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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Early Qb6 in Caro

Hi -- after e4 c6 : d4 d5 : e/d c/d : Bd3 Nc6 : c3 my opponent played Qb6 straight away . This seemed effective, as it stopped Bf4 ( b2 is a tender spot). I was much higher graded, so didn't fancy an early exchange of Queens . Ended up playing Nd2 which didn't give me much. What is the best approach here for White ? 


I think 6.Qb3 is a good move, exchange of queens favours white in this structure, as white would get open a file and b4-b5 idea misplacing pieces and getting a grip on the position. I know that you dont want to exchange queens :), but gotta play what position requires sometimes

Hi Keven,

I do like how Paulius replied. I would also go Qb3. If black takes we are opening the a file which is great. Otherwise we are going to take and double black pawns on the queenside.

Repertoire against 1. Nf3 2.b3

I would love it if there is a Repertoire against 1. Nf3 2.b3,i know u guys are really working hard and are busy,but please chessmood team,if possible can u recommend a repertoire against the nimzo larsen,which starts with 1Nf3 2b3,repertoire against 1b3 is covered in youtube by GM EUGENE PERELESHTYN,thanks in advance


This is an easy one @Ritvik_Caringula. Against Nf3 we play always c5 trying to transpose to the Sicilian. Then if b3 is the next move, we go Nc6, Bb2, d6. Our next move is e5 reaching some transposition to the English repertoire.

I play 2...d5. Idea is if 3.Bb2 then f6 idea e5. See Petrosian-Fischer

Hi Ritvik,

I have also got this setup very often a black.

Against these structures as after Nf3 we play c5 I go b3 and d6 preparing e5 and trying to limit bishop on b2. Later on, I developed the pieces as we do in our English courses.

Playing Partners

If anyone interested in playing some training games on specific lines then add me up.


I would like to play!

Isn't this a winning move? 6 min 37 sec in the video, I noticed that black can take on g2 with the bishop forcing white to play Kg1 (otherwise there will be some discovery), and then playing f3 with a protected passed pawn. Doesn't this work?


Well in the same timing. 6 min. 37 seconds Avetik says that if Rxg2 the King will go to h3, not back to the first rank, Kh3 is not good for Black. That is why the strong move is Kg4, taking the square h3 away from the King first. Then the capture on g2 is much stronger.

Happy International Chess Day!!

Hello everyone! Happy international chess day! How is Chessmood celebrating?


Sicilian Dragon opening gave me a good game - Thank you Chessmood!

Hey folks, I just wanted to share a game I played where I was able to implement the Sicilian opening I learned here on Chessmood.

I know I am not highly rated, and I missed a tactical opportunity early in the game, but I did have a very nice Rook sac that led to a 6 move forced mate.  I don't think these always happen in games and they are fun to see so I thought I would share here for others to also enjoy. I also almost had a nice smothered mate that was possible because of the opening formation.

Thank you Chessmood team, I am very much enjoying the content!


Way to go @Leslie_Smith!!!

I can't find the daily puzzle link

Can anyone tell me where can I find daily puzzles sorry but am new so idk how to use this site well.


It's hidden on the site links at the bottom.

It really should be in the banner menu.

Benko b6?

Hi -- Cannot find how to deal with it when White plays c/b5 then after a6 just simply plays b6. Ideas please .

Thanks Keven 


Hi Keven, according to my notes this is covered in Section 4, Video #30. I will try to add my pgn-notes here.

And here my notes.

Approach to understanding a position/idea

This is roughly the approach I'm taking when studying a position idea over a number of moves. Ideas / suggestions for improvements welcome.

First I don't have hours and hours to spend on chess (though I do rack up quite a few at the moment as I'm sure my wife will tell you). So wisdom such as treat the position like a long-play game and guess the move 3 mins max a move probably isn't so useful for me. With a book such as Positional Chess Handbook containing just under 500 positions that would take at least a year for me to work through with that approach - fine perhaps if you have 8 hours to study a day and can sustain it, but impractical otherwise (not saying that the technique is bad when you do want to improve calculation skill, but then you wouldn't need to do all 500).

