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Chess forum by Grandmasters

The Best Game with ChessMood Openings and the Prize

Dear PRO Members! 
This month we have a new nomination!

"The best game with ChessMood openings"

Please post here your games played online or offline when you win with our ChessMood Openings.
At the end of the month we will vote and find the winner, who will get another 1 month of Membership or "Right Mood - Right Move" t-shirt. 

Let's go! 


Scotch Game slaughter!

Here is my game!

Here is my game. I lost, but I tried... :( haha

Feeding the Dragon!

I have 2 entries.  Full disclosure, these are daily games and using a reference (like Chessmood and the chessbase database) is perfectly legit.

The first here is a total decimation of the Rossolimo variation. This game was given a 99.4% rating by the engine

In the 2nd game my opponent tries to give me a dose of my own Chessmood medicine. Obviously he has not seen Crushing All the Sicilian's Sidelines

This is one of my most beautiful games that I have ever played with ChessMood Openings!

I added variations to highlight beautiful lines. The fireworks start at Move 15.

[Event "2019 Cleveland Open"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2019.07.04"]
[Round "4"]
[White "Me"]
[Black ""]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B23"]
[WhiteElo "2018"]
[BlackElo "1968"]
[Annotator "klhoc"]
[PlyCount "39"]
[SourceVersionDate "2018.12.22"]

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 a6 3. g3 b5 4. Bg2 Bb7 5. d3 e6 6. Nh3 Nf6 7. O-O d5 8. exd5
Nxd5 9. Nxd5 Bxd5 10. Bxd5 Qxd5 11. Nf4 Qd7 (11... Qc6 {Keeping control of the
a8-h1 diagonal} 12. a4 bxa4 13. Bd2 $16) 12. b3 Bd6 13. Bb2 O-O (13... Bxf4 14.
Qf3 Nc6 15. Qxf4 O-O 16. Bxg7 Kxg7 17. Qg5+ {White should force a draw because
Black can improve the knight with ...Nd4 which limits the dark-squared bishop.}
) 14. Qf3 {Preparing Bxg7} (14. Bxg7 Kxg7 15. Nh5+ Kh8 16. Qf3 Be5 17. Qxa8)
14... Ra7 (14... Qc6 15. Qg4 g6 {White still has the attack in the position.})
15. Bxg7 Kxg7 (15... Bxf4 16. Bxf8 Kxf8 17. Qxf4) 16. Nh5+ Kh6 (16... Kg6 17.
Qg4+ Kh6 18. Qg7+ Kxh5 19. g4+ Kh4 20. f4 Be7 21. Qxh7+ Kxg4 22. h3+ Kg3 23.
Qg7+ Kxh3 24. Rf3+ Kh4 25. Qh7+ Kg4 26. Qh3#) 17. Nf6 (17. Qf6+ $2 Kxh5 18. h3
Bxg3 19. fxg3 Qd4+) 17... Be7 (17... Qe7 18. Qh5+ Kg7 19. Qg5+ Kh8 20. Qh6 Qxf6
21. Qxf6+) 18. Qh5+ Kg7 19. Qg5+ Kh8 20. Qh6 1-0

i have won with an IM in the ac dragon i just followed your line after within 3 moves he gave resign

anti sicilian part 1 trap

Sicilian sidelines, thank you for the ideas GM Gabuzyan! 

Anti - Sicilian ambush!

Almost everyone falls for this trap in the French!

Following ChessMood Openings lead to an easy win! They fell for the French Trap with Be3 pin again! Haha.

This is one of my games in a recent tournament. I answer d4 move with Benko gambit. In the middlegame, I create the second weakness to my opponent with f5,  he makes blunder after that. Alexander Ong 0-1 Lye Jiun Yin, Malaysia Chess Challenge 2019, 2019.08.14[Event "Malaysia Chess Challenge 2019"][Site "Cititel Hotel"][Date "2019.08.14"][Round "4"][White "Alexander Ong"][Black "Lye Jiun Yin"][Result "0-1"][ECO "A58"][Source "Analyze This App"]1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5 4. cxb5 a6 5. bxa6 Bxa6 6. g3 d6 7. Bg2 g6 8. Nc3 Bg7 9. e4 Nbd7 10. Nge2 O-O 11. O-O Ne5 12. f4 Nd3 13. Qc2 c4 14. Bf3 Qb6+ 15. Kg2 Nd7 16. Nd1 Nxc1 (16... Rfb8 17. Be3 N7c5 ) 17. Qxc1 Rfb8 18. Nec3 Nc5 19. Rb1 Nd3 20. Qd2 Qa5 21. Be2 Ra7 22. Bxd3 cxd3 23. Re1 Bd4 (23... Rab7 24. e5 dxe5 25. fxe5 e6 26. dxe6 f6 ) 24. Nf2 Rab7 25. Nfd1 Bc4 26. a3 f5 (26... Rb3 27. h3 Qa7 28. a4 e6 29. dxe6 fxe6 30. Rc1 d5 31. exd5 Bxd5+ 32. Nxd5 Qa8 33. h4 Qxd5+ 34. Kh3 Qf5+ 35. g4 Qd5 ) 27. Nf2 (27. exf5 Bxd5+ 28. Kf1 (28. Kh3 Bc4 29. fxg6 hxg6 30. Ne4 Qf5+ 31. g4 Qf8 32. Kg2 e5 ) ) 27... Bxc3 28. Qc1 d2 0-1(Sent via Analyze This

