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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Lost control of the centre

In the attached position, I'd followed the ideas in the hybrid e6 a6 advanced section, but since Black played d6 delaying the advance d5 until after o-o-o (which seems a lot more sensible). Unfortunately I go wrong here and try to get some space on the qside with b3, with the idea of getting in c3, and get busted with a great attack from my opponent. Obviously right now the Bg2 is bad, but it's acting as a king shield from the g-file and long diagonal if Black can open it, and maybe later could be used in the game. Any suggestions for learning to handle such sort of positions. I know post-game it's easy to know that the centre needs to be controlled to stop Black's plan of b4 o-o-o Rg8 d5 Rxg2 Nxe4 etc. White can keep the advantage with Nd5 which at first glance messes up the pawns, but then c4 is coming after.


The full game:

Perhaps a useful way to think about this position is statics vs dynamics. Statically, white is worse because there is an open file onto their king. So if black can complete development and castle long the position will likely favour them. But dynamically, white is better because 3 vs 2 minor pieces developed, they are already castled, and black has a loose piece on f6. All that points to white needing to play with some urgency to disrupt black. Therefore forcing moves like Nd5 and Bg5 (also a decent move) should be high on the list of candidates. I agree the pawn structure after exd5 looks a bit ugly at first sight. The cramping effect of the d5 pawn is nice though. It might just be one of those patterns that we learn from experience.

CM Grand Prix line with 6.. e6 - knockout win

CM came through for me in an OTB game yesterday.


French Tarrach 3.Nd2

In the short black opening version it says after 3.Nd2 Nc6 4.Ngf3 Nf6, ,,, that there is more to see/study in the main course. But I cannot find the Main course - where do I find it (I only find black playing sicilian, caro-cann and a few more,)?


Dear Erik, 
After finishing the courses that we are doing now on middlegame and endgame, we will go back to openings, publishing the Main course of the French attack which will be a complete repertoire targeted for advanced players. At the moment, there is only the French Attack course, which is enough to start playing it and get a good feel for it until 2000 rating. 
Of course since it is a practical repertoire the lines are not analyzed deeply in purpose.
If you are an advanced player and are very interested in this line, I would recommend you in the meanwhile the fantastic book by Dmitry Kryakvin The Modern French Volume 1 Tarrasch and Various Lines from 2020 where he also teaches this line with Nd2 and Nc6 and has very good analysis.?

French Attack

Dear Avetik, you sometimes refer to the 'main course'. Where is this, or what is meant by that. Love your site's content. Best wishes Thomas


Dear Thomas, 
After finishing the courses that we are doing now, we will publish the Main course of the French attack which will be a complete repertoire targetted for advanced players. At the moment, there is only the French Attack course, which is enough to start playing it and get a good feel for it until 2000 rating. 

Where is the main section for French playing as black?

In the Simplified Black Opening courses, references are made to more advance options in the "main section". May I know where can I find the main section to learn more about French when playing as black? In particular looking for the exchange variation with 4.c4, where Avetik recommend bishop develop to d4 instead of e7... Many Thanks in advance.


I think that's planned for later. Right now they're working on a number of middle and endgame courses as a priority. Unfortunately unless someone has a cloning machine there 2 GMs and not enough time right now. I would expect some time early next year as the earliest opportunity for more opening updates.

After finishing the courses that we are doing now on middlegame and endgame, we will go back to openings, publishing the Main course of the French attack which will be a complete repertoire targeted for advanced players. At the moment, there is only the French Attack course, which is enough to start playing it and get a good feel for it until 2000 rating. 
Of course since it is a practical repertoire the lines are not analyzed deeply in purpose.

3 weeks to go training programme

I have 3 weeks (actually 4 but I'm on holiday for a week) left before a long play tournament, most of the competition is around the 1900-2100 FIDE level. Interesting in suggestions for a warm-up training plan to get ready for it spending 2 hours a day.


General thoughts & ideas: - Regular solving of moderately challenging positions over the next 1-2 weeks, focusing on quality over quantity. Setup the positions on a physical board. - Switch solving to easier tactics in the final week. - Play some rapid games online, 15+10 or slower. 100% focus. Emphasis on disciplined thinking. - One or two OTB training games using the same time control as the tournament if you can manage it - Review a few favourite classical games for inspiration. If they are from a ChessMood course, use physical board as well as the video. - Take some days off so you turn up fresh and ready for battle. For openings, some light review. If you haven't already, check your online stats and perhaps put a little extra work into the weak spots. Think about who else is in the tournament and whether it's possible to predict some likely opponents. If so, it might be worth preparing some specific lines for a few people. Good luck!

