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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Candidates are canceled... What do you think?

Hey Champions????
 What do you think about canceling the candidates?


It shouldn't have been held in the first place. Difficult for the players and their families to focus when the pandemic is all across. Feel especially for Teimour for he did voice his protest and there is no way FIDE can compensate for his loss.

I think it's safe for players. Especially now later ding will may be come back from his loses too.

Only 101 points rating increase...

Today my opponent at resigned our second 3 day match and my rating only increased by 101 points!

I posted a couple of months ago when I won my first match against this opponent and my rating improved by around 200 points. If only my 5 minute blitz rating would increase at this rate.....


Great keep it up.

Arianne Caoili passes away at 33 (Levon Aronian's Wife)

Levon Aronian’s wife Arianne Caoili has tragically died at the age of just 33 after a car accident in Yerevan two weeks ago. Initial reports suggested that her condition, while serious, had stabilized, but on Monday Levon shared the terrible news that his wife had passed away. He paid tribute to an “intelligent, hard working and joyous person that lived a beautiful life”.

Rest in Peace.


Sad to hear that. 

1.d4...2.c4 repertoire as White

How about doing White 1.d4 ... 2.c4 repertoire.


I play the catalan against Nimzowitch  defense where I have scored pretty well,Averbakh variation or h3 system which I use some time to time as a suprise for my opponent, Qc2 variation and 4.e4!? as a suprise line against benko, fianchetto variatio agaist benoni,4.Bg5 against Grunfeld, 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bg5 and e4 or h4 aproach line against Dutch. I also have answers for lines such as Owens,Budapest,Albin gambit where I have  lines played by GM's but not popular in club level. I learned all these openings by my coach FM Prasnna Kurukulasuriya some are my decisions. What do you think about this dynamic repertoire. Leave a like if you like it.

I suggest GM Avetik to do 1.d4 openings such as these .

Thanks to Avetik sir!!

I have no words to express my feelings right now. I worked very very hard when I was beginner but never got expected results. But after I found Avetik GM Grigoryan sir my game is improving and funny thing about it is that I am not doing calculation training. I am only following what coach told me. Study classics and I am only watching classics now a days. Today idid not wanted to play in chessmood tournament but I joined to see some parings.
One win against 2300+ player in blitz

One lost by mouse in dead drawn position against 2300+ he showed no sportman's spirit.

One draw against 2100 after I blunded and luckily escaped.

4th game pairing against a player of 2400+ and good thing about this game is that I chose my pet line czech pirc which Avetik GM Grigoryan sir never recommends me but I still love this structure and due to my lack of prep in chessmood openings I thought to play my pet line against him. We entered into complex middlegame in which we both had opposite coloured bishops so all concepts based on initiative. I think he was better in middlegame and then he made a blunder by allowing Qe1+ then Qxe4 and later he became a bit passive and I won in drawn position due to time. I had 36 seconds left on my clock and he had 0.04 seconds and I won by checkmate.
All credit goes to Avetik GM Grigoryan sir and his lessons.
Here is the link of my final game.


ChessMood also helped me in my game.Really after having 2 years with chess i have finally founded the best site and best coaches on chessmood of my life.


i was studying your 2 lines versus the Najdorf 6 Be2 and 6 h3

Is it possible to let stay the video s on chessmood? with the remark that the first time there will no new variations be pblished soon


Hey Franck.
Unfortunately in that case, we will get 100 questions, where are the other parts... 
If you have concrete questions, Gabuzyan will answer them.

Question on Scotch Game 4...Bc5

In the line of 4...Bc5, after 5.Nb3 Bb6 6.Nc3 Nf6 7.Qe2, i have faced the move 7...a5, which is a bit tricky move order, can I know which continuation is better for White? 


Hey Koek! 
Yeah, a5 is in an interesting move. Offered by Kasparov and then he taught it to Nakamura and MVL. 
You play a4 here and transpose to our main lines and advanced sections. 

The power of Benko Gambit!
The power of Benko gambit and our Qb6 with Na6 idea????
This is how with our PRO Members we dominate the competition.

By the way, the course "Benko Gambit" is still unlocked


Wild KID

My first ever Wild King's Indian Defense. 

Thanks for the classical section and Kasparov .

I knew typcial g4 idea and a6 then idk when i went wrong


Yeah! Have you watched Najdorf's game in the "Commented Games" course? 
It seems somewhere you could checkmate :) 

100+ hours of courses by GRANDMASTERS are unlocked!

We’re living in times when it’s important to support each other as never before...

Yeah, just by staying at home you can save lives…

...but at the same time, you can skyrocket your chess and help others as well.
HOW? ????

We’ve UNLOCKED ALL of our courses, created by GRANDMASTERS.
That’s 100+ hours of courses!

We’ve spent a few YEARS creating all of these.
And now all of them have been unlocked for 1 week.

Step-by-step Grandmaster openings for White
Step-by-step Grandmaster openings for Black
 20+ hours of commentary on games of World Champions,
and loads more...

You can click the link below and start improving right now!

But before you do that, please do a favor for me and for your friends.
Share this with them, helping to beat COVID-19 boredom, while doing something useful.

See you in the courses ????


So what is the point of paying 29 dollars per month for the PRO membership, when you can get it for free?

I think I will re-consider my Pro membership , because it just makes the paying members look like fools.

Amazing way to spend you free time, which us endless, during Covid-19!

Arnav, it's unlocked the Courses. 
As was written.

Really excellent work! 

Thank you very much !

woo ya GM avetic it is the best way for beginer to become abetter player soon the ones who have watched your awsome  episodes soon champions would become grandmasters and people would have hard times picking grandmasters

Questions on Rossolimo

Hey guys!

