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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Sparring partner dilemma

I am planning to find a sparring partner(which is my toughest opponent ).I understand I may/will need to share my prep against him,and all my opening studies. The problem is what should I do if I need to face him in an important tournament?This is the reason I haven't started to ask him as my sparring partner. Or is it better to just ask for someone online as my sparring partner(assuming that the condition of the person is the same as my toughest opponent)?


Overthinking. Worst case you'll have one person who knows your chess better than others. If it's that much risk spread it over several partners, but the biggest risk of all is not getting better because you worried too much

Hi iz a 78, If he get to know you better , you will also know him better too ! So you will both improve which is the idea of having a sparing partner ! GM Avetik and Gabuzyan story is our best example and I assume you have read the 3 articles about sparing partner in the blog , if not , start with that ! In the first rounds of a tournament , you can usually ask before it start to avoid matching with specific players . Some referee will accept if you have a good reason but closer to the end , you cannot avoid a match up .

Puzzle today

I do not understand why the final move is correct with a rook but wrong with a queen?


Think of stalemate ideas.

With queen promotion , c6 is not available for the king and after the rook sac , its stalemate . Is there a way to use a command like spoiler on discord in this forum ? To hide only the specific move info ? And should we wait a full day for the daily puzzle question to avoid giving away answers ? But anyone who really want their daily award , can do it other ways anyway .. I rather lose it than getting help before my first try .

Tactic Ninja quizz

Hello, In the tactic ninja quizz (with the 777 problems), is it possible to add a button to show the tactic theme if we fail at least once? So we know which section of the course we have to study again.


I like your idea , in fact , in any quiz , when we struggle , hitting the watch course button could bring us directly to the section related . This would be especially useful in easier course when we dont need to see most of the videos and doing quizzes can show which section is problematic .

Today's puzzle

I think in today's puzzle there are two answers, but system doesn't recognize it. Author: Troitzky 1.Rd4 Bc2 and now why 2.Kf6 doesn't work? If 2.Kf6 e2 then 3.Rd5 with Re5. However, this answer is not correct. Why? Please, give me my 500 moodcoins if this is correct answer :)


I notified the same as I also played 2.Kf6. They didn't give me back my moodCoins but next day puzzle has been very easy, so is the way they have to answer and allow most of the community to gain the damn 500 moodcoins. Anyway, the mention of the moodCoins was a joke. The fact is that Kf6 is correct too I you don't like to see in the screen "it's wrong". Is the "wrong" wording that makes you feel bad..

Siclian Closed Nc3 Question

I've been facing the a6 move a lot in my recent games after Nc3 d6 f4 g6 Nf3 a6. I've been looking at this line but can't find any pleasant positions to play as white. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Hi Mahit,

After a6 you can switch to the Kingside play with g3-Bg2. Lately, after completing the development with 0-0 and d3, we use the idea of h3-g4-Ne2-Ng3 with good potential on the kingside.

How to study chess books

I want to know how top players study chess books


Maybe this video will help you a bit…

Normally top players, just read the book without any board though… Everything happens in their mind…

When I study chess books I set up position on my chessboard and play moves. I usually don't include the engine, and analyze with my brain.

Corresponding squares: tough topic

I feel corresponding squares topic a tough in Pawn endings course ( even thou I am 2000 ELO I do not have good endgame background). When everything is described it is clear, but not when you need to solve by your self. I would love to have more quizzes on this topic in that section.


And sometimes it would be also good practice if we would have puzzles that were not solved in videos, but the same topic. Just an idea :D

Instructional Classical Endgames....

A bug in the last list : when we click on "Fischer-Bolbochan" we get "Nimzowitsch-Anderssen".🤔


Probably best to contact support to get video issues resolved, or the bugs area on the forum or discord.

This was fixed already yesterday. Thanks for the message. As for reporting bugs, this is the thread, pinned at the top of the forum messages>


Scotch Game. Need a suggestion

Hello, I am new to Chess Mood (7 yr old). Just started watching White Mood Lessons. I have a question. I was playing a scotch game online and I encountered a line which is similar to Qh4 (YouTube Variation - 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Qh4). The line encountered was : 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nxd4 5. Qxd4 Qh4. I played this 6. Nc3 Nf6 7. Nb5 Qxe4+ 8. Qxe4+ Nxe4 9. Nxc7+ Kd8 10. Nxa8 and game moved on till 44 moves and i won. Can you please suggest best moves how I should have continued from here. Appreciate your help.


