Chess forum by Grandmasters

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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Fear Of Opponents

Hello Chessmood Family and Grandmasters, Recently I have played several Rating Tournaments and have faced an off-the-board issue which I am sure many others must also be facing... The fear of Higher rated opponents. whenever I was paired with anybody rated higher than me I felt frightened and couldn't play at my best, I was scared to lose my rating and went for draws in better positions and lost equal positions which could have given me half point. I believe the fear of my opponent to be the root of my bad moves as I do not face such difficulties against equal-rated or lower-rated opponents. Is there any solution to this and have any of you ever experienced the same? Thanks in advance!!


I am totally with you, Soham. I had exactly the same problem in a tournament recently. The best for me would be if I didn't know my opponent's rating before the game, which is not always possible, unfortunately. Another- better- solution would be to not care about the rating, which is often recommended but very tough to implement. Any help is highly appreciated.

how to be better at blitz ?

Hello, Today, I reached a 2300 Elo rating in rapid chess, and I would like to thank the ChessMood team for what they share with us. However, I am still a blitz player with a rating of 1900-1950. Do you have any advice on how to improve my blitz skills?


What are some good courses?

I am new to Chessmood. Someone recommended it to me, and at the time of this posting, I have only used it for 2 days. I am not quite sure I want to get a PRO membership, so maybe leave those courses out. Thank you!😃


Well, all the courses are good, of course, but that depends on your level to see which ones will help you more in your chess improving journey… 😅

Hi, MR. F, Try reading the study plan: Lots of good suggestions there based on your rating. I'm just a casual player so, the Essential Plan is plenty for me but, for more serious "improvers," it looks like there's plenty of good stuff in the PRO membership. FYI i'm reading Tactic Ninja, am in the middle of the Simplified ChessMood Openings (for 800-2000 level) and am also studying Pawn Endgames. On the side I really like the history of chess, so the 100 Classical Masterpieces is a lot of fun for me and, if I really want some more on my plate, I look at Happy Pieces! :)

Sure! As a new user of Chessmood, you've only used it for two days. If you're unsure about getting a PRO membership, you can focus on exploring the platform and its free resources, such as their beginner course or tactics puzzles, before making a decision. Take your time to familiarize yourself with the available content and see if it aligns with your chess learning needs. Remember, you can always upgrade to a PRO membership later if you find it beneficial. Enjoy your chess journey with Chessmood!

Major Issue Plz Fix

I bought three courses with moodcoins butnow i cannot access them I have mailed also but got no reply.- Alapin Rossolimo Anti Sicilians I also donot have the moodcoins. I won the first prize in the best game forum months ago for that Rook and Queen sac.


Yesterday our team had a rest day. I am sure that customer support will get back to you as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvinience!😅

Whats the purpose of the d6 move in najdorf

May I know what is the purpose of d6 move in najdorf after e4 c5 Nf3 d6. What is that move trying to achieve or tell us is it preventing e5 because in siclian defence e5 square is an important square.


It's just to stop e5 when Nf6 is played.

Hide quizzes

Hi, is there the possibility to not show the quizzes at the end of the videos, and go directly to the next video? I prefer to do all the quizzes at the end of the lesson since I see they reply exactly the position seen in the video and I prefer not to solve it immediately


Hi Francesco , if you want to skip any quiz , just get out of the course when they suggest a quiz and come back by selecting the specific topic you want to do . You could also do the quiz by playing any move and get 0 for the evaluation and do it later .

You may find some of the quizzes help due to repetition and thus learning. Often you need to see something 2 or 3 times, otherwise it'll be forgotten. You can redo the quizzes as tests of course later.

French attack in advanced var vs GM

Hey guys! Need advice from you and coaches what I misplayed in the opening in this game vs GM according to chessmood. My guess is I should have taken Bxe2 not allowing that Nxc3-e2-g3 maneuver, but after Qxe2 what's the plan then? Ne7-f5, Be7,c5? Here is the game Thanks.


