Chess forum by Grandmasters

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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Books with PGN Format

Hello ChessMood Family! 
How are you doing?

Guys, I have a question. 
Do you have books with PGN format, so I can open it with ChessBase? 
Or do you know where I can buy? 

Thanks in advance!


I have some, Which one you're looking for? 

Sir I have many books. Even Kasparov's predisors. Sorry for spell. I have almost 200+ books in pgn format.

Email me the book or anything u want.

I will be happy to share.

I am not active on your web because of time issues and i am preparing for my exam. I will be available for email response.

I will def. do my best to help you in case of book.

I think that you are looking for something like the everyman books, almost have the pgn digital download edition. If you want to buy them originals here is their web, they are the ones that have "My great predecessors series"

What about : my best chess games by Anatoly Karpov?

Unexpected win on move 5

I was recording a course about this position and remembered that this is one of the most strange things I've seen in the last time. 
With the last move Black played g6, with the idea to go Bg7, Nge7... 

Can you imagine that g6 is a big mistake and White can get almost winning position? 
Can you find the way? 



Nd5!, Nf6
Bg5 Be7
Nxe7, Qxe7

White is +~1.5 and for a 2000+ rated game is this winning.  For those of us at 1300 this is just another game :)

Good Food = Good Mood= Good Move

After seeing Jay's pic in facebook forum about his food before training chess, I thought I could say something regarding diet and sports performance, but then today a good friend of mine published a really good article, and before you ask I did not suggest the title of the article, it is pure chance. Please take a look I am sure that some of you will find it useful.


Nice article! Really lots of useful stuff. 
Thanks for sharing it, Edo! :) 

King and two knights vs king and a pawn


In todays's lessons we talk about tabelbase and king and two knights vs king and a pawn. I found this nice video on that endgame. I watch it in oktober 2018 :-) -
What is Troitsky's line? An instructive endgame lecture

At 4.10 he show us the Troitsky's line. I did not know about the Troitsky's line before I saw this video.

Here are a link to the free tabelbase

/Kim Skaanning


Thanks Kim! 

Nice! Thanks Kim! 

Posting games on the forum

I would like to post some games but not sure how to do it. I notice some games are posted by some of you really cool, with the entire board , moves by hitting arrows, side notation,  etc.

Not just the link...

How to do that?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


Hi Ovi, in the bottom left there is the button to "add new file" and there you can add your PGN file.  I am not an expert at adding them like Kevin D, as I can't seem to get my sub-variations to populate, but I am sure that is a user error and that is easily done. 

ProMember coaching

A big thank you to GM Avetik Grigoryan for getting me some coaching with Nicolo Pasini. Our first lesson was tonight and it was better than excellent...Thanks Avetik & Nicolo best wishes to you both :-)


Super! Looking forward to seeing your fast growth. 

chessmood scotch 1 - MVL 0

Way to go GM Goh!




Congrats GOH on beating one of the best players in the world!

Looked to me that there was a mate , move #38...Qa8!

About PGN files

Hello sir

I want to become pro member before i wanna ask you something that the pgn files you give at the end of each course is a draft file or the whole analysis that you teach us??


Any pro member here??

Please rply

It's a draft file + homework. 

Hi Diksha Garg

The pgn files are not af full draftback of the hole course. They contains the importent lines. ChessMood's idea is to make us work with the openings. If we get a full pgn, most of us will get lazy, and we will sit back and watch, and not work. We update our own pgn after we have watch the course. I have also watch the course again and played the lines into the pgn. I use the traning mode in Chessbase to remember the lines. We also update our pgn, when we play a game, get an idea ect.

We had a nice webinar today with GM Grigoryan, maybe it is the reason why many of us PRO Members did not have the time to answer you.
The courses are very high quality.

I have found it immensely helpful to build your own PGN files of the lines :) 

Yes, very important to spend time watching the course and build the pgn up yourself.  Then you come back to it, develop it, add games, use it to learn the variations.  The pgn in the course is just a skeleton.

SLP and CM openings

I played GM Jorden Van Foreest today in blitz and utilized the valuable SLP method to sneak out a win ;) 


Oh!! You won a GM? :) 
Is it the 1st time? :) 

Hi Matt H

Nice win, and thanks for sharing :-)

/Kim Skaanning

Nice ! That's a big fish to catch!

That is very very cool!

