Chess forum by Grandmasters

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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Do NOT let them castle AND chess engine. HELP

Hey guys,

1 - I was thinking about this idea of "Do NOT let them castle". What do you think about this one? Please see the PGN attached. It's only 4 moves long. My idea is to attack the f7 square as soon as possible right at the beginning whether Black plays something else on move 2 or move 3. 
I know the engine does not like 'coz it gives Black something around -2 and favors Black...
Please let me know what you think

2 - I'm considering getting Komodo Dragon 2 for my ChessBase 16. What do you think about Komodo Dragon 2 VS Stockfish 14? 

3 - How about the kind of "public version" of Alpha Zero - Leela Chess Zero? Which one would you recommend: Leela Chess Zero vs. Stockfish 14? Why?

Please let me know your honest and expert thoughts about this. 

Thank you in advance


Do NOT let them castle AND chess engine. HELP

Hey guys,

1 - I was thinking about this idea of "Do NOT let them castle". What do you think about this one? Please see the PGN attached. It's only 4 moves long. My idea is to attack the f7 square as soon as possible right at the beginning whether Black plays something else on move 2 or move 3. 
I know the engine does not like it 'coz engine gives Black something around -2 and favors Black...
Please let me know what you think

2 - I'm considering getting Komodo Dragon 2 for my ChessBase 16. What do you think about Komodo Dragon 2 VS Stockfish 14? 

3 - How about the "public version" of Alpha Zero - Leela Chess Zero vs StockFish 14? Which one would you suggest?

Please let me know your honest and expert thoughts about this. 

Thank you in advance


Avoiding Benko strategies

Hello CM family, Veleno is here!

After watching the Benko and d4 sidelines videocourses, I was asking myself "what if white would try to avoid the Benko by playing a different move order or by avoiding playing c4?" For example by playing 1.Nf3 or 1.d4 Nf6, 2.Nf3...

Are there any videos coming up which will explain how to handle these "avoiding benko strategies?"

I tried to search it in the forum but I didn't find any answer.

Thanks for your replies and best wishes. 



After 1.Nf3 we play 1...c5 in the chessmood repertoire, which after 2.e4 transposes into an open Sicilian or else most likely transposes into an English Opening after an eventual c4 - and after 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 chessmood recommends 2...g6 (also 2...c5 is playable on lower amateur level), and then maybe transposing into a Benko line after 3.c4 c5 ... or else we continue with 3...Bg7/d6...

Can you defend with honor?

(From a recent game against 2540 GM) In the following position shown in attachment, white pushed his f pawn forward to f5. How should black fend off this last offensive attempt from white and reach a more or less autopilot drawn ending?

P.S. I nearly played ef?! before slowing down and taking about 15-20 minutes to realize what needed to be done here and successfully held in the end. 


I see that f5 is a strong move and exf5 could be deadly mistake that costs you the game but I don't see how black can go for any sort of auto-pilot  draw with seemingly slightly worse placed pieces and a worse pawn structure with 3 pawn islands and down one pawn on the Queenside.  This looks like one of those positions where Magnus Carlsen grinds you down in a drawn position.  In this position looking for or believing there is an easy way out when you have so many unsolved problems in your position is how you lose these position or go down the path of losing these positions like how Vishy lost a drawn Queen and Rook endgame in the World Championship Match against Magnus Carlsen because he went for the more defensive endgame when it wasn't needed.  In my opinion I feel like it takes discipline and will to hold these positions and recognize that you can almost never go into auto pilot when the Queens are on the board.  The reason why you almost played exf5 was because you were in the mindset of finding an easy draw when unfortunately there was likely none on the board.  I'm not telling you any specific move to play because you are far stronger than me, but I'm telling you my approach and philosophy to holding these "drawish" endgames that human constantly fail to hold.

About "Do not let them castle" idea AND chess engines - HELP please

1 - I was thinking about this idea of "Do NOT let them castle".