I m no expert but would have taken on e2 for sure as the knight manoeuvre seem to have give him tempos . For the follow up , I will let stronger speak .. 😜 anyway , you had your chances later on but it was complicated and a draw can t be bad against a GM . Well done ! 👍

Of course, I am no expert but instead of nc6 maybe nf5 should be better but I am not sure. After Qxe2, I agree Ne7-f5 and Be7,c5 is very tempting. And a very lovely game you tamed the GM and kept him on his toes😀Keep Going


You could have captured Bxe2 prior to Nc3.

Please note that you used the simplified ChessMood opening against 2500+ GM, although we use that opening U2000 level. 
Playing against very strong opponents like this GM is, you can use the advanced openings.

The best games of May, 2023, and the prizes

Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions! 
Welcome to the "Best games of May, 2023" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post the best games that you will play this month. 

The Prize fund is 350K MoodCoins which is equal to 350$.  

The 1st prize  - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize-  50K
The 4th prize- 30k
The 5th prize- 20k

Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood! 
#Right Mood - Right Move 

P. S.
Here are the winners of April, 2023:

Valerio Carnicelli 
Vladimir Bugayev
Regis H
Amit Mishra


Unfortunately, don't think Rb3 brilliant move but I will love if GM Avetik told me his opinions about Rb3 move Very nice checkmate with two bishops.

Another day at the office against CK, thanks Chessmood! Nxg6 and the rest is only mopping up

A Greek gift sacrifice in the ChessMood line of the Caro-Kann defense!

Checkmating with Dutch Attack in the Two Knights Variation!

A nice french attack build up after mouse-slipping ed5 against very bad nimzowitsch - A nice game with the Dutch Attack, shows that normal play simply won't do. SLP course helped me a lot....Not my best game but it was fire 🔥🔥

[Event "Rated game, 3 min"] [Site "Main Playing Hall"] [Date "2022.11.14"] [Round "?"] [White "Chiedu1"] [Black "KingKiller] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B20"] [WhiteElo "1592"] [BlackElo "1620"] [PlyCount "86"] [Beauty "7427097118810"] [EventDate "2022.11.14"] [SourceTitle ""] [TimeControl "180"] 1. e4 {2} c5 {1} 2. d3 {2} d6 {1} 3. c3 {1} Nc6 {1} 4. h3 {1} Nf6 {1} 5. g3 {1} g6 {1} 6. f4 {1} Bg7 {1} 7. Qf3 {1} O-O {1} 8. Nd2 {1} e5 {1} 9. Ne2 {2} Ne8 {6} 10. f5 {3} Qf6 {5} 11. g4 {4} Qh4+ {2} 12. Ng3 {2} Nc7 {4} 13. Rg1 {3} Qd8 {11} 14. Qg2 {4} d5 {1} 15. Be2 {2} b6 {2} 16. Qh2 {3} Bb7 {2} 17. h4 {1} b5 {3} (17... d4 $11) 18. Qh3 {5} (18. g5 $16) 18... c4 {4} 19. g5 {2} cxd3 {2} 20. Bxd3 {2} dxe4 {0} (20... d4 $11 21. Ne2 Qd6) 21. Bxe4 {6} b4 {2} 22. f6 {2} Bh8 {1} (22... Bxf6 $142 23. gxf6 Rb8) 23. h5 {1} bxc3 {3} 24. bxc3 {2} Qe8 $2 {12} (24... Qc8 25. Qh1 Na5) 25. hxg6 $18 {2} (25. Rh1 Qd7 26. Qxd7) 25... fxg6 {0} 26. Rh1 {1} Qf7 {10} 27. Ba3 {13} Rfd8 {4} 28. Qh6 {15} Rxd2 {6} 29. Kxd2 {2} Rd8+ {0} 30. Kc2 {1} Nb5 {4} 31. Bc5 {3} Ncd4+ {3} 32. cxd4 {4} Qc4+ {1} 33. Kb2 {3} Qc3+ {2} 34. Kb1 {1} Bxe4+ {1} 35. Nxe4 {2} Qd3+ {2} 36. Kb2 {3} Qe2+ {1} 37. Kb3 {5} Nxd4+ {1} 38. Bxd4 {2} Rb8+ {1} 39. Kc3 {6} Qb2+ {1} 40. Kd3 {2} Qxd4+ {0} 41. Ke2 {7} Qxe4+ {2} 42. Kf2 {3} Rb2+ {2} 43. Kg1 {3} Qg2# {1 Mate} 0-1

