Chess forum by Grandmasters

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Chess forum by Grandmasters

FIDE Preparation

Hello GM team and chessmood family.If I am going to FIDE to open rating what should I learn to make FIDE rating 2000+? Chessmood opening,  or commented classical games? 


Well, to be rating 2000+ FIDE you need to play very good, be a very good player, this takes time and of course Cheesmood is one of the best ways to be in the right path. Learn everything that yo can here and you will get there for sure if you work hard. :-)

I want to ask something

Heeyy ChessMood family,

I want to ask you one simple thing: if you want to ask a question about an exact course or an exact video, please leave a link that will help us find them easily, what you are asking about.

Thanks in advance.


Its true.

right, no one do that, I don't know why :D 

PGN Sicilian sidelines not there?

I can find the PGN's from the Accelerated Dragon and Maroczy Bind but the one from crush the sidelines doesn't seem to be there?


Yes, it seems that it is missing. I am sure that they will fix it soon or maybe they are adjusting the lines with the move 2.Nc6 and they are working on it... I do not have it either, otherwise I would have shared it with you. Thanks for making me realize that I did not have it!

Hi dear @Duvupov_,

They add PGN+Homework files only after the course is done. Some courses, like Sicilian sidelines, are not finished, more sections are coming. Once they upload all the material, PGN file will be added too.

8. Crushing d4 Sidelines

Coach, when you will add something in course "8. Crushing d4 Sidelines"?

Will be there Catalan?


The intro gives some ideas as to what other content may be coming next. I don't think Catalan was mentioned, is that a sideline?

Not trying to have an attitude, but.... good luck getting a Catalan after 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5. Then we will be pretty much always redirected back into ChessMood territory.

@Marcin_Wrzesiński @Inguh_Kim

The Catalan is a chess opening where White adopts a combination of the Queen's Gambit and Réti Opening: White plays d4 and c4 and fianchettoes the white bishop on g2. A common opening sequence is 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3.

Since we do not play 2.e6 we cannot enter the Catalan opening.

We play 2...c5 aiming for the Benko Gambit as per the Chessmood repertoire

Visualization Training

From the past 3 months I was thinking of finding best ways to improve my vision  to the next level. Yes, coaches recommend blindfold training, solving puzzles or studies but what happens if position is unclear in the end. Then the best is to follow what  Ian Anderson wrote in his book Chess Visualization Course . I started it 6 days ago and did only 156 exercise but I felt difference in my speed of calculating lines. I am not saying I am doing super well in complex positions but I am started to doing well in a bit simpler positions. But I am sure my depth of vision will improve once I will finish his book course. You can see his method in the pic I shared.

How I am solving this book?

I try to follow through the moves which author is asking to visualize then I write the whole final position in my notebook and answer the questions which author asked. The reason behind writing whole resulting position in notebook is to see what I missed during I visualized that line. 

Now it's your turn to improve your vision to the next level.  This is what my training partner Devansh told me. So I am glad he shared me this instructive training so now it's your turn to improve!

Good luck.


Now I am able to see 15 ply basic examples shared in this book. 

We use CHESSVIS.... Android Ap... Similar tools app to train chess visualization (static and dynamic chess board vision) by Henry Feldman : or train in web based version in...

Thank you.

Other tools Android App to train calculation visualization... is BLINDFOLD CHESS PUZZLES....

thanks for the recommendation Abhi, I will look up the book.

I'm sure you're finished by now, whats your opinion of the results?

Thanks Abhi, I was also wondering how do I improve my visualization and finally I found my answer.

Anti Sicilian 3.g6

Hey GM Avetik and chessmood family what to  play after 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3 Bg7 6.f4 Nf6 7. Nf3 0-0.Now what is the best plan for white? Plz GM Avetik Grigoryan, grandmaster's team and chessmood family explain the plan in detail. 


Black wants to use their strong bishop on g7, applying the TV concept and complete their queenside development in this structure which resembles the Rossolimo. On the other hand, we will go for O-O and try to strike in the centre. Take a look at these two variations from my personal analysis which I have played in my games and correct me if I am wrong somewhere.