What do you think about this one? Please see the PGN attached. It's only 4 moves long. My idea is to attack the f7 square as soon as possible right at the beginning whether Black plays something else on move 2 or move 3. 
I know the engine does not like 'coz it gives Black something around -2 and favors Black... but again, my idea is to NOT let them castle and as soon as possible..
Please let me know what you think

2 - I'm considering getting Komodo Dragon 2 for my ChessBase 16. What do you think about Komodo Dragon 2 VS Stockfish 14? 

3 - How about the public version of Alpha Zero - Leela Chess Zero?

Please let me know your honest and expert thoughts about this. Thank you very much in advance for all the kind and thoughtful people who will answer


Raising $200,000. This is just the beginning

Hello ChessMood Fmaily! 

I'm very excited, and can't help but share the good news with my ChessMood family members!

We raised +$200.000 funding (And the round isn't closed yet!)

I just couldn't wait anymore to speed up our growth, to bring more materials for you and to let chess lovers know about ChessMood.

Thanks for all your support, for being part of the ChessMood family, our friendly community.


I'll soon announce the steps we're going to take, the courses we're preparing for you and other interesting stuff...

#CoGro (Constant growth)


Congrats!! Well deserved


US Open

Hi ChessMood Fam!

Anyone else playing in the US Open July 30-Aug 8?

If so, be sure to come say hi!

I hope to see some of you there!

GM Jay


Sweet, a like your title GM Jay :)

What happened Jay, only two rounds played and then nothing?

Pgn files in Chessbase 16

Perhaps a weird question, but I am not very tecknical with chessbase. So I want to know where in chessbase you guys store your pgn files?

When I save a pgn file I have worked on, then sudden I have many files. For instance I have over 10 files with Anticisilian part one, and then it is difficult for me to find the newest one.

Is there a way to keep only one file, so that you the next day if you choose to work on it you only have one file?

Keep the Mood



Hi Tina

You can create just 1 file for 1 opening easily :)

Just open new board for every new chapter you want and put it in that database


You can put all the lines in just 1 board and save it as 1 big pgn

Hi Tina,

When you download the pgn file and open it in ChessBase it will be a PGN and in your PGN Files.
I created a new database called ChessMood and then when you get the PGN copy the games from the PGN and paste them into the database you created.  
Then you can work on the lines and organise them by opening line.

I've taken a screenshot of mine so you can see what I mean.

PS. Taking a look at Adam's example you can see:

He has split the ChessMood games into individual games for different variations

He has used the fields for the players names to describe the variations

He has stored all games in one single databasse.

In the database he has included real games too.

And he found a way to make the index of games a little bit more readable including games with players name "---"

The Winners of July, 2021

Hello Champions! Hello ChessMood family!

Thank you for sharing your best games. We have been amazed and left awe-struck by a lot of them!! You have played some extremely high-quality chess!

Here is the list of winners.

The first prize goes to IIja Haitin for the absolutely insane Knight and Queen sacrifice with 20...Nd3!! 21.Bd3 Qh3!

The second prize goes to Vladimir Bugayev for the subtle and strong exchange sacrifice after 14...Bd5.

The third prize goes to Paulius Juknis for the very nice rook sacrifice with 19...d4 and 20...Ra1.

The fourth prize goes to Avinash 004 for the hidden 25.Rh7 sacrifice.

The fifth prize goes to Abhi for demonstrating his sheer positional understanding in the following game.

Congratulations to all the winners! Keep up the good work.

Thank you once again everyone for sharing your games.

See you soon for next month’s contest.


Thanks coaches!

The best games of July 2021 and the prizes

Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions! 
Welcome to the "Best games of July 2021" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post the best games that you will play this month. 

The Prize fund is 350K Moodcoins which is equal to 350$.  

