Chess forum by Grandmasters
Sicilian Sidelines questions and feedback
I recently joined this community. I love the great content and really like your repertoire choices.
Studying the Sicilian Sidelines course, I have some questions and feedback which I thought I'd share:
1. After 1.e4 c5 2.f4 d5, which setup do you recommend against 3.Nc3? (Unlike 1.e4 c5 2.g3 d5 3.Nc3, 1.e4 c5 2.f4 d5 3.Nc3 isn't discussed.)
2. I've had many online blitz games with 1.e4 c5 2.f4 d5 3.e5 Nc6 over the years. My opponents almost always play 4.Bb5 (or 4.c3) instead of 4.Nf3 here, presumably to avoid 4...Bg4. Which setup do you recommend here?
3. Which setup do you recommend against 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 that is compatible with the accelerated Dragon?
4. Which setup do you recommend against 1.e4 c5 2.Na3?
5. The last video of section 3 says that a summary of all three sections (and a surprise) follows, but I can't find such a summary.
6. In the line 1.e4 c5 2.b4 cxb4 3.a3 d5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.Nf3 e5 6.Bb2 Nc6 7.axb4 Bxb4 8.Nc3 Bxc3 9.Bxc3, the author says that 9...Nf6 is answered with 10.Rb1 followed by 11.Bb5. While this makes sense to me strategically, 10.Rb1 is a losing move according to engines.
7. In the line 1.e4 c5 2.b4 cxb4 3.a3 d5 4.exd5 Qxd5 5.Nf3 e5 6.Bb2 Nc6 7.c4 bxc3 8.Nxc3, 8...Qe6 is a bad move according to engines.
Keep up the good work!
Hello Peter ! Thank you for such a detailed questions, as I feel you really studied very deep the course that I prepared, and I am superexcited about it! So lets start with your qeustions.
1) After 1 E4 C5 2 F4 D5 3 Nc3 is not a great move, as after simply Dxe4 and Kxe4 f4 move is terribly weakening white king! There are different opportunities, I really nike Nf6 and if White takes just Exf6 , with a strong d4 square under control and safe kingside!
2) Bb5 is not a really dangerous move, my Suggestion will be to play Qb6 and try to take on c6 with a Queen. Also in many positions Q on b6 is very well placed, it controls G1-A7 diagonal and keeps d4 square under pressure.
3) Well, I provided detailed variations with 2 nd move d6, as I am Najdorf player I have to play 2 nd move d6, as if I play nc6, my opponents can go with nf3 and d4 and I will not get Najdorf anymore.
4) Haha :) scary Na3 )))) Well , sometimes to understand how to react oagainst rare moves, lets understand why those moves are rare! Usually Nigh on c3 is controlling more or less d5 square, and here night isn't on c3 so what I do like is to play nf6. if e5 nd5 , or if d3 to play d5!
5) Thank you for noticing! Conclusion for chapter 3 is added , but for the whole course is not, It will be fixed shortly.
6) Well Rb1 is not the best move for sure, but if you go a little bit deeper into the video, you will realize that I am trying to promote Ne7 ! move trying to explain positional ideas of that move)) The idea of my course not only provide computer analysis, as it can do anyone with 2100 elo)) My main goal is to explain moves and positional ideas, which is way more valuable for players who are trying to learn some oppenings)
7) Well at the moment Qe6 is not the first line according to engine, But ( there is always but), Its almost impossible for engine to figure out the strongest moves out of the openning, and usually line evaluations are being changes later. I went super deep through this position, and I really think set up with Qe6 is the best , as playing after is easier. Sometimes its better to choose the line when it is easier to play as a Human. Also if you are really worried about engine evaluation, you can check positions later, and see that black absolutely has no problems!
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask me!
GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes.
Game 55
How do you access the position? What plan to choose?
