Chess forum by Grandmasters
The new course - "Happy pieces"
Hello ChessMood Family! Hello Champions!
I've good news for you!
As I promised earlier, soon we are going to upload many new courses related to the middlegame and endgame.
The new one - "Happy Pieces" is uploaded.
This gonna be one of the most important courses you've ever watched about chess.
Enjoy the first part. The rest is coming!
Thank you Coach!!!
Amazing course! Thank you so much for creating it. Looking forward to the continuation
I was searching for such a course for a long time! Thanks!
Waiting for the rest to come,thanks for the amazing course.
I like the course very much. I think the placement of pieces on squars that make them happy is fundamental for understanding of the chess.
Champions, 2 more sections are added!
Sections 6 and 7! Enjoy :)
beautiful course, love it
Another success
One of our first ChessMood PRO Members - Nicolo Pasini, when he joined us he was around 2200.
Yesterday he made his first IM norm! :)
Most probably no one have seen better than me, how hard he worked.
Very well deserved, Nicolo!
#Success is not an event, it's a process.
Chess mood is gonna rock the field!!
How IM Norm? OTB Tmts are back on?
congrats to @Nicolo_Pasini and I hope soon you will achieve all three IMs norms so we will call you IM @Nicolo_Pasini. Rating will come behind you hehehe.
The power of ChessMood openings
Hello ChessMood family!
I've decided to show you the power of ChessMood openings and we've created a playlist on our Youtube channel "The power of ChessMood openings", where we're going to upload model games with our ChessMood openings, whether played by one of our Grandmasters or ChessMood family members, or you :)
The first game - how to play against Modern Pirc is uploaded.
Enjoy :)
French Defense , Kf2!!
E4 E6
D4 D5
Nd2 Nf6
E5 Nd7
F4 c5
C3 Nc6
Ndf3! Qb6
G3 cxd4
Cxd4 Bb4+
How is this line
I have played in numerous games
The opponent gets a shock whenever I play Kf2
Then my plan is Bb1, Qc2/d3, h4, g4 and attack
I had many successful attacks in this line
Black players are often confused how to react
It's a very big line.
Black goes right away g5! or f6 then g5! Crushing the center.
French Defense
In French defense course,section 1, at 15:09 minutes bg6 is shown as winning move , but is a losing move shown by engines
Before this move, evaluation is +5 and after Bg6, it goes to -5
Black wins after Nxe5
Hopefully, I am right
Actually my engine is showing Qg6 instead of Bg6 as winning (+9.60) at depth 33
+250 points in 3 months!
One of our ChessMood PRO Members, Moemedi, raised 250 points in 3 months!
He started with 1960 and got to 2207 now!
The secret?!
He just followed the study plan we have set up with him during the 1-1 call when he joined us and he kept working hard.
Success is not an event, it's a process.
Soon I'm going to make an interview with him.
If you have any questions, you can add it in the comments.
Congrats to @Moemedi_Machobane
Thank you very much Coach, i am pleased to learn from you and the whole of Chessmood team!!
Antisicilian 7....Ng4
Hi, all! I want to ask a question about the Antisicilian course of our white repertoire. There is a line 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 g6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Qxd4 Nf6 5.Nf3 Nc6 6.Qa4 d6 7.e5 Ng4 8.Bf4 Bg7 9.exd6 0-0 10.Be2 exd6, where white stands better. But what about the more ambitious 10...e5 with following Qxd6? Is there any advantage for white?
Even I faced the same line with e5 instead of ed6
Hi Martin! With e5 Black closes their g7 bishop, weakens the d6 square and loses tempos.
You just go 11.Bg5 or Bg3, and then after Qd6 Rd1!
If you want to play more principal 10.Bb5! is the engine's first line with big adv.
Positional sacrifices and attacking chess and random Questions
Often we hear that
I was winning but missed it as the lines were too complicated
Or I wanted to sacrifice an exchange but felt hesitation
Or I am in constant time pressure
Or I missed that intermediate move in between in my calculations
Or my opponent devaites me out of the theory
Or my opponent was well prepared, how do I even fight
How to counter these real life situations?
1. I think person is suffering from lack of vision or he is scared to sack. So he is playing chess with fear. He must have to keep in mind that chess is a war game so like in real war people sac their life to save their nation of win against enemy's army so same in chess. By sac, you can may be expose his king or make weaknesses in his camp. So he must get rid out of fearful attitude. For this purpose I strongly recommends to learn Essential Chess Sacrifices so he will become familiar with more sacrificial patterns and after that I want him to check out games of Tal so he will learn more about initiative.
