Digital Marketing Expert

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Digital Marketing Expert

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If you haven’t seen the job of Our future CMO, you might want to take a look at it first.
And if you have seen it, but you want to apply for this one, here is who we’re also looking for. 

I feel we’ll definitely need help and CMO can’t do everything alone.
So we’ll need a team of SEO, PPC, Google, Facebook ads, and other specialists. 
If you’re deeply specialized in any of them, would be nice to hear from you. 
Please apply below and tell us more about you and how you can help. 

NOTE: Being a chess player and knowing at least what “Caro Kann”, “fork” and “stalemate”
mean is a must.
And please, don’t try to spend time persuading me that it's not important 😁

We’re looking for teammates who’re passionate about chess and don’t join us just for
having a job.
We’re not looking for employees. We’re looking for like-minded teammates. 

Best wishes,
Avetik Grigoryan 
Chess Grandmaster,
Founder and CEO of ChessMood    

P. S. Yeah, I write all our job descriptions myself and I’m actively involved in finding new
team members. Our culture is super important to me. 


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