I've got two drills worked out so far. The first is solving mate in 4 as was suggested by Coach Andras on YouTube. While the lichess mates aren't too difficult (if they were the study type it would be very difficult!) it helps get into the process of looking roughly in order of checks, captures threats. It also helps visualising a 4 move sequence. It doesn't train is looking for (or making) other targets than the king (and you know there is something there in 4) and the degree of visualisation is limited often to one or two pieces around the king's area. However it's a useful thing to do in isolation. The second I'm planning to do is to go through a number of games, but the purpose here is to take a side and visualise the next move and blunder check it. Again working on a small unit of the whole: visualising the next move, asking can it be taken, did it address the threats on the board, what threats the opponent now has, what does that move unprotect, etc. Perhaps looking through the games of sub 1700 players might be a good here since if it were a master game you'd expect to get lazy in that almost all moves (and more still in a published game) won't be blunders. Sub1700 though, some of those moves will be dreadful, particularly in faster games.

I was pondering this question again recently. I'm not sure what the stats are, but it seems there is a good chance of having at least one game that reaches an endgame and is played out in the increment, i.e. with just 30sec/move thinking time. So perhaps sparring some endgame positions, using a time control of something like 5min+30sec, would simulate such conditions and thus be a good warmup. And yes, I stole this idea from Chess Dojo, but if it works use it!

Stream missed opportunity

Was looking at the old stream how to crush 2000 ELO field. This game takes place about 50 minutes in. White (GM Avetik) plays the good h3 here, but the opponent manages the eventually draw. However there is a brilliant move here which destroys Black's position and leads to a win of material in many lines. I'll not spoil it right now. From Avetik_ChessMood vs ddd123ddd123 2019.02.21 (first match)


Nice shot!

Nice one David, nicely spotted!!?

The orange glasses

What were the orange glasses the GMs were using (I know the brand got mentioned once but I forgot it). I'm finding that after a week using orange filters a couple of hours before bed is helping my quality of sleep, more than just setting a nighttime filter on the laptop. Problem is LEDs are in the lights, TV, etc. It also means I can use that as study time rather than have to come away from the laptop much earlier. Unfortunately I'm experimenting using my ski-googles which makes me look a bit of a .... Anything I use would need to fit over glasses, and preferably not make my wife want to call the funny farm.


I would also be interested in learning more about these glasses! Alas, I think it is too late to stop my wife from calling the funny farm though...

There are different variants. 
I always bought Gunnar.

 Or you can find them on Amazon too. The first days feels strange. But then you can't sit in front of the computer without them :) 

Course Review Rating Not Appearing

Hi There I rated the latest course I did a couple of days ago, but the rating is not showing up. Normally when I rate a course it appears the same day, but not this time. Is there a glitch; the mods are a bit behind and I should wait or should I just give another rating in case it was something I did wrong? Course in question is Thanks in advance.


Thanks for letting us know Casey! No need to rate the course again, it is already reflected. By the way, if you could add some comment this will give us some feedback and it would be greatly appreciated. 

ChessMood club on

This club seems rather inactive for the last year or so. Is not any admin interested in arranging Vote chess with our ChessMood openings? According to my experience a lot of interesting discussions and study opportunities will atise in this form of chess.


I think it is a lost opportunity to really create a community study group. I think chessmood is awesome but would be even better if we were encouraged to work with each other to help our development. I think active learning in a group (for example look at Chess Dojo), if done well would turbo charge the chessmood effectiveness.

Official discord channel?

It would be useful to have an official discord channel (there are a few unofficial ones, and not all associated with chessmood only). This could also be an extra benefit of being a pro member.

 . To find adhoc partners to practise with or prepare for matches or adhoc games / tournament organising, particularly where more permanent arrangements don't work for busy schedules
 . Study and other analysis
 . Discussions (chess or Chessmood) that are more fluent that posting on the forum, including from Chessmood to its members to get opinions or to maintain a sense of family
 . Announcements from Chessmood (such as when a stream is about to begin)
 . General social (not chess) chit-chat that isn't possible otherwise (would need some house rules to request it not become offensive [either to groups or individuals], facilitate distribution of copyright materials or be of a nature unsuitable for children)


I agree with you. i do need more training partners for openings study and mdidelgame work

Hi David,

Great idea, especially for finding training partners


We will have to think about this because one of the things of Discord is that everyone's data is visible I believe. It is not a bad idea at all, the more the merrier and it may be interesting and maybe useful to some members. In the meanwhile I seem to remember that Kevin, Jay, Abhi and some others already were using a a channel for the same purpose? Can you tell us how is the experience?

