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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Revelation! Mating Matador G!

While going through the very well done, significant Mating Matador course , it suddenly occurred to me that the matador pictured could be none other than H Gabuzyan, albeit with a little glamorized hairdo, jewelry accessories , tie, etc.

Has the "will defeat you" look also....

Anyone also noticed the likeness??


French Bd3 main line with 9.. Bb4 and 10..Qa5


The French Bd3 course mentions the possible move 10..Qa5 in the 9..Bb4 variation of the main line, and refers to the advanced sections for continuations.

However I did not find any material on this Qa5 move in the advanced sections. I also checked the PGN file but did not see anything there either.

I was contemplating 11. 0-0 or 11. a3, but do not see any clear advantage for White (even after checking with engine).

Is there a better recommendation?

Thanks in advance! :-)


Hi @demetrio_c

Exactly, this advanced section is.not yet published I believe but Avetik already answered this in

Avetik proposed:

After 10...Qa5 I recommend 11.0-0 and then a3.

If 11...a6 then Nd6
If 11...Nf3 12.Qf3 a6, here we have a key move, 13.Qg3!
13...0-0 14.Nc7 Nh5 15.Qh4 Qc7 16.Qb4 with a better position.  

Happy getting positions that you like and knowing the plans constantly in the French!!

WhiteMood - error in pgn-file.

It is great with  ”White repertoire light”. Thanks a lot! Can´t wait for Black light.

However. I got a little bit confused in section 2, video 9 – Scotch Game: There seems to be a discrepancy between pgn-file and video. Hope the pgn-file will be corrected.

PGN-file: Analysing 4.Nxd4 d6 5.Nc3 g6 (5…Nf6 6.Bf4)

Video:  Analysing 4…d6 and 4…g6

Conclusion - There is no 4…g6 in the pgn-file but on the video and there is no 5.g6 on the Video but in the pgn-file..


PGN of video 9, Section 2 Scotch game:

Video 4…d6:  4.Nxd4 d6 (4…Be7 does not change anything. Still the same set-up for White) 5.Nc3  Nf6 6.Bf4 Be7 7.Qd2 0-0 8.0-0-0

Video 4…g6:   4.Nxd4 g6  5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 (and then Qd2 and 0-0-0) 6…Nge7

(6…Nf6 7.f3 (To stop Ng4) (if 7.Qd2 then 7…Ng4 (After Nf6 White may also push the e-pawn. 7.Nxc6 bxc6 8.e5 and Black only has 8...Ng8 not to lose at least a pawn.)  )

7.Qd2 0-0 8.0-0-0 d6 This is a better version for Black than 4…d6. But the g6-pawn is a very good target for White.



I am getting a little bit (only a little bit) wiser:

Video 4…g6; this line seems to transpose to PGN-file: 4.Nxd4 d6 5.Nc3 g6 (5…Nf6 6.Bf4) 6.Be3 when move 8.d6 is made.

It is very confusing!

I still don´t understand how you can push the e4-pawn if you choose to go the 4…d6 variation??? Something must be wrong?!

Hope somebody can assist and sort it out. I need a drink!

I have looked at the Video again and tried to document it in a more simple way than above.


4…d6 5.Nc3 g6 (5…Nf6 6.Bf4 Be7 7.Qd2 0-0 8.0-0-0) 6.Be3 Bg7 7.Qd2 Nge7 8.0-0-0 0-0 9.h4


4.,,d6 5.Nc3 Nf6 6.Bf4 9-9 8.0-0-0 Be7 7.Qd2


4…g6 5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nge7 7.Qd2 0-0 8.0-0-0 d6

4,,,g6  5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.f3 d6 8. Qd2 0-0 9.0-0-0

4…g6  5.Nc3 Bg7 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Nxc6 bxc6 8.e5Ng8 9.f4

In the pgn-file g6 is made as move 5 but as move 4 on the video. There is no move 5,,,g5 on the video. Since 4,,,d6 is made in the pgn-file 7.Nxc6 bxc6 8.e5Ng8 9.f4 seems wrong, Of course a variation 4...g6 can be added only for the 7,Nxc6 bxc6 8.e6 variation but I think it becomes very confusing. I would prefer 1;1 between pgn:video.



I am new to this forum and am hoping to gather marketing information on the related topics: chess, nascent technology, and income from playing chess virtually.


If this forum post seems out of place to members that frequent this forum, please let me know where to move this post to.

I do play chess, but I am not a pro by any standards. I was a member of my middle school chess club. Played once in college, and now am getting back into it by playing on Chess24. Maybe we can have a match sometime.

Thank you for your time and help.


