Chess forum by Grandmasters

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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Plan in the GP endgame?

I know many experts can win this position as white. But I am not an expert. This is well known position for all Chessmood Members so kindly explain me how to play this position as white. For example it's black to move in this diagram position and my move is Rf8 so how will white fight for advantage here because only open file is in black's hand and he is piece up. Yeah we have amazing pawns but still I am worried about a long term plan.  I am worried about how to make my king active and one plan for black is to play Rf8-Rf8 anf he can move his king anywhere to stop our pawns. Yes I never saw anyone who got this position against me but I am worried about future so if anyone give nice ideas or games then it will be super useful for me and my endgame knowledge.


If I remember well then video was over after this d4 and coach said better for white. Yes I believe in it but all i want is my king in the center so I can fight and trading rooks in the current position is suicidal.

exchange rooks on f8 and centralize the king. There is no player who can hold knight vs 3 pawns, probably not even stockfish!

ok, some variations...

Since you played Rf8 I continue Rxf8 Kxf8, Kf2 Nf4 (trying Nd3 fork), just b3, next comes Kf3 and the knight must go back. Then all I have to do is Ke3 and push the e and d pawns... He will have to give up the knight for some pawns at some time. You need to make sure either that he gets no more than 2 pawns for the knight, or if he gets 3 make sure your king is more active and you queen!

e and d pawns are really dangerous... Always calculate possible transpositions to pawn endgame after knight sacrifice and look out for forks!

And finally, only practice will help you. Try analyzing the position by yourself first, find the ideas and then check with machine.

Today's Article

When is today's artucle going to come? I am eager :)


It's there :) 

Another victim of Grand Prix Attack

I lost the match to GM Michael Roiz, but the last game and his last phrase compensate it ????
Below are the links of the game and the course about Grand Prix attack

Do you play Grand Prix attack or you're going to play? :) 


This game reminds me my own piece sac on g5 square after my opponent did h6 then g5.

WOW! Sir!

I would recommend you to continue your chess, you have all the potential of becaming the world champion!

Great game!

I only need 3000 moodcoins to unlock the whole part 1.

...and what if white does not allow the Qa5 line in Maroczy with Bg2 line?

Hi, champs! Do you have any sugestions of how to play with black if white does not play d4 move in proposed English opening line? I mean after 1.c4 c5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nc3 Nc6 4.g3 and if the first player just plays it slowly and modestly like: Bg2 0-0 d3 and so on. I know this is not very ambitious line for white, but anyway, it would be quite interresting to hear a GM recipe here. Shall black play here d5 right away, or do you have any better advice? Or is the answe given in the courses already? Thank you in advance...


Hey Martin! 
We'll add all other systems in the upcoming English opening. When White plays without d4, or they go e3 with Nge2... And all other things. 

Fathers day

Happy fathers day to all fathers of our ChessMood Family????


5.e3 with Nc3 in Benko Gambit

Hello everyone!I played a game only 5 minutes ago.And my opponent played against me with 5.e3 5...e6 6.Nc3.I lost the match with a very nice tactic.How should I play against this?

P.S:I am not a pro member but I bought the course.


Hello TK, in the position you mentioned, I would recommend you to play something like a mixed modern benoni and benko gambit 6. ... exd5 7. Nxd5 Bb7 8. Nxf6+ Qxf6 9. Nf3 Be7 10. a4 O-O 11. h3 axb5 12. Bxb5 Bc6 13. Bd2 Qxb2 14. Rb1 Qf6 15. O-O d5. For me this is the better continuation for black ( my own calculations w.o. help of engine ). This is the most popular variation which can arise from here I think. Then continue with the queenside knight developement and bring the "f" rook either on "b" or "d" files.

The course will be updated with an advanced section. 
If you bought the course, you'll have the update as well. 

A game suggest for courses!

[Event "Tata Steel Masters"]

[Site "Wijk aan Zee NED"]

[Date "2016.01.26"]

[Round "9"]

[White "Wei Yi"]

[Black "David Navara"]

[Result "1-0"]

[ECO "C65"]

[WhiteElo "2706"]

[BlackElo "2730"]

[PlyCount "55"]

[EventDate "2016.01.15"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. d3 Bc5 5. Bxc6 dxc6 6. Nbd2 O-O 7. Nc4 Nd7 8.