1st: 8. O-O Ne8 black is applying the TV concept and is trrying to bring the Knight to e6 through c7 as in the Rossolimo 9. h3 b6 10. e5 Nc7 11. Be3 Nd5 12. Bd2 Nc7   2nd: 8. Qe2 Bg4 9. h3 Bxf3 here black is getting rid of our strong knight giving away their most problematic piece10. Qxf3 Nd7 again TV concept 11. O-O e6 12. Be3 Bd4 13. Bxd4 cxd4 14. Ne2 targeting the d4 weakness.

I hope I explained the position preety accurately. Waiting for your comments and new ideas on this position.

May be this helps..

Download the file from here for an better view.

The lines mention below are not fully accurate, they are just to illustrate some plans.

Feel free to ask any opening doubt or other help.

My YT Channel!

Hello everyone! Its been a few months now since I opened my Own YT Channel.... My videos are not very great but it would help if you guys could sub and right your views in the comments of my Videos!
Here is the link :

P.S. My goal is to reach 100 subs before feb 10th.. Every sub counts!

Thanks to everyone in advance!


Hi Skipper,

great to try with your YT channel. One suggestion, don't reveal the solution in the title or in the description.

Welcome 2021!

Happy New Year dear ChessMood family!

May all your goals be achieved and all your plans be fulfilled this year!

What challenges do you have on your way? 


Chess doubt

Hello I'm dhruvil. And I wanna ask that in the starter course the part crushing Sicilian with Nc3.It contains 3 parts. But I wanna know that after 1.e4 1.c5 2.Nc3 2. g6 after g6 what to play? Which part of crushing the Sicilian with Nc3 should I look to play against 2.g6 or share me the link of video which contains 2nd move g6 in the Sicilian defence. Plz GM avetik grigoryan help me or any of my friends. Plzzz 


Hi man, here is the link of your question. You have to play d4 here!

Nc6 allows Qxh8 and Nf6 allows Nf3 Nc6 Qa4 d6 e5 lines

Review your year like you review your games!

Hello ChessMood Family!

Here we are at the end of another year! This is the time of year many of us reflect on how the last year has gone, and plan for the next year to come. I feel it is important to do this every year, not because we want to completely change who we are, but because we should look at what we did right and wrong over the last year to make the next one better. (We do this in our chess games to improve, and just makes sense to do it in our lives as well!)

2020 has been a wild ride for many of us. For me the year started with tremendous promise. (See my 2020 post here ) I had just come off a big year in 2019 of major life choices and changes and was ready to go to the next level. But then "life" happened...

I have found life rarely goes as planned, but it is much easier to adapt when you have a plan (Just like chess!). In January I made a deal that would land me a promotion with a raise, a bonus, and the freedom to travel monthly for chess tournaments. To say I felt on top of the world would be an understatement. I was set to get the bonus in February and the promotion in May, but then the world caught fire...

My bonus kept getting pushed out for reasons beyond my control (I finally ended up receiving it in July!) and with the global pandemic, the promotion has been pushed indefinitely... 

Since my long term goals weren't really effected by these work situations, it really didn't bother me much, outside of the inconvenience it caused for planning during that time. 

Also in January, I planned out a full schedule of chess tournaments I planned to play in 2020. In total it would of been close to 200 rated games. Alas, this also didn't happen, and also through no fault of my own. This bothered me more then my work situation, as it did impact my long term goal, but since I didn't have any control, I have kept the right mood and focused on what I do have control over. Early in the year, Coach Avetik recommended that all of us use the time we have while locked down to improve our game, as many others out there will not, and it will help us take a giant leap forward, and so this is what I have done instead of playing tournaments.

I made 2 significant changes to my chess study this last year that have helped accelerate my understanding of our game. The first is I started meeting with  Coach Nicolo regularly, and the second, I found a dedicated study partner to meet almost every day in Abhi. These 2 have pushed me to grow to new heights of chess understanding, and have greatly improved my confidence at the board, as well as my results!

This year didn't come with out a few personal growth opportunities as well. I have found this year I am easily distracted. Not only while playing chess (Though this happened frequently as well) but in all areas of my life. I noticed I had 11 chess books on my study table, and all of them were only partially read. On my nightstand I also had several personal growth books not completed. There are several ChessMood courses I have also not completed as well.