Hi Ved! 

Welcome to the family! 🤩

I doubt that you will find this variation again in your life, we never had it before but it is important to know where you were wrong.

The move Nc3 develops the knight and protects e4. Then Nf6 attacks e4 and when you played Nb5 you removed one defender from e4. This is your mistake, you need to develop the pieces first and then we will attack, I do not know if you already watched the Opening Principles course first if you did not. 

Instead of 7.Nb5 Be2 would develop the Bishop, or Be3 too, also good is g3 and Bg2… But again, think about developing all the pieces before attacking and keep your pieces protected. 😀

I don't understand the question, you are a Rook up for nothing in the line you gave. Also, I never met a 7 year old that communicates like you, only the parents of 7 year olds :D

Wolf on Chess Street Course Shows Evermore Dramatic Improvement In Coaching Technique

Just a note to everyone going through various courses produced by Hovhannes: His level of coaching is becoming better and has in my opinion, achieved master level by now. Concepts like " the hero is the piece that sacrifices itself , go away from the board and trust the result of the game to it's friend" are unearthing a deeper level of understanding of the concepts he is explaining. A recognizable trait of a superb coach is that they can make a difficult concept easy to understand through various means. As well as imprinting it, via various techniques, into the student's mind. His courses are gems and any who spend lots of time learning them should recognize this. PS : Credit for hard work is very important IMO and brings progress almost every time. Cheers and thanks G!


Dear Ovi,

Thanks for your kind words, I appreciate it a lot.

I hope to keep improving the quality of produced content!

All the best.

Ole, ole!! 
Gabu shows on himself, the importance of CoGro! 

Thanks for all kind words, Ovi! 

Ovi, I absolutely agree, Hovhannes is an amazing coach and continues to improve in both his videos and his streams!

Yeah, I enjoy the structured and very to the point teaching of GM Gabuzyan, also revisiting daily lessons some very good explanations as well 👍

Technical support

Im having trouble dragging my pieces when im doing puzzles. Help please


Hi Enrique . The problem has been reported on discord also and they are working on it .

How to buy courses using mood coins

I still could not find the option to do it , will be grateful if someone can help me :')


I want to buy the " Attack Like a viking" course , thats why I am asking this question

Scared of playing games

Hey guys! Recently I have become scared of playing games and feel alot of anxiety whenever I decide to try. There are a couple of reason for this: 1. I feel that I am severely underrated so anything but a win is a huge mistake. 2. I have "holes" in my chess knowledge which makes me play way over my rating level in some situations and way lower in others. The outcome is that I can blunder away games where I am +6 in the opening and -6 during the middle game. 3. Because I dont perform on the level I think that I should, I get anxious and play with very low confidence - which in turn makes me play worse than I should. A self fulfilling prophecy of sorts. 4. Lastly - because I dont feel comfortable playing, i get too little playing time which stalls my progress big time. So with all of this said, has anyone of you battled this kind of thing and how did you overcome it? I want to get to a level where I dont feel so much pressure just playing a few games but its difficult since I care alot about progression. Any ideas?


I suggest you take online sessions of 9 games of 5|3 blitz or 3-4 games of 15|10. Since you struggle with time-management I recommend 15|10. Don't use trappy openings if you are playing them, play more sophisticated openings like the dragon Sicilian or the French Attack. I suggest you buy the WhiteMood and BlackMood repertoire. Since you blunder often, I suggest you sharpen your tactical sword daily, by doing puzzles, vision trainer, and the Daily Chessmood puzzle. Even better you can purchase the essential or pro membership to have access to all of Chessmood's wonderful courses. If you do buy it, I suggest you watch the WhiteMood and BlackMood openings courses, then tactics ninja and BlunderProof. After you finish watching those courses you can try some middlegame courses. I recommend watch 100 classical attacking games as you can learn a lot. After go around and checkout all the courses and learn. Remember RightMood=RightMove, stay in the present, don't think of past blunders, think over and over: "I've got this", "I do this", "I CAN WIN THE GAME" Take away distractions and take deep breaths, if you want me to be your sparring partner, my account is bfsl123. 😥 I hope you find this advice useful and I am more than happy to be your sparring partner. When you play games, I will be there to support you. Sincerely, Pengcheng😀

I get scared, too. There is a nice article (actually, LOTS of nice articles) in the blog: "Detachment: Focus on growth and not the result" I particularly like what Avetik's father told him: "Son, just concentrate on becoming a better chess player, and your rating will follow. It will run after you and not allow you to go ahead alone." As far as that goes, this is a very good site. Lots of really clear explanations. You can hardly go wrong with any of the courses. I've sampled a dozen, or so, and am actively working through about 4 of them.