Second it's very easy to get lost in playing or reading the moves which is why I don't like playing from books or moving the pieces on a board, a pgn I can move through with a key press focusing on the game rather than losing sight every time I look away from the position, won't make wrong moves, and going back is a lot easier. It also lends itself to multiple repetition better.

I'm trying roughly the following steps:
Play through the game the first time, try to get the gist of what happens, not worry too much about well what if...
Play through a second time, try to make a narrative: e.g. king centralises, advance pawns, cause a zuzgwang to penetrate further, capture key pawn, force promotion
Play through a third time, check notes, try to answer some what-ifs with a computer if need be, note down positions of interest if any

Move on, only to come back if something is needed to be referenced later (say a similar concept) or to play from the position to test my technique (or lack thereof).

Other supporting ideas:

Between these takes I'll often use what I call 'the detective method' to give it a catchy name. Those who have read novels by Agatha Christie (famous author of murder-mystery books) will know the general format (at least from what I remember from reading them at school) is that there are often several theories and multiple suspects, but not too deep, where it all gets revealed (oh so obvious by the master detective) on the last couple of pages (so much so it's a joke that the best way to spoil such books is to remove or prevent reading of those pages). If you work backwards from the end though (or so I've read long after I read these novels) you'll see all the clues and it will be more obvious (of course you know what to look for and discard what doesn't fit the final narrative - cognitive bias). I sometimes find chess positions like this - go forwards and there are so many ways it could have gone, many things to look out for (often not relevant to the master) as well as questions (well why didn't they play that, what if...) however it can be useful to go from when the position is much clearer and you understand it fine and go backwards into the complications asking how did we get here (easier with pgns). Then you are looking for the key moves and strategies that made just that possible including the mistakes, and not everything else.

Another trick I use, especially from understanding why a computer's move is 'better' is to swap repeatedly between the main line and the computer line. So let's say the computer says Be3 is superior to Be2, okay, so I play Be3, well now what, then perhaps there is a follow up a4 say, well let's see if I play Be2 as in then game then a4 then what. Maybe Be2 then Be3. This might go on several moves deep, but often it turns out that Be3 with a4 was necessary right now because of something the opponent was threatening (or would be given time to defend) that I didn't see. Also I might have discarded a move because of something I saw the opponent had - so try the same technique with the potential replies to find why I was wrong. I find this especially useful on post game analysis (especially auto-analysis of lichess) when the computer alternative is more subtle than just made the wrong decision, or some obvious tactical issue with my move - sometimes these quick checks are wrong of course and my move was better when the computer gets to think for a bit. I use the computer less on games where trying to understand positional ideas (as even if they are tactically unsound where they were played the concept is not). However, sometimes to answer the whatifs or check something the computer needs to get switched on.

Finally there is the mindset that a few positions progress every now and then is better than one or two big attempts and giving up and chop and changing too much between other things (guilty here). I try not to beat myself up (particularly after working all day) if I only get through two positions in an evening (when I first started I tried to get through everything quickly as if the next book would add something more and a few books later I'd be master level - which never happened of course).


Hi David,

I hear what you are saying as I am also not having enough time to study chess intensely. However, all these shortcuts, especially relying on computer suggestions, cannot replace time invested in  really understanding the chess positions. 

The only shortcut I see that could work is to knowexactly  what are your weaknesses and then you have an efficient method to learn how to work on them.

Otherwise, the amount of time need to invest will remain the same. It will just take you longer to reach the goal when compared with somebody else who has more time for chess daily.

Test your Pawn EndgameS!

It's black to move. share your evaluation with important variations.


Hello Abhi, can you please shorten the name of the jpg? Rename it to something like; picture.jpg

It looks that the images are not properly displayed with a long name. Thanks!!

Not allowed to join Chess Mood tourney

I tried to join Chess Mood tourney today but was not allowed!

A message stated I had played too few games (see attached screenshot). Anyone know exactly what this refers to? Too few rapid games or too few Chess Mood tourney games & importantly how I fix it to play future tournaments

NB-I cannot see screenshot img file displaying & not sure why this is also!