The 1st prize  - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize-  50K
The 4th Prize- 30k
The 5th Prize- 20k

Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood! 
#Right Mood - Right Move 

Here are the winners of June:

Valdemar Rasmussen
Vladimir Bugayev
Michael Larsen 
Paulius Juknis
Andy Crust


I played as black, I crushed guico piano with g5 and g4  5.Nc3 against Petroff

Today interesting Bundesliga Games   Winning in symmetrical position Checks that save the game Typical c8 Bad bishop in French Structure Nice positional Game Polgar Rh7!

God level swindle

Killing with the Grand Prix! I am white. I missed mate in 2 on move number 33 but I still think it was nice. 33.g6+ followed by Rf7# or Qxg5#

My games of july:

Quick KO in acc dragon Nxc6,e5 and Bc4 sac line (knew some theory, txs CM)


Crushing pirc chessmood style

acc dragon - not quite remembered CM theory, but nice finish 

weird 3.Bd3 french

queen sac in the dutch 

1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3 { B21 Sicilian Defense: Smith-Morra Gambit } dxc3 4. Nxc3 d6 5. Nf3 e6 6. Bc4 Nf6 7. O-O Be7 8. Qc2 O-O 9. Bg5 Nc6 10. Rad1 Ng4 11. Bxe7 Qxe7 12. Rfe1 Nge5 13. Be2 Nxf3+ 14. Bxf3 Ne5 15. Qe2 Bd7 16. g3 Nxf3+ 17. Qxf3 Bc6 18. Qf4 Rfd8 19. Qe3 Qf6 20. f4 d5 21. exd5 exd5 22. Nxd5 Qxb2 23. Ne7+ Kh8 24. Rxd8+ Rxd8 25. Nxc6 Rg8 26. Ne7 Rf8 27. Qxa7 h6 28. Qc5 Rd8 29. Nf5 Rd2 30. Nh4 Rxh2 31. Re8+ Kh7 32. Qf5+ g6 33. Qxf7+ { Black resigns. } 1-0

Here is my game!

Right trades and stop opponent's counterplay.

The only thing which you guys may like is Kh7! Kg6 Kf5 plan which is so easy to find after I studied so much King Walks!

another positional quiet win and queen trap was fun

Scotch pawn storm

Antisicilian in Titled Tuesday against IM

Another antisicilian from Titled Tuesday

Caro  attack

Caro for black, miniature 17 moves

Scandinavian attack

Another Caro attack



SLP against FM


Crushed d4 sidelines

Positional play .

 Total domination

23.Nf8! Invincible knight!

Najdorf with Bg5

I think  a decent positional play

Passive play leads to loss

Unusual opening queen sac mate

total chess violation.

Power of Catalan

playing against abra dabra in sicilians

Dominating with the chess mood anti Sicilian

Playing Najdorf is like playing with Fire!!! I did not revised lines from past one month but I knew this early e5 expansion wont work.

In this game, the Karo-Can't! Our ChessMood openings give our opponents problems, even when they are rated 120+ points higher then we are! Very interesting game where I sacrificed my queen in opening phase of the Sicilian and went on to have a very strong attack with 3 pieces against queen. Nice attacking game with cool queen sac at the end to finish

I am the Scadi killer! Your Queen can run, but she will only die tired!

Dubious Bc4 crushed. Learnt this idea from a french opening game which was played between Magnus and Hikaru. It was classical variation but I thought to apply it here.  g5!?

Scandinavian against 2500

Modern from Titled tuesday

Positionally won against Abra Dabra

Crushed the caro kann

gp fire on board

Mate in 11 moves

Hello Sir,

The is a suggestion.

While Display a the best Game Winner and there prizes we can give a Game link Above winner Name.

So All member can see the Winner Games. And it will beneficial for all Members.

[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "*"]
[PlyCount "83"]
I played in a rapid tournament today (G25 with delay of 5) and finished clear 3rd in the open section. I was the lowest rated player in the section.

