infos about conditions you can contact me directly on facebook ( Nicolò Pasini, i'm in the chessmood and chessmood pro group as well). I'll post the flyer here!


I nominate GM Igors Rausis!? 

LOL :)

Crushing with ChessMood Openings

Dear ChessMood Family! 
Let's add here all our games that we crushed with ChessMood Openings :) 


 "Nightmare of Rossolimo"  

Hi ChessMood family ! here is a Benko Gambit.

Here is a Scotch game

Not exactly a crush, but give me a break. Just starting to play hyper-accelerated dragon

Against the French : Attacking from the very opening, but not totally correct...

Blitz Chess • Cyrano64 vs spblex 

Anti-Sicilian with Nc3! 19 moves :) 

He needs SLP' course ! (on 8.Nd4 I will play 8...d6)

Why not a little SLP ? No way Bro !

A miniature anti Sicilian. I played like it was the year 1850 and be damned with material, I want to attack! 

I forgot to add this here but I already posted it on Facebook. But why not add to the list. It’s like another skull and crossbones when I played football.

Nice checkmate :)

Our toxic Qa5 move!

Benko Gambit!


Don't forget to play d5 if they allow, and the TV concept! 

Our Toxic Qa5 move!

Checkmate in 18 moves with Anti-Sicilian :)

Using the open line! French with Bd3

Posted this in July games as well, but placing here so those searching in this thread only will still find it.

Another one falls into the Nxd4 trap!

Over and over again :) The same trap :)

Loved the Qd3 trap at the end, such a coffee house player... XD 

Both with Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3! 

Hi all, looking forward to posting some games once I finish all the courses :)

For now I want to show blitz game I played 5 years ago and crushed strong GM (Yaroslav Zherebukh) with Bd3 French when he walked right into Qxd5 Qxg2 trap :)


I play everything as white on move 1 (c4, d4, e4, Nf3) depending on my mood or my opponent and I am very happy to report that I used the Nc3-Sicilian to beat an IM yesterday (a very rare and special occasion for me!).

But he did do something funny on move 8 already (actually to be fair I may have half-deviated on move 8 myself too...) so I'm not sure about the theoretical relevance.

The game started well for me I thought, although the online engine says I was probably losing at some point, but in the end the coin rolled my way! ?

Anyway, here is the link. Feel free to check it.

Kind regards


Benko with Qb6!

Pawn Levers?

I was studying this position and here are my thoughts.

Black to play so I focused to make idea from Black's side.

I thought black got knight pair so it's good to keep position closed so I thought e5 is the right idea. Another point of e5 is to open up the light square bishop on c8

..1 e5 if d5 then Rd8 c4 Ne5 this was my thought

The chapter is about pawn levers.

Do u think my thoughts of direct e5 without Rd8 first was right.

In the book it was recommended to play Rd8 first and then author said e5 will be unstoppable.

Please guide me where I am making mistakes in understanding positions?


I don't really understand your Ne5 move in this variation "..1 e5 if d5 then Rd8 c4 Ne5", but I think b5 would be a great move there instead of Ne5.

The problem with e5 d5 Rd8 is e4, you can't take it because if Ne4 Qc2 and you lose a piece. If you don't take it, white has the centre and your goal wasn't that when you played e5.

Rd8 is much simpler, white can't prepare d5 so you'll be able to destroy white's centre.

Forced Mate I couldn’t figure out...

This position is from my last game... something really bothered me about how the game went. I could have won from this position but my inexperience failed me see if you can solve it.


After the king moves, Rxd7 Bxd7 Qxd7 and Black can’t stop mate.

1... Kg8 2. Rg1+. Bg4 3. Rxg4+, Qxg4 4. Qf7#

My first Tournament since 15 years and with ChessMood openings...

Hello ChessMood family !

I'm back from Open Wine Medoc (near Bordeaux/France). I finished 4 on 63 players. I was lucky all along the Open, and I learn much about the openings. My tactics training and the right mood help me a lot. I didn't give up playing the openings, even if I don't feel too comfortable. I lost my first scotch in the third round, but I was rewarded in the last round fighting for a Prize (1/4 of my weight in good Bordeaux wine) playing the same opening. So thanks to GM Avetik and all ChessMood family. Feel free to give me any advices... Cogro Guys !