I also found this year that had lapsed in my care for my own health. I used the pandemic to justify eating poorly and to stop other physical activities, and as a result reached a point that it needed to be addressed right away. Before anyone gets concerned, just know I have already addressed this over the last 10 weeks and I am well on my way to better health. (I have lost 45 lbs, or over 20 kilograms, already)

So this year has been a roller coaster, as I am sure it has been for many of you as well. Some of my major goals set at the beginning of the year were not hit. I didnt hit 2200 FIDE ( I only played 5 FIDE rated games, so I dont have a rating yet), I didnt play 200 rated games ( I only played 9 OTB rated games total) and I didnt teach 100 new people to play chess (I taught 15 new players before the club was shut down for the year) I did, however, send more then 1000 people to ChessMood (and a few of them even joined!) as well as beating Coach Avetik in a game of chess (Although I won on time in a losing position during a simul, so not sure if this counts LOL)

Looking forward to 2021 (I am sure all of us are ready for 2020 to be over haha!) I have decided to take a different approach to goal setting this year. I have decided to focus on the things I can control in my work instead of being focused only on the results. I am not saying the results don't matter, but I realize that if I do the work, the results will follow.

I once heard you will hold your self more accountable to your goals if you put them down in writing and share them with the world, so here is my list of goals for 2021:

1. I will review and complete all video courses in ChessMood as if I was brand new to the site.

2. I will complete ALL of the books I have started before starting any new ones (16 books total)

3. I will eliminate possible distractions from my work and study to improve my concentration.

4. I will continue my health journey by continuing to lose weight and improve my sleep so I have enough rest.

5. I will seek out my coaches weekly to continue my growth

2021 will be a great year! I look forward to another trip around the sun with all of my brothers and sisters here at ChessMood, and I hope you all have a plan for the year to come as well!

Right Mood - Right Move

GM Jay


Thanks for sharing Jay. Congrats on progress and good luck with further growth in chess and life.


Great to hear and thank you for sharing Jay!

Staying healthy is very important to me....nothing is possible in life with poor or bad health.

So I wish you and everyone here in the Chessmood family good health in 2021 so we all can achieve our goals (COGRO)!



Hi GM Jay

Thanks for sharing your 2020 review here and for our brief chats during the webinars.

Best wishes for 2021 & take best care



More endgames would be suitable for the chess lovers


There are more endgame courses being added regularly.

Abra cadabra Gambits

Hey, champions and future champions! 
I'm going to record a course which we'll name Abra Cadabra gambits :) 

We'll play against all dubious openings after 1.e4, like Latvian and Elephant gambits.
What else would you like me to cover there? 

And do you like the name? 
"Crushing Abra Cadabra Gambits" 


Love it - we had a laugh in Friday's session noting it's also the name of a popular 80's song.

'Abracadabra, I wanna reach out and grab ya'     (to which we can change it to: I wanna reach out and grab ya pawn    - I think we can use artistic licence to use ya as a shortening of your rather than you).

Also to borrow from Joker in The Dark Knight 'How about a magic trick? I'm going to make this pawn disappear. Ta-dah! It's, it's gone!'

I guess the question is which gambits? Ones I can think of in the repertoire lines:

Elephant (more dangerous in 10 minute chess than you'd think I knew a 2000 rated player who used it).
Latvian (certainly dangerous in the hands of a caveman)
Blackmar-Diemer (a very popular one touted as crush all your opponents, and dangerous too if you don't know it)
Sicilian wing gambit/deferred
The fred [e4 f5] (certainly lower rated players will get that)
The damiano defence [e4 e5 Nf3 f6 - since the e pawn is taken] (simply deal with)
e4 e5 Nf3 Bc5 (already covered in the Scotch but worth repeating - especially if Black tries Qh4 ideas which don't work if dealt with correctly)
Scandinavian c6 and maybe rarer e6/e5 (as mentioned Friday)
Grob g4 gambit maybe (is it really an abracadabra gambit though or is that pawn compensated if you take it)


It's usually written as all one word (abracadabra), although there evidently is a rapper who is called the two word version.

Not sure if its a gambit line specifically but 1. f4 

Also agree about the ones posted above Latvian gambit is not truly bad as such I think.


I like the title Abracadabra Gambits very much, it sums up perfectly the nature of these funky systems.

The Stafford Gambit has gained an Online Cult following due to the efforts of Eric Rosen, so you should give that high priority as our members will be seeing it a lot: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nc6?!?!

By the way Quality Chess Publishing has just released a book on The Elephant Gambit for black, so we can expect to see this a lot more too at the amateur and club level. 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d5 3.exd5 Bd6 is the line the Elephant Gambit authors are going for.