Still some interest around this? Found some discord server that seems quite dormant. I feel a platform that's more direct than this forum and more free-style than the FB group could be beneficial. Are there any unofficial ones that are good?

Jobava line with f3

What about the following: 1.d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. f3!? ? I didn't find this covered, but I feel 4.. c5 should be the right move, but then white plays 5. e3 proceeds to play Qd2 and castle long, and black needs to either allow white to capture on c5 with pressure on the d5 pawn, or themselves capture on d4, after which the white queen-bishop battery is opened.


I checked this move on several books and courses like for exemple the Grunfeld repertoire by Svidler and it does not appear anywhere. Let's see if we can find some idea in the forum?.

4...c5 looks fine to me. If White has nothing better than 5.e3, it's not clear to me what they accomplished with an early 4.f3. dxc5 is usually well met by ..Nbd7 or ..Qa5. Sometimes we sacrifice d5 in exchange for counterplay. For example, because Nc3xd5 Nf6xd5 opens our Bg7, we might have ..Bxb2 followed by ..Bc3+. If White castles long without first playing dxc5, a pawn storm with ..c4 followed by ..b5 (with or without preparation) and ..b4 becomes a serious option.



Yes, black is playing c5-Nc6 building a good center with pawns and the pieces. Later on if white castles long there could be attacking chances on the queenside.

BlackMood Advance Repertoires

Is there going to be a Blackmood "Advanced" repertoire eventually? I think I read that somewhere or am I mistaken? Looking for some Classical Dutch with the 1...e6 move order for the future :)


Yes, this is the plan as Avetik said in some webinars. 
Still, with the Dutch Attack, even if it is not very deep, you can start to win anyways, no need to wait… ?

Maroczy with g3 and Qa5

Hotel to continue after 1.c4 c5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.d4 cd4: 4.Nd4: Nur 5.Nc3 g6 6.g3 Bg7 7.Bg2 0-0 8.0-0 Qa5 9.e3 Ne5 10.Qe2 d6 11.h3 Qb4 12.f4 Nc6 and now not the analyzed 13.Nc6: but 13. Nc2 More pieces onboard. Engineering Es like White. P,esse give a direction. Thanks Christoph


Dear Christoph,

The position which you are asking for is very deep and concrete. It is very practical and after Qc5 there is a lot of game ahead.

The reason I mentioned position is the majority of the opponent's U2300 levels will not get so far. What is your rating?
Mistakenly players try to drill very long deep lines, instead of learning healthy chess concepts. If you are 2200+ still this position is very practical, but otherwise, no need to focus on this, would be much better for your chess growth to improve through other aspects in chess.

Good luck!

Chessmood open round 2 - almost lost against kid from India

Hey chessmoodians, Here's my 2nd round of chessmood open, I played badly this game, was lost at couple of points but kept the mood and in the end won! Comments welcome ?


Good stuff Paulius - very interesting report as usual. A few random thoughts: - It's always a challenge playing kids! - It's understandable that you wanted to play a surprise line after getting out prepared the previous round. - The line you played looks quite interesting! - I thought Bxe4 was a natural looking move, but as you say could have been costly. Best not to dwell on it until after the tournament. - I was impressed by how you kept a level head and outplayed your opponent in the end.

Good game Paulius, thanks for sharing!

The 'Caro-Schlecter'

An interesting mash up, which might be a good blitz surprise weapon or for weaker players to avoid theory and play from similar ideas to the French line. d5 was wrong though as Ne5.


Sicilian: 2.. Nc6 with a6, b5 and after 9. Bg5 black goes f6 and e5

Yesterday I was confronted with the following: 1. e5 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nd4 4. Nf3 Nxb5 5. Nxb5 a6 6. Nc3 b5 7. d4 cxd4 8. Qxd4 Bb7 9. Bg5 f6!? 10 Be3 e5!? 10. Qd3 Bb4. Eventually I won, but I didn't find the position out of the opening comfortable, as it looks inevitable that black will get to play the freeing d7-d5. Turns out the engine also thinks black has equalized. In the course two possibilities are given for white on move 9, Bg5 and a2-a4. Shall we conclude that 9. a2-a4 is the way to go?