Have you got a second account that you can use when you're not feeling confident? That will help.

Hi Niklas ! One of my best friend has exactly the same problem as you . In his case , he studied chess for years while almost never playing ! His expectations are high but he lacks experience . In club or tournament , we often hear from other players that they are underrated . Whatever your performance , if you play , you will get a rating . Instead of having an idea of what you deserve and being sorry for not obtaining it , I suggest you focus on what you did wrong in your games ( win or loss ) and work to Improve these weaknesses. If you stay objective and work well , in the long term , I bet you will get higher than what you think you worth today ! And having a winning position with +3 and even more is not consider a win till the game is over ! So till you learn how to convert advantage and prevent counterplay, dont be too hard on yourself if the outcome of the game is different that what you think it should be . Chess is the best game to me , even if its more fun while winning , its still the same great game losing too !

Tracking your work for motivation

Hi , I got an idea for motivating some of you who could benefit from it . I propose that you post a resume of what you have done in the past week to improve your chess . To keep it short , we cloud simply edit our own post every week to add new information . By putting it down , it will make me check if im following my plan. To read what others do , could be a motivation for doing more or a consolation that you re not the laziest around.. 😉


I m new , i still have to do the call 1on1 to get my personal plan . So far I have done the blunder course , the opening basic course , the French attack course ( in the blackmood opening ) I have started the scotch course . I started building a pgn repertoire with the openings I looked at . I also started a notebook where I write down some follow up of what I do almost everyday . I m trying to review the ninja course by skipping the easier sections for me ( I do all the quiz and if its easy I skip the video unless the title of any subchapter get s my attention .. I m trying to solve the daily puzzle . I play everyday to try the openings even if I m losing rating pts . I do a quick review after each game with the file attachment and upgrade my pgn if necessary . I do the aimchess daily tactic challenge . it s 10 min max , 3 mistakes , you re out . Compare to chesscom , the level of difficulty raise way more quickly , it s only once a day and you can compare with friends as it s the same puzzles for everyone . you get a ranking for the day and see the top 30 . I know 2 MI from Quebec who does it everyday so its fun to compare with them. Yesterday I did 21 , the day before I tied my personal best which is 25. Over 20 , it s getting challenging for me .

Opening choice

I'm a Lichess rapid 1700 player, so I learned the french attack opening and the Dutch attack, but against 1.e4 I'm really attracted by playing the accelerated dragon with black... Is it still possible for me to learn it?


I m almost sure yes but maybe you could put more efforts on something else ? In my 1-1 call , GM Avetik told me to focus one opening at the time . But according to my level ( I m 1700 + otb ) and what I told him , he suggested to put more time on middle games strategy and study classic games ( 1 max per day ) . As tactics and endgames are more than ok for my level , he even suggested that I do less of these . I did put way too much time on these important aspect before chessmood neglecting the rest..

My son plays too fast

Dear members & ChessMood team Recently my son played OTB tournament (90+30). Unfortunately he played very fast in all the games (not more than 1 hr) with higher rated opponents and ended up losing quickly. What could be done to play slowly ? Please suggest. After doing chessmood courses, his online rating increased ~150 points in just 2 months. Thanks Kailas


It comes with experience, I think. There might be some techniques, though.

I believe Kasparov played very slowly from a young age. Anand on the other hand was known for his very fast play in classical chess even when he was a strong GM! I would say let him play how he wants to play.

You could ask him to do some quick thinking through before every move-such as, what is my opponent's most likely move after the move I just played? What would be my response to that? Are there any strong alternatives he/she has? What does my opponent's move now do it didn't do earlier? What does it not do that it did earlier? If your son can answer all these in very quick play, then wow! But otherwise, it might slow him down a bit and help him think better :)😀 Hope this helps, I also know people who have that problem!

I have the same problem, I played my first OTB classical last month, before that i only played rapid games on, so i only used less than 30 minutes each game. I think analyzing my own games will help me with that. Also, i want to do the Tactic Ninja course again, i think that will help me slow down a bit.