Qe2 Re8 9. Bd2 Bd6 10. h4 c5 11. h5 h6 12. O-O-O Nb8 13. Rdg1 Nc6 14. g4 f6 15.

g5 fxg5 16. Nxg5 Nd4 17. Qd1 hxg5 18. Bxg5 Be7 19. Be3 Bf6 20. h6 Re7 21. hxg7

Rxg7 22. Qh5 Be6 23. Bh6 Bf7 24. Bxg7 Bxh5 25. Bxf6+ Kf8 26. Bxd8 Ne2+ 27. Kb1

Nxg1 28. Bxc7 1-0


I can read blind, but not everybody can :D

So this is the game! Next time please use the "add new file" button..

nope @Tomboy_Web I am learning just classics so the more I know the more I will play well. I am working on revision of lines bec lines are so tough to remember but I wanna remember all the lines .

Novelty in Catalan

I was watching video on middlegames and found this funny but super strong novelty by Fabiano Caruana. So for those who love Catalan can work on this novelty to surprise their opponent. Be3 idea is to stop c5 that's all even  GM Vazubian Akobian said and not more because he was also shocked and confused by this move. By using this novelty Fabi Crushed Anand. Vishy spent 5 mins after Be3 move and played Bd6 and 7 mins on move 9th .



my database is not up to date so i do not know how many recent games played with this move but this move looks amazing to me!

Against Modern Defense

What is the best way to handle against Modern Defense as white? In recent I have faced many defeats against this line. Coach can you make a course about crushing Modern Defense in near future? Please.


Maybe you can try to go for grand prix attack and the reason you lose ofcourse should not be in openings you could have went wrong in middlegame or endgame. So,Therefore try to position your pieces correctly and try to be aggressive in these kinds of lines as black does not care about their centre and we have most often pawns on e4 and d4

Have you watched the course? 

NEW ARTICLE: The Journey Into the Scandinavian Defense Jungle

Hey Champions!

We have this topic in our Blog.
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here. 


I liked the article, do not get me wrong, but I wanted to add a little bit more of research establishing the origins of this line. That is why since I knew the history, I am going to share it here with you to complement the article.

I used to play the Scandinavian too, and at one point I relied to Tiviakov's Chessbase Fritztrainer, a must have if you play this line since it is authored by Tiviakov's himself, even if it is old and new theory comes up all the time.

In the first introductory video, he explains why he started to play this line. The first time that he encountered this line was in the game Tiviakov Almeida, played in Catalonia, at the International Open of Solsonés in the year 2005.

I am including two games here in this post for your information. The first one, is the game played with the Qd6 line, were Tiviakov is surprised and decides to play this line after this encounter.

The second game is the game against the rival that GM Max Illingworth mentions in the article, which was played a year before, also in Catalonia but with the Qa5 line, for the sake of exactitude.  

I also checked the book Secret of Opening Surprises 6 where in the page 123 Tiviakov writes about his game with Almeida. He literally says:

“Everything started in August 2005. I was playing in an open tournament in Solsona (Spain). I was White against Cuban player Omar Almeida, and after a mere 11 moves I was lost. Luckily for me, my draw offer on move 12 was accepted by my opponent.”

After the game he writes in the book regarding this experience:

“Well, this was a very useful experience for me. I thought, if I can get a lost position with white so quickly (and I have to admit that I had even studied this variation before as White) then why could the same thing not happen to other strong players?! So I decided to work on this line to incorporate the Scandinavian Defence into my repertoire.”

And this is it, I just wanted to point out this, since I knew this story and I thought it was important to have it right. No hard feelings towards the author, do not get me wrong!

Best regards and good luck with the Scandinavian adventures, maybe I will pick it up some day again, the sales video is very good and made me wanting to play it again, but at the moment, sorry… I am devoted to play what Avetik sensei tells me to… ;-)

That's interesting Arnav, maybe he is one of Avetik's pupils too... ;-)

I liked the article very much. I am not a Scandinavian defence player, using it only in blitz and bullet games, and that's why I found this variation very interesting. After 1. e4 d5  2. exd5 Qxd5  3. Nc3 I knew Qd6 move from Carlsen's games but a6 move took me aback.

A very interesting article indeed, and a nice advertisement for the Scandinavian Defence. To be clear though I think the Scandi is best suited for Rapid & Blitz, admittedly there was a time where you could catch out a lot of players with this defence but since then it has gotten a lot of theoretical attention and the Scandi Boat has sprung a few leaks in a number of places. Don't get me wrong it's not refuted by any means, but in all main-lines Black is under strong pressure, be it the traditional main-line 3...Qa5; Tiviakov's 3...Qd6 or Bartholomew's 3...Qd8 (The most underrated, and most reliable of the bunch I think). I should also note that Duda and Naka have used the Scandi quite successfully in Rapid Chess, incorporating a double fianchetto setup but White players clearly have not been studying there 'Classical Games' :-) as Bobby Fischer in his game against Karl Robatsch (1962) already provided the Blueprint for the ideal setup that white should be aiming for here. Perhaps this Fischer vs Robatsch encounter could be Game 93 in Commented Classical Games :D, and I would be remiss if I didn't add that this beautiful game featured in Bobby Fischer's - My 60 Memorable Games. 

