Chess forum by Grandmasters
Chessmood Topics
Hey there,
I've noticed that some topics, e.g: Moodcoins or How to spend moodcoins are being posted every month. So I think before posting your question you should search If the thread has already been posted.
I haven't fully understood the concept behind Moodcoins. The description says that you can buy courses for them. However, I don't understand how or where. Does anyone know? And how many Moodcoins do one have to have to buy a course? Highly appreciates feedback.
Here you go:
Try this:
- Go to the Courses page and pick your course
- Select the option “Or get lifetime access”
- Select the option “Buy the course”
- In the right-hand section titled “Choose your payment method” the last option will be MoodCoin.
Remember that $1 = 1,000 MoodCoin. So, if the course costs $300 that is 300,000 MoodCoin.
Need to earn some more? Details are here:
Advanced French and Dutch Courses
When will the advanced French and Dutch Courses be released by chessmood?
Dear Ar Ray,
Thanks for your interest but we never provide any release date. We take a lot of time in selecting the best lines and this course is going to be very important. We always try to do our best and we expect to publish it this year, but we cannot say the date. 😅
Chessmood openings
How do you download the PGN and PDF files to the chessmood openings? And how do you manage to transfer them to lichess? I have managed to download them, but I can't open them in lichess, only in word in text format. Does anyone know? Highly appreciates replies.
Hi there,
I think there is an issue with the pgn files on Lichess. See here:
Stonewall, move order
I found a very instructive game when Carlsen applied the Stonewall. I understand most of his moves (at my level :-) but the move order with 4. … c6 before d5 I do not understand. Any ideas why 4. … c6 has been played first?
I have attached the pgn.
Best Regards, Kurt
Hi Kurt,
💪It's basically the same, but with d5 first if White takes on d4, we must take with the e pawn normally. If you play c6 first, you can take with the c pawn. That should be it, don't you think so? More options.😅
NEW ARTICLE: How to Use the Bishop Pair – 11 Key Concepts
We have this topic in our Blog:
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here.
Thanks for sharing very useful & instructive article !!
Avetik- yes that sentence. Now I understand :-)
Great article!
Perhaps a minor error in the last 11th example where it writes “4.Bd5 trying to close the d-file”.
Thought I'd help. Apologies if incorrect.
Question about the franco-sicilian defense
I've been struggling lately against the Franco-Sicilian Defense. Normally, when I face the Sicilian with ...e6 or the French Defense, I play the ideas from the courses. However, whenever I face the Franco-Sicilian, I'm confused because it's already too late to play the ideas of the Grand Prix. I may be missing something, but as far as I know, this topic is not covered in the courses. Any advice?
Yes, it is not covered in the courses yet. You are right. We must do an update in the future.
💪Still the advice is to go d5 and play a good Benoni for White. 😀
In GM Nils Grandelius mind
to whom it may concern,
as far as I see, the question No 2 in the quiz at game 5 is not working properly.
Thanks, we will check it out.
First Classical Tournament
At the ripe age of 49 I'm up to the big smoke this weekend in New Zealand for my first Classical tournament, 90+30. Looking forward to it, having only played Rapid tournaments so far.. and good to know ChessMood's got my back!
Cheers :-)
Break a leg!
Good luck, Tom!
Best of luck! I expect to hear your results!
exciting to hear, hope you have a great time
and home. phew! 3 days, 2 games per day, my first experience of this format, my brain is mush!
I played well, had a couple of wins, a draw (4 hrs), a loss against a 2300 player who played the Orthoschnapp gambit against my French and shredded me with superior piece activity, and the 6th game, yesterday afternoon, I was a pawn up, had 30 minutes on the clock vs 2 minutes on my opponent's, then my damn phone started ringing in my bag and I forfeited the game. I was certain I'd switched it off but hadn't triple checked. Painful!! I left it in the car for today :-)
Looking forward to going through the games with Coach Edo and continuing the learning!
Thanks for the support :-D
French Defense Problem
what to do if opponent play c5 before we play Bd3 in french defense, I mean e4 e6 d4 c5
This was a little discussed here:
In short- go 3.d5.
Sparing partner
Hy! My nick on cc is TomoRobo. My rating in rapid is 1900+ on cc. I would appreciate if someone on my level or better than me will play with me games, because I want to test some new for me openings and varations.
Hi Tom,
There is a dedicated thread for ‘sparring partner’ posts. You'll have better luck if you post your request here:
Good luck!
Please post your message in the dedicated thread that we have in order to look fo sparring partners and study companions.
Also check out the previous posts in the thread, maybe you can find a suitable partner.😄
I will delete this post in 2 days, please copy your message and post it in the above thread.😅
Should I take the challenge?