Hi Richard,

In lichess you need to have played several games with your lichess account (not sure how many) before being allowed to join a tournament. It is not a Chessmood requirement but a lichess requirement.

I guess works in a similar way. The way to fix it would be that you play several rated games with that account, so you reach the minimum to be able to join a tournament.

Hope it helps

Hi Richard,

Yes, as stated by some other members, at that moment, maybe you had played too few games in rapid mode in We are sorry about this, but it is decided by We will be able to know more when we see the attached picture.

What happened with the picture attached? I am sure that it is not displayed properly due to some problem with the characters in the name. Please try to shorten the name of the file, just make it one word to be safe and I hope that there will be no problem. i.e.: capture.jpg

Ruy Lopez Repertoire for White

Hi, I am rated 1441 FIDE and 2000-2100 on lichess. I have not played OTB tournament for last 3-4 years. Have started studying and preparing for OTB tournaments post covid. While I am working hard on my tactical vision and positional chess, I want to learn and study Ruy Lopez for white and make it a part of my repertoire. Is anything wrong in this? And if not, can you please suggest me any source or method for studying and understanding it? Or will a course on it be done on ChessMood in some time?


I really love the way every move of an opening and all the ideas are explained in the courses here on chessmood. I wish if Ruy Lopez course was also done by the ChessMood team. It would be amazing.

Problem is it's a lot of different systems to study which will take a lot of time and effort. Is there anything wrong with learning the Scotch?

Thank you @Abhi_yadav. Will check both those courses. It will be great ones I believe.

The Lopez is a amazing opening. However its likely one of the most vast and complex openings around.

The amount of content it would need to do it full justice is probably not practical for what chessmood is trying to achieve. Likely 4/5 times the size of scotch. Plus the style of it also does not fit what chessmood is trying to do.

Thats to give open attacking options, not get crushed in the opening and then focus on middlegame and endgame play.

Some of the positions in the closed Lopez really require grandmaster level understating imo. Lines like the breyer for example is incredibly complex, then you very dull stuff like the Berlin...

Start with Scotch Sahil. I believe it's much easier to learn, fun to play and will get you great results even against stronger players.

Ruy Lopez is no doubt a great opening, but it requires deep understanding. There are many little nuances and strategic concepts that can be overwhelming especially for a new player. 

As for studying the opening, try to look at model games of Anand and Karpov in the Ruy Lopez. Analyze them on your own and find out the deep ideas. I guess that will help you build an understanding of Ruy Lopez.

Chessmood openings

Do our chessmood openings work at GM level?Why top GMs like Carlsen,vishy anand do not play such openings.plz reply


Chessmood openings are designed to beat below 2200 players. 

For example Grand Prix. Even if you follow any grand prix theory chessmood ones or other courses the lines are so sharp so its not so easy for below 2200 players to remember all theories and they lose easily.

So in order to beat below 2200 players we need a simple and solid and well presented opening repo. We don't need to remember lines . All we need is to understand ideas and plans and with the help of playing so much training games we also develop the feel of those positions and it help us in real life events.

Chessmood openings are solid, easy to understand and most dangerous for below 2200 to face over the board.

Much of it works (I'd say all at 15 minutes and below).

The problem is it's not deep or subtle enough that you can't get out prepared which will happen as you get to master level in long play games, particularly with hours to prepare. At the top levels technique matters so much so you need subtle difficult positions so as to outplay.

One of the beauties of the repertoire is (as a learner) not only do you need to know less positions because they work together as a whole, not have to constantly keep up to date, nor have to deal with subtle positional play or ultrasharp tactics, but particularly in the GP for example you can play open variations on some of the opponent's replies and not others, easing you into a more master level repertoire.

For now get to 2200 or so, sort out the other aspects of your game, then consider other openings seriously (i.e. to learn and play, not just get experience of other plans and ideas to improve your chess skill).

When you get to be a professional 2600 you might be able to spend hours and hours every week on your repertoire and keeping up to date and finding novelties, but for most of us amateurs with a job and maybe family, low maintenance without learning trappy inferior moves is a good medium.