One or two members were also concerned about 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 c6?!, while The Smith Morra Gambit Accepted should be revisited I think, since 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3 Nf6 is sort of letting White off the hook, surely we should have a reliable way to take this pawn and retain good winning chances.

I almost forgot about another online favorite, the so called Gibbins Weidenhagen Gambit: 1.d4 Nf6 2.g4?!

Then of course what dubious gambit list would be complete without including the notorious BDG (Blackmar Diemer Gambit): 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.e4?! or 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.f3?! or 1.d4 Nf6 2.f3 d5 3.e4 dxe4 4.Nc3

Good luck with what should prove to be an exciting and eagerly anticipated project. :-)

Edit: Add these to the list 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 f5?!?! and 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.e5 Ng4.

The russian game and the Stannford gambit when Petroff occures, in order to beat Eric Rosen.

The name is superb and I love it!

couldn't be better :D


I just saw this after I posted about the stafford! I'm seeing that one a lot haha.

The name is amazing :D

Hey guys! 
Okay, we'll call it "The Refutation of Abra Cadabra Gambits"  :) 

Deal :) 

My question actually was about gambits with 1.e4, which you face playing our ChessMood openings. 
Please take a look, did I forget anything, or are there any other things which are bothering you? 

Also, do you know if 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Bc5 does have a name? 

As mentioned in the main article, 5... Qh5 in the Scandinavian could be covered here or in the Scandinavian course as there are a few tricks to navigate.

May I add:

Owens Defence 1.e4 b6

Borg 1.e4 g5

St George Defence 1.e4 a6

... and

North Sea Defence 1…g6 2.d4 Nf6

This course is super helpful to me.

I lost to all kinds of gambits all the time.  Yesterday was Elephant and Stafford.

Another gambit that appears in the repertoire and should be mentioned in the accelerated dragon course and/or here is the Zollner Gambit:

7. Be2 O-O 8. f4 d6 9. O-O Qb6 - now the main move covered in the course is 10. Qd3, but there is also the dubious gambit 10. e5?!

In Winning with the Dragon, GM Ward (then an IM) gives the following 'refutation':

10... dxe5 11. fxe5 Nxe5 12. Nf5 Qxb2! 13. Nxe7+ Kh8 14. Bd4 Qb4! 15. Bxe5 (15. Ned5 Nxd5 16. Nxd5 Qxd4+ 17. Qxd4 Nf3+ winning, or 15. Nxc8 Rd8!) 15... Qxe7 16. Qd4 Nh5 17. Bxg7+ Nxg7 18. Bd3 Be6 with an big advantage to Black in Hazelton-Ward, London Lloyds Bank 1985

This was before engine analysis in 1994. The engine agrees so far giving Black a full pawn ahead. However, 18. Bf3 is better with more complications -  after 18... Be6, the idea is 19. Rab1 with pressure on b7. 19... Rfd8 20. Rxb7 Qxb7 21. Qxd8 Rxd8 22. Bxb7

Black is still a little under half a pawn better according to the engine, but there is a lot going on here in all those tactical moves, so would be good to go through it.

First time I've seen this gambit:

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 c6?! The Gunderam Gambit.

If 3. Nxe5 Qe7?! with the idea being 4. d4 f6 5. Qh5+?? g6 6. Nxg6 Qxe4+

Perhaps it's best not to take the pawn?

e4 f5


Benko gambit refused

Is there going to be a course about Benko gambit refused? Because often it is not accepted... thank you 


Hi Claudio,

Chessmood course covers it! ;-)

Hi Claudio

We can play 4-,g6 and make the opponent "show his cards".

Now it should transpose into something known

In section 5, 4.Dc2 the move 4.Sf3 is mentioned in the introduction, along with 4.a4 and 4.Sd2, but there is no recomendation against it.

It has been mentioned though, that the Benko course will be revised


Puzzles is the best way to have our mind fresh in quarantine


No more than 15 minutes a day coach Avetik dixit????

The best games of December and the prizes

Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions! 
Welcome to the "Best games of December" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post your best games that you will play this month. 

The Prize fund is 350K Moodcoins which is equal to 350$.  

The 1st prize  - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize-  50K
The 4th Prize- 30k
The 5th Prize- 20k

Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood! 
#Right Mood - Right Move 

Here are the winners of November. 