Here is my final round game as white against a National Master rated 2223 USCF:

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 d6 3. f4 e6 4. Nf3 a6 5. g3 b5 6. Bg2 Bb7 7. d3 Be7 8. O-O Nd7
9. g4 Qc7 10. Bd2 h6 11. Qe1 Ngf6 12. Qg3 O-O-O 13. a4 b4 14. Ne2 Rdg8 15. c3
b3 16. c4 g5 17. fxg5 hxg5 18. Nc1 Bxe4 19. dxe4 Nxe4 20. Qe1 d5 21. cxd5 exd5
22. Bc3 f6 23. Nxb3 Bd6 24. h3 Bg3 25. Qe2 c4 26. Rfc1 Bf2+ 27. Kf1 Ng3+ 28.
Kxf2 Nxe2 29. Kxe2 Qg3 30. Kf1 Rxh3 31. Be1 Qxg4 32. Nbd4 Ne5 33. Rc3 Nxf3 34.
Nxf3 Rh7 35. b3 Rc7 36. Rac1 Qf5 37. Bf2 g4 38. Nd4 Qf4 39. Ne6 Qf5 40. Nxc7
Kxc7 41. Kg1 Qf4 42. Bg3 *

Here is a link to the cross table:

Sicilian Defense

Slav Defense

Sicilian Defense

Russian Game: Stafford Gambit

I played as black

Sicilian Defense

sicilian taimanov

This was an SLP I was able to convert!

Sometimes, you just need to play chess...

Watch out, our Dragon bites!

Account is hidden !!

Crushed the London System

Less experienced cm player lost in this endgame. A Chessable reputed author revived this line recently 

Passive Scandi Player lost positionally 

Won a good game-Scotch game (10 min. format)

In this game, I played Black, the Benko Gambit, and crushed somebody 300 points higher rated. At the end I got into time trouble, so that may explain some inaccuracies.

Game played in classical tournament in Estonia. After 20. ... Nd3! if knight is taken Qxh3!! ends the game.

Another game from same tournament with queen sacrifice.

Antisicilian... missed two checkmates in the end ;)


Scotch 2

Antisicilian against 2400 FM from Titled tuesday

Antisicilian 14 moves miniature

Scotch pawn storm


Scandinavian against 2500 in bundesliga


King hunt!

Tactical alertness training paid off!

Won an excellent game following suggestions of chessmood

London system? Not today!

Crushing 800 point higher rated fide opponent with Chessmood openings (National Seniors open 2021)

Caro crushed!!! (15+10)

Round 1, board 13 | Tornelo

He misplayed opening

Dragon queen sac

11 Moves Game

Scotch 3... Nxd4

using the bishop pair (still practicing)

i am black

Antisicilian attack

[Event "Rated Blitz game"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2021.08.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "pleasegivechance"]
[Black "CRBGerry"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B13"]
[WhiteElo "2133"]
[BlackElo "2074"]
[Annotator ""]
[PlyCount "139"]
[EventDate "2021.??.??"]
[EventType "blitz"]
[TimeControl "300"]
[WhiteClock "0:00:21"]
[BlackClock "0:01:29"]