1) After 4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 6.Re1 0-0 7.d4 d5 8.e5 Ne4 there is a new trendy line 9.Be3, after 9...Qb6 10.Bxc6 which recapture is best? Dubov tried both. After 10...bxc6 he lost to Caruana, the he played Anand in Wijk 2020, he played 10...Qxc6 and drew. Still improvement for White in Anand dubov 2020 can be 13.Qxd2 Bxf3 14.gxf3. Improvement for Black can be 12...Nxc5 but I'm not sure at all about arising position after 13.h3.

2)In the same variation after the cool line 9.Bxc6 bxc6 10.Nbd2 Bf5 11.Nh4 e6 12.Nxf5 exf5 13.f3 cxd4 14.fxe4 dxc3 15.bxc3 fxe4 White can try 16.Ba3 Re8 17.Bd6 Bxe5 18.Bxe5 Rxe5 19.Nb3 followed by Qd4 and Nc5 with strong blockade on dark squares. How can we solve this problem?

Thanks in advance! 


Alex, thanks for questions. 
Please keep them all under 1 post, please. 
You have created already 2 separate posts about Rossolimo. 

Question about Rossolimo

In the line 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3 Bg7 how can we play against 6.0-0 as Caruana played in game 3 of the WCC 2018? Thanks in advance!


Hey Alex! 
What if Black plays with the same setup? 

Thanks a lot GM Avetik!

These are questions I published in a wrong post. So now I post them here:

1) After 4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 6.Re1 0-0 7.d4 d5 8.e5 Ne4 there is a new trendy line 9.Be3, after 9...Qb6 10.Bxc6 which recapture is best? Dubov tried both. After 10...bxc6 he lost to Caruana, the he played Anand in Wijk 2020, he played 10...Qxc6 and drew. Still improvement for White in Anand dubov 2020 can be 13.Qxd2 Bxf3 14.gxf3. Improvement for Black can be 12...Nxc5 but I'm not sure at all about arising position after 13.h3.

2)In the same variation after the cool line 9.Bxc6 bxc6 10.Nbd2 Bf5 11.Nh4 e6 12.Nxf5 exf5 13.f3 cxd4 14.fxe4 dxc3 15.bxc3 fxe4 White can try 16.Ba3 Re8 17.Bd6 Bxe5 18.Bxe5 Rxe5 19.Nb3 followed by Qd4 and Nc5 with strong blockade on dark squares. How can we solve this problem?

Thanks in advance and congratulation as always for amazing contents of this site!

Question about Accelerated Dragon

Amazing course this one! A lot of ideas to learn! A question: in the line 7.Nc6 9.Bd4 Qa5 10.f4 Rb8 11.Qd2 Nh6N, now 12.Nd1!? seems very critical to me. What do you think about it?


Hey Alex! 
Thanks for your words. Yeah we worked a lot on this course. 
Nd1 is interesting, but after Qd2 Kd2, Ra8 or a6, and then with d6 or Nf5 first, the endgame should be fine for Black. 

Discord Reminder

Friendly reminder, we have a discord for ChessMood members. It isn't heavily used (yet) but it's fun and easy to communicate with each other.


Thanks, Matt! 

Errors in PGNS

I know the we need to create our own PGNs, but I've been using the ready made ones as starting points for memorization before deepening them. Has anyone noticed any wrong lines in these? One in particualar I've noticed is in  Attack Against Caro-Kann - the PGN has c3 played before Bd3.


Hey Thomas. 
Thanks for letting us know about the issue. It's fixed. 
#COGRO (Constant growth) 

Group opening study

I was thinking something that could be handy (for me at least) would be some group study, maybe something along the lines of each picking lines and taking time to really understand why the moves are played and the dangers of missing steps of moving in the wrong order, then we quiz each other on the bits we've learnt?



Good idea Thomas! 
ChessMood PRO Members, put + and join Thomas. 

Thanks to Technical Support

I appreciate the help with my issues. Chess mood has the best technical support! 


Mattew, thank you so much!
We are thankful to you for your patience with all the issues.
You made our day! <3  

Thank you, Matt!  Hopefully all our members will be like you :) 

Tools for learning openings on a mac


I have just started out here and have been watching the videos and recording opening lines into SCID vs MAC. Does a tool exist which will play one side of a line and tell me if i am responding correctly?

(I am on a mac and chessbase does not look like it works on macs)

Thanks, Tom


Thomas, I think Chessbase has problems with MAC. 
You can try
Our Pro Member Matt uses it. 

Hi Thomas,

Yes, Chessable is a good companion for this. Since it is web based it works on any OS and also smartphones. You can create your own repertoire books and fill them with the Chessmood  lines for your own practice. I think that it's the easier and more practical option.

To run ChessBase on a Mac computer, you first need to install Windows. There are a couple of options for that: Boot Camp (ships with macOS, best performance,  requires reboot to switch between macOS and Windows), VMware Fusion (paid), Parallels (paid), VirtualBox (free).

Hey Thomas,

I use and it has helped me improve drastically. I recommend you give it a try :)

How to Beat COVID-19 Boredom

Hey Champions!

We have this topic in our Blog.

If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here. 



So my question is how to choose what to do right now because Im in university and Im studying something that I don't like so much but I really like my colleges and mostly the thing Im going there to meet the people again and again? Im not sure if I even want to study something because I have only played chess for most of my childhood years and I really don't have much other interests and can't decide. Thanks in advance! 

weekly chess news #3 - 14march to 21st march 2020

weekly chess news #3

If you have any suggestions then message me !

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