Just got an invitation to play in Saint Louis robin tournament ?
I didn't play professional chess for 8 years!
Should I take the challenge and crush them with our ChessMood Openings?
1. Yes
2. No
3. Of course!
I would love to see ChessMood openings in action. Who else would be playing and what time control?
Coach! I can tell by your post that you want to play! Do it! And give us all an example of the right mood in action! Follow your heart, and we are all with you!
You go for it, Avetik. I am sure!
If you can and are feeling the least bit of want to of course you should! We will support you either way! I always dreamed of playing a tournament but I know you have done that already! But if you still feel the drive why not! I know the whole Pro Member group would be cheering for you!
Of course! But if you're In the right Mood.
P.S. Right mood Right Move!!!
Just asking but… did you play?
Deferred Wing gambit
Please help! My friend who likes crappy openings has been playing this as white against me. 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. b4!! Please help! If I take with pawn he‘ll play d4. If I take with knight he’ll go c3-d4. Please make a video on this chessmood team!
Sincerely, Pengcheng
It is already there:
Best, Thomas
Caro kann course
I saw people talking about mistakes in the caro kann course which I haven't watched personally. But did the chessmood GMs go ahead and fix the mistake and rectify it even tho I have no idea what the move was I just wouldn't want to add an incorrect move to my Repertoire and I don't really use engine analysis much
Pomwene, I do not know what are you talking about.
First you need to be a member to watch the courses, you can be an essential member or a pro member.
You do not need to analyze the courses with an engine, this is not how the courses work. The Caro Kann course is a very good one, that can go very deep, but I do not recall that we had mistakes in it. Of course we are not perfect people and there can be some minor issue but nothing serious. Still you said yourself that you have no idea of what it was. Me neither.
Of course if you find them please let us know. 💪
Advanced courses for French and Dutch attack?
Hello, hope everyone is doing well! Just wanted to ask, will there be advanced courses for the chessmood openings French attack and Dutch attack (stonewall) in the future? The current coverage of these is far more basic than the in depth accelerated dragon course for example. It would be great if there are plans to create advanced courses for french and Dutch attack! :)
Yes, according to the email list, there are plans to release them by this year.
Yes, this is the idea as silly cate said. Still the goal of the Whitemood and Blackmood repertoires is to have a good easy to follow repertoire to start. Then yes, we will publish an advanced one since many people just love this concept, but there is more than enough to play it and have fun… The opening is not the decisive factor in a game unless you are 2400 or more, where it is more important…
hy im wating corus and in the simplisifd there missisng one key varioton in french attak where is e4 e6 d4 d5 ed5 ed5 nc3?
my openet played a several an i dont know wha to
plis ansewer
The best games of May, 2024, and the prizes
Hello ChessMood family, hello champions and future champions!
Welcome to the "Best games of May, 2024" competition.
Under this post, we invite you to post the best games that you will play this month.
The Prize fund is 350K MoodCoins which is equal to 350$.
The 1st prize - 150K
The 2nd prize - 100K
The 3rd prize- 50K
The 4th prize- 30k
The 5th prize- 20k
Good luck with your games and keep the Right Mood!
#Right Mood - Right Move
P. S.
Here are the winners of April, 2024:
Kiran Vanbrussel
Armandas Ledas
Regis H
Abhiraam Devulapalli
Joseph Zaffarese
nice attacking game in the scotch
A checkmate on move 17 with the Smith morra with 96 accuracy
A caro kann game with a sacrifice on h7
Another Caro kann with a rook sacrifice on h8
endgame domination
knight sac to bring the king to the centre
in a kind of marocy with Bg2, for getting a pawn, white jeopardized its king safety and paid the price:
Demolition in CM Scotch
I am with black, playing against Scotch - playing for a win in any circumstances. The opponent was prepared against the variation, because I used to play it with stronger opponents for a draw, but this time I need a win.
Classical game (1h30min + 30sec).
The game was broadcasted in lichess, if you need the link, I can send it upon request with full names and FIDE IDs there.
Played in woman national championship.
It was must win situation for black and black never played Najdorf before. I think it was a nice game with nice positional exchange sacrifice.
I am with black. Classical game (1h30min + 30sec).
The game was broadcasted in lichess, if you need the link, I can send it upon request with full names and FIDE IDs there.
Played in woman national championship.
Queen sacrifice with a nice mate to end the game. I just kept gaining tempi until I had all my pieces developped!
Welcome back to the main channel Best Games thread!
Anyway, i played this game and titled it a such.
“is a queen better than a rook and a piece?”
