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Chess forum by Grandmasters

how to win when opponent has zero space

So i was playing for an IM norm, only needing a win against an 2320 rated player in the last round with white. As you can see the opening went really well, and afterwards outplayed her with c5! and she has almost zero space for here piecses. but just afterwards I follow up with g4 and Bishop takes g6, and I am now just scratching my head by how terrible and illogical those moves were... Any tips on how to never do such moves again? and a way to stop having naightmares about it? I think my problem was that I got too impatiant and afraid she could untangle her position in some way. 

also any tips on how to play these positions?

1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c6 4. e4 Bb4 5. Bd2 Ne7 6. a3 Bxc3 7. Bxc3 O-O 8. Bd3 b6 9. b3 Bb7 10. Nf3 Nd7 11. O-O Rc8 12. Re1 h6 13. Re3 Nf6 14. e5 Ne8 15. c5 Rb8 16. g4 Ng6 17. Bxg6 fxg6 18. Qd3 g5 19. Kg2 Rf4 20. Kg3 Nc7 21. h4 Ba6 22. Qg6 Qf8 23. hxg5 Be2 24. Rxe2 Rxf3+ 25. Kg2 Rxc3 26. gxh6 bxc5 27. f4 Rbxb3 28. Rf2 Rg3+ 29. Kf1 Rh3 30. g5 Qf7 31. h7+ Rxh7 32. Qc2 Rg3 33. Rb1 Rh1+ 34. Ke2 Rxb1 35. Rh2 Qf5 0-1


Hey Man! 
I am sorry to hear that you lost such an important game in such a good position.
Yeah, g4 and Bg6 are very strange moves. 

Well, just 1 example is not enough, but as a coach who many years work with students of your level, it seems you have not enough database of classical games in your database. 
It seems you have not analysed much over the board and have not worked much with books. 
I may be wrong, as I said 1 game is not enough for conclusion. 

The problem of g4 is Bg6, you didn't find the Right Plan. 

For example, if you have carefully watched Gabuzyan's "Sicilian Sidelines" course, there you would see Nh4 move. 
Also this move happened in the game Vallejo - Carlsen. 
If you have seen those, you could easily play this strong move here too. 

My advice - don't give up. Take a bit rest after this painful defeat and start working with chess books. Yeah and go over our "Classical Commetned Games" course.

Hopefully, these help. 

Mindblowing h5!

This position arised in the game of capablanca and he is black here.His last move was h5!!. When I saw this move I felt like what is the purpose of this move but when I studied ideas behind this move then it was so deep and long term.
So guys try to find the idea of h5 and keep learning.


This is against Kupchik, right? 
Very deep prophylaxis.  

when will there a new part published of the najdorf

When will part 3 of the Najdorf be published


GM Gabuzyan is working on it. 
To produce high-quality material, it takes time, and for 1-hour course spends countless of hours. 
If we record 1 hour course in 2 hours, we'll be the same, as many chess education platforms, lacking quality, who are compensating it with nice marketing words.
We'll not do that. 

7 Tips How to Keep Concentration during a Chess Game

Hey Champions!

We have this topic in our Blog.
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here. 


Very good article on concentration!thanks

Really great article! :)

Best rating increase after single game(+186)

I just finished a 3 day team match at and won (after my opponent resigned) and my rating went from 1429 to 1615 (+186).

The game opening was a Sicilian and playing Black I chose to play the Sicilian Hyperaccelerated Dragon, an opening that is pretty new to me and that I know next to nothing about! I played it as I know my coach plays Sicilian as Black but she actually plays her own version of Sicilian Accelerated Dragon and I believe there is quite a difference between both these two openings?

I too need also to learn the Chess Mood Accelerated Dragon opening, but I was happy to do so well with an opening I know virtually nothing about! Now I am keen to learn this Sicilian Hyperaccelerated Dragon, as imagine how good it could be if I actually knew some theory of it!?

Well, that was the biggest rating increase I think I have ever had (+186) from a single game win. Anyone done any better?


That’s strange. I beat people over 300 rating points above me and never had any increase as huge as that. But congratulations however you did that.

Well, I did play bullet recently and after the win, my rating went +210, but thas because I don't play bullet often.

Was it a new nickname? 
Because at first gives and takes from you much, and then max. 10 points. 

Mood coin

How to redeem moodcoin ??


You can buy the courses. 
But if the moodcoins were gained but ignoring our policies, the user will be banned.