Hi, yes exactly 9..f6 was top egine line and also played as novelty by GM Bacrot as black but ok he played 10.. e6 and true 10..e5 with Bg4 is much better becasue after 11. 0-0-0 Bc3! is unplesent becasue our pawn e4 is hanging and no full compensation after 12. Qc3 Be4. Maybe better 9. Bd2 with idea 0-0-0 or 9. Bh4!? with interesting sacriface e5 10. Ne5 f:e 11.Qe5 Ne7 12. Rd1/0-0-0


In the position you mentioned white can play with a4 or castle, also as an alternative instead of Bg5 it's possible to go a4 or Bf4.
That position isn't very concrete and several moves are good for white.

Good luck!


Chessmood open - got beat up by GM badly in CM line

Hey folks! I'm participating in chessmood open and in 1st round I got badly beaten by 2500 GM (in chess I mean ??? ) Here is the game. My question to members and coaches - how to play after his good 7..Nc6 move. My thoughts - I should have still went for Rb1, 0-0, a3 plan


Hi Paulis, it's seems 7..Nc6 is strong move and also novelty no games in database only 1 in lichess But after 8. Rb1 he play a5 and not easy to get full compensation for pawn. Maybe better just first 8. 0-0 awaiting weeking e6 then 9.Bb2! and after 9..Bg7 10.Rb1 a5 11a3 and as in game after e6 12.Re1 But still need to be checked by GMs Good luck in other games!

Yes, I suspect this is engine preparation. 8.Rb1 seems strongest. I let Stockfish search for a while and it gives Rb1 a zero score at depth 47. The interesting thing is to look at *why*. Well, 8.Rb1 and then a5 is the consistent response. Other moves are possible but a5 is the most critical. The good thing is that we've gotten our rook off the long diagonal with tempo. The other key point is that the bishop will be protected after Bb2. We can follow the same plan that Paulius followed in the game, but it works a lot better with the bishop on b2 protected! So 8.Rb1 a5 9.Bb2! Nf6 10.h4 Bg7 11.h5 (With the Bishop on b2 protected, this now works.) Nxh5 12.Rxh5 Bxb2 13.Rxb2 gxh5 14.Ng5 And now the engine shows a draw score at fairly low depth. The key line is 14...e6 15.Nxf7 Kxf7 16.Qxh5+ and white has a perpetual. Of course a perpetual at move 16 isn't great if you're trying to play for a win. So I guess you need to look for a different option earlier. On the positive side Paulius, you came very close to playing the best response.

I believe that this should be played in Benko spirit, therefore you should not block the Rb1 by placing the bishop on b2. After Nc6, Rb1, if a5, just castle, Bg7 probably and then you go a3. This is where you want your bishop too pointing at e7 together with the Nd5. There was this game between Guseinov and Mamedov where White played 14.Bb2 but I read in some analysis by another GM somewhere that the Bishop a3 will be more useful than on b2 and I kept this in my mind. So I think a3, Ba3 should be a good plan, castle, Bf1 and then try to control the center. By the way, keep putting your games on the lichess study so we can all check them...

Hi Paulius, 

After Nc6 you can go with Rb1 move, Bb2 is also very playable, but trying to attack the pawn is my suggestion.

The best games of September, 2022, and the prizes

Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions! 
Welcome to the "Best games of September, 2022" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post the best games that you will play this month. 

The Prize fund is 350K MoodCoins which is equal to 350$.  

The 1st prize  - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize-  50K
The 4th prize- 30k
The 5th prize- 20k

Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood! 
#Right Mood - Right Move 

P. S.
Here are the winners of August, 2022:

Aayush Shirodkar
Vedant Garg
Rob Dzedzic
Regis H.
Paulius the Witcher


My good september games: typical auto attack against scotch early Nxd4/philidor structures:

I played this game in a G90 OTB tournament yesterday.

Caro-Kann .. nice tactic to finish the game Bxg6!!

Playing too much bullet at the moment but I'll share this one. Used the Fianchetto line vs Pirc, as recommended by ChessMood in some situations, and built up a nice advantage. Then, in typical bullet fashion, blundered away my advantage but kept fighting and found a novel double pawn sac to get the win.

Just a Crazy Game! Ne4!