Nice win in the French (white) versus ..c5
My bishops became “monsters”,
Sicilian sideline , bishop monster on b7:
very strong attack against the caro khan
nice h file sac attack in petrov
OTB game that happened after painful losses. GP attack. some fun with the Knight sacrifice and checkmate in the end online blitz
Best game I've played probably. Definitely the highest rated player I've beaten. Classical Shield Arena in French Attack. Made a couple mistakes in the opening, but my opponent failed to capitalize and I was able to finish with a nice checkmate.
Quick demolition in CM Antisicilian in OTB rapid game.
Demolishing the Dutch
A queen sacrifice to finish it off.
Rook sacrifice in CM Antisicilian that wasn't accepted twice ;)
A game with typical CM Caro Kann Results, slow buildup and a final BOOM! regrouped pieces and eventually found the right moment to strike with a sac
Played a good game, nearly perfect except for a few moves. Feels nice to find 10.Nd2! Followed by 11.Ne5!
I played very nice French games recently (as black) in OTB tournament against much stronger players, very proud on this one!
Good positional win in Exchange CK with Qb6
I tried to follow the plan (knight on d3) but would be curious to know from the IMs/GMs where I can improve as I’m often struggling in this variation and I get it a lot!
Nice exchange sac in the accelerated dragon against 2400
Miniature in Accelerated Dragon
SLP example here
My opponent accused me of cheating, after playing this game in Titled Tuesday today. CM Benko :)
A game of French Defense
3 brilliant moves against the caro kann!!!!!! with a underpromotion checkmate
I won against a 2430 player on with a knight sacrfice on f2 !!
a game against the owens defense. the endgame was good
Perfect game in the scotch
A game against the Owens defense with passive play from black
Philidor defense game
Opponent played a sideline covered in the course
The real sweet move was I unpinned my king from their bishop with a 0-0-0 CHECK, then that knight that became unpinned was able to take their queen!
Move 11. Very proud :D
This brutal attack against the Sicilian Dragon was very quick, and the computer only deemed one move to be inaccurate
Scotch first victory of a long series hopefully, playing dutch Attack for the first time!! 😂
Chess Analysis Board and PGN Editor - Beautiful Game with a very nice sacrifice 😀
greymood dutch + nice discovery
Brutal attack in french exchange
Definitely my best game in May. Chess: pujionobralin vs ThankfulBone - 110119282837 -
highest opponent I’ve beaten
best course for me is white side caro Kahn
thanks Avi
My beautiful game against the king's pawn opening💖😊
♟️♟️😀😀️ I played with full focus and determination and I totally demolished my opponent who was 143 points higher than me! I hope you all will like it! Thank you!!!
My extremely elegant sacrifice with the rook, he resigned!😍💎
An SLP demonstration of creating chaos in a lost position. This game may make you question the definition of king safety.
hellojocky's Study •
Finqally got the Duth Defense to work!
White-Samrodz-1942, Henry-1772
1. d4 f5 2. Bf4 Nf6 3. e3 e6 4. h3 h6 5. c4 b6 6. Nc3 Bb7 7. f3 Bb4 8. Bd3 Bxc3+
9. bxc3 d6 10. Ne2 Nbd7 11. O-O O-O 12. Rc1 Kh8 13. Bb1 g5 14. Bh2 Rg8 15. e4 f4
16. e5 dxe5 17. dxe5 Nxe5 18. Qa4 Qd2 19. Rfe1 Nxf3+ 20. gxf3 Bxf3 21. Qc2 Qe3+
22. Kf1 Bxe2+ 23. Qxe2 Qxh3+ 24. Qg2 Qh4 25. Rxe6 Ng4 26. Bg1 Rae8 27. Rce1 Ne3+
28. R1xe3 fxe3 29. Rxe8 Rxe8 30. Qf3 e2, resigns 0-1
Drawing vs IM!
Nice exploitation of the e4 weak square, and good endgame conversion.
Crushing with the dutch attack
Nice scotch attack
French exchange with some brilliancies
GP mating attack
positional game using a weak spot on f2 and waiting for the opp to make a mistake and then finding a beautiful tactic what an slp
Hello champions!
How are you?
Thank you for sharing your games. It was our pleasure to go through them. We found many instructive moments, and it always brings a smile to our faces to see you apply what you've studied. Keep it up!
Now, onto the prizes:
1st Prize: Roy Li. You played a fearless attacking game, right from building the attack to closing it out! The moves 21.Bh6! and 22.Nf6! were simply brilliant sacrifices, and the final finish was perfect! Nicely done!
2nd Prize: Mateo Jackson. In this game, the sacrifice with 14.Nd5 was an excellent find! The way you built up your attack with patience, bringing all your pieces, and not hurrying to capture material was fantastic to see! Good job!