1st- Michael Larsen 
2nd- T K 
3rd- Abhi Yadav
4th- Piotr Urbanski               
5th- Khokan De 


Hi Chessmood team . i have a suggestion : please share the link of 5 selected games each month , so other users can also find games and enjoy

No time to breathe for Black :)

Nice won endgame with black

Winning against Sicillian 2...Nc6 when Black allowed to take Bc6

Crushing the Carro Kan in a romantic era playing style. I say this because still I make a lot of inaccuracies and sacrificed half of my army. But in the end I proved that Knights and Queens can make an irresistable attack. All started when I sacrificed my a1 rook. I had calculated almost 10 moves ahead. Really enjoyed the game after move 23!

Saving a completely lost position.

Queen Sacriice and the art of checkmate

Cool Game!

Attack & Attack

Sicilian Defense

Sicilian Defense

Sicilian Defense

Sicilian Defense

Indian Game

Hi, this is my first game I'm posting here. Technically it wasn't played in December, I hope that's okay.

[Event "Korea Masters 2020"]
[Site "Seoul"]
[Date "2020.10.18"]
[Round "2.2"]
[White "Kim, Inguh"]
[Black "Fruit, Joel"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C47"]
[WhiteElo "1900"]
[BlackElo "1712"]
[PlyCount "61"]
[TimeControl "All moves in 90min. + 30sec/move"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. d4 exd4 5. Nxd4 Bb4 6.
Nxc6 bxc6 7. Bd3 d6 8. Bg5 h6 9. Bh4 g5 10. Bg3 Bg4 11. f3 Be6 12. a3 Ba5 13.
b4 Bb6 14. Ba6 Rb8 15. Qd2 Nh5 16. O-O-O Qf6 17. e5 dxe5 18. Ne4 Qg7 19. Qc3
Nxg3 20. Qxc6+ Ke7 21. hxg3 Rhd8 22. Bc4 Bxc4 23. Qxc4 Rxd1+ 24. Rxd1 Rd8 25.
Rxd8 Kxd8 26. Qd5+ Ke8 27. g4 h5 28. gxh5 f5 29. Qe6+ Qe7 30. Nf6+ Kf8 31. Qg8# 1-0

Won a good game with black pieces against higher rated player in 5+3 format,

 Won a interesting match against 2100 rated player with white pieces in 5+3 format,

jiltedbishop vs. Mateojackson | Analysis - I had a nice rossolimo game with a sacrifice!

Miniature :)

Beating FM in Caro-Kann. Not without mistakes, but with unusual queen side pawn storm and exchange sacrifice.

A short beautiful game against the Philidor defence. 91,8 accuracy

The fault of being over ambitious against ChessMood openings

Tigran Vartanovich Petrosyan!

Chess: FahadRahman vs Kadatskiy_Alexander - 5886029528 -


Winning with Anti-Sicillian in Bundesliga 2!

Perfect Game!

 Rossolimo Attack

Rossolimo Attack

Rossolimo Attack

Well if this is not interesting at all than idk what you call it ????

Nice Lisitsyn gambit with white against the Dutch Defense

Forgot opening but won by luck

Winning with ChessMood openings!

Nice checkmate with minor pieces

Nice checkmate with minor pieces

Mateojackson vs. Saul_Over | Analysis - 

Complicate and they will blunder ~Mikhail Tal~

Wonderful checkmate combination:

Attack,Attack & Attack!

 Sicilian Defense

Instead of stafford gambit I've got a chance of nice king hunt

Attack Against Caro-Kann!Fantastic idea Qc2-Bg6-Qd3-Ng5-Qh3!and checkmate in very strong GM Mustafa Yilmaz Elo 2630!                                                                                                                                                   

Rook sacrifice with black in Accelerated Dragon

King extraction and checkmate with black

Opposite castling attack in Accelerated Dragon

My opponent played French with 1...e6 and 2...c5. I premoved Bd3 when I saw e6 and I lost d4 pawn but at the end I won the match with a nice attack

French Defense:

Queen's Pawn

Tough fight in Benko

Boom! Win! Win!

Crossed 2300+ rating in lichess rapid! I am so happy today!