Caro-Kann .. keep solid, put pressure .. opponent will eventually make a mistake

Tactic Ninja and Mating Matador courses work!

Isn't it time to pin this thread and un-pin the August thread?

Good win with Benko declined.

A very nice win ! in Scotch game


1. e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 3. Nc3 c5 4. dxc5 Qa5 5. Ne2 Bxc3+ 6. bxc3 Qxc5 7. Qd4 Qxd4 8. cxd4 Nf6 9. e5 Nd5 10. Bh6 Rg8 11. c4 Nb4 12. Kd2 d6 13. exd6 exd6 14. Nc3 Bf5 15. Re1+ Kd7 16. g4 Bc2 17. a3 N8c6 18. axb4 Nxb4 19. Bg2 Rac8 20. Nd5 1-0 I was white in a Classical Game

Hello ChessMood family, Here is the game I played recently for which I think it could be consider as one of the best in September 2022....regards, Igor [Event "Live Chess"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.09.13"] [Round "?"] [White "igormilenkovic1979"] [Black "Hugoglobe"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B20"] [WhiteElo "1300"] [BlackElo "1280"] [TimeControl "1800"] [EndTime "12:08:10 PDT"] [Termination "igormilenkovic1979 won by resignation"] 1. e4 c5 2. d3 Nc6 3. Nf3 d6 4. g3 g6 5. Bg2 Bg7 6. O-O Nf6 7. Nbd2 Be6 8. Re1 O-O 9. Nf1 Qd7 10. Ng5 Ne5 11. Nxe6 fxe6 12. f4 Neg4 13. Bh3 Nh6 14. Ne3 Nh5 15. c3 Nxf4 16. gxf4 Rxf4 17. Qb3 Kh8 18. Bxe6 Qc7 19. Nd5 Qd8 20. Bxf4 b6 21. Bg5 Qf8 22. Rf1 Bf6 23. Nxf6 exf6 24. Rxf6 Qg7 25. Raf1 Ng4 26. Bxg4 1-0

Just signed up here (less than a week) and trying the openings xD [Event "Rated Bullet game"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.09.14"] [White "voidfish"] [Black "mitrhim"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2022.09.14"] [UTCTime "21:51:01"] [WhiteElo "1641"] [BlackElo "1719"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+9"] [BlackRatingDiff "-7"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "120+1"] [ECO "B23"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Grand Prix Attack"] [Termination "Time forfeit"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. f4 { B23 Sicilian Defense: Grand Prix Attack } g6 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Bc4 d6 6. O-O Nf6 7. d3 O-O 8. Qe1 Bd7 9. f5 Nd4 10. Qh4 Nxf3+ 11. Rxf3 e6 12. Bg5 exf5 13. exf5 h6 14. Bxh6 Bxf5 15. Bg5 a6 16. Nd5 Nxd5 17. Bxd8 Nb4 18. Bf6 b5 19. Rxf5 gxf5 20. Qg5 { White wins on time. } 1-0

Clean attack and mate!


Like to add my game played against Owen Defense. Really thx for the teaching it helps to play confidently :-)

one of my best scotch games with a nice attack on the king [Event "Live Chess"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.09.18"] [White "zaid19990"] [Black "Socanh2016"] [Result "1-0"] [ECOUrl ""] [WhiteElo "1633"] [BlackElo "1802"] [Link ""] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Bc5 5. Nb3 Bb6 6. Nc3 Nf6 7. Qe2 d6 8. Be3 O-O 9. O-O-O Qe7 10. f3 Re8 11. g4 Bxe3+ 12. Qxe3 Nd7 13. Nd5 Qd8 14. h4 Nce5 15. g5 c6 16. Nc3 f6 17. Rxd6 fxg5 18. hxg5 Nf7 19. Bc4 Qe7 20. g6 Qxd6 21. gxf7+ Kf8 22. fxe8=Q+ Kxe8 23. Rxh7 Qf8 24. Qg5 Qe7 25. Qxe7+ Kxe7 26. Rxg7+ Kf6 27. Rg8 b5 28. Bd3 Kf7 29. Rh8 Kg7 30. Rd8 Nb6 31. Na5 b4 32. Ne2 c5 33. c3 Rb8 34. cxb4 cxb4 35. Nc6 Rb7 36. Ba6 Rc7 37. Nd4 Bxa6 38. Ne6+ 1-0

scotch game

A short game in Scotch line.

When your opponent helps you win! I just love the Scotch!

