ChessDev (chess player developer)

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ChessDev (chess player developer)

  • Remote
  • Full time
  • Worldwide

We’re looking for a passionate chess lover (ideally a ChessMood student) who also loves
programming. So you combine your passions and help the chess world with features you’ll

It’ll be a big bonus if you have already created (or were involved in) any chess features and
know how to use lichess’s open source. 

I know very little about programming.
But I have a bunch of ideas, and features I want to add to ChessMood.

If you have ideas too, that would be even better, and I’m eager to hear them from you. 
Please apply below and tell me more about you, your ideas, and the impact you can have.

Best wishes,
Avetik Grigoryan 
Chess Grandmaster,
Founder and CEO of ChessMood 

P. S. Yeah, I write all our job descriptions myself and I’m actively involved in finding new
team members. Our culture is super important to me.

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