A very nice win Grand prix attack. A nice game where I made only one mistake and performed at 2900 in the Dutch Attack!!! My first win against titled player(it was a simul with 25 games). Not perfect game, but with some good attack. I played as white.

Accelerated Dragon over the board, with lower rated opponent, classical game. Tried it first time ever.

Slp for black Benko in classical game

My best game collection for the month of May goes here: Jobava attack Massacre vs french - exchange reversed Deep knowledge in Jobava attack Titled tuesday madness vs dutch draw vs IM in rossolimo (titled tuesday), well played game for 3+1 vs dutch, Q lift decides nice endgame 10+5 vs pirc Interesting attacking game

Here is my submission against NM Vladimir Bugayev. Marocy Bind Sicilian

Crazy Queen Sacrifice attack.

A nice illustration about what happens if you are not prepared against Chessmood lines! -

Sicilian chessmood Nxh7!

Checkmating with French Attack in the exchange variation (after transposition)!

I just kept adding pieces to the atttack until it worked :-)

You don't listen to chesscom, Rb3 is really move brilliant move!
Well played! 💪

If you could exchange the queens after Rb3, would be easy to realize the weaknesses a3, c3 and of course your strong passed b3 pawn 🙂

I played against Shawn Rodrigue-Lemieux! He is a word-class IM, who scored 9/9 in a norm tournament once. I drew him, and even better, I swindled him down a piece and down time! I just told myself - "It's ok, I blundered a piece, but let's show this IM that we can swindle him" and it worked! Art of SLP. I was better out of the opening (of course with our openings), but blundered a bishop. Here is the review - French advance swap variation. A good one for me ! He let time ran out with a desperate position .

French exchange

The Grand Prix in action!

[Event "?"] [Site "?"] [Date "2023.05.14"] [Round "?"] [White "Dhanush, Ram M"] [Black "Krupa , S."] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B07"] [WhiteElo "1657"] [BlackElo "1321"] [PlyCount "83"] [SourceVersionDate "2023.05.16"] 1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Bd3 c6 4. Ne2 Qa5+ 5. Nd2 e5 6. O-O Be7 7. Nc4 Qc7 8. f4 b5 9. Ne3 Nbd7 10. Nf5 Bf8 11. fxe5 dxe5 12. dxe5 Nxe5 13. Bf4 Bxf5 14. Bxe5 Qxe5 15. Rxf5 Bc5+ 16. Kh1 Qe7 17. Ng3 O-O 18. Qf3 Bd4 19. e5 Nd5 20. Rh5 g6 21. Nf5 Qb4 22. Rf1 Bxb2 23. Nh6+ Kg7 24. Nxf7 Nf4 25. Rxh7+ Kxh7 26. Qg4 Rxf7 27. Bxg6+ Kg7 28. Bxf7+ Kxf7 29. Rxf4+ Qxf4 30. Qxf4+ Ke7 31. Qb4+ Ke6 32. Qxb2 Rf8 33. g3 Rf1+ 34. Kg2 Re1 35. Qc3 Rxe5 36. Qxc6+ Kf5 37. Kf3 a5 38. h4 Re6 39. g4+ Kf6 40. g5+ Kf5 41. Qd5+ Re5 42. Qf7# 1-0

positional domination!

Punishing passive play.