Just to show that I do play games OTB. Here is a Scotch Game played on Lichess. Time control 30/30 inc. Although it is a Scotch Game it may be disqualified on the grounds that I forgot to play the critical h4 move during the game. Still, it is a well played game that should've ended in a draw.  I think my opponent made a miscalculation in time pressure that cost him the game.

Here is another Scotch Game. Ended prematurely but it was still a good example!

This is my game in Anti Sicilian

Entry 1

Benko Gambit.Big Thanks to GM Avetik and having so much fun playing this line.

Entry 2

Against CaroCann. Again I have to say the courses are very useful guys!

Another Accelerated Dragon:

Chessmood surprise for my 2530 GM opponent!)

Probably one of the best games I have ever played!

Hey Champions! 
It's time to reveal the best game in August with ChessMood Openings.
The game that gets most likes will be the winner. 
You can share it with your friends. 
24 hour has left :) 

Stockfish at lichess

Hi guys, does anyone use stockfish at lichess? It has 8 levels, I always win against 6 and lose to 7. Can this be somehow translated into playing strength? 



Hi all what do people think about 1 d4 Nf6. 2c4 Nc6??  The 2 knights tango as black?  Thanks Marc


Hey Marc! Interesting, but not very good :) 

Na4 vs Modern Maroczy

I'm not sure if I somehow missed this in the videos but it seems after... A5 in modern maroczy White has Na4 and if Nfd7 then 0-0-0 has been scoring heavily for white in the databases. Is there an improvement after this or perhaps after Na4? 


That variation is not possible against the line given in the course.

Papa, which line? 




Hi again,

What do people think about these lines for black in QGA??

1d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3. Nf3 Nf6 e3 Bg4! 5 bc4 e6 if 6. Qb3 Bxf3 7. Gxf3 c5! Qxb7 nbd7 9dxc5 Bxc5 10f4 o-o 11Nc3NB6 12Bb3 Nbd5 13 Nxd5 Nxd5 14 Bd2 Rb8 15 qa6 and qf6!?  Keeping tension.

If 6.h3 Bh5 7. Qb3 Bxf3 8. Gxf3 c5 9. Qxb7 Nbd7

If 6nbd2 then a6 7o-o Nc6 8.b3 Bd6 9.Bb2 0-0 10 h3 Bh5 11.Be2 Qe7

To add or as alternative to Benko. You sac material, open lines, active pieces!!!  Same as Benko but less to learn....?

If 1d4 d5 2. C4 dxc4 3. E4!! Nc6! 4. Nf3 Nf6!!

Lines from Delchev and Semkos book Understanding QGA.




Marc, there are lot's of more lines, you should learn in QGA. 
In the mentioned line with Bg4, for white h3, g4 idea is strong with Bf1 back, Bg2 in future. 

Semi Slav?

Hi all, whick to add to Benko?  Semi Slav or grunfeld?  A lot more theory on grunfeld!?!???  And positions ok if miss exact theory in semi slav compared to grunfeld!?!?!

Thank you for time and patience,



In both lots of things to learn... 
Maybe King's Indian will be easier. 

Sicilians i lost and please point out my mistakes

Hi Guys, my sicilian games as black in which i lost, i need your view on pointing out my mistakes


Hi Muizzuddin! 
I am sending you file, where I pointed out the mistakes you did in the openings. 

Here I have 3 notes and recommendations for you. 
1. Please, watch one more time Gabuzyan's course, Sicilian's sidelines, especially the 1st section, Alapin. You mess up there a lot. 
2.When you play Acc dragon, the idea if it's possible to go d5 immediately.
3. And don't mess up acc. dragon with Modern Maroczy.

Rules for when opponent has initiative.

It was a little hard to understand you in today’s lecture about when opponent has the initiative. What were the rules again? I tried to watch the replay but still had some trouble understanding you.

It sounded like you said change game force? I got the exchange pieces.


Did anybody understand the rules? Please explain I didn’t understand. I got keep center closed and exchanging pieces is good.