15 Move GP win.

Scotch Game

Indian Game

Straight to the endgame

Happy King + Queen Maneuver with Kd7 and Qg8

Queen sacrifice

I have just been chess mood pro member for just few day and started to learn the carokann course. I am playing in an online tournament (Penang Closed 2020) and successfully Crush Caro-Kann  with chess mood opening. Brilliant two rooks sacrifice with nice finishing. Most important, I would like to thanks chess mood for providing such a nice opening to make me success in this game.

Endgame rook dance!    

Pirc Defense

 Sicilian Defense

Scotch Game

Sicilian Defense

Saving a hopeless position while rook down. Ngl it is really unbelievable

Benko Gambit with 11...Qb612. a4

Won the the exchange for a pawn, but immediately gave back the exchange for a deadly attack.

Queen's Pawn Game

Sicilian Closed

Pirc Defense

My Fav Game 

No Counterplay

Surprise in the French defense: 7...Qb6!? Didn't find the right continuation, but managed to win after long grinding fight !

playing black against Bird - getting strong knight vs. bad bishop

Very Nice Game!

Sicilian Defense

 French Defense

 Sicilian Defense

Sicilian Defense

 Caro-Kann Defense

Scotch Game

English Opening

Caro-Kann Defense

Playing in a rare variation of the benoni. Nice tactics and beautiful final combination. 95,8 accuracy only 1 inaccuracy 0 mistakes 0 blunders. I am playing with the black pieces.

This might also serve as a model game for Caro-Kann.  I can add it there if you think it's worthwhile.

Training Game with the Nimzo! :) 

Crushing the French defense with style

Sicilian Defense

my game that look special to me

 Scotch Game

 Sicilian Defense

King's Pawn

Indian Game

Grand Prix -  1978 vs 2200 1-0

 Scotch Game 

Scotch Game

Sicilian Defense:

Caro-Kann Defense

 French Defense

Scotch Game

Sicilian Defense

A smooth win in the Chessmood Grand Prix!(Side Line)

A smooth win in the Chessmood Grand Prix!(Side Line)

I posted this game under "Model Games with Chessmood Openings" but I thought this was a good game so I posted it here as well.

White: Me :)
Black: IM F. Sonis

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Bd3 dxe4 4. Bxe4 Nf6 5. Bf3 c5 6. Ne2 Nc6 7. Be3 cxd4 8.
Nxd4 Ne5 9. Nc3 Bb4 10. Qe2 Nxf3+ 11. gxf3 Bxc3+ 12. bxc3 a6 13. Rg1 O-O 14. Bh6
Ne8 15. O-O-O Qa5 16. Rxg7+ Nxg7 17. Rg1 Qh5 18. Bxg7 Qxh2 19. Rg3 Qxg3 20. fxg3
Kxg7 21. Qe5+ f6 22. Qh5 Bd7 23. f4 Rae8 24. Qg4+ Kh8 25. Kb2 Re7 26. Qf3 Be8
27. Qe3 Bf7 28. g4 Rfe8 29. g5 e5 30. Nf5 exf4 31. Qxf4 Re6 32. Qd4 Re5 33. Nd6
Rf8 34. gxf6 Rh5 1-0

Almost perfect Modern Maroczy bind game.

Almost perfect attack in Caro-Kann chessmood style. Spoiled it a little bit on 23rd. move should've sacrificed a rook.

my best game in which i found a checkmate in 6 and won the game on lichess!


total domination in positional way

Scotch Game

Love games where I can do a Nd5 sac

The Game which helped me to cross 2500 which was my 2020 Goal. Thanks GM Avetik and GM Gabuzyan

I played my best game using a Chessmood opening against a 2485 rated player on lichess during today's Bundesliga tournament. Chigorin would have been proud of my knights!

Any feedback would be appreciated! He mixed up the move order on me, any feedback would be appreciated. 

I was white, the opening was the Grand Prix, 2.. Nc6, with 3. Bb5

Ben_ChessMood vs josepapi: B23 Sicilian Defense: Closed, Traditional •

My game today (CRR vs Golodion 1-0   Sunday 27/12/20)  in the ChessMood lichess arena battle where I beat someone 400 points higher than me!

Crushing the French:

Slow maneuvering chess

I havent played this line in a very long time, but the final attack was swift and fun! beautiful queen trap :D beautiful queen trap 2, but not accurate :D

Sicilian Defence

Wanted to play it as white but accidentally game started for black pieces and I had to play this mess without prep, My opponent lost because of simple blunder.