Now I'm about to really blow your minds! Did you know that In ChessBase Magazine #167 Sergei Tiviakov himself did a Video analysis on the 3...Qd6 Scandi, concluding that it was no longer playable!! During his presentation he cites one of his black games vs. Kiril Georgiev from 2015 as a key reason for the demise of this line, and advises the viewer to look up the game in a database for further details. However, Tiviakov either got the opponent wrong or this game never actually made the databases because I never managed to find it, for what it's worth he said the game continued like this:  1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 c6 6.Ne5 Nbd7 7.Nc4 Qc7 8.Qf3 Nb6 9.Bf4 Qd7 10.Nxb6 axb6 11.0-0-0 e6 12.Bc4! Tiviakov also mentions the following encounter with Guseinov from 2015 as another reason he gave up this line:   1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qd6 4. d4 Nf6 5. Nf3 c6 6. h3!

I would be curious to know if GM Max Illingworth has really discovered The Strongest Scandinavian or is this just more old wine in a new bottle.

Sorry for another long post Avetik, I did my best to keep it on point :)

A question about Benko Gambit course

Hi sir!I have a question about Section 4 5.f3 move.I can't find an advanced video course about it.But you said I can find a advanced video course about it.Also I can't find 4.Nd2 at Qc2 section.


The video is probably not released yet. I believe Avetik recommends 5...g6 and continue in  playing Benko type structures as a starter. 

We'll update the Benko course with Adv. sections soon. 

Thanks to amazing ChessMood Team

Um, I have no words to describe my happiness. I am a guy who believed in hard work because my goals are always clear. Yes, life is not so simple so sometimes family priorities came between me and chess but i never left chess. I wanted to improve but all time I studied useless content created by amazing chess marketers and even by GMs but I never improved. In dec. 2019 coach  GM_Avetik Grigoryan asked me to join his website too. As he met me in early 2019 when he had only fb group. So in the end I gave it a shot. I only studied courses one time in past and doing the revision second time and you know what my rating graph is going up and up and up.

In the bottom I am gonna share some screenshots of my and profiles and you will see how much I improved all because of coach.    

My's Rating Analysis by me!

                         Before Chessmood                After Chessmood

Blitz               1900                                                2100+

Rapid            1700                                                  1850

Bullet           1930                                                  1995.

Daily Games 1700                                               1860

Lichess Ratings Analysis by me!

I am not a active lichess user but I started to play there too few months ago.

Blitz Rating: 2111

Bullet Rating: 1990

Rapid Rating: 1966.

Now after checking my ratings you may say, oh it's not so big improvement but what matters is I gained confidence due to lessons and streams and courses by chessmood that in future I will do more well in chess.

I lost my all hope in chess when I was studying and losing and losing and I never imagined myself to become a 2000 FIDE rated but after I found chessmood I lost most of the time only by my own mistakes but all courses gives me nice advantage and slowly my ratings are improving and I can feel it. Rating is just a number and soon they will come behind me too. Now I am so excited to play real life events and increase my elo because right now I am only 1465 but I know I play more well than 1465.


Good job, Abhi! 
Keep it going! 

Registering to pro member..

Sir is it ok if my account were register to  pro members in abroad..coz i dont have any credit cards or paypal to pay....


It requires drivers license and i cant get it becoz of the lockdown...

Can you clarify the question, please?

New Course -Modern Pirc

Hey Champions! 

We hope you are enjoying the courses Pirc Defense and Czech Pirc. 
We uploaded a new course - Modern Pirc. 
We'll just crush it! :) 
The 1st part of the course with Grand Prix Atack is ready. 
Check it out. ​ 

If you have any questions regarding the course - please post it here. 


What Will be the other recommendation versus the modern...a plan with Be3 or f4 or....

Doubt in Rossolimo

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.0-0 Bg7 5.c3 Nf6 6.Rel 0-0 7.d4 d5 8.e5 Ne4 9.Be3 Played by Caruana and This Line Has Good Results for White.

Sir,How should we continue there?


This question has already been asked and answered here:

Also guys its okay to do some of your own research, get a database and keep it updated. Try out this free resource to get you started:

I for one would investigate GM Anton Guijarro's approach, he's a serious theoretician:   

No Access

Hello, I'm a celebrity and I don't have access to the proforum today. If there is a technical defect. How can I see how long my promoter membership will last?



I am unable to access the Pro forum as well.

The same for me. I don't have access to the proforum

Sorry guys, we have a technical issue, we're working on it.
Sorry for the inconvenience. 

