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Chess forum by Grandmasters

Webinar - Time Management

Dear Friends, dear PRO Members! 
On the 17th of May, we'll have a webinar about the topic you have requested - Time Managment. 
Take your seats and send me your questions clicking the below. 

Right Mood - Right Move 


#SLP version 3.1416

Clearly I need to stop giving away material for free. I would rather convert winning positions instead of saving losing ones. However, saving some of them when they happen is a good thing!


Webinar-Workshop on the topic Time Management

Dear Friends, Dear PRO Members! In less than 2 hours we start a super interesting Webinar-workshop about the topic you have requested - Time Management This is the training that you should not miss! See you soon!


I guess I get into a lot of lost positions LOL #SLP

Saved another one!


Noticing critical position...

Hello ChessMood family !

I have played recently a classical game (my first since 12 years!) I didn't notice an important critical position... Can you find it ?



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