1. e4 {0} c6 {0} 2. d4 {2} d5 {1} 3. exd5 {0} cxd5 {0} 4. c3 {0} Nc6 {1} 5. Bd3
{1} Nf6 {3} 6. Bf4 {0} Bg4 {2} 7. Qb3 {2} Qb6 {2} 8. Nd2 {3} e6 {3} 9. Ngf3 {1}
Be7 {3} 10. O-O {4} O-O {2} 11. Qxb6 {17} axb6 {3} 12. a3 {18} Na5 {5} 13. Rfe1
{27} h6 {5} 14. Bc7 {16} Bd8 {6} 15. Bd6 {2} Re8 {7} 16. Ne5 {2} Rc8 {12} 17.
Bb5 {37} Nc6 {2} 18. Nxc6 {1} bxc6 {1} 19. Ba6 {2} Ra8 {2} 20. Bb7 {2} Ra7 {8}
21. Bxc6 {2} Nd7 {3} 22. Bb8 {24} Nxb8 {2} 23. Bxe8 {1} Nd7 {5} 24. Bxd7 {2}
Rxd7 {1} 25. Nf3 {11} f6 {3} 26. h3 {3} Bxf3 {3} 27. gxf3 {0} Rd6 {1} 28. Re2 {
2} Kf7 {4} 29. a4 {2} Bc7 {3} 30. b4 {2} Rc6 {1} 31. Ra3 {3} Rc4 {4} 32. a5 {3}
bxa5 {1} 33. bxa5 {0} Bd6 {9} 34. Rb3 {11} Ra4 {4} 35. Rb6 {5} Bf4 {6} 36. a6 {
3} e5 {4} 37. dxe5 {5} fxe5 {2} 38. Rb7+ {3} Kg6 {10} 39. a7 {1} Ra1+ {6} 40.
Kg2 {2} h5 {9} 41. Reb2 {6} Kh7 {3} 42. Rd7 {4} d4 {3} 43. cxd4 {7} exd4 {2}
44. Rbb7 {8} Be5 {2} 45. Rd8 {4} d3 {12} 46. a8=Q {5} Rxa8 {3} 47. Rxa8 {0} d2
{2} 48. Rd8 {3} Bf4 {3} 49. Rdd7 {5} Bh6 {2} 50. f4 {4} Kg6 {2} 51. Rxd2 {2}
Bxf4 {3} 52. Rd5 {1} Bh6 {2} 53. Rb6+ {1} Kh7 {5} 54. Rxh6+ {0} Kxh6 {2} 55.
Kg3 {0} g6 {1} 56. Kh4 {2} Kg7 {2} 57. Kg5 {0} Kf7 {1} 58. Ra5 {1} Ke6 {2} 59.
Ra7 {0} Ke5 {1} 60. Kxg6 {1} Ke4 {1} 61. Kxh5 {0} Kf3 {0} 62. Kg5 {0} Kxf2 {2}
63. h4 {0} Kg3 {0} 64. h5 {0} Kh3 {1} 65. h6 {0} Kg3 {1} 66. h7 {0} Kf3 {1} 67.
h8=Q {0} Ke4 {0} 68. Qe8+ {2} Kd5 {1} 69. Rd7+ {1} Kc5 {2} 70. Qc8+ {0 Normal
1-0 Black resigns.} 1-0

Dominating with bishop pair

Chess. Com tournament

I've won chess. Com Monday tournaments many times but never got any prizes... How to claim help please


To get your prize, you need to contact mentioning the email you used to register in

Congratulations ChessMood for $200,000 funding

Congrats to GM Avetik and the entire chess mood team for this journey. I really like the chess mood concept and hoping that they will compete with big market giants soon!


Thanks, man! 

Opening Tree

Hello All,

I came across this open source site that was in Lichess forum this week and wanted to share it with you.

The reason I found it helpful was that I created an Opening Tree from Coach Gabuzyan's games and matched the moves with the Chessmood files I had created. I am certain to do the same from Coach Avetik's games that he streamed in the 1600-2400 series. It seems to be helpful in reinforcing move orders in all the openings from courses here. I am wanting to see if you folks can see it's potential and come up with anything that I haven't checked as yet.


Thank you !!! Very useful.

I knew about his, but somehow forgot about it. I'll use it also in prepartion against the opponents.

Thanks for sharing @Sriram_M. I did not know it and it  seems quite interesting!

At first sight it could be useful for:

- Preparing against a known opponent

- Review your own openings and check the lines with worst score

- Compare the score of different openings you may use. For example I have just compared my score against 1.d4 2.c4 with my two main weapons (Slav and Benko).

- Review opening moves of top players who suit your style

Ohhh I didn't about this, for such things I use only my chessbase :)

Thank you! It seems useful. I haven't got Chessbase, so this can be used together with Lichess Studies. Got to find out the best way

Thanks a lot Sriram,

This is very useful and interesting and shows lots of things in a simple way! That's what I love about it!