Dear @Ryan_Lesosky

Sorry but this kind of posts are not allowed. No promotions or surveys, otherwise it may look that we support this. I edited and I will delete your post after a couple of days. Maybe you can try to post the same on Reddit under the Chess tag, lichess or, but this is not the correct place.

I hope that you understand.

Question (mistake) in English course

I have a question in section 5.Nf3, in the 6.d3 with 7.Nd2 idea (video 20).

As you can see here:

This was one of the options mentioned by GM Gabuzyan. After Bd2, he says "As well, we can be trying to go for more active variation with ...f5" But as you can see Stockfish doesn't seem to like it. Is this a mistake?


Hi Inguh Kim,

This is not a mistake. We do not copy the first line of Stockfish, we have a team of GMs struggling to find novelties and the best practical variations. In this position, your Stockfish also offers f4 in the second option. In these type of King's indian positions the evaluations are very difficult to asses, but if we would just follow the first line of Stockfish, there would be not KID, no Benko gambits, etc...

First in the position that you posted, we have to give White a move, let's choose a5 which is the best line according to the latest version of Stockfish NNUE, the move to play as Black is f4! exactly as Gabuzyan says in the video.

What we need to understand is the essence of the position by ourselves, I always feel very comfortable attacking and playing this kind of moves... f4 is good because it makes possible to play Bh3, or take on g3 if needed, and since we are attacking, in someway it counters a possible b4.

Also if you do not like the resulting position, Gabuzyan offers 2 options in this video (20), playing b6 first on the minute  00:50. You can try this system if you like it better.

But please do not let yourself be guided by Stockfish, this would make us very sad... :-) And we hate being sad! We love to be happy... So happy playing and happy learning @Inguh_Kim. Thanks for checking this doubt with us!

Looking for a partner to practice opening lines!

Hi. I'm Mahdi from Iran. Looking for a partner to practice opening lines espicialy whitemood openings .my blitz rating on lichess is 2300.i wonder if anyone can help


Hi Mahdi, 

I am retired and in principle i am interested in trying with you, but my level is about 1800-1900 roughly.

forgot to add.. I am from Germany originally but live near Geneva in France after moving some 37 years ago there for work (and only restarted having time for learning and playing since 2-3 years)


I am interested in taking  chess courses  that cater to the 1200 rated player. Can you give me the names or numbers of a few of them  to see if I am interested in purchasing them? 


At the moment you can check for free the course:

1. Starter Course - WhiteMood Openings

But I recommend you to become a promember then you can enjoy all of courses at anytime:

Our most special and worked out courses are only available for promembers, like the

or the


But you can check any course since some videos are free and see what you feel.

Happy learning!

When I jumped from about 1300 to 1500 the following things were in particular necessary for me:

Tactics - avoid dropping material, being able to see more tactics

Endgame - being able to correctly play K + P Vs K especially

Knights - in particular all types of forks

(I already had some reasonable openings for the most common lines, and muddled my way through the less frequent ones).

I soon after won the British U125 rating (about 1500) championship with 5/5 back in 1998

To do this I was playing probably a match game every week or two, maybe a tournament every few months, as well as a few online games (not a lot since I could only access the Internet at work - long ago!). I was also reading (often more browsing) several books, some were good for my level and some certainly weren't. You don't want to know how much I spent on books (and they are about 3 times the price now).

Where I'm going with this, is I can't say for certainty you'll make that jump in the next few months, but if you did study the courses that Odysseus mentions and probably the pawn ending one too and play some serious over the board chess you'll probably get there a lot quicker than being left to work it all out from purchasing the right books or courses elsewhere costing you more. It would take 2-3 months to go through the courses mentioned at the recommended speed of a section a day. There are several reports of a couple of hundred points increase after doing even just the tactics course whereas for me long before this resource it took 1-2 years!

The pro membership is a bargain at the current price (set to rise soon except for existing members before then) and if I could have paid that (let alone the adjustment for inflation!) for 3 months and made the same gains it took in 2 years I'd have jumped at it. It does sound a sales pitch, but I think at your level given the reports of similar people, it would really be worth it. And 1500 is just a stepping stone as there are some great courses here and a whole opening repertoire to get you (much) further.

Hope that helps.

Origin of blind swine mate

Wikipedia mentions a Polish master referring to rooks on the 7th as swine, but that doesn't really explain much to the non-English speaker.

Here's what seems to make sense and is a probable explanation:

Rooks on the 7th are also known as pigs on the 7th, as they eat all the pawns. Swine is another word for pigs, or relating to pigs. An alley is a gap between buildings that is a small path or road (there are many alternative regional words for this). A blind alley means it doesn't lead anywhere, typically blocked by another building or wall. Hence the attacking rooks are the swine, and the 8th rank blocking rook makes the blind alley, hence the likely explanation.