A very Nice !! Win in Scotch Game Rapid Arena

not the most accurate game but definitely the most bravest game ever

Against the French Chessmood line but luckily taught by GM how to handle :-)

Crazy Game!

Cool game with queen sac Time to sac both rooks and my queen... and it worked Also my game that got me to 1600 :) SLP in action. I blundered a piece but did not give up. I won the piece back and then had a nice mate.

Sometimes, the Karo-Can't ???

Hello!! There are 2 OTB games played in Junior Nationals attached by me in the below link.. 1st Game - A Clear power of a Monster Pawn e6 - Nf7 - Nd8!!! 2nd Game - A very Historic win against a Strong IM!!! 9th move is just amazing in practical world!! Bh3!!!! Then the game throughout is filled with depths of calculations!! Beauty!!! Classic!!!

Hello CM family, nice games all over the place! My first try in this competition. Sacrificing a Knight on c3 to crush the center...leading to a checkmate in the middle of the board. See you MF Clean squeeze

Antisicilian attack

A little Benko story... I saw that we are playing the Benko gambit so I gave it a go although I haven't study it yet, I just saw some model games... The first time I played it, my opponent resigned in 4 moves! So I liked the opening! lol The second time, I also won with 86.8% ( and the third time with 95.7%! (

Maroczy bind for black

English for black A 90|30 OTB game where I drew a CM (my rating is 1200 btw) with a queen sacrifice. Didn't play perfectly, of course.

Strong attack and sacrifice!

Champions, thank you for sharing your games! How are you all doing today? 

We enjoyed going through your games and seeing you score beautiful victories, keep it up! 

Moving on to the prizes for the best games of September 2022 now:

The 1st prize goes to Mogens Nielsen. The Queen sacrifice with the move 31.h6, and the mate after that were simply brilliant!

The 2nd prize goes to Marcus F. The concept to punish a careless move like 12…b5 by breaking opening the center and sacrificing a piece was remarkable.

Jay Garrison bags the 3rd prize. The idea of building an attack with h4-h5 in the Caro-Kann exchange was amazing!

Westin grabs the 4th prize for the killer 23.Nxf7 sacrifice in the Caro Kann Exchange.

Paulius the Witcher grabs the 5th spot. A classic demonstration of how to punish Black in the Scotch after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 ed 4.Nd4 Nd4.


And once again, thank you everyone for sharing your games! 

Keep the CoGro!

See you for the next month’s contest. Wish you all the best!

French Attack with 2.b3?!

I've been enjoying studying and playing the ChessMood openings, but had an OTB tournament game Saturday with black in a variation that I don't believe is covered in the course. It started 1.e4, e6; 2.b3. I wasn't quite sure what to do, but continued with 2...d5; 3.Bb2, dxe4. Any guidance on how to play this variation?


Hi! I think this is quite playable line (definitely not dubious) for white as game from olympiad when GM Christiansen almost lost showed. Black can get into trouble if he's not careful I had one OTB classical game (as black) vs this line and I played: 1.e4 e6 2.b3 d5 3.Bb2 dxe4 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.Qe2 Bb4 (I like this move instead of defending e4 pawn, focus on development) 6.0-0-0 (of course he cannot take yet on e4, as d2 would hang) Qe7 7.Kb1 (after 7.Nxe4 idea is Ba3!? 8.Nxf6 Qxf6! 9.d4 Qe7 with ideas of a5, Nd7 I think black has reasonable counterplay) Bxc3! 8.Bxc3 Bd7 (in order to defend central pawn with Bc6) and I think black has very reasonable game, now 9.g4 is white's best (in the game it was 9.Qc4?! Bc6 with edge for black) h6 with messy play and chances for both sides, but as black we can be happy. Of course there are other ways for black to play with example Nc6 after Qe2, but I like this simple approach

Hi Randy,

First of all, I see nothing wrong in accepting the pawn and developing through the center, however, to break the opponent's gambit spirit we may even continue with 3…c5 - Nc6 just developed the pieces through the center, positions are not concrete and good central development is a good choice! 

I think 2.b3 should be !? as intereting move definitly not dubious?!. It's very dengerous move especially for blitz/rapid/ I'm playing this sometimes as white and I propose for black 3.Bb3 Nc6!? not taking pawn and quickly prepare 0-0-0. In my oponion taking pawn e4 require good preparation from black becasue white has easy attack Qe2-g4 or just sacking for attack

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