100 Strategic Masterpieces

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100 Strategic Masterpieces

Course 109 episodes
(29 hours 53 min)
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan

Imagine you are traveling to Paris. You know only 3 streets in the city and have no access to GPS. So there’s a high chance you might get lost in the city, right? 

But what if you knew 50 streets instead of 3? What about 200? Of course, then it’ll be easier to find the route! 

The same is in chess: the more chess classics you know, the easier to navigate chess positions! ...


At the same time, knowing how to study them is also equally important.

Anyone can memorize the moves, but it’s the concepts and underlying thought processes which inexperienced players find difficult to grasp.

That’s where the expertise of our Grandmaster coaches, with over 10 years of coaching experience, kicks in! 

They’ll explain the underlying thought process, gently nudge you to remember essential information, and share many fun stories!

Our team has chosen only the most instructive games, where every game has a clear takeaway. 

Below are some of the positions taken from the course:

Commented classical gamesCommented classical gamesCommented classical gamesCommented classical gamesCommented classical gamesCommented classical gamesCommented classical gamesCommented classical games

To extract the most out of this course, follow the 3 instructions given by GM Avetik in the Introduction:

  • Pause and think when our GMs ask you to do so.
  • Watch only 1 game each day.
  • Don’t try to memorize all moves of the game.

You’ll fall in love with chess classics and also become a better player in the process, just like many of our students! 

Let’s begin! 

Additional Reading: You may find it helpful to read what happened after the Arabkir Chess School introduced chess classics to their students.

What you'll learn

  • Why you should study chess classics?
  • Important strategies like making the right exchanges, finding plans, prophylaxis, etc.
  • Typical middlegame ideas and concepts in different openings like King’s Indian Defense, Caro-Kann, Ruy Lopez, etc.
  • How do you apply what you learn from classics in a real game? GM Avetik shows how he used an idea he learned from Kasparov's game!
  • The winning strategies used by great chess players like Fischer, Capablanca, Alekhine and others. 
  • Instructive games played by the world champions and legends of the game.
  • How do you win winning positions?
  • How to save losing positions and much more. 

Course Content

  • 109
  • 517
    Quizzes & Trainings
  • 1
  • 29 hours 53 min
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Students give this course an average of 5 out of 5 stars.

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play 109
quize 517
Quizzes & Trainings
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time 29 hours 53 min
Creators GM Avetik Grigoryan
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Cheers! Charlie

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