About checking your own stats, this is cool too, I always thought that I was winning lots of Accelerated Dragon games as Black, and I am only in the main line, the rest of variations even being better I mess up since I do get lost in the plans... As for the Benko, I win a lot more games, in fact Scotch, French and Benko are 2 points making machines...

Added to my favorites!

great resource, thanks for sharing! I would love to see more tools like this. Seems to work well and doesn't force you to get an account to check it out

Thanks for sharing, super! 

Hi Sriram, this in deed a very helpful tool. I use it at the moment while starting the second iteration of the repertoire videos. After watching the video I check what I was playing the last year and try to find out where my most typical mistakes are (and than I try out to understand the reasons for them).

Blindfold chess Training

What are the methods you guys use to improve blindfold. I can play now blindfold using lichess blank board but only in simple positions I am able to play. In sharp openings I miss things. I do well with Ruy Lopez Exchange Structure.

I really wants to work on my visualization


I also do alright when there are less pieces on board and positions are quiet. I do not see well in complex positions.  Or I can say I do so well when the structure is stable. Unstable structures confuse me. Some people on internet says try to break board into four parts then try to imagine them and make a full board in mind. But I do not know how it works. 

So, it will be cool to know how experienced players worked on their blindfold skills.

The idea in Caruana's Kf2! Modern Maroczy Bind

[Event "La Roda op 46th"]

[Site "La Roda"]

[Date "2019.04.18"]

[Round "2"]

[White "Ladron de Guevara Pinto, Paolo"]

[Black "Salazar de la Cruz, Jose Maria"]

[Result "1-0"]

[ECO "B36"]

[WhiteElo "2429"]

[BlackElo "2099"]

[PlyCount "129"]

[EventDate "2019.04.17"]

[EventType "swiss"]

[EventRounds "9"]

[EventCountry "ESP"]

[SourceTitle "CBM 189 Extra"]

[Source "ChessBase"]

[SourceDate "2019.06.03"]

[SourceVersion "1"]

[SourceVersionDate "2019.06.03"]

[SourceQuality "1"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 g6 5. c4 Nf6 6. Nc3 Nxd4 7. Qxd4 d6 8.

Be3 Bg7 9. f3 O-O 10. Qd2 Be6 11. Be2 a5 12. Rc1 a4 13. Kf2 Nd7 14. Rhd1 Qa5

15. Nd5 Bxd5 16. Qxa5 Rxa5 17. cxd5 Nc5 18. Rc2 Rc8 19. Rdc1 Kf8 20. b4 axb3

21. axb3 Ra1 22. b4 Rxc1 23. Rxc1 Bb2 24. bxc5 Bxc1 25. Bxc1 Rxc5 26. Bd2 Ke8

27. Bd3 f6 28. f4 Kf7 29. Ke2 h6 30. g3 Rc8 31. Bb1 Ra8 32. Bc3 Ra3 33. Kd2 b5

34. Bc2 g5 35. e5 gxf4 36. gxf4 fxe5 37. fxe5 dxe5 38. Bxe5 b4 39. Bf5 Ra2+ 40.

Kd3 Ra7 41. Kc4 Rb7 42. Bc8 Rb6 43. Kc5 Rg6 44. Be6+ Kf8 45. Kxb4 Rg2 46. Kc4

Re2 47. Kd4 Re1 48. h3 Re2 49. Bg4 Re1 50. Bg3 Rg1 51. Bh4 Ra1 52. Ke5 Ra4 53.

Bf2 Ra5 54. Be6 Ra2 55. Be3 Kg7 56. Kf5 Ra4 57. Bc5 Kf8 58. Kg6 Rh4 59. Be3 h5

60. Bg5 Re4 61. Kxh5 Re1 62. Kg6 Rg1 63. h4 Rg2 64. h5 Rg1 65. h6 1-0

What if black plays this setup, and after Rc8 has an idea b7-b5-b4? Is it an equality?