Game 55)
A difficult one ! White is better : weak King in g7 (statically speaking), two White Bishops are better than Black, Nd4 is a strong piece, White has an advantage in space on the Kingside... There is no direct win, but so far so good. Black can threaten the pseudo weakness on a4, but in this case, White can manage... 1.Qf4 to defend a4 tactically, to penetrate on h6 if Black's Rook is moving, and preparing Rook lift Re3-Rf3... 1...Qe8 2.Re3 Na4? 3.Ba4 Ba4 4.Ra4 Qa4 5.Ne6 +-. Obviously, Black will not fall into this trap, but the pressure on f7 will bother him. If Black is waiting, maybe White can imagine to play b4-b5-Kf1-Ke2-Rg1-g4
Game54 Torre Attack
Position 1 - How to start the attack?
Position 2- How to crush black's position?
Game 54)
1. It seems Black had castled too early again. It's possible to start with 1.h4 as Tigran Peterosian did against Liublinsky. This move allows to open h-file attacking h7, and the rook lift Rh3-g3 if necessary... 1.h4 helps Nd2 to come to g5.
2. 1.Nh7 is crushing 1...Kh7 2.hg6 fg6 3.Ng6 Bg6 4.Rg6 Kh8 5.Be5 threatening 6.Qh5... 1...Nh7 2.hg6 fg6 3.Ng6 Bg6 4.Rg6 Kh8 (4...Kf7 5.Qh5) 5.Be5 (5.Qh5 Rf4 6.Re6 Rh4) ...Bf6 (5...Nf6 6.Qh5 mate) (5...Rf6 6.Rh6 xh7) 6.Rf6 Rf6 (6...Nf6 7.Qh5 Kg8 8.Qg6 Kh8 9.Qh7 mate) 7.Qh5 with the ideas 8.Qh7 and 8.Bf6 +-
Next Games...
Next games... May we please use lichess next time. I have nothing but trouble with my challenge requests never go through. It drops my connection when they do. I never even see the resign option. I really don’t understand the site it’s so screwy.
It never allows me to follow current games being played to observe as well.
Sure, Brad! No problem
Rossolimo 4. 0-0
Great video series on the Rossolimo against 4. Bc6. What do you recommend if white plays 4. 0-0 instead?
IM Christof Sielecki in his book Keep it simple 1.e4 recommended 4. 0-0 and after 4...Bg7 he recommends 5. Re1.
I have been getting this variation over the board much more frequently than 4. Bc6 against 1900+ players and I am not sure what to do with black.
1.e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 g6 4. 0-0
Hi John, I will add soon it in the course. We will play with Nf6.
1-1 Blitz Games with GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes
Hey Champions!
We have good news for you!
Tomorrow, on July 24, you can play 1-1 blitz games with GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes!
If you want to participate in this event, in the comment section, please write your nickname of and your preferred time control (5+0, 3+0 or 3+2).
First come, first served :) Who comments the 1st - he plays the 1st game :)
Jayzorac - 5+0
SpirocheteXIII 5+0
What time will this take place? I don't want to sign up if I'll be working :)
Superren 5+0 username: caterpillargang
preference: 3+2
bchowdhury , 5+0
Rogerrein 5+0
SuperBubbleBee 5+0
London System
What do you recommend against the London?
In a recent game, my opponent played 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 g6 3.Nc3 and as Black I got a bad position out of the opening. What do you recommend here?
I will add soon it at d4 sidelines! is an earlier post on this topic.
I play the King's Indian a lot and when I face the Accelerated London move order my prefered lines are as follows:
1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 g6 [Also interesting is 2...c5 3.d5 d6 4.Nc3 e5! Exploiting the Bishop placement on f4 and leading to a very reliable game for Black.] 3.Nc3 d5 4.e3 Bg7 5.h4!? [The most challenging option and the one recommended most by authors] 0-0 [Also possible is 5...h5!? 6.Nf3 0-0 7.Be2 c5 with good counterplay] 6.h5 c5! 7.hxg6 hxg6 Black is fine in the coming complications.
The London system has become incredibly popular at all levels and many acceptable ways have been found for Black to meet it, however, for King's Indian, Benko and Benoni fans the above lines seem the most appealing in my humble opinion. You can see this post all trending lines are covered here.
The variation you are talking about is tricky. I will recommend setup with d5 and c5 with a kingside fianchetto. although it is a double edge, black gets good play in this line. As I play London most of the times, I think it is a good line for black. Note:- I suggest this setup because you prefer KID setup.