Quick Question about line in Scotch

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Qf6 5. Nf3 Bc5 6. Nc3 Nd4 7. Nd5 Nxf3+ 8. Qxf3 Qxf3

Is what we played. Should I have played 6.Bg5?  

If 6. Bg5 isn’t b2 hanging or is there trap?  

And yes I messed up by not capturing...Nxf3 with pawn on g2. This was not my best game I was a little intemidated by my opponent rating and also ended up playing real-time both I shouldn’t have done.


Hey Brad! 
Check out this one! 

Who is your fav. chess player?

For me it's bobby fischer. There is one similarity between him and me. He only loved chess in his whole life and same with me. I love chess more than anything. Another thing I noticed that he was an introvert personality and same with me. Another thing similar to him and me was study whole day like he did . nowadays I have time issues otherwise when I was beginner I studied 18 hrs a day and gained 120 points in one event after 2 month of prep. 

I just love him.



I am! I enjoy many masters but ultimately I play chess for myself.

Posting games on Facebook

I like to make small videos of my games and post them in Facebook when I win. Just like a memory for my self or something like that. The nice thing is Facebook shows me the posts I made from a year ago on the same day. This is really cool because I see my old games. I been watching how I used to play compared to the games I have today and I can see a huge improvement. Thank You ChessMood!



Invisible Chess Moves

Um I am following latest events in midnight nowadays. I was watching live commentary of singufiled cup 2019. Both Anand  and Magnus missed retreating moves. How is it possible?

I meant they are top players in the world but still why it's hard for them to find a backward piece move?

Yes from the very beginning we learnt to move pieces forward but is there is no solution of this issue about finding backward moves in tactical or strategical positions?

Any book which covers puzzles or strategies based on backward moves?


Well there are many reasons: time control, lack of concentration, misevaluation 

Invisible Chess Move is a book 

Opening Advice.

Can anyone suggest a line for white against Benko Gambit?

I know plans from black side but confused which line is fine for white to hold.

I just do not feel comterble with g3 lines bec black's put so much pressure and I cant handle it well.

I like the e4 Bxf1 line now.

I need suggestions as white because I am preparing d4 too.


The most serious line against Benko gambit is the King Walk Variation with 12.a4. 

Hi Abhi

This is Sunny, Pro Member, I am studying the benko gambit as Black. My rating is 2000+ on Would you like to practice if you want to play white d4 move?


Abhi, 12.a4 is the most challenging line!

Benko Gambit Practice

Hi My name is Sunny. A Pro Member in ChessMood

Am watching videos on Benko Gambit. Would like to seek members here to practice together. Anyone would be interested? 



Nice :) Sunny, also post your rating, so people would understand your level. 

I'm interested! 

There's a similar forum 

Hi Sunny,

That's really a good idea and I think there are a lot of people interested in. Unfortunately I suggested that most of them may play with black :-)

Best regards

Martin is rook_snatcher

Good job guys! 
This is the best way to improve - to practice the learned knowledge. 

Looking for opening for black against c4

Is it any best variations against first move 1) c4. (White may not enter the marozy bind line)


Many variations. KID setups, 1...e5. The current main line is the Reversed Dragon with 1...e5, 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.g3 d5

Yeah, Derek, many things. 1...e5 you can go with Reversed Rossolimo.

Discord Server

Hey everyone, I made a discord server that is "unofficial" but where we can talk and send ideas, share links for webinars etc without having to be on facebook.  This is completely optional and just for fun. Please don't feel obligated to use, and I am sure the ChessMood family will still be using the FB chat. 

I also made ChessMood an admin on discord so they can control it as they see fit.  Here is the link for anyone interested!



Super Matt! 

ChessMood Pro Discord Server

Matt has created a Discord server for our Pro Members. Using Discord will be a great way to communicate with out blowing up the Messenger channel. It is a free download and is easy to use.

The link to join the server is:



Defending a castled King

Hi Coach and Chessmood family,

     Are there any good ways to practice defending a castled king? I often blunder in situations when my castled King is under heavy pressure, i.e. I move the pawns forward, or move defending pieces on the wrong squares etc. If there are any good tips do let me know. Thanks guys.


Don’t move the pawns in front of your king because that creates weaknesses. Be aware of your opponents threats and solve tactics on

Bobby, one of the great ways, would be exploring commented games of an aggressive player (e.g Alekhine), who was checkmating everyone left and right. 
And see the comments, what was the decisive mistakes of opponents. 
This will help a lot. 

Accelerated Dragon

In the 7.f3 video, eventually it is recommended that black play 9. Rb1 d5! and it is mentioned that it is covered in the advanced sections but I can't seem to find it.  Can anyone direct me to where this is covered specifically? 



Hey Matt! 
Sorry for that, will add it. 

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