The Spirit of Warrior

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  • GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

The Spirit of Warrior

Understand why fighting spirit is so important in chess and how do you develop it.

Psychology and Mental Toughness | 1 min read
The Spirit of Warrior

Dear chess lovers,

I want to talk with you about a very sensitive topic in chess, which I started to think about during a class with one of my students. Let me take you deeper into this story.

We were analyzing one of the games played by him during a tournament. After some discussion, I had to ask: “Why do you play chess?” And the answer was, “I don't know, I like it, I feel happy when I win.”

I asked that question because watching his moves, I felt a lack of fighting spirit and some kind of an irresponsible mindset. And the reason was him being in a position not very pleasant to play.
Our conversation inspired me for this article.

Some people play chess without clear motivation!
How can it even be acceptable?

Quote by Steve Jobs on vision

And what makes me so angry about it, while playing chess, we spend the most limited resource of our life, OUR TIME!

At the end of the day, only winners feel satisfied and happy. Whenever we lose a game, some of us look for excuses, some of us are just angry or the opposite, they don't care at all. But winners are happy, they spent time, and a good mood is a worthy dividend of it.

So if we are playing this game, why aren’t we doing everything to become a winner?

Quote by Zig Ziglar on winning

These are not just simple words, and unlike movies, we will not make it happen in a few days!
It is all about the RIGHT MINDSET!
Of course, everyone wants to be a winner, but how many of us, instead of dreaming take specific actions? This is a big complex of steps that will bring success only if we are disciplined.

The title of this article is “Spirit of the warrior.

The right mindset will bring you to that emotional state.

Quote by Roger Clemens on mindset

When you understand why you study chess, watch some chess courses, and learn openings or middlegames, you will have a strong motivation to do that.

Motivation is found when purpose is discovered.

People just find it fun to collaborate with strong chess players. It is useful, but not enough. You should get a clear answer to the question “Why?”

Whenever you clarify your goals, I promise it will make a lot of sense. As a chess player, you will mentally be on a different level.

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Originally published Feb 25, 2020

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