Law against Cheaters

During the last 2 streams, I claimed that I met 3 cheaters.
I was wrong. They were 6! :)
Yesterday I got 35 points back from 6 cheaters :D
If I was a FIDE president I would offer a law to sue such people :D

What do you think about it? :) 


Playing online is becoming increasingly difficult as there are the cheaters the Coach mentioned about ruining it for all the serious players as well as enthusiasts. Recently we encountered cheaters who play a couple of inaccuracies so as to not get caught up and then blitz out the game. I agree there has to be some way where this can be stopped but I guess such is life where you read or encounter some or the other form of con artists.

Lastly," the game is bigger than the individual" and will survive this too.

Wow! I have seen some of the cheaters, while watching you play them during the webinars and this always upsets and exasperates me! I used to get angry about this cheating, but I try not to now, as that makes this situation worse!

I do feel that some action should be taken against them if they are clearly shown to have cheated (& probably they will have done it across several games). I feel the chess arbiters on the server should then serve them an immediate 1 year ban from continued online play and that their names/accounts be made public on a roll of shame! Let's push for a Chess Mood law against cheaters!

It seems very sad to me that some players cheat online or over the board and I feel something needs to be done to minimise this and somehow deal with it! Why doesn't everyone do as Chess Mood with:Right Mood Right Move?!!  Well done to you for helping to deal with it! ;-)

24 hour Gift

ChessMood Family????
How are you doing? We are super! We celebrate our birthday. We are 1 year old????
If you want to celebrate with us, let us know,
our girls will give you the address and meet you.
But if you are far from us, here is something, that will make your day????

We unlocked all the courses for 1 day. 
Go and take as much value as you can.

You are welcome! ????
With best wishes, ChessMood Team ❤️

P.S Don't forget to wish us something from your heart on our Birthday.


happy birthday to chess mood,i only realised it now!!master 

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to chessmood!

Welcome to Birthday Party

Dear ChessMood Family. 
Today we became 1 year old! 
You are welcome to wish good things to us :) 
Thanks for all your support, especially those who grow and help others on their way.

If you want to join our birthday party, let us know.  You can come with cake or without :D 


Happy Birthday ChessMood! What a wonderful year it has been! I look forward to many more to come!

Happy birthday! Enjoy the party & cake ;-)

Happy Birthday and Best Wishes for times ahead.

When to exchange the queens and when not

The mistake that costs title Champion of Thailand

Today finished Thailand Championship.
A very tough fight was going between one of our ChessMood PRO Members Thanadon Kulpruethanon and Tupfah Khunokaew, a very talented and underrated guy.

In the last round he was playing against my another student Prin, and in case of a win, Tupfah would win the tournament.

In this position, he played Qe5? A move that costs him the title.
Why white shouldn't change the queens?

1. The black king is not safe due to weak dark squares.
2. Queen + Knight is doing much better than Queen + Bishop.
3. Rook + Bishop work better than Rook + Knight
4. Bishop gonna be better than the Knight as the fight gonna be on two sides of the board.

To understand when to exchange pieces is a must-learn skill!

Anyway, great tournament by Tupfah and congratulations to the champion Thanadon Kulpruethanon!


Tactics Challenge

Anyone want to participate in a tactics challenge? I was thinking % improvement on chesstempo over the course of 2 weeks? The goal being to promote working on tactics consistently.  I don't know what the reward would be for the winner, but I would be willing to buy a t-shirt or something if we can get 5+ people to participate. 



I am in!

Whoever joins I say we keep things uniform and use chesstempo, standard, medium difficulty.  If people want something different I am fine with that too. 

Jay how are the tactics coming? I'm stalled around 1650 standard. Lets give it one more week and see who is ahead? 


How’s it looking Jay? I made it up to 1704!


Must-know ideas in Maroczy structure

Black to move. How to play? 


Bd4 to move the white king to the corner of the board.

1)Bd7 to bring the rooks on the half open b and c files, thus starting to put pressure on white's queenside. 

2) Bd4+ Kh1 Bd7 ... with the same idea.

3) ( not that good) f5 exf5 Bxf5, trying to bring the bishop on the active b1h7 diagonal and accelerating the developement of rooks. 

I remember the concept!

Forcing opponent's king to corner is always great in these kind of structures so he will have to lose a tempo in future king's activity.

In last stream about opening mistakes your student played Bd4+ and he missed that white can play Kf1 so there Bd4 was useless because of the f1 square.

Here in this position rook is on f1 so it's good idea to force him to go to corner first then Bd7. So the move is Bd4+ here.

Acclerated dragon

Sir, Many players are playing with 0-0-0 how to continue.Sir it is becoming very hard to play with black.Sir can you please give any suggestion.


Yeah nice point friend. Frankly at a level of 2000 blitz I face so many Bc4 Re8 main lines and when Avetik sir played against 2000 players on no one play Bc4 Bb3 lines.