Well, why not start with the Queen's Gambit Declined and take a look at Quality Chess. And if you want some words of one of the legends - there is an overview by Kasparov availability at ChessBase that I really enjoyed.

Thank you family for all your answers! Deeply appreciated! This question has been very well explained in the different replies. @Dhruvil_Dave But if you are interested in Quality chess books, I suggest that you visit their site, they also have a forum and they will be able to guide you much better. I am saying this because most of us can not follow up with all the new books in the market nowadays because we are working hard on the Chessmood courses.

f4 move in benko

hi coach, today I was faced with this f4 move in the Benko gambit after which he continues as in course, he easily achieved the e5 break and won the game. How must I respond to f4?


Provide all the moves please.

hey kevin,in the game i played in the typical Benko fashion as shown in course but as u mentioned on looking at the downside of f4 which even GM Avetik mentioned in his daily lesson video , i feel that i shd play an early qb6 and then continue with other moves! As the g1-a7 diagonal is weak i feel Qb6 immediately and then following the Benko move order will be effective! What do u think?

I asked Avetik to take a look at this and he will. In the meanwhile, I had a recent game with this variation but this f4 is a bit dubious. The opening moves in my game went as in the picture, there may have been better moves, still I reached a very playable game and was unimpressed by White's artificial castling.

Question about todays position

Why 1.Ra7 Qb1 2.Bg7 doesn't works?


I guess the "daily puzzle software" only accepts 1 solution - but your line / move order is just as good as the given solution

So can i get 500 moody?

Anti-sicilian d6 11.. Ng4 video 12 theory changed?

In this position, the video commentary (4:30) mentions a big advantage and a plan of d4 Rf3, Rxe3.

Unfortunately both my own analysis and computer analysis / matches puts this into doubt and perhaps this is one reason the Nb5 line doesn't appear as a widely considered option.

The position is R + 2P (3 if the e3 pawn can be captured without any loss) vs 2B. The problem is the concrete nature of this position, lack of open lines for White's rooks, lack of easily accessible targets (aside from e3) for White, the power of Black's 2B working together, and the fact Black has an extra piece of wood (ignoring the pawns) taking away any ideas of sacrificing back an exchange say.

Meanwhile both Black's single rook and queen and Bs do have open lines and targets (a4, b2, f4 [if g3 , then h3]).

The computer gives this position slightly (varying up to half a pawn) in Black's favour (though closer to equal with more chances for Black, but some too for White, is my own feeling). Black's plan is Kg8 and then Rc8 or f8. If White plays Rf3, then Bh6 attacks f4.

There are some different moves playable earlier, which might give White a very small edge and therefore keep the line alive in practical terms over the board, but again the computers make a lot of draws.

I'm not sure until this is resolved that the theory can be claimed to have been changed. Even if 12... a6 might not be found (not that it's not an obvious candidate), it only needs one game of yours to get in a database and this line will be found by the next person prepping a defence against you.

Is there any concrete analysis to support the claim of a 'big advantage'?


Bumping as unanswered so far.


I think that if I have this position in the board I would be more than happy as White. You need to see things from a human perspective. Just watching stockfish evaluations all day will not do much good I believe.
Where you see weaknesses I see potential. A weak pawn is the pawn that has no other pawn that is able to support him. This is not the case and even if all black pieces attack for exemple b2, there are only 3 pieces that can attack, and 3 defenders.

Also the e3 pawn will fall, no need to do it now right away, we choose the moment as White because we are in control. Black has to wait because they do not have a clear path. There is no Trojan horse ready and believe me, people lose control when they do not know what to expect. 

Anyway, I specially asked Avetik to reply to your post, but please try to not be so influenced by the engines, after all we are humans with human flaws...

David, practical big advantage and a big advantage for the engine are different. 
I don't understand the fun you're having, watching the courses, compare with different engines and ask these questions... 
I mentioned not once, that we appreciate and are eager to answer human questions. 

Your favourite player?

For me I just love Fischer. It made me cry for more than an hr when I saw "Pawn sacrifice" and " Fischer Against the World". I was playing North  Zone University event and my friend asked me to show the movie Pawn Sacrifice. I showed him and he watched it and when it was in the very end. I left the room and it was night and I was on street crying.