One other thing, a road that doesn't lead to another open road (known as a cul-de-sac or close), has a 'dead end' (possibly literally as hundreds of years ago it was a very dangerous place to be). Which is also fitting as that is what happens to the king!

Question in Bd3 French de line


I am really enjoying the Bd3 french, I've had quite a bit of success with it. 

I encountered a line in a G/45 game that I had a question about. Can you recommend a plan after the following:

e4 e6

d4 d5

Bd3 de

Bxe4 Nf6

Bf3 c5

Ne2 cd

Qxd4 Nbd7*

I wasn't sure what to do here and couldn't come up with a great plan. I ended up winning the game (game link below). I saw that Grischuk played this move against Magnus in blitz back in 2012 and won, any help would be appreciated. Magnus played Nbc3 in that game, which appears to be best.

Bd3 game (

Thank you for all of your great work coaches.



Hey Benjamin! Good question. 
The way to play is 8.Nbc3, and after Bc5  9.Qf4! 
This is the important move, keeping an eye on Ne5. If 9...0-0, 10.0-0, next Qg3.
It's very uncomfortable to play this for Black with their development problems on the queenside. 


chessmood family can you please help me with this line.  1. e4 d5 2. exd5 nf6 3.Bb5+ c6 4. dxc6  bxc6..

where do i place my bishop then black next move is e5..


I guess that Bc4 or Be2, even Ba5 are good. You should try what feels more comfortable to you. White is already a pawn up and Black has a weakened Queen side.

Hey Jay! 
Then the best way is d3,Nc3,Nge2,0-0! 
Nge2 is better than Nf3, as there will not be Bg4 - unpleasant pin. The same setup is strong against Scandinavian Gambit as well, which you can find in the WhiteMood Openings course. 

Bad and good news... (if you missed the email)

Dear chess friend! 
I have two pieces of news. 

Let’s start with the bad.
Very-very soon we’re launching the new website.
Now, you’re surprised, “Is it bad” ? :)
No, no :) 
It’s gonna be much nicer, more comfortable and with new features. 

The bad part is that the prices will rise…

Now, the good news.
They’ll remain the same for you :)

Yeah, we decided to keep it the same for all our early PRO Members!
You trusted us when we were new in the market, how dare we not appreciate it? :D 

 Just one thing.

Make sure there are enough funds on your card or PayPal.
Once you leave the PRO Membership, you can’t come back with the old price.

And one request.

If you have friends, that wanted to become a PRO Member one day, this is the best time, before the prices rise.
Please send them a message. I’ll appreciate it a lot.

Thanks for your support!

The more students we have, the easier it is for us to create more materials for you, add features on the website and much other stuff.
So, thanks for helping me make the chess world a better place.

With best wishes,


The upcoming changes! (important)

Hey everyone! 

Very soon we’re launching our redesigned website and the prices will rise for new PRO Members. however, it’ll stay the same for our students who became PRO before the new website! 

If you don’t have any intention to become a PRO Member, speed up your growth and join hundreds of our students who raised their rating significantly, it’s up to you. It’s your life.

But if you wanted to become a PRO Member one day, that day is today.
Before we launch the new website.

As Tim Ferris said, “Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.”  :D
And after we launch the new website, today’s price will not be available anymore.

Below is the link, where you can become a PRO Member, get unlimited access to 300+ hours of courses, live training and much more.

And as Zig Ziglar said “You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. ”

It’s your move.
With best wishes,

I’ve always hated selling. I’ve hated marketing and advertisement.
But then I “got a call” from Jay Abraham, who said “If you have a product that you GENIUNELY believe will change the world, you have the MORAL OBILIGATION to sell it.”

I have a moral obligation… That touched my heart.
So, while it might sound I’m selling you the PRO Membership, I genuinely believe that ChessMood is the best place to speed up your chess growth and I’m trying to help you.

Hopefully, you appreciate my honesty.


I agree with you. Became a pro member and this is the only website where I have found content which is targeted to people who are starting chess. Looking forward to more courses and material for player around 1200 levels.

Middlegame skills, how to enhance?

What is the best way/routine to improve middlegame skills? 

The classical game are perfect and very instructive but I think we need to practice idea and plan about our chessmood repertoire! Are you agree?? 