Learning new Tricks with the Benko
Out of my Comfort Zone with the Benko. Showing ya this old Biker is learning new tricks!
Biker dude is amazing!!! :)
Previous streams ...
I love your streams, especially the previous ones also. But it seems that isn't easy to view it, so please could you provide an own category/list or something else to view it in a much easier way.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards from the sunny Berlin
Hi Martin!
Thanks for your nice words!
Can you clarify please, what you mean "it's not easy to view it"?
Do you mean, it's not easy to find an event from page ?
Game 53 IronMan
This game is played by Tigran Petrosian aka Iron Tigran :)
1 - White to move (not easy question)
2- How to win? :) (this is very nice)
Game 53)
1. 1.h4 with the idea Nf3-Ng5-Qh5 is the classical plan to attack the Black King and take advantage of the space in the Kingside. g4 to open the diagonal for the White Bd3 and the g-line are additional ideas. 1.h4 is a move to attack, and it's a prophylactic one, to take care of the Bishop of dark squares and the pawn on e5 too.
2. 1.Rh8 Kg7 (1...Bh8 2.Qh7 mate) 2.Qh6 Kf6 3.g7 Ke7 4.gf8=Q 1-0
Game55 "Take off opponent's counter chances"
How to continue for white?
Find a plan
Daily games
Hey Champions!
In order to keep everything compact, I will post all questions about upcoming games here.
The first position is very similar to game 9 :)
What to do?
2nd position- What's the plan for winning the game?
Again good job Mr. Pascual!
Game 11 !:)
White to move.
Mr. Pascual will find the right move.
Who can else? :)
Yesterday we saw how Rubinstein won against Schlechter so easily.
Today we'll see a nice game by Schlechter.
What to do for black?
Mr. Pascual if you solve the 1st one again, it will be absolutely amazing)))
Game 13 :)
White to move in both positions.
Game 14 :)
How to create another weakness?
Game 15.
A very interesting topic- the dilemma of two open lines.
Which line is more important?
C or E? Why?
Game 16 - Karpov's game!
1st position- what plan to choose?
2nd - What is more important? C line or 7th Rank?
Game 17, again Karpov!
White to move.
Game 18 - Benko style.
In both positions black to move!
Game 19.
Punishing Opponents mistakes in the opening!
In all positions black to move!
Game 20
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 Bg4?
How to punish? (2 weeks ago someone played it against me, do you remember how to punish?)
Game 21.
The classic game Lasker-Capablanca
1. What do you think about f4 move in the 1st position?
2. What plan to choose?
3. How to crush it?
Game 22
1. How do you evaluate the position?
2. Black wants to play e5. What to do?
3. How to crush the position?
1. White to move
2. Black to move. What to do?
3. What plan to choose to crush Black's position?
Game 24
What do you think about this pawn endgame?
Game 24 and 25
These 2 games are about the same structure, so I post the questions together.
1st- White wants to play Ng3 and e4. Can Black prevent it?
2nd - Famous position that you could see in different books. If you haven't seen it yet - try to find the crushing attack!
3rd - Can white play e4?
4rd - Black to move
5th - How to manage to play e4?
6th - Black to move
7th - White wants to play Rfe1 and e4. What to do?
Game 27
The opening part white played very badly.
How to punish him?
Game 28
1. Black to move
2. Find the crushing combination
3. Homework - White to move
Game 29
We have very strong bishops on c3 and d3.
How to continue?
Game 30
What plan to choose for Black and for White?
1st Black to move. Nd4 or d6? Why?
2nd Black to move. a.Qe7 b.Qc7 c.Rd7 Which one?
3rd Black to move, what to do win this unpleasant pin?
Game 33
Everywhere white to move
Game 34
White to move in both position. How to use d5 weak square
How to continue for white?
Game 36
1. White to move
2. White to move
3. Nd5 or h4?
4. How to continue the attack?
Game 37
1. What is white's threat and what to do?
2 and 3 What plan to choose.
4. Black to move
Game38 Kings Indian Attack!
In all positions black to move!
Love to Kings Indian starts from here :)
Game 47
1 - Black to move
2 - How to access the position? What plan should choose both sides?