Hi kailas . If he want to improve otb slow games , he could start with longer time control game online . There is club on for example of 90 min +30 sec tournament . But it takes a lot of discipline to play long games online and keep the focus .. playing fast in a slow pace game while your opponent use wisely his time and avoid time pressure is not efficient to me . As they say , if you see a good move , try to find a better one . Playing fast usually prevent from looking for better moves so if your opponent take the time to find these , you have to be way better to beat him playing fast ! Till he can slower his play or improve his level , he could concentrate mainly on semi rapid or blitz otb . Losing too much in slow game can discourage him but forcing himself to play in a different manner could also be negative for him . Chess need to be fun ! 🙂

Hey! +150 in 2 months, great! 
Thanks for sharing! 

I recommend checking out this webinar about time management. There is a nice analogy, of a student eating fast food every day :) 

Also, I'm not 100% sure, that playing fast against higher rated opponents is bad. 
Maybe. But I'm not sure :) Still looking for answer. 

My point is this. 
When your son plays against higher rated players fast, that speaks about his confidence! A must-have thing to improve at chess faster especially for young players. He trusts his intuition. These are good things. 
And by the way, 1 hour isn't very fast at all. 

Kalias if you're coaching him, or his coach would be okay with advice, I would recommend to work on identifying critical positions. 
And agree with your soon, to play fast, but slow down on critical positions. 

Also, might be a good idea to work on candidate moves. 

But, overall, 1 hour vs higher rated players, I would look at it as more positive than negative. 


You should probably tell him to write long-algebric* notation (It gives you more time to think) and count to 5 seconds before playing. *Long-algebric notation is noting the square your piece is on, then noting the square you're going to. For example, e2-e4.

Grand Prix d5

Hi everyone, What is recommended for white after the following? 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. f4 g6 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Bc4 e6 6. O-O Nge7 7. d3 d5


I believe the ChessMood repertoire is 3.Bb5. You can check it here:

Joshua, hi!😀 This is a very good line for Black recommended in several sources against the GP, that is why we offer a more detailed repertoire where we play 3.Bb5 as Peter said. The reason you already found this move order is because you are playing strong players, congrats! 🤩
That said, we will try to find out something for you if you want to stick with this move order but give us a bit of time😅.

Personally I would recommend you to watch the advanced course This works very well once you understand it with great results. 

Hi Joshua,

In WhiteMood lines we are just playing 3.f4 to get simplified positions, with easy ideas.
The e6 is a good choice for black, but very-very rare U2000 level.
If you are facing this way-too often you can checkout the advanced Antisicilian for white where we play 3.Bb5!

Good luck!


I participated in the live event today . Its reserved to the pro members and I really think its worth the difference between essential and pro membership . Being able to watch a GM play the chessmood openings while explaining ideas and answering the questions that we asked in the chat during and after the game is highly instructive for me ! I had the chance to play and suggest moves and ideas in the last 3 games with GM Gabuzyan which is an extremely strong player , whose explanations are always clear . He is really fun to listen to , relax and attentive to all participants . He makes the game look simple and interesting whatever the opposition is . Today opponents were lower rated but still , even if I m 1700 , I m always wondering how to react to weaker moves and how to keep focusing on the important stuff. And that is exactly what he is demonstrating which such eloquence ! Thank you very much . 😍


Hi Dear Denis,

Thank you so much for your kind words! That makes me smile.
I was also happy to stream together, and hope to see you during more events.

Good luck 🙂


Dear Avetik sir you taught E4 C5 NC3 D6 F4 G6 NF3 BG7 BC4 NC6 0-0 NF6 D3 0-0 QE1 E6 E5 NE8 after that you mentioned that Be3 is the best reply but after Be3 d5 all cloud engine saying black is better what to do after black reply d5 kindly guide thankyou so much!


HI Ak,

Following the Advance course suggestion you should play Bb5. In the normal one Be3 is offered

The drawback is d5 or dxe5 as explained in the advanced course.

Advanced section link:

Still, we do not base our lines in the engine evaluation alone, otherwise there would be no benko gambit course.😅

Middlegame Roadmap

Hello! I apologize if this is not the correct place to ask this question, but I was curious when the Middlegame Roadmap course is due to be released. Thanks!


Hi I am also curious to know! Any updates?

I am pretty sure there working on it. Chessmood has a pretty small team and they try their best to provide us with chess knowledge. Be patient, it should come out sooner or later. Thank you and have a great day!

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