A good attacking game against French with our GM line of Bd3 from White 😀👍

I missed a couple of quicker wins, but good attack, still

Smothered mate -


The French attack (romantic variation )

Frennch exchange win, 2 brilliant moves according to

At the move 31 I made a brilliant move!!! .. and I think that annihilation and distraction in ninja course really helped me in this. Hint.. Magnus Felt for the same trap I made .. 😉😉😉 Check out this #chess game: Anton1956 vs turkihi - - A very nice miniature, which shows what happens when you play poorly in the opening against Chessmood Openings (I wonder why this is always the case🤔), and I performed at my lifetime best (yet), 3300!!! A very nice game i played in the first round of a tournament (I'm White BTW) - A very nice miniature against the French Defense with our great Schlechter weapon, and against 3...c5 - 5.c3! and after 5...c4?!, the 7. h3! and 8. Qf3! Idea by Coach Avetik. A really nice king's walk at the end.

Modern turned into grand prix Funny finish.. - Another game with the against the French, with a nice finish!

A good attacking game against London system using our GM Avetik line. Attacking with the g5 , h5 after castle King side itself.😀

A nice win in scotch I had a mistake in the middle of the game, but I'm starting to understand this French exchange variation and having some success.

My game with the French Attack pour vous mes amis! K

This game was my highest-rated player that I have beaten, though I can't say it was deserved 🤣 🤣 (Not a ChessMood Member yet, am attempting to become one as soon as I have the funds, hopefully, shows I have some potential!)

A good tactical win with the Benko. My opponent played passively, I was able to launch a mating attack.

Sorry - Reposting due to wrong file upload. Given my low Elo rating, I felt solid in this biltz game except for the missed mate in 2.

Two Classic ideas in one game - Carlsen-Nepomniachtchi Wch Game-6 and Karpov idea

I need my three courses back now as i am active player again.- Rossolimo, Alapin, Sicilian Sidelines. I bought with moodcoins but its not opening, neither are there any moodcoins

One of my first game as white against the French with the chessmood line . My opponent was cramp early in the game which gave me an easy game ! One of my best attacking games yet-although I say this before engine analysis. :D

I checkmated an IM in 18 moves!

A satisfying game which went almost exactly as the model games in the French exchange!!

Nice win in the Scotch!!!

I am not a pro member yet so i play different openings bg7 brilliant move Two brilliant moves and crushing opponent.

I have problems sometimes against English . The opponent was weaker but I m glad about this stonewall

Nothing spectacular but a clean scotch game using the ideas from GM Gabuzyan s stream :-)

I was pretty happy with this win in a Scotch Game. I never really have brilliant move but in this game I had 2 in a row Woooohoo! K I have been trying to get to 2k for a while now, this is the game which got me there, I thought I would share. Another game, it cannot contest for best game of may as it was played 2 months ago, but I thought eh why not, it's a nice game, one of my best too. Sad that i forgot to submit it for best game of march

Hi, here is my tournament game from last Friday. French since quite a long time, now that I know your cool setup against the exchange system.

Hello champions,

How are you doing? Everything good?

Thanks for sharing your games. It was a real pleasure to go through all of them, seeing your brilliant moves and strategies! Keep it going!

Moving on to the prizes for May 2023, we have real beauties… 

Ever seen White King get checkmated on g7, and too in 21 moves? Black masterfully sacrificed their Queen and used 3 minor pieces – 2 Bishops and a Knight – to drive the White King from g1 to g7! And all of this happened when White still had their Queen and 2 Rooks on the board. Congratulations Benjamin Eppel! You take the first prize for your brilliant game!

Ink Kaula takes the 2nd prize for this beautiful victory in the Sicilian Accelerated Dragon. The sacrifices with 13…Bxg4, followed by 14…Rxb2 were extremely bold choices, and you masterfully finished off the game in less than 20 moves, that too with Black. Well done!

The 3rd prize goes to Uma Prasanna. You found a move like 21.Bg7 and nicely finished off the game. Also, there’s a lot to learn from how you started and finished off the attack in Dragon with White pieces. Congratulations! Keep it up!

Thomas H. takes the 4th prize. You played such a nice attacking game in the French Exchange variation. Right from the way you launched the pawn storm, built up the attack and sacrificed with 25…Rxh3. Impressive stuff!