2. I seriously have no experience at above 1600 level so I can share the idea of why below 1600 players are coming under pressure. First reason is lack of knowledge of openings ideas. Without knowing openings they start thinking from the very first move in the game. Due to that they spent more than 25-30 mins in opening phase. Normally this happened to my opponent. Because whenever I play I prepare my openings and my opponents face issues. Second point is lack of knowing basics of planning. For example if the position has Carlsbad Structure then they do not know the ABC of minority attack and then they face issues in finding plans. Lack of knowledge of basic endgames. I saw some people calculating even in basic king and pawn endgame positions. They also do not work on tactical patterns so their speed of calculating and feeling of patterns is super slow. So in the end they face time pressure.
3. The third question can be answered by good players than me.
4. If your opponent is out of theory and you are unable to find plans or deliver mate then its clear that you have lack of knowledge of classics. Openings and middlegames ideas are well defined so if anyone below 2000 elo violate them then most of the time they will lose the game without any efforts so work on classics and your this problem will be solved. For example after I started watching all chessmood streams I am winning almost all games in which my opponent violates basics and especially if the King in the Center then it's nightmare.
5. For this purpose check out games of Top Level . Don't miss commentary of top events. Once you will start watching top events you will see how elite players handle Strong Novelties and what are their reactions. For me Saint Louis Grand Chess Tour helped me a lot in understanding how to play against a well prepared opponents.
I do not say my answer are right. But this is what I feel about questions. I am excited what our mentors will add in comments as answers.
White's Antisicilian 2.Nc3 part 1. 2...d6. 10. ...d5 11. e5
Maestro Avetik, in this variation (1. e4 c5, 2. Nc3 d6, 3. f4 Nc6, 4. Nf3 g6, 5. Bc4 g6, 6. 0-0 e6, 7.d4 cxd4, 8. Nb5 Nge7, 9. Bb3! 0-0, 10. Nbxd4 d5, 11. e5) you mention in the course that White is better is this favorable "French structure with a bad Black bishop on g7). I was wondering, what if Black immediately plays ...f7-f6 undermining White's center. Would that be playable for them?
Hey Ramon!
Then e6 gonna be a serious weakness :)
Endgame courses
ChessMood Family!
I've started to record endgame courses! This month we're planning to upload 5 ones!
Stay tuned :)
Hurray. First you made me Tal by showing many attacking games in streams and in openings and middlegame courses. Now you will make me Capablanca hehheeeh,
Thanks master. I am so excited to see your amazing courses in which ideas will come in my mind like chess is so simple
Great. We are waiting:).
Thank you maestro, this is wonderful news!
Pawn Endgames [Step-by-step]
Enjoy it :)
I am not so good in the endgames so I hope this course will help me a lot!! I have very good results with classic games, my favourite course.
Sir, I would be very grateful to you if you can make e4 e5 for black as many players don't have the time to study Sicilian lines and remember them
And many players do play e4 e5 so it might benefit a lot of players and I am sure that many people will like these courses on your platform
Hoping for a positive reply
Thank you
I think, that an complete e5 repertoire, needs way more time to study, as there are more "correct" tries for white, and a lot more serious gambits.
Jan Gustafssons e5 repertoire for example is about 26 hours, and very complicated
I think it is very difficult for a chess player to remember all lines and solid systems against Italian, Ruy Lopez, Scotch, or against all openings which we are learning to play against. 1. ... e5 is the most solid time, but 1. e4 c5 is the most aggresive try. And this is proved as I don't always opt for Accelerated dragon and go for Najdorf or Taimanov.
Hi Devansah
Chess Mood opening with 1.e4 e5 is Scotch opening!
This Scotch is a mighty fine opening. Do you play it? Have you done the Chess Mood Scotch course?
If you have not done it-then do this Scotch course! Then you can study the Ruy Lopez and Italian openings by your own account as I do. If you need specific opening help with Ruy Lopez or Italian openings just ask in a post in forum, as many here can play these openings too (even coach GM Avetik Grigoryan I believe! LOL) ;-)
I hope this helps a little. Goodluck and best wishes and play the Scotch now! Right Mood Right Move COGRO!
Devansh, 1.e4 e5 is not shorter than Sicilian.
The philiosophy of ChessMood courses- we keep 1 strong opening repertoire and stream it all the time, so you learn it very fast.
Queen in the attack
Dear PRO team,
We've added one-hour material in the course "Happy Pieces"
It's updated with the section queen in the attack.
Enjoy :)
Thanks for this course it gave me 50 points
Sir in the 56th video Ahues versus Alekhine video timing 4 minute 31 second for Qf1 black has Nb2 with checkmate instead of taking Rf1
From 1200 to 2500 in 5 years
Check out this interview with one of the youngest GMs of India - Prithu Gupta.
You'll take a lot from it.
Myself, I'm very proud to have such a student and big thanks to Sagar Shah, for bringing all this.
Sir, When you will you come and stream with sagar shah in chessbase india?
Nice. Very nice.
I do hope you are also proud of all your chess students and not just the most successful ones! I know you are really, even though you find it harder to show that always! COGRO coach! :-)
Can I play with one of the chessmood Grand Masters on lichess?