Congratulations, Mr. Pascual!!! 
Thank you for your nice words! 
Yeah, and welcome back, we missed you :) 

Very nice job! great game in the Scotch to finish the tournament!

Nice job! What a game in the Scotch to finish off! 

Nh3 in the first game!! Cool! I see you watch the courses very careful, Mr. Pascual! 
Nh3 in the 2nd game! :) 
3rd game you can start with g3 too. 
6th game,  e4 is a very bad move. You can play Qb4 as well. 
The last game with Scotch h4 it was really a crush!!! 

Mr. Pascual, I am impressed with how much work you have done before the tournament, how much you have learned from the courses, and how much you remembered. 
This is fantastic! 
Will you let me, to tell about you in our chessmood page? 

Study partner

Hi guys this is Abhishek yadav. I am 1465 FIDE rated and lives in a small town of Haryana where no one knows anything about chess. I am seeking online chess partners for serious studies. I wanna start middle game books with my future partners. Please only dedicated people can contact me on whatsapp. No beginners please. I can guide beginners no issue but in case of study I need someone who is highter rated than me. Thanks for reading. I hope for the positive response.


Novelty Moves

Hello Chessmood family,

   I have been watching a lot of high level games, gm vs gm, gm vs im, im vs fm etc. I noticed that they are so well prepared in the openings and play the main lines to near perfection. If everybody is so well prepared and everyone can remember the right moves for all the variations, then there is a strong likelihood of a draw.  At which point do we go, ok enough is enough, I will play a new move to shock my opponents? Or if you're preparing for a player who plays only one opening and is strong with that opening, do you play something unusually to knock them off their tracks? I'm getting de ja vu from watching the same 15-20 moves of a game from hundreds of different players. What do we do in a situation where you know your opponent is finely tuned for a particular line? 


It is at the end of theory that the game begins for the top chess players. It doesnt really mean a draw because both players are prepared, it just means white has only a slight pull or black has equalized and then they play. Almost every game reaches a position never seen before at some point. The top guys are just really good at keeping the balance and so they end in draws. The rest of us Mortals will still have plenty of chess to play even if we know all our opening lines.

Bobby, if you see what analyzes have 2600+ Grandmasters, you may stop to play chess :)))
Nowdays, it's very dangerous to play 1 opening, same line, as someone with cloud engine can sit at home, find something strong, and win the game without doing a single move himself :) 
It's also hard to get some real advantage in any opening, as engines are killing the chess.
But there are some cool players, like Jobava, Hammer, who does some unexplored move in the opening and say their opponents "Forget the theory, let's see who plays better chess" :) 

Don't worry about such things, until you become a Grandmaster :) 

Accelerated Dragon 7.Nxc6 Bd4 idea

1. e4 c5 2. nf3 nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. nxd4 g6 5. nc3 bg7 6. be3 nf6 7. nxc6 bxc6 8.e5 ng8 9. bd4

What do you recommend against it?


Qa5 is strong! I will make videos and add in the advanced courses in the upcoming week. 

What is my best move?

Hi Chessmood family,

     What is my best move here? I had the black pieces (Qxb2)???


Yes Bobby, after Qxb2 both white knights are hanging and the one on c3 is with check, and after that capture, the rook on a1 will also be hanging

Cool Bobby! You play Acc Dragon!! 

Thanks to everyone.

I wrote this for all those who are helping me here in chess. I am very very lucky to have a nice online community like Chessmood. I live in a small town where no one play chess and no one want to learn because they are scared of books and also in my town the internet speed is not so high but still I try my best to study online.

I can't afford pro membership now but next year I will definately get one. After I joined chessmood I improved a lot in various part of my game especially my biggest issue of studying in right direction is solved now. 

Now I know how to solve my calculation issues and how to study books properly. I only have one or two hours daily for chess studies because I am preparing for job but my love and craziness for chess is never go down. I am always charged to study chess.

Thanks for all those who advised me. Especially Avetik sir.

Sorry if my english confused you.


You are welcome Abhi and thank you for your nice post! 

Interesting Moment's of Today's Stream

In the 1st position, I missed here a nice tactic during the stream...
Can you see it? 