3rd Prize: Samuel Marsden. You played a very nice game, showing how to take the initiative in opposite-side castling positions and make the best use of it! Right from destroying the Queenside structure to sacrificing an exchanging with Ra2 and attacking with all your pieces, you played well. Good game!
4th Prize: Skipper chess. You know the enemy King is in big trouble when you have 5 pieces, including a Queen and two Rooks, near it. The way you got all your pieces there without playing any risky moves was really cool. Well done!
5th Prize: Marius Cornee. It looked like White was almost going to crash through your queenside defenses, but you sacrificed the Rook with 25…Rg3 at the right time and wrapped up the game in a kill box checkmate. Good job!
In the PGN file attached, you'll find the winning games, plus many instructive model games 😊
Congratulations to all of you.
And thanks, everyone, for sharing your games once again!
See you in the next month’s contest. All the best!
4-Knights or Accelerated Dragon Sicilian
I have been playing for about two and a half years now, my rating is bouncing between 1600 and 1800 and collected some experience in all parts of the game. But when it comes to my beloved Sicilian Defense, I have always faced a bit of a dilemma: Shall I go for the Acc. Dragon given by the ChessMood team, or keep my Four Knights Sicilian (1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 (…g6 would be the Acc. Dragon) 5.Nc3 and now …e6. This is my move order of reaching the 4-Knights Sicilian.)
Could anyone with some experience give me some advice?
Thank you in advance, Marius :D
TLDR - you're not giving enough information for someone to give definitive advice.
There is nothing particularly wrong with the Four Knights Sicilian so if you're scoring OK with it then it might make sense to stick with it. Perhaps your opening study time could be better spent on another part of your repertoire. I'd look at your win statistics across your entire repertoire to see what needs attention.
And even if you aren't doing well with the Four Knights, it could be more efficient to improve your knowledge of it rather than switch openings. It's hard to know without seeing your games, the sorts of positions you are getting, and how you're handling them. Also, do you have some good study material, i.e. a book or a course, on the Four Knights?
And of course, if all your openings are in reasonable shape then it may be better to focus on other parts of your game whether it be tactics, positional play, attacking play, endgame knowledge etc. Do you feel like you have weaknesses in any of these areas? If possible, have a stronger player look at your games and get their opinion.
On the other hand, it can be good to learn a new opening (but not too often) because it keeps things fresh and exposes us to new ideas and new types of middlegames.
Course Completion
Hi Chessmood,
I have a query regarding the completion of 2 courses- Defend with Honor and In GM Gabuzyan's Mind.
I have completed the courses, quizzes, tests and I also ensured that there is a ✅ in front of every video and I got a certificate also for the tests.
Still it is not showing a ✅ here in both the courses.
Please tell what is the issue and what shall I do.
Have you got a tick in front of the introduction video? This doesnt automatically tick when previewing the course.
Hope this helps.
All is correct in this account. There is no problem at all. All is complete, please check it again.
NEW ARTICLE: Analyzing Blitz Chess Games: Why? And How to Do it!
Hey Champions!
We have this topic in our Blog.
If you have any questions, comments or you just liked it, feel free to share your thoughts here.
What an article!
Agree completely but not bullet games. As a senior 5+3 is enough :)
Excellent Article !!
Great article. I've never looked at my blitz games before but I will start now!
I remember I used to play 3 min on Chesscube, save the instructive ones on Chessbase, analyze them, noting the big mistakes (tactical or strategical), saving the games to my phone, and looking at them from time to time.
It really helped in winning my next tournament!
Hi, I am wondering How do i go about the Golden Rule and Anlayzing my Blitz Games? Do I play my 9 games an then I do start analyzing them, or do I start doing it as soon as I finish a game? Then What about if I follow the advice of taking a 15 minute break betwewen two 9 rounds? Should I analyze the first 9 games before moving on?
Hi everyone! Excelent article! The concepto of unconcius competence, etc, were very interesting. I'd start using them in my next Blitz analisys! Congrats GM and lets keep all cogrowing!
wow i will start doing it now
This is awesame! I am going to do it right now!!!!!
Helpful article, on my way to improving!
Help with Saragossa Opening
Hello everyone,
I was playing in a online blitz tournament today and faced this Saragossa opening per the analysis board. I won the game but I have never heard of this opening. Here is the link to the game so you can see the opeing.
Can anyone tell me where to find help in Chessmood courses for when I face this opening again?
Thanks for your help!
This is not even an opening. Lichess or use lots of opening names that chess players do not know in many cases. We have some friends chess players from Saragossa (Spain) and they did not even know that 1.c3 was named after their city… That tells you how popular it is…
Anyways, this is how you deal with unusual moves like this one.