NEW ARTICLE: It’s Never Too Late to Resign

Hey Champions!

We have this topic in our Blog.
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here. 


Hi guys, today I blundered my queen but my opponent sidn't see it. He continued with the game... Until today, I resigned immediately when I made a blunder :) But now I know that I must wait. Notice that I was playing bullet and I am 1900.

Garry Kasparov made a similar mistake in Game 2 of his 1997 match against Deep Blue. He resigned right after Deep Blue made a blunder that allowed him a draw by perpetual check. He was so trusting of the machine's ability to calculate that he did not even bother to look for a perpetual check.

There have been several times when my opponent resigned and I had to turn on the engine to find out why!

Missed mate in 1#

I really wanted to resign today when I saw my opponent had a mate-in-1. I kept playing, and ended up flagging him in a drawn position.

Also happened to me many times, sometimes I wait and sometimes I don't...Now I'll ALWAYS wait!!

Great article.

Philidor Defense

Hello, champions! 
I started to record a new course about how to get an advantage against Philidor Defense.
The 1st section is ready. 

If you have any questions, feel free to post it here.
With best wishes,

P.S COGRO! (Constant Growth)


Hey Champions! The 2nd section of Philidor Defense (the main line) is uploaded!  Lots of credits go to Levon Aronian, who told me about g3 strong move, otherwise, I was suffering to find a clear advantage.
Check it out, you'll love it!

Hey Champions! 
The 3rd section of Philidor Defense is uploaded. Enjoy! :) 

Hey Champions!
Who couldn't wait for Hanham Line in the Philidor Defense??
Here we go!
The 5th section is uploaded, around 1-hour material to learn
COGRO! Even if tomorrow is your birthday  :D :D :D 

Hey Champions!
The 5th section of Philidor Defense is added.
Another half-hour material to learn 

Hey Champions
How to play against Modern Philidor or Modern Hanham line, which also Simon Williams calls Black Lion?

The 6th section is uploaded!  

Hey Champions! 
I have good news for you!r you!
Philidor Defense course is completed! 
Just uploaded the last section - how to play against gambits.  

Now you will Rock N Roll​ everyone who plays Philidor Defense :) 

With best wishes,
GM Avetik 

Hey, champions! 

Today I've added 50 minutes material in the advanced section of Philidor Defense. 

Hey champions! 

We've added almost one-hour material in the Philidor course! 
When Black plays with 3...Nc6 

Philidor Defense, Section 8. ​ 

Enjoy :) 

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 d6?!

Often played by weaker players and occasionally even by GMs. What's your recommendation here? 4.dxe5 Nxe5 5.Nxe5 dxe5 6.Qxd8 Kxd8 isn't quite as bad for Black as one might think.


Most strong e4 players would just go 4.Bb5 there, transposing to the Ruy Lopez - Steinitz Variation which doesn't have a great reputation for Black. 4.d5 also looks reasonable, but 1.e4 e5 players for  White tend to prefer open positions to closed ones. 

Peter, you go 4.Nc3! 
The key is after 4...Nf6 5.Bb5 Bd7 to take 6.Bc6 Bc6 and 7.Qd3! (7.Qe2!? is also good!) 
Now e5 hangs. And after 7...ed 8.Nd4 you play Bd2 and 0-0-0 with a great position. 

This I'll add in our courses, just can't understand in which one? :) 
Is it Scotch or Philidor? :D :D :D 

Here we go! 

Philidor Defense, Section 8. ​ 

Chess Training Regimen

Hello all, would like to ask if anyone would like to offer their daily chess routine or even training regimen as Abhi posted on a different thread. Understand if it's a highly classified secret, wont post it anywhere else:)

This might help others to improve their chess training  regimen.

So, I offer my daily routine. I am about a 1600 player , higher on li chess. Would very much like to achieve 2000 USCF.

1, Tactics for about 1.5 hours first thing in the morning. That way I feel that patterns and ideas set in better.

2. 1-2 hours Chess Mood videos on opening repertoire. This is sometimes spaced out during the day so I can remember the ideas better.

3. 1 hr game play afternoons. Avetik suggested that I ought to play less and the 9 game rule is a good one IMHO.

4. 1/2-1 hr Game study and analysis evenings.

I try to keep this about 4 hours a day every day.

Cheers and thanks in advance for any ideas!


Fischer would never go against Spassky if...