In the 2nd - Be8 was really working! :) 


1....e3 2. Rxe3 Rxc4 3. bc4 Qxe3 4. fe3 Rf1#
1....e3 2. fxe3 Rxc4 3. bc4 Qxe3+ 4. Rxe3 Rf1#

Chessmood app.

Chessmood app exists or not?

I like apps so it's easier to get notifications faster.


Will be in future. 

Pump Up game 2.

Help me.

This is second game from Pump up your chess.

Do you think I understood the game well?

I only knew that i have to try to control d5 square but I do not think white played well in the game.

I meant look at the game and variations which I saw

I am just 1465 FIDE.

Please provide me some useful suggestions 

Here is the game link,


If you feel like you understood the game, then sure. If not, go through the game again.

Simple endgame positions?

How to understand these simple positions?

I can only understand few things about this position.

For white side:

Queen side pawn majority so he can only get a passed pawn in the queen side.

For black-

Kingisde majority so he can only get passed pawn in kingside.

Both players have active pieces?

How to make plans in these kinds of equal positions?

Here ideas are not forced so is it good to make solid moves like trading queens so we will be able to activate our kings and hope for passed pawn?


In my non GM opinion, this position is far from equal. White pieces are far more active then blacks pieces(The Bishops are a great example of this). White also has a large space advantage. White should not be looking to trade pieces here, that will only help black defend. If I was playing white, I would be looking to control the c5 square to prevent the black c pawn from advancing, I would start by moving the knight from f2 to d3 . I dont mind black capturing the b pawn leaving himself a permanent weakness in the d pawn.

I am sure there is a ton to learn from this position. Being mindful of your endgame advantages/disadvantages is always a good thing, but being aware doesn't mean you should always be looking to trade down. Use it as an ace in the hole so to speak.

I hope this helps, and please if anyone else has a different opinion, please help me fix mine!


Edit: The picture has changed and my comments are no longer relevant. 

If it was White to move, I would play Qxf7 and checkmate Black's king. However, that is probably not the case. In this position, if Black decides to trades the queens, this will only favor White in the endgame because White has the queenside pawn majority allowing White to create a passed pawn. The kingside pawn majority is not so important because the kings are on the kingside. However, the rook endgame is probably a draw with the most accurate play. 

If the endgame becomes a queen endgame, the position will become very drawish as White cannot shelter his king from oncoming checks and Black cannot create a passed pawn on the queenside. 

If the endgame becomes a pawn endgame, this should favor White due to being able to create a passed pawn on the queenside which can act as a decoy as White brings the king to the kingside to capture all the pawns. However with accurate play, Black can neutralize White's play in the endgame into a draw 

So in these types of endgames, it is important to improve the position and wait until the right time to trade pieces. Trying to transpose into a favorable endgame. 

Basically ultimate plan is to create a passed pawn using our queenside majority. Black also has a majority but the problem is if he pushes it, the K becomes exposed. The most important factor in major piece endgame is King safety. So it will be much easier for white to use his majority. We can say white has advantage here for this reason. Also there is pressure  F line and current backrank weaknesses.

At least this is my understanding of it.. 

Ruy Lopez

Hello Coach, will there ever be a course on the Ruy Lopez in the future?


Probably not until  convincing answers to the Berlin and Marshall are found. :)

Hey Bobby! 
Ruy Lopez is great but too much positional! 
It's a super opening, but I think not the best for crushing 2400 below players :) 
Scotch is great because you learn to play aggressive and to crush your opponents right in the opening! 
That is in important skill to learn. 

Do you like Czech Pirc?

How many of you tried Czech Pirc?

The move order is e4 d6 d4 Nf6 Nc3 c6


It’s pretty passive and sort of allows White to gain a nice position out of the opening. I would not recommend it. Perhaps it can be played U2000 or as a surprise but I prefer the Accelerated Dragon.

It is playable, but a bit passive. The good thing is that is little known, and few players will know how to get an advantage on the opening, but the moment you meet strong players, you are likely to suffer a lot...

But, if you like it, and are willing to study lot of time to improve its weak points, you will have a good weapon for your repertoire.

Game of the day

Normally strong players do not like to play against lower rated like me.

Lost by shots hehehe

played bad.


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