And..we also have to consider how much time to spend on middlegame weekly because there are a lot of fields to train as tacticts and endgame skills. (I consider the parte of OP done)


Themed tournaments

Hi all,

If you are like ,e then you are probably struggling sometime to practise what you learn in the opening videos. I found that doing some rapid games are not working for and want to find another way and was thinking to create some themed 1 day per move tournaments for PRO members

rules should be:

1. you cannot use an engine
2. you can use, and should, the video course on the theme we are playing.
3. you play white and black, so 2 games.

If anybody is up for this I will create this on Lichess or depending on where people are playing online

Please reply here if you are interested



I like the idea. However, I think blitz (5+2 or 5+3) or rapid games (15+0 or 15+10) are fine. 

If you play the tournament "from position", players are allowed to play more games so to analyze more after. 

If I remember correcly, Chessmood already did this kind of themed tournaments in the past, and I think it's a really good idea :)


Thank you for organizing this, I would participate.

I think it will also contribute to the community feeling as people become more familiar with each other. 


Blackmood opening...We're waiting!

We're waiting the blackmood opening...The whitemood OP course is fantastic!

I had my own png file but it is almost useless at my level (1500-1600). I finally understand idea and positions about my white repetoire, I felt that something was missing and with this course I found the last piece of equation. When you are a 1600 player your opponent don't study a lot of theory and position in the board are very very different. 

Thanks Chessmood team for this update!!



I completely agree.  I keep checking for the blackmood openings.  I love openings but at my level, rated 1000, my opponents usually play something strange by move 4 that derails everything and I struggle to punish them.  The new course has been great!

It will be coming shortly to all your screens! :-) it takes a lot of time to create, verify, record, check the videos but we love to to do it, for most of us it is a dream job, working on chess all day! The feedbacks on the Whitemood openings have been fantastic and we have to do the same for Black! ;-)

Thanks for your kind words! 
We'll keep doing our best. 
Please cheer up us with your raised ratings! :) 

Why did the blog stop?

Why did the blog stop?


Maybe there are not enough hours in a day.

Tactic Ninja, Mating Matador, simplefied repertoire for White and Black ... New website ... 

Well, the blog did not exactly stop, it is just in standby mode, but I am sure that the most important points to learn are already explained.

And yes, doing lots of courses and different things for all of you, the new website is almost, almost ready, fingers crossed!!!

Dear friend, we had to make decisions and instead of doing all, sacrifice something. 
We'll restart once a week blogs right after launching the new website :) 

The best games of February, 2022, and the prizes

Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions! 
Welcome to the "Best games of February 2021" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post the best games that you will play this month. 

The Prize fund is 350K MoodCoins which is equal to 350$.  

The 1st prize  - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize-  50K
The 4th Prize- 30k
The 5th Prize- 20k

Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood! 
#Right Mood - Right Move 

P. S.
Here are the winners of January, 2022:

Vladimir Bugayev
Skipper Chess
Arman S.
Yuma Okabe
Regis H.



Hello ChessMood family!

We saw some really amazing games in the 1st month of 2022, filled with unique ideas, attacking games and positional masterpieces! It was a pleasure to go through them. 

Here is the list of prize winners for January 2022...

The 1st prize goes to Vladimir Bugayev for this fantastic positional game.

The 2nd prize goes to Skipper Chess for this deadly attacking game with a nice finish.

Arman S gets the 3rd prize for their creative idea of bringing the Rook into the game.

Yuma Okabe bags the 4th prize for their interesting positional exchange sacrifice with 16.Rxd5 and a nice tactic to finish off the game.

The 5th prize goes to Regis H. for their brave 11... b4 move.

Congratulations to all of you, and thank you everyone for sharing your games :) 

It’s a great start to 2022, and we look forward to seeing you all grow.

Till then, keep the right mood and Cogro!

See you in the next month’s contest!

Attacking Game!
and cool mate

Almost perfect philidor attack

Not bad for a bullet game huh? hehe

Thank you Coach!

The reason we should castle or else we end up like this!

ChessMood Openings OP 

#RightMoodRightMove #Cogro

Positional french  trying to create weaknesses ( minority attack)

The reason we should develop fast and not go for material 

Center break!!

Fast attack in CM antisicilian

Grand Prix ...and another win! 

nice Petroff crush with improvement on the course ! 

I won against FIDE2100+ with right mood! 

Also when I started this game,I was very excited and I played very dynamic!!!

And I crushed him with just 18 moves!!

This bullet game is a good application of old timer Damiano's mate from the new Chess Matador course.

Thank you Avetik!



When powerful coordination beats material

dangers of playing h6

I’m almost definitely going to get banned from lichess with this game.  Don’t know how I did it but it’s 0 inaccuracies/mistakes/blunders

Winning my first 2700 GM on Titled tuesday

I could have mated faster, but this was a great game for me with the Scotch.  Loving the Whitemood Openings.  Lichess said Avg. Centipawn Loss of 26 (which is amazing for me)!!!