"Fischer would never go against Spassky if he had a girlfriend."
From which movie is this? ????  
The right answer will get a prize :) 


"Money Heist" not movie but TV Series. I think...

I am not sure maybe from the movie " Pawn sacrifice".

if I win then where is my prize ;)

Pawn sacrifice



It would be great to have a repertoire against Colle Zuckertort, Londoner, Kingsindian Attack, Bird etc. etc.




Any relation to IM Christoph Scheerer of infamous Blackmar Diemer Gambit fame and other Wacky Openings :D

The London System was already covered, I guess the KIA and Colle Zuke will eventually follow but these are all pretty lame systems vs King's Indian or Benoni setups, with many ways to equality or better. 

Webinar - Typical Mistakes with ChessMood Openings 12 May 2020

Just saw the Replay of the TMWCO Webinar quite interesting, but just wanted to clarify for Avetik that the Kevin in the chat was not me, probably it was Kevin Hall (Kevin H in the forum) or some other Kevin. :)

Warm Regards,
Kevin D


Hehe :) I know :) 
It was Grandmaster Kevin Goh Wei Ming :) 

Individual Coaching

Hello dear PRO Members! 
I have cool news for you. 

We noticed that many of you have issues with analyzing your games yourself and finding the mistakes.
And many of you were asking about individual training.  

Here we go...! 
We decided to offer private lessons as well ???? 
Mostly we'll check your games, find mistakes, and fix them to speed up your growth. 

I am sure you understand, that there will be a limited amount of seats and we'll accept students on a "First-come, First-take" basis.

+ we'll offer you a "PRO Members Only" discount price!

I'll ask you to fill this short form to apply for individual lessons.

With best wishes,
GM Avetik 

P.S COFAGRO(Constant and Fast Growth)


French Defense

How can I play after 1.e4 e6   

                                          2.d4 d5

                                         3.Bd3 Nc6


Hi Nguyen Doan Giang

After 3..Nc6 Black can no longer play for the pawn break c7-c5, but Nlack can play e6-e5. Here are some lines.

/Kim Skaanning

I have another line here in my notes, I do not know which is better, maybe someone who knows more will tell us what is better:

3..Nc6, 4.Nf3 dxe4, 5.Bxe4, Nf6, 6.Bg5 Be7 7.Bxf6 Bxf6 8.c3 e5 9.d5

Coach played against this line in Saint Louis this summer.  He mentions in his analysis he has 4. c3 but decided to play 4.Nf3 in that game due to the opponent/tournament situation.

Both c3, and what I played in Saint Louis are interesting.
Will add it in the adv. section

Analytical Skills

How to work on analytical skills? 

I am  a beginner and doing a bit ok in tactics

I do not know but I failed to find simple plan of f6 here 


Define simple :P

Chess works in pattern recognition. If you have never seen this plan before you can look at the diagram for an hour and still not find it. For instance, if you haven't seen smothered mate before, even if you are a genius, there is no way you can find the solution.

So how to improve? My way is by reading books, watching videos and games. When working on a specific opening, I go through a collection of games. There are many on the internet. It helps me when I analyse games of good players based on my repertoire. There are typical moves in each opening, typical sacrifices, typical motifs. This helps in pattern recognition.

P.S. don't be hard on yourself

Torre Attack

Hello ChessMood Family! 
Some of you are super good in theory. 
Was wondering what do you play against Torre Attack? 
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3.Bg5 

Kevin D, waiting a long reply from you :) 
You are an expert in all openings. 

Thanks in advance! 


The last time I answered such a question, mine was the only suggestion. This time I'll wait for someone else to start the ball rolling. :D  


I can start the Torre Attack suggestion.
In many of the lines against the Torre Attack I have seen, black has to be carefull not to drift into a undynamic position.
I like the suggestion from GM Robin Van Kampen in his KID video series Cutting Edge KID (King's Indian Defence) at chess24

Here are the lines in a PGN.

/Kim Skaanning

Coach, you saw my one game I played against this and I basically failed miserably.  

With that being said, since then when I face it online I do follow the d5/c5/Nc6/Qb6 set up if I can, since that is what FM Kamil Plichta recommends in his book "Too Hot To Handle: The King's Indian Defense" but honestly I haven't faced the Torre very often. 

Thanks to Kevin and Kim for their ideas! 

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