Another Petrosian style Exchange Sacrifice

Another exchange sac just after my previous game . Well I did three winning exchange sacrifices in a row.

Scotch Game

Lucky rook trap. I did not calculated that but after Kg7 I realized it's rook traP

Passive gp I won. Coach explained in typical openings mistakes with GP that never play a4 against a6 because you always have Bd5 and I played like this and won without efforts.

Trapped higher rated opponent's queen using chessmood opening-Sicilian closed.

Stalemate-A very interesting game against higher rated player.

A nice win.

Crushing Alekhine’s Defense 1:

Crushing Alekhine’s Defense 2:

Don’t play careless against Alekhine’s defense:

Playing on the edge in Alekhine’s defense:

Ending the year with a bang! Opponent 2300? No worries! They can be crushed by the Benko too!

Passive Nd5 Queen Trap but yeah I became slow in checkmating him

Won a short game with Grand Prix Variation against Sicilian Defence Closed

Beated a strong Gm with a little opening trap!

A nice win with the Chessmood Grand Prix!

A convincing win in the symmetrical english!

last day of the year - some mistakes, but nice finish

Caro Kann e6 attack. I purposefully gave the pawn on b2 for attack. VS

Scotch Game

Scotch Game

Trapped opponent's queen in the dragon.  Happy new year everyone!

Hello Champions and future champions, hello ChessMood Family! 
Happy New Year! 
Hopefully, you'll make all the goals you have for 2021. 

Thanks for the games, you have posted! 
It's great to see your growth. 

The 1st prize goes to K H -   
The 2nd prize goes to Michael Larsen - 
The 3rd prize goes to Kourosh A -    
The 4th prize goes to Wenstin - 
The 5th prize goes to Aayush Shirodkar -    

Thanks, everyone for the games! 
See you in January! 

My game entry, I beat someone 400 points rating higher than me & I still didn't win a prize?!

Now all I can do is move on & see if I can better this (I'm sure I can), so :- Right Mood, Right Move. Happy chess & best wishes all!


Can you do something like: download the whole course in full HD at once?


Then you could cancel your paid membership!

Hi Pavol,

I think the courses are meant to be watched online, not downloaded

Dear Pavol, 
I would love to provide everything for free. 
However in that case, the ChessMood would not exist. 
We would not be able, to pay technical team, support team and Grandmasters, for creating the courses. 

And we would not be able to bring 2700+ Grandmasters to ChessMood, which we're doing now. 

If we provide, the option to download, then the reasons for the subscription will be lost. 
Hopefully, it makes sense. 

If, as you say, you like the webinars better, here's some good news: they can be downloaded. I believe Youtube provides offline save option to premium members.

Modern Maroczy Part 49 4:23~

At this moment, it was said that 13.f4 will hang the e4 pawn. However, after Ne4 or Bg7 white again wins a piece with Qd4. 

Fortunately SF found this amusing tactic(move 16) after 13.... e5 14. fe (back away will cause white to lose e pawn for real) Ne4 15. Ne4 Be4 16. ed Bc2!? and white has trouble holding the bishop on d4.


Alekhine Defense

And this is how looks like the "Alekhine Defense" course in ChessMood :D


Is the Alekhine Defense course more difficult than other courses?

After the game ..

Both images made my day but the 4 pawns attack is also a very interesting variation. Take a look at Bronstein's game with the 4 pawns. 

Draft file

Can someone explain to me how to use the draft file? 


I might be able to, but I am not sure what a draft file is. Do you have a link for a more direct description? Or can you elaborate what it is? I am wondering if you are calling it something else from what I am use to.

SVESHNIKOV via Sicilian 4-knights move order- Good or Bad?

Hi Chessmood friends,

Some Sveshnikov players use the Sicilian 4-knights move order to avoid Rossolimo:

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3  e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nc6 6.Ndb5 d6 7. Bf4 e5  8.Bg5

Early e6,  gives Black better chances vs Closed Sicilian and Grand Prix attack etc.

Question: Is there any theoretical problem with 2.- e6 ? Is it safe for Black?


It is a pretty safe method of transposing but you might have to study a few other lines unrelated to the Sveshnikov like 4... Nf6 5.Bd3 or 4... Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6 6. Be3/6.Nxc6.

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