Game 48
What plan to choose for black?
Game 49
White to Move. To take on e6 or not?
Game 50
White to move.
Should we keep the rooks? Or we should change the rooks?
Should we try to keep all of them? Just 1 pair?
What are your thoughts?
White to move.
Game 51
1 - What plan to choose for Black?
2 - What plan to choose for White?
How to get 2000 Rating
What do you think, what skills every chess player needs to have to get 2000 Level?
If you are 2000 above, what advice would you give?
I remember when I was young (20) in 1977, (two years in chess around 1800) A friend (2100) told me " study these books, and you will be 2000". I have studied these 2 books by Alexander Kotov and Alexander Koblents : in french "l'école des échecs" meaning the school of chess. It's all about combinations. there are lessons and exercises...You have just to do what the authors ask for ! But Warning ! it's not an easy task, sometimes they ask you to solve a problem blindly... At the end of one year studying (I had also a work), I was 2050.
I am just 1465 but I have my own suggestions correct me if I write something wrong.
First of all I think tactics are very important in order to visualise positions well. I prefer these books.
!, Chess tactics for champions by Susen Polgar. This books covers normally all the basic tactical ideas for example fork, skewer etc.
2. The complete chess workout by Richard Palisher. After you understand the basics of all tactical pattern you can now move to the next level of solving some more difficult puzzles. So this book will help you.
The method which i use in solving puzzles is notbook method and recently I found that it's also written in Woodpeeker method. I use notebook to write all the moves and variations of all the puzzles which i solved and with time. For example I solved one book in 40 hours then I took break from that book and then I try to solve it again after few months and then i apply the same idea. This time I am sure your time of solving same puzzles will reduce too and also your pattern recognition will improve too.
Positional chess:
I frankly never studied any book on positional chess. I only did studied the chapter one from this book. It''s useful in case of pawn structures.
In Chess Structures: A Grandmaster Guide he presents 140 examples, including full games and fragments, classified by pawn structure in an attempt to guide the reader to learning how these specific positions should be conducted.
Attacking Chess.:
I like kasparov's predisors. I only did 1 volume 3rd one of it 2 years ago and I got my rating 2100 in just 10 days from 1700 on
My 60 memorable games is also one of my fav. book.
I know GM sir recommended the Devoretsky's Endgame Manual. Which is best in case of endgame manual but I also like Silman's endgame manual and he teaches basics of endgames in cool and simple way and it will be easier for a player of below 1500 to understand his points.
I frankly do not like to memorize opening variations. My point is very simple is case of opening play. Choose attacking lines against positional players and choose positional lines against attacking players. For example we all knows that players who play sicilians love to attack. So according to my point choose positional lines against c5 so I love to play alapin. I have 5 dvds on alapin which covers all the lines with nice ideas. So i always turns Sicilian players into positional play. I know some may argue that alapin is so drawish but if you do not know anything by heart then do not make such conclusions. Alapin is yeah drawish if black is also well prepared but if your opponent do not know key moves and key positions he will fall into dangerous positional attacks and will lose the game in the early stage. For more information try to look online the games of evgeny svechnikov in order to see the power of Alapin.
So my approach-
Positional player --- play attacking opening.
Attacking player ---- play positional lines.
How to prepare openings:
I think if you want to prepare any openings then there are few points you have to consider which I am writing in the bottom.
1. Classics of that openings. Find classic players who played that opening with success.
2. Key squares:
Every openings have some key squares which you must have to know in order to play the middle game well. So try to understand them. For example in case of advance french we alll know that d4 square in so important for white to defend and if he wont be able to defend it he will mostly lose. Another example is about the e5 square in Caro kann exchange. E5 square control is key for white in caro kann exchange lines. Sometimes white place his pawn on e5 then he hopes for attack in kingside and on the other hand black hopes for counter play in the queen side by minority attack.
3. Important middle game positions:
You also have to know some middle game key positions which often arise in your opening so it will save your time in tournament play and you will be able to make plans faster too.
4. Important endgame positions and exchanges schemes:
I think I studied in past some ruy lopez positions in which I saw that sometimes wrong trades lead to defect in endgames. So I think it's useful for us to know which kind of trades favour us in endgame and which are bad.