I only analised his few games like Game of the Century but I dont know I am very connected with him and his attitude. I do studied 18 hours a day in order to get a level of 1600 in just 2 month from beginner.

I just love him. I miss him. 

He is my idol. He inspired me to study whole day. 

The interesting this about me I am emotional but I dont cry so easily. Even when someone die I don't feel tears. For example when my grandmaa died I did not felt cry but when I think of him I feel cry. Because the first game video I saw was him and he was playing Suzen (Bc4 setup f4 f5 plans I think) against Najdrof.

For me if I see any chess player die no matter what's their age is. I just feel like cry.

I just dont wanna see any chess player die before the age of 100.


Hi Abhi

Nice post and great choice of favourite chess player and I have to agree with you! Fischer is my favourite chess player also.

I saw the other day, a comment from GM Bent Larsen, describing Fischer as not a good player, as many Russian GM's thought he played children in the USA! Pretty arrogant of them....

Larsen thought he and the Russians would beat him! Well, Larsen lost 0-6 to Fischer and Fischer beat Spassky to be World chess champion.

So, he is my favourite chess player, although he appeared to lose his mind, sadly, after his retirement with several strange views and opinions on chess and other life issues even. It was though, very odd and bad, how the US government had treated him. He was directly responsible for an upsurge of chess play all over the world in his hey day and especially in the West.  He leaves an awesome chess legacy even in today's modern chess world, as good players appreciate his games and tournament records. Nice one Bobby!

Any new members? Do you like Fischer?

Fischer is the greatest genius to descend from the chess heavens. (Mikhail Tal)

Agree, Fischer is my number one, followed by Morphy, who had a similar life. unfortunately.

And do not exaggerate mate, you have already become way better, take your time

My favourite player is Karpov and then Kramnik. I think they do not need to be introduced ;-) 

My favourite is Mikhail Tal followed by Nezhmetdinov. Two great sacrificing attackers!

I do support Vachier-Lagrave because of his dynamic style. Now A favourite player. All players from whom i learn including me! I actually cannot say because it keeps changing. But I was inspired by reading the story of how Tigran Petrosian  and Boris Spassky worked hard.

Kramnik! Too bad he stopped playing classical games.

Scotch 8 h4 line against 4Nf6

Does anyone know the best continuation for White after:

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nxc6 bxc6 6. e5 Qe7 7. Qe2 Nd5 8. h4 f6 9. c4 Nb6 

I cant see better than exf?


Isn't that position covered in the Scotch course?

Chessmood openings in top level

I always have a doubt. Why are Chessmood openings not seen at top level? Because Chessmood openings are great


Kindly reply to my ques. Thanks

Have you already answered to yourself what kind of repertoire you would expect being a PRO-Member?

I was certainly not expecting a repertoire based on current top level play when I joined last October.

I do like active play with both colours so ChessMood's repertoire for black is a perfect match (and for white, too).

This approach helps you to develop your attacking skills (and for defence you will find a great course, too). I think that piece activity is a very important skill to develop. It is a kind of basis for further skills (the game's idea is to checkmate your opponent and not to jointly perform a positional play).

And I (FIDE ELO around 2000) have no problems with this repertoire against opponents of my rage in OTB. I rarely play FM/IM.

And re Benko, yes there are some lines that are a bit harder for black. But you will find responses in the course and the streams and the PRO-forum. But trust me, this is much easier than staying up-to-date in the Grünfeld. 

Thursday already, no theme tournament in events

Usual issue, would the schedule for the next few weeks be published please. It's probably too late for any openings tournament, so another middlegame one?


Thank you David for pointing this out. The Events page was dully updated.

Closed Tournament for ChessMood PRO Members

"How to Memorize Opening Variations" tournament for ChessMood PRO Members

Too late for any opening - well, we will need the complete repertoire for white (1. e4) and the black repertoire against 1. e4. And to make it a bit harder, we play it with reversed colours (black has begun the game with 1. e7-e5). 

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