First 2400 down with caro can 

Grand Prix 

Perfect game!

Grand Prix working again 

Caro can - 20 move win with chessmood opening 

Here is one of my best games from the Southwest Class Championships in Dallas.

Here is another good game from the Southwest Class Championships


Scotch game, follow the course and checkmate#

Green_Keo vs UndertakervsKane: B10 Caro-Kann Defense •

Opponent made a mistake Nc4 and I won the game after Rxb7. (Second highest rated opponent that I have defeated).

Haven't played chess in a while, and still increased my rating by 130 points.

Anty sicilian works again! 

Intuitive rook sacrifice vs GM

Breakthrough in opposite-coloured bishop ending. 71. ... f4!

Chessmood setup in English opening, mating attack

Good positional game vs IM
Was losing for the majority of the game but made a comeback in the endgame!

Thank You Couch!!

Cool scotch squeeze 

Simplified Opening Repertoire

Just a note to the Chess-Mood team. I really appreciate all the extra work that has gone into this. I have to admit that whilst I like the e4  attacking style, I sometimes become seriously unglued in 10 min games and in very tactical open positions find, because I am not Tal, I can make a serious slip that takes +6>  on LiChess to a loss or draw. 

Thanks I appreciate all the work . Very helpful.


Yes, this is one of the main problems of any chess player, keeping the concentration and not making blunders. We are working on a course that will help to solve this too although it is more complex than anyone could have imagined at the beginning...

In the meanwhile step by step, try to keep calm and good mood while playing, we always forget how important it is to have the right mood and not to play when you are too tired!

A stunning alternative to a mating matador mate!!


In the mating matador course, the Balestra mate, example #5, there is actually a non-balestra mate possible.

After the Nb3#, there is also Ba3# and  white can't avoid mate delivered with the queen and knight.




Hey Ovi! Sorry, I didn't understand what do you mean? :) 

Santa Avetik Wishlist

Thank you to the Chessmood team for the new classes! I have just started the classes, but I can already say that, as always, the content is superb :)

This is just one opinion among others, and whether you do it or not, I am going to renew my PRO membership, but here is my Santa Claus (Santa Avetik?!?) wishlist:

=== OPENINGS ===

- Expand Benko Gambit (*)

- Expand Crushing d4 Sidelines (**)

- Complete Czech Pirc

- Complete Alekhine Defense

=== ENDGAMES ===

- Rook endgames (***)

- Endgame strategy (along the lines of Shereshevsky’s book that I have not read)

- More Instructional Classical Endgames (****)

(*) Just compare Philidor Defense (5h30) vs. Benko Gambit (3h09). If you’re 2200, the Benko Gambit should occur in ~8% of your games, while the Philidor Defense should occur in only ~1% of your games (taking into account Modern Philidor and 3….Nc6 that can also occur with a Scotch move order). I am not saying that the Benko Gambit course should be 44 hours long (if we take the Philidor class as the baseline), but could we expand a little bit?

(**) For example:

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. Bg5

1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. g3 (staying away from Benko and Maroczy)

(***) I am thinking of:
Basic theory along the lines of what Daniel Rensch did for

Typical situations (e.g. 3 vs. 3 on the kingside and one passed pawn on the queenside)

Practical rook endgames (along the lines of Kortchnoi’s book that I have not read)

(****) I am not worried about this one as you keep adding up. It’s really great stuff and I hope that you don’t stop anytime soon!


Classical Attaking Games & Instructional Classical Endgames will have 100 games like Commented Classical Games (this is announced in the introductions)! (New games are uploaded each week before they start streaming on Youtube)

I hope you will enjoy the content, personally, the Classical Endgames is my favorite series from Chessmood! 

PS: I think this content is already quite similar to what you can find in Shereshevsky's book! Also, don't forget about the Daily Lesson with a GM on Youtube, the material is also very nice there!

Yes, I completly agree e.g with  extending Benko Gambit for black.

Chessable are going very deep with their courses so we also need reliable weapon especially as black. Probably the most members are below 2200 but as they said there also GM.

I hope improved course will be on he new page :)

Dear friend! Thanks a lot. 
Yeah, these all are on our to-do list and I and Gabuzyan spend on average 5 hours a day recording material. Everything is coming :) 

Well, I would like to have a course on Benoni authored by GM Avetik.  There are many good courses on it. But as Dvoretsky said, "Evaluations, heard from the lips (or read in the commentaries) of the experts of an opening, sometimes help you to sense the subtleties of opening strategy far better than lengthy articles and specialized books."

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