The 5th prize goes to Angelo Sifaleras. Another nice attacking game in the French Exchange. You launched a nice pawn storm on the Kingside and then went for the bold sacrifice with Bxg3. And then the finish with 22…Rg1+ was very classy! Well done!

Congratulations to all of you! And thank you champions once again for sharing your games.

We enjoyed going through them and look forward to seeing many more of your victories! 

Keep the Right Mood and the CoGro!

100 Classical Attacking Games_57

Dear chess friends, dear GM Hovhannes, in game 57 after c5 (see screenshot) black has another and in my opinion better defensive resource. Black can play Qh8. Sure, the position is still hopeless, but it's not that easy to checkmate in a few moves. After I calculated about 20 minutes on Qh8 and didn't find a compelling continuation that would lead to mate immediately or in a few moves, I looked at the "solution" and missed Qh8. :) Many thanks for all the excellently annotated games, I study them with pleasure. Best regards Matthias


Hi Matthias,

Thanks for your kind words and positive feedback!

in the given position, after Qh8 white plays Qg5. It's nor very obvious but the Nf5+ threat is very decisive, and you can calculate that variation.

Good luck!

does entry rating matter for future rating improvement?

Dear chess friends, may I ask you a question regarding your first FIDE rating. Does your entry rating matter for future rating increase? I asked this because I heard an opinion that "it's better to equip well first before jumping into rated tournaments. Otherwise you may start off low and will have a difficult time to pump up your ratings." Do you agree with that? This is related to when kids can start their rated tournaments. e.g., if they join rated tournaments when they are quite young and only obtained around 1000 rating, should they wait and join rated tournaments later so they can have a higher entry rating? Does entry rating matter? Thanks in advance!


Any rated players can share your experience? It would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Amber, I completely disagree. I would advise to play rated tournaments as early as possible. Because chess is way different when you have responsibility. And you make such great and important experiences in games that take hours. During your first 30 games you have an accelerating factor which helps you to gain Elo quicker (or lose). Then young players have another k- factor which hast the same impact. See Fide homepage or Wikipedia. Entry rating does not matter at all in my eyes since when you learn constantly, you are always in a flow. The most important - and very difficult- one : Do not focus on rating , focus on improvement. Your rating will follow you. There are several articles about that here on chessmood.

Further details on K factor that Thomas mentioned: The K factor determines how fast your rating can change: higher K means faster/bigger rating changes. For adults, K is 40 for your first 30 rated games. This lets your rating quickly adjust to your level. Then K reduces to 20 after your 30th game. If you're fortunate enough to break 2400 then K drops to 10. But if you're under 18 years old K stays at 40 regardless of the number of games played. The logic is that younger people are improving quickly so their rating often needs big changes to reflect that. The only exception is if the rating exceeds 2300, in which case I believe K drops to 20 even if you're under 18. So for people under 18 there is zero reason to hold off playing in rated tournaments.

About 1 year with chessmood, but still in plateau, need advice

Hello! During last year untill now I played 41 classical OTB games with mixed results: won couple of good games vs FMs, even one game vs GM, but had some terrible loses vs ~1900 guys. Thus my rating was fluctuating as usual from 2143 to 2173 back to 2152. Basically I'm in 2150 range for like 10 years (career high 2260). Seems I cannot break out of this to 2300 level. About rapid OTB rating especially took the hit, going as far down as 2059. I was really depressed that despite studying hard 3 hours a day with chessmood courses, solving tactics, playing, I was performing more and more badly. While in online chess I wasnt playing super much but ok like blitzing some games 0.5-1h per day with analysis according to chessmood repertoire with my custom pgns. My chess_com rating is around 2200-2300 and lichess around 2400 range. Could be higher I know but I'm focusing more on OTB games. About the chessmood courses: I've watched like 90 percent of them. The ones left is about defense and some endgame stuff. Also with new website, i'm rewatching old webinars of opening mistakes, they are really great. All these courses really helped me to have good repertoire, improved middlegame skills and I especially like classical games, learned many new ideas. The thing is I cannot break out of this plateau like stuck forever, I've seen some of you guys get like 200-300 rating increases. I cannot quite find what I'm doing wrong. Maybe play more, solve tactics more, but I'm already doing all this stuff, even training one friend who went from 1600 to 2000 OTB recently. So please advise, really trying to improve here :) Thanks