I rarely face maroczy setup so I am also interested to know what coach will suggest here.

Stopping varying results

Hi chessmood family! 

I'm a 2076 fide rated player and for the past 4 years I've been bouncing between 2000 and 2100. Every time I get to 2100 or close to, I start playing bad, for some months until I get all the way back to low 2000. 

Latest example is 2019. I started with 2001 rating, and after 6 months I had 2113, where every tournament I had a performance between 2150-2300, and the lower ones like 2150 I always played horrible in the last half of the tournament. Now I lose to 1900 and 2000 players, and my games are just bad. And I'm slowly going down again. 

Do you have any tips to stop getting in the wrong mood? I'm guessing that's the reason I can't get a steady rating. Please let me know if you want more information. 


How to play against Philidor Defense? A step-by-step course is ready!

Another step-by-step course is uploaded ????
This time - how to play against Philidor defense.

Covered all the lines:
Main line with ed4
Larsen line with g6
Hanham Variation (old lines)
Modern Philidor Defense

Special thanks to our Grandmasters team for keeping the high-quality standard for our courses that we initially put when launched ChessMood????
This course would be possible to make in 1 day (as many educational platforms do and sell with nice marketing words).
We have spent a few months...

The course is available here ⤵️

P.S Keep the constant growth and learn from trustworthy sources.
This is the shortcut to get where you want.


GM Avetik, will the course be available in the courses section? 

Ideas issue in classic game 2

Kindly share your thoughts about this position.

It's white to move.
This game was played between Ulf Andersson and krunoslav hulak
I was analyzing this position with my friend who is a bit better than me in chess strategies. Here after Rab8 my plan was to play b4. In the bottom you will see my lines.

b4 Qd8 Qb3 Nxd4 Nxd4 b5 c5 and I thought white is better due to protected passed pawns.

b4 Qh5 Qxh5 I am not 100% sure about Nxh5 because this seems like maroczy structure so may be this trade is bad but I think in maroczy black can get access of d4 square and in this position there is a pawn on e3 so it changes evaluation Nxh5 Nd5 (Idea Nb6 to take bishop pair and Nxc6 is threat now.

I did not saw any good way for black against my b4 plan so experts kindly guide me.


Philidor Hanham Carlsen -Radjabov

Hi GM Avetik, I think there is an improvement in the move order for Black in Carlsen - Radjabov with 11...exd4 instead of 11...b4. The point is that after 12. Qxd4 b4 13. Nce2 bxa3 White no longer has the strong Re3 maneouver because after 14. Ra3 d5! 15. Re3 is met by Bc5. So he has to go back with 15. Ra1 (Rc3 seems risky) Nxe4 16. Bxe4 dxe4 and Black has 2 Bs, White's Kside is open, and Ne2 is pinned at the moment.

If 13. Nce2 bxa3 14.b3 or bxa3, then Nxg4 wins a pawn because of ...Bf6 threat.


Hey Man! 
Yes, you are correct. In the next video, you may see that as the best move in the opening, I recommend going a4 for white. 
Carlsen- Radjabov was just a model game with this variation. 

Is igm Karen family of our founder

I read a story at chessbase About Karen griforyan, is hé family of our founder


Nope, he is not :) 


Coach, which video section discusses this move order? 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb4 or some transposition? I know to play 3...e6 but then 4.Nc3 and I wasn't sure if we play 4...g6 or 4...Nf6 and how to handle it after 5.d4.  

Thank you! 



Hey Matt! 
The best is what I have shown during the streams. e6 with Nf6 and d5. If white goes e5 attacking the f6 knight, anyway d5! Attacking his bishop on c4. 
I'll add in Sicilian sidelines course. 

Vladimir Borisovich Tukmakov vs Garry Kasparov 1981

Truely I am impressed by how Kasparov played this game. I do not understand opening well it's like mixture of King's indian and Benko but I learnt the following things:

1. Power of bishop pair in an open position.

2. Compensation of two sacrificed pawns for activity.

3. Piece mobility and especially white's all pieces were in queenside so king was unsafe and black used this to create some attacking ideas.

4. The b5 new benko mixture was new for me.  I also never saw this Bg5 move in king's indian because I only saw two games in chessmood so I do not know what is best line against Bg5 .

During the analysis of game, author said it's not a good line for black

Still a lot I miss but it's fun to learn something drop by drop I can fill the glass.

Let me know what you think guys? 

Any suggestions if I miss some concepts.


Another typical concept I am learning is to sac one or two pawns but play with active pieces instead of passive ones so I also loved when he sacrificed the c5 pawn for activity.

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