Dedication and consistency:
I think it's most important factor which we have to apply by heart. It's useful to study 20 mins and day instead of 6 hr on weekend. So improve your consistency too. For me my dedication level is extreme. I love to study chess even though mostly I fail but fail itself says 'first attempt in learning' . So never feel down even if you fail in something. Keep the above quote of fail in mind and improve your dedication power.
Correct me if my thinking about improvement is wrong and sorry for my English.
Daily Game 50 "Winning Fast"
Hey Champions!
This game I'll comment tomorrow, changing a places with a game 50.
Here are the questions.
1. Where to develop the light square bishop?
a. e2 b. d3 c. b5
2. I know that from this position you can guess, that Bb5, but maybe in the game was a wrong move :) :)
Question - How to continue? White to move.
3. White to move. What about Ng7?
Feel free to share your thoughts :)
Game 50/
1) I Like 1.Bb5 because it threatens 2.Bc6 and if 1...Bb7, our Bishop can return to the b1/h7 diagonal via a4-c2, it's not possible for Black to play a plan like ...Re8-...Nf8-...g6 and ...Bf5 to exchange the Bishop c8 who is always a problem in QGD. After 1.Bb5 ...Re8 is more than dubious too ! 1.Bd3 can interfere on the d-line : the Queen doesn't attack on d5 and Black can play ...c5. 1.Be2 is too passive and doesn't bother Black development...
2) 1.Bd7! Nd7 (1...Qd7 2.dc5 bc5 (2...Bc5 3.Bf6) 3.Bf6 Bf6 4.Ne4 and c5 is lost) 2.Be7 Qe7 3.dc5 Qc5 (...bc5 4.Nd5) 4.Nd4 gives a good version of isolated pawn for White. We have exchanged pieces and the Bb7 is weak.
3) 1.Ng7 d4! (1...Kg7 2.Qg4 Kh8 3.Qd7) a) 2.Qd4 Qd4 3.ed4 Kg7 -+ b) 2.ed4 Qg5 xg2 xg7 -+ c1) 2.Ne4 Qc1 3.Qc1 Rc1 4.Rc1 de4 5.Rc7 Rc8-+ c2) 2.Ne4 Qc1 3.Qd4 Qc4 -+ c3) 1.Ne4 Qc1 2.Qg4 de4 -+ d) 2.Qg4 dc3 3.Rc3 Qd5 -+
Chess players who didn't manage to become World Champion
ChessMood Family, what do you think who were the players who played very strong chess in their time, but failed to become a World Champion and why?
For example, Morphy, Rubinstein, Keres, Leko...
Avetik Grigroyan, because he turned to coaching. haha jokes... Yes I think the names many mention are Keres, Korchnoi, and Rubinstein. Bronstein and Leko were on the cusp... very close in their matches. As to why, I am not knowledgeable enough to say whether it was something in their chess, mentality, circumstances etc. Interestingly, it seems Geller has a plus score against many of the world champions individually.. but of course this is different than going through the world champ cycle and matches.
The first player that comes to mind is Korchnoi. Soon after that are the ones you mentioned: Keres and Rubinstein. I think we can add Pillsbury to this list as well.
Stop Blunders!
We have talked about blunders, concentration and Right Mood a lot.
What do you think, what are the reasons that most of the blunders happen and what you should do to make them less.
I think mainly due to concentration and not keeping right mood (either getting too excited and losing objectivity or feeling down about turn of events etc). Also forgetting to check opponent's ideas.
I think this is the biggest problem in my game currently. I have done many things to try to get myself to stop blundering, but it keeps coming back in my games.
As a recognized weakness in my game I have started to really look into ways to fix this. When I asked you, you said as I play more I will recognize better when my pieces are hanging. This is true to an extent, but I am still having long streaks of games with blatant hanging of pieces. I also noticed I blunder more when I am playing too fast. I plan my move on my opponents time, and instead of asking myself why he made his move, I instantly make my reply. I have been working the last week on reminding myself to slow down and look first.