Hello! Have you tried to work with additional material? Around 2000/2100 FIDE, there are many books which are worth it: - GM Preparation series by Aagaard - Attacking Manual 1 & 2 by Aagaard - Decision Making in Chess series by Gelfand - Quality Chess Puzzle Book by John Shaw - Perfect Your Chess by Volokitin A friend of mine became an international master by working with those books. And he recommends them once you are 2000 fide :) I'm sure you will have an answer from Chessmood GMs, but maybe my post can help you a little bit :D

Hi! Firstly, some personal info. I am slightly weaker player. 2093 OTB and 2300 Lichess. I am CM member since 1.5 years. I have about 2 hours per day to study chess. I came back to chess after three decades of absence. When I left I was 2150 OTB non-FIDE, and now in the last 2 years started from 1700 OTB FIDE I managed climbed to the levels I was when I left chess. I played a couple of strong tournaments (>1950 and >2100) recently, which made me realize, after analyzing my games, that I need to change my approach to studying. The main issue is that CM openings are not suitable for somebody with so little time to study per day. Why? There are just too many forcing variations to remember, especially when playing with White. It also doesn't help that I don't memorize so well. While learning the openings you are kind of a happy because you have the feeling that you improving / learning something new. However, this is difficult to translate into a positive OTB experience, because either the mainlines are not played, or you end up in some sideline in a less played opening (i.e. Phillidor, Closed Sicilian) where you end up worse because you forget the moves that should be played. During my last tournament I observed that the difference between myself and stronger players is mainly in calculation /visualization. I have a very good understanding of strategy and evaluation of the position. So when I get a playable position, even if it is close to equality, I normally outplay weaker opponents. On the contrary, against stronger opponents, I am just not able to calculate as well, and would miss, not always the tactic, but some move that I should have consider. Now, to improve the calculation / visualization and getting rid of some bad habits takes time. So my plan, for the next couple of months, is to play a lot of training games, analyze games and train calculation / visualization / tactics. There will be zero time left for memorizing the opening repertoire. The only studies related to openings is analyzing my collection of model games. Basically, what I am trying to say, is that you have to diagnose what you need to change. By yourself or by some chess coach. And then try this for some months to see if there is any effect. Staying in the same range for many years indicates there is a need for a change. P.S. - If somebody (of similar strength) wants to play training games with me (minimum 30'+30'') then please drop me a message at my lichess handle:robche

Hey Paulius! 
I briefly checked your databases online and offline. Often, you play other than CM openings, but overall you're doing very good from openings. Overall chess understanding on your level seems also okay. 
I think you need to find out mistakes in - 1. Time management 2. Psychological issues 3. Calculation 

This is how I usually do when I see any of my students are stuck. No matter if I just started to train them or I'm training them for long period. 
1. I ask them to send their games but with notes on how much time they spend on each move. 
Often people are very good at chess, but they don't feel the critical positions and play fast in very important moments. 
Or they spend 30 minutes on simple moves… 

2. I ask them to play an online session and record it with a camera. Then I see their emotional state, are they focused… Are they tilting… 

3. For your level calculation and tactics are important. 
Especially when you joined ChessMood, you were from one of few guys, who were going to deeply into theory, asking too advanced questions… I and Gabuzyan kept repeating, that often our students are trying to learn opening for 500+ level than they're now. And you should try to go deep for around your level. 
Max 100 points more. But not analyze openings like you'll play against GMs every day. 
So I would recommend spending more time on middlegames, studying various books. Play more and analyze your games.  

Also, a personal coach with whom you can work even once a month, to get directions should help. 
I don't accept students currently, but if you're interested in, write to our clients' support, we'll connect you with one of our coaches. 

Hopefully this helps. 