Ηello Mosa, I am a PRO member and sometimes GM Avetik Grigoryan runs a simul where we can participate. If you are considering PRO membership, you will have it. You can also follow the GMs and challenge them; GM Zaven accepted my challenge once.
Well, also at for ChessMood members, there is a 3/0 blitz tourney for Chess Mood members every Sunday night and occasionally some of the GM's have played (although I have not seen them there recently there are 2400-2500+ players). Hope this information might help! I find GM Avetik doesn't want to play me as he is scared I will smash him! LOL-kidding! COGRO!
Confusion in Petroff
Am I missing something? Coach the idea you suggested with gxf3 was also cool but in the video you said Qxh6 is a mistake but acc to normal engine it's winning for white.
Check out the pic
I checked it with my engines, both seems super winning
Strange :)
Can you please send me the link of the video and tell me the minute?
Got it! :)
Yeah you're right.
Both wins, Qh6 and gf3.
But if you say Qh6 is super winning, try without checking what engine offers, find yourself how to win it :)
Question about courses
Dear maestro
Modern pirc
Will you give atention to variations with c6?
Will you give atention to variation with 4...bg4 and c6 (flohr variation
Hello Frank, note that all Pirc variations and Alekhine defence are still under construction, new sections will be added and also the happy pieces course is under construction.
Hey Franck!
If you mean c6 with d5- sure!
What do you mean c6 with Bg4?
Hello There!
It Just My Suggestion ...Maybe It Can UseFull
I Was Thinking That We Should Have A Room/Area
Where Anybody Can Post Their Game And analyze Their Or Have Conversation On Some Interesting position or chess game!
i Got This Idea When I Was Saw Many People Upload Their Game In The "Best Game" Forum
And I Saw Most Interesting Game Ever I Saw..
If We Had Any Conversation In There Then The Forum Will More With Analyze Of Game Then of Any Game!
So This My Idea Hope It Can Be Useful!
It demands a lot USD better is make an active fb messanger group so we can all meet in one call or may be skype group so we all can work well.
How about keeping a thematic tournament on weekends about any particular Chessmood opening
I Can Understand @Tomboy_Web But I Believe It Will Mess Because As The Current Forum Already Get Few Games Per Day For "The Best Game" Prize And + Our Extra Game Wil Make It Messier!
So I Prefer It To Be In A Separate Forum And Only After Our Sir Approve It...
Should we keep a thematic tournament today?
On any opening
So we can play from both sides and find which lines we need to work more on ?
National Open Sept. 16-20
It looks like the National Open tournament in Las Vegas has been rescheduled to Sept. 16-20. Is anyone here planning on playing in this tournament?
Let's see. Pandemic. Las Vegas. I am not sure I can think of a worse setting for Covid-19!
I do not see how they can possibly have 2 tables per board (so that you would have to stand to make your move and hit the clock. I cannot see how they would have 400+ plexiglass screens either. I think the USCF hoped that the virus would have been under control by now, so just rescheduled the tourney into the future. It would not shock me if the tourney is still canceled. Oh, and I would have to fly as well...
In short, no way in hell am I going :)
Looks like we will have to wait until 2021 to play OTB. I am in the extreme risk group being 66 years old now. I cannot risk it. In the USA with all the kids refusing to wear masks, etc. , I even think this could stretch to 2022. We are not going to get clear until they have a vaccine. Any bets on how effective the first one rushed to market will be? Pessimistic? I am calling it cautious. I cannot imagine losing your life because you cannot breathe. That is not how I want to go out!
I would suggest we all plan on playing in Gibraltar in 2022. I hear nothing but positive about that event. I think that would be a nice central place we can all get to with some planning. It would be great to meet you all.
New course - Alekhine Defense
Hey champions!
Another course is added - How to play against Alekhine defense!
The first sections are ready. Study them, the rest are coming.
If you have any questions related to the course - feel free to post them here.
Perfect start to the Alekhine course coach. While 4...Nc6 is not highly regarded theoretically it is very important to know exactly how to meet it, even Ponomariov tried it in his Wch Match against Ivanchuk and made a draw so we should take it seriously.
Hey, champions!
Section 4 is uploaded.
Maestro, I have just faced an online opponent who played 4. ...g6 in the Alekhine. This particular move order is not covered in the course. The game went:
1. e4 Nf6
2. e5 Nd5
3. d4 d6
4. Nf3 g6 Here I wasn't sure whether this early deviation is meaningful or not. Anyway, I thought I'd just develop normally and the game continued:
5. Be2 Bg7
6. 0-0 0-0
7. c4 Nb6
8. Nc3 Bg4
9. h3 Bxf3
10. Bxf3 Nc6
11. exd6 (c5!?) cxd6
12. c5 dxc5
13. dxc5 Nd7
14. Be3 Nde5
15. Be2 Qa5 (?!)
And I went on to win a none too brilliant game after many more moves.
How did I (mis)handle the opening? any suggestions?
Champions, Black's 4...g6 section is uploaded!