I was talking to GM Lenderman last week about it as well. After a few minutes of him asking me questions, we figured out I get lazy with my calculations. I dont check for my opponents best reply in all the lines. I will see the move I chose works in a couple lines and I stop looking at the possibilities my opponent has. GM Lenderman said to help fix it, "You need to work as hard for your opponents ideas as you do your own." This really struck me hard and had an impact on me. So now at the chess board I keep reminding myself to not be lazy at the chess board.
So to sum up, to combat my blunders, I am slowing down and reminding myself to ask myself what my opponent is doing with his move and reminding myself to not be lazy at the chess board. If you have any other suggestions to help me not throw away games in one move, I am open to your feedback!
Thanks Coach!
KID Nbd7
I've been struggling lately with the kings indian Nbd7 line. After 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 0-0 5. Be2 d6 6. Nf3 e5 7. 0-0 Nbd7 here is the critical point where i am searching for a plan for white. If u have a suggestion Avetik or someone who plays d4 let me know. Tx guys have a great day!
Jony, Re1 with Bf1 is strong.
Accelerated Dragon
Hello Coach and Chessmood family, I find it very difficult to utilise my light square bishop in accelerated Dragon line. I develop my pieces including tv concept so my g7 bishop is active, shuffle my my pieces around so they are doing a job, but my light square bishop isnt doing much. Its either on c8 or blocked by a knight. How can I make use of my light square bishop? Thank you.
Hi Robert ,
The Accelerated Dragon is primarily a Dark Squared Opening, the light squared Bishop usually plays a lesser more defensive role such as controlling d5 and often preparing to exchange itself there for a Knight. That it is often desirable to exchange the light squared Bishop in the Maroczy Bind structure, is one of the strategic secrets of the opening that even strong computer engines many times fail to grasp. Now you can use this knowledge to your advantage.
Good luck.
Tournament in italy, looking for 2600+ GMs
We're still looking for 2600+ GM for the upcoming event in northern italy, for infos about conditions you can contact me directly on facebook ( Nicolò Pasini, i'm in the chessmood and chessmood pro group as well). I'll post the flyer here!
I nominate GM Igors Rausis!?
LOL :)
Crushing with ChessMood Openings
Dear ChessMood Family!
Let's add here all our games that we crushed with ChessMood Openings :)
"Nightmare of Rossolimo"
Hi ChessMood family ! here is a Benko Gambit.
Here is a Scotch game
Not exactly a crush, but give me a break. Just starting to play hyper-accelerated dragon
Against the French : Attacking from the very opening, but not totally correct...
Blitz Chess • Cyrano64 vs spblex
Anti-Sicilian with Nc3! 19 moves :)
He needs SLP' course ! (on 8.Nd4 I will play 8...d6)
Why not a little SLP ? No way Bro !
A miniature anti Sicilian. I played like it was the year 1850 and be damned with material, I want to attack!
I forgot to add this here but I already posted it on Facebook. But why not add to the list. It’s like another skull and crossbones when I played football.
Nice checkmate :)
Our toxic Qa5 move!
Benko Gambit!
Don't forget to play d5 if they allow, and the TV concept!
Our Toxic Qa5 move!
Checkmate in 18 moves with Anti-Sicilian :)
Using the open line! French with Bd3
Posted this in July games as well, but placing here so those searching in this thread only will still find it.
Another one falls into the Nxd4 trap!
Over and over again :) The same trap :)
Loved the Qd3 trap at the end, such a coffee house player... XD
Both with Anti-Sicilian 2.Nc3!
Hi all, looking forward to posting some games once I finish all the courses :)
For now I want to show blitz game I played 5 years ago and crushed strong GM (Yaroslav Zherebukh) with Bd3 French when he walked right into Qxd5 Qxg2 trap :)
I play everything as white on move 1 (c4, d4, e4, Nf3) depending on my mood or my opponent and I am very happy to report that I used the Nc3-Sicilian to beat an IM yesterday (a very rare and special occasion for me!).
But he did do something funny on move 8 already (actually to be fair I may have half-deviated on move 8 myself too...) so I'm not sure about the theoretical relevance.
The game started well for me I thought, although the online engine says I was probably losing at some point, but in the end the coin rolled my way! ?
Anyway, here is the link. Feel free to check it.
Kind regards