Hi Paulius and all, you can't teach an old dog new tricks? I ask the question because both of us belong the the (senior) adult improvers. However, my answer is: yes, you can. My observations is that I had my best progress in chess when I got my whole body (and soul) in good shape. KPI dropped from 107kg to 93kg (I am 192cm tall). I walked hundreds of meters, drank less alcohol, did exercises, slept well etc. But those two COVID years brought me more or less back to where I started. What I am saying, maybe the route course for the plateau lies out of chess. Why not buy a rope instead of a new chess book?

Is this a new profile foto? Spirit of the warrior?! Cool.

Hello Paulius the Witcher and Chessmood family. I am also stuck in a plateau. For two years I have been stuck in the 2000-2100 Lichess rapid range. My user name is jean_valjean1967. I also am coming up on my one year anniversary with ChessMood. I use the simplified chess opening for white and recently started changing over to the black systems as well. I work on tactics through ChessMood and Chess Tempo. I study openings and quickly review my games. I truly believe I am improving and Love the courses (thanks to everyone who has a part in developing them!) I study about 1 1/2 hours per day and play a good bit online as well. I have been in this range for sometime and cannot figure out where to focus. I know my rating is lower than many who are members here and hope someone might be able to offer guidance. Thank you for this wonderful site :) Rick Janss

One question

Hi there Please could someone help me by formulating the ideal process to take to become a chessmood essential, thank you. Harry


If you're looking to join Chessmood and you need support, there is a contact us link at the bottom of the page.

Taking too much time on a puzzle

Today daily puzzle took me 32 min to find out the solution ! I knew what I needed to do but how to do it was the difficulty for me ! I did put it on the board to verify my first idea and played the moves . I refuted my first solution so kept on working on it . How useful is it to take such time compare to try for 5-10 min and then check the solution ? Usually , I feel I have to find it by myself , I avoid using any help except moving the pieces after a while . I m afraid it is not efficient .. what are your thoughts about this ?


Hi Denis,

I believe it's optimal when a puzzle takes max 5-7 minutes. As if it takes much longer, means it's a little complex and you can try to find easier-level tactics to improve your tactical skills. The tactic Ninja course will be a good way to improve.

Good luck!

Wolf of the chess street - section 6 - 9 strong defender

Good morning! Im watching wolf of the chess street course right now and I found some improvement in this position (attached diagram), black can play 1...Rxh4+ 2.Kxh4 Rh8++ and finish game faster. Petrosian64


I think you are correct ! Well spotted !

Thanks for the note!

I showed a mate in 3 while Rxh4+ is a mate in 2.

New article: How to Stop Blunders: The Ultimate Grandmaster Guide

Hello champions!

Imagine if you could reduce the number of blunders you make. How much higher would your rating be?  

Today, we’ve uploaded all the sections to the BlunderProof course and launched a detailed article on stopping blunders, where you’ll learn:

  • 16 practical tips to stop blundering (and the reasons behind the blunders)
  • 5 tips to stay hyper-focused during the game.
  • How to warm up before a game/tournament and not be rusty?
  • Why underestimation and overtrust can lead to blunders, and so much more!

Go read it here👇

And share your thoughts under this forum thread.


Nice article which everyone should read.👍 (Note: you wrote "he said smth like", guessing it should be "he said something like")

The most useful course so far for me ! I was always looking at the other boards but since I did the course , I completely stopped it and I see a huge difference already !