@christoper, we are soon launching the new website, where you'll see everything. 
Meanwhile, would you like our support girls to contact you? 

Promember Account

Where can I see how long my primium account lasts and how can I prolong it?


Hi dear @flo_flo in the bottom I am sharing screenshots of how to find the payment history of your pro account. You can follow this instructions and find your account info. For more info kindly contact:  I hope this was helpful

Can you do pro with moodcoins?

I wanted to know, could you go pro by getting 29000 moodcoins?



How to do it ARNAV? Plz tell.....Waiting for your reply

arnav i have asked chessmood, they said you can not.

Where is th use moodcoins?

P.S. I got 29000 moodcoins

Hello chessmood family

i have the same question , what can we do by mood coins ?

With moodcoins we can unlock the courses you go down press buy and select moodcoins option. For example, I need 5000 more to unlock one part of the Antisicilian.

. e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nd4 4. Nf3 a6 5.Bd3 Nc6 Plans for white needed

Hello, it would be great if you could give ideas and sample games for the position after 1. e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nd4 4. Nf3 a6 5.Bd3 Nc6 in an Advanced Section. The ideas with a3 and b4 do not convince me and I do not necessarily want to dive into the universe of the open Sicilian, so that 6th Be2 and 7.d4 are not necessary. Thanks in advance 


Hey Christoph. How much is your rating? 
And what you didn't like in a3 b4 idea? 
You can just go for a search in ChessBase database, and dive deeper, if you want, or find other ideas. 

true @ChessMood_. I am not working on finding anything special in openings bec the way u presented material is crushing 2300 players lichess and I always dominate with white pieces.Also @GM_Hovhannes_Gabuzyan is crushing 2900 elo field so this means openings are rocks. Another point is @GM_Avetik_Grigoryan's win against a Candidate Challanger proves the power of Chessmood Openings. So I think when GMs are working for us in finding novelties and working on openings then all we have is to copy it.

I think i read somewhere that if you want to achieve your goals then just copy what successful people did. There is no need to invent something if u are in starting phrase! For example- we born and we learn to speak by hearing sounds of words. If it's in hindi kid will learn hindi and if it's in english then same he will learn english. So, my approach is follow successful people that's it.

@Christoph_Serrer kindly check this post. You will see how effective chessmood openings are. Now kindly don't say like oh! it was blitz but look at the GM as black. A candidate challanger against chessmood openings. So this means there is something that super GM did not knew.

How do good players remember their opening repertoire?

Hi Chessmood friends,

Knowing ideas behind chess opening is important, and I can learn them from Chessmood videos. 

But It's hard for me to remember what I have learned after a few days. 

 Any advice for firmly fixing chess openings to memory? Softwares etc?


Try to not skip the streams, my friend, and solve the quizzes.
The 1st one is ready. 

Thank you

Do you have already the pgn opening of chessmood? 

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2020.04.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "against owens"]
[Black "white side"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "B00"]
[Annotator "?"]
[PlyCount "27"]

1. e4 b6 2. d4 Bb7 3. Bd3 (3. Nc3 e6 4. Be3 Bb4 5. Bd3 f5 6. f3 fxe4 7. fxe4
Bxc3+ 8. bxc3 Bxe4 $2 9. Qh5+ $1 {bringing the white queen out before the
black queen comes out!} (9. Bxe4 $143 $4 Qh4+ $15) 9... g6 10. Qe5 Bxg2 11.
Qxh8 Qh4+ 12. Bf2 $18) 3... f5 4. exf5 Bxg2 5. Qh5+ g6 6. fxg6 Bg7 (6... Nf6 7.
gxh7+ Nxh5 8. Bg6#) 7. gxh7+ Kf8 8. Nf3 Bxh1 (8... Nf6 9. Qg6 Bxh1 (9... Bxf3
10. Rg1 Rxh7 11. Qg3 Be4 12. Bxe4 Nxe4 13. Qf3+) 10. Bh6 Bxh6 (10... Rxh7 11.
Ng5) 11. Qxh6+ Kf7 12. Ng5+ Ke8 13. Bg6#) (8... Bxf3 9. Qxf3+ Nf6 10. Qxa8) 9.
Ne5 Bxe5 10. dxe5 Qe8 11. Bh6+ Nxh6 12. Qxh6+ Kf7 13. Bc4+ d5 (13... e6 14.
Qf6#) (13... Bd5 14. Bxd5+) 14. e6# {a beautiful mate!!} *

Look this is a repertoire. This is how you should build it.

wow!thanks Skipper Chess.

GM Avetik, once in an article you mentioned how big a GM's repertoire is(it's like endless) now my Sicilian Pepertoire is also as big as yours!!

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