Not absolutely... White is still pressuring a bit. 
Our Qe5!? Novelty is very practical now. 

Pasini Variation in Modern Pirc

Hey champions! 

We have uploaded my most favorite section from our courses. 
Pasini Variation in Modern Pirc. 

There is a very funny and nice story behind this variation. 
I hope you'll enjoy it as much as we did, when we found this strong way to play against Modern Pirc. ​  

Check it out sections 4-6. ​


I have enjoyed learning this line. Thank you!

In case anyone else (like me) wondered what to play in this move order:

1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 c5

then we have it covered in the AntiSicilian g6 move order starting with this video

(we play dc5)

Question in Rossolimo Variation

Hello I played a game vs a FM a few hours ago and he played our Rossolimo Variation and on move 6 I think the FM didn't play a move that was in the chessmood repertoire. The moves the FM played were: 1.e4, c5 2.Nf3, Nc6 3.Bb5, g6 4.0-0, Bg7 5.Re1, Nf6 6.c3.

Can you please help us find a variation?


It should transpose I believe to our normal variations. Just castle and you are in our repertoire. c3 is analyzed in move 5 and in move 6 should just transpose, being the main moves covered in the videos.

I think it is good for white to take on c6 after g6

Crossed 2100 on

Hello Chessmood Family,

Yesterday I crossed 2100 on during a playing session. Originally I tried to follow Coach Avetik's rule of 9 games, but when I won 7 in a row I decided to keep going. I ended up playing 12 games, 10 of which were wins. In one of them, I beat an IM using SLP! 

I couldn't have done all this without watching the Daily Lessons on Youtube, and the Classical Games! They do wonders for your middlegame and I highly recommend both of them. 

Thank You Chessmood Coaches and Family!


Great! Congratulations. And do not forget to reward yourself ☺️ I have just bought 4 T-Shirts after completing the first iteration of the repertoire videos. Right now I am also fighting for the 2.100 on lichess. The reward will be a blunder hoodie (or was it called differently?).

Well done mate. No easy feat I am stuck just below 2100 on lichess and can't seem to break through. Deffo need to spend more time on middle game course tbh myself

Don’t sleep on the . . .

Happy Pieces, Middle game and Endgame courses.  They are a lot of fun, better for your chess than studying openings for hundreds of hours.  I thought they were for beginners and lower rated players.  Uh, WRONG! ????


Yes you are right.

So true. In any tournament, chances to play any opening line that you remember until move 20 are close to zero.

Anti sicilian



I am new member  here..

I have a doubt in the line in Course 2 Anti sicilian Nc3- Part 1- Section 2 -19.

ie 1 e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3. f4 g6 4 Bc4 Bg7 5 Nf3 Nc6 6.0-0 .Nc6 7 d4.

I played few games on and my opponent played 
7... cd  8. Nb5  a6  9. Nbd4  Nd4  10. Nd4  Nf6 ????

I tried e5, but could not get anything,  Checked f5 too , still no satisfactory game and black seems more than fine.  

Please guide me how to continue after  10.....Nf6 ?

Thank you 

Vinaykumar s h 


Welcome to the family Vinay!

I checked your move order and also the section that you mentioned and they are different. What is the exact move order that you are asking for? Because if it is the move order that you wrote, we play differently with d3 instead of d4. If it is the move order of the section that you mention, please update the post and write the correct move order and we will get back to it...

Hi, I found a game, which leads to forced draw, so you could have it as a backup in case your opponent chooses this move order.

Hello Vinay,

This is a bit rare set up for black, but in case of facing it I think white has a good game after 11.f5 e5 12.Nf3

As a Sicilian player, I can tell it's harder to play for black, white pieces are very active. Engine may be doing something, but from human perspective I would always choose white in this spot :-)

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