The Scotch opening

Hello all I am wishing to use my access to this resource by studying, mastering and implementing the Scotch game. I have an example of having performed this opening with success in my recent chess history. I would like to apply and extend the knowledge and skills that I have gained so far in learning and practising this opening, and its resultant machinations. The example of my game can be found here: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 f6 4. dxe5 fxe5 5. Bg5 Nf6 6. Bb5 a6 7. Ba4 b5 8. Bb3 Bb7 9. Nbd2 Nb4 10. c3 Nd3+ 11. Kf1 Nxb2 12. Qe2 Nc4 13. Nxc4 bxc4 14. Bxc4 d6 15. a4 Qd7 16. a5 c5 17. g3 h6 18. Bxf6 gxf6 19. Rg1 Qg4 20. Nd2 Qh3+ 21. Rg2 O-O-O 22. Nf3 f5 23. exf5 Qxf5 24. Bd3 Qe6 25. Be4 Qb3 26. Bxb7+ Kxb7 27. Qe4+ Kc7 28. Qe3 Qb2 29. Rc1 Qa2 30. Nd2 Qxa5 31. Nc4 Qb5 32. Qd3 Rb8 33. Rb1 Qc6 34. Rxb8 Kxb8 35. Na5 Qa4 36. Qxa6 Qa1+ 37. Ke2 Qxc3 38. Qb7# 1-0 As you can see, I ended with check-mate. Should there be anyone else of this disposition, who wishes to engage me in lively discussion as to how maximisation of learning goals can be achieved - then kindly submit your remarks to my post. Thank you for reading my e-mail message, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards Harry


Should you even have a chess coach?

Isn't it good enough to study on your own? What exactly is a chess coach good for? It's much more simple to do it without one than with one. I would really appreciate all thoughts on this, I've been thinking about this for a while now.


It's definitely not necessary to have a coach if you want to improve (at least until 2200/2300 FIDE in my opinion). But it can be helpful: - The coach will be better than you to identify your weaknesses - The coach knows what is useful to study/learn to achieve good results and what is a waste of time (for instance he will prevent the students to spend too much time on opening theory or to read Dvoretsky Endgame Manual if he doesn't have the level etc. and help to focus on the important areas). - The coach can help you with everything related to mindset/psychological pressure etc. - The coach will give homework/tasks to do etc. That can be good for people that have difficulties being disciplined etc. Hence, I think a coach can be considered as a "shortcut" for improvement even if you still have to work hard on your own if you want to achieve your goals. But it's definitely not mandatory with all the great content available nowadays :) EDIT: I just started to reach Advanced Chess Tactics by GM Lev Psakhis and here is what he says in the preface: "Don't forget that improvement (and not just in chess) can result only from independent work. The best coach in the world can only help you with useful advice and a selection of important material - it is still up to you to assilimate it!"

New article: The "Smiling Pillow", Todd Hermann, and the Thief

I would know that today was a great success if at the end of the day I did, said, or felt … 

Continue the sentence in the comments. 

And if you’re unsure of the answer, check out our just-published article. 

You’ll love the concept from the World’s leading expert on the mental game and peak performance.


I did my best ! Hi GM Avetik , this podcast was incredible ! Its amazing to hear from someone who is working with the best out there ! The pillow concept is probably true for everybody ( except maybe for psychopath or sociopath ! ) . I especially liked the last part about older people . Being myself 57 yrs old , I know its hard to change old habits but with the right mindset, the motivation and good work , I feel anything is possible and if I dont succeed , it wont be because I did not try ! Thank you very much for bringing this to us ! 👍

Smiling pillow is such a lovely concept! We all have a child inside of us, we can identify with this :)

Wonderfull article! But words are easy, you still have to do it. How to find the right alter-ego? I am a heavy procrastinator and in my 34 year of playing in a chess club I have not find the right thought proces that I can use constantly for every move I play, so my chess strenght goes up and down with every game I play. Once again, the concept looks wonderfull and beautiful, but like always, I suffer with the start of it and then to continue with it. Or is it because I want perfection from the start, not willing to fail (maybe my biggest mistake).

How to use MoodCoin?

It says that I can buy courses with MoodCoin...But HOW???🤔


Click Get lifetime access It s over the main quiz of any course . 1 k MoodCoins = 1 $

Study plan- How to stay disciplined?

I created a chess study plan for myself, and I keep going for 1 week, but then at some point I lose motivation and I completely stop. So my question is, how to stay disciplined and stick to the study plan even if I am not motivated?


Set achievable goals, and then break them down into sub-goals. Track the completion of your goals in a notebook or online tool such as Google Sheets. For example if a goal is to complete a particular course, you could break it down into a chapter per week. Build some slack into